• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,576 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...

Join us for dinner

Spinel muttered irritably as she looked out the barn door, the sun was setting and there was a nice cold breeze, Spinel took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm so unbelievably bored," She flopped onto the ground and she looked at the roof "Maybe I should try pretend sleeping?" she thought as she stared blankly at nothing "I didn't really have any dreams when I woke up in that tree after all," Spinel was laying on the ground thinking of what to do when a knock sounded at the door, Spinel extended her neck and looked at Applejack who waved.

"Grannies decided that since you live here now you should join us for dinner," She turned to leave before adding "and your not allowed to say no,"

"Of course I'm not," Spinel replied as her feet dragged her still laying body across the floor and after Applejack.

"Do that and Grannies gonna make you take a bath,"

"Just poof me and I'll be fine," Spinel said before rocketing up straight "Don't actually do that it sucks,"

"Stop dragging yourself around and we got a deal," Applejack replied as she opened the front door, Spinel walked in and frowned.

"I haven't been inside an actual house all day," she muttered just loud enough for Applejack to hear.

"You know we could set up the guest bedroom for you, it'd take a few minutes to set it up but..." Spinel waved her off.

"No it's fine, as a gem I'm made to spent days to years outside, the barn's already a step up." Spinel gave Applejack a thumbs up "Besides I'd feel bad to let you guys go through all that trouble when I don't even sleep," Applejack nodded as they made their way into the room where the rest of the Apples were setting the table for dinner.

"Spinel," Applebloom said as she put plates down "Your seats set up right here," Spinel stretched over the table and took her seat, sitting silently as the Apples finished setting things up, at the head of the table sat Granny smith, Applejack and Big mac sat on one side while Applebloom and Spinel sat on the other, Spinel was met with the problem on being bipedal in a non-bipedal house, the chair she was sitting on was more of a step stool for her and her knees were above the table.

"Why don't you make yourself smaller?" Applebloom suggested.

"It takes a lot of energy to do that," Spinel replied as she looked at the spread on her plate, she was expecting something to do with apples, instead she found a plate of nachos.

"You came in on a good day," Applebloom added "It's Surprise Sunday, every other day of the week we have apple-related foods but Granny mixes it up today," Applebloom seemed to be enjoying her meal Spinel looked at her plate and thought on how to go about eating it when she heard whispering, her eyes shot over and she started at Big Mac, who shut up the second she looked at him.

"Hey Spinel?" Applejack asked politely "Not to be rude or anything but-" Granny spoke up.

"You should probably take those gloves off, won't want to stain them," Spinel looked at her hands for a moment before looking back up.

"But I'm not wearing any gloves?" there was a moment of silence as the Apples looked at her. "What?" She asked, the Apples went back to eating at once and Spinel went back to staring at her food, as she did so Applejack continued whispering to Big mac.

"Why did you bring that up?"

"Technically Granny did," he replied pointing to Granny smith as she ate.

"It was your idea," She shot back.

"You were the one who was going to say it," Big mac replied before eating some of his food. Applejack went to her plate, after a few minutes Applebloom was the first to notice that Spinel wasn't eating.

"You have a big lunch?" She asked getting the attention of the rest of the table.

"No I didn't eat lunch," Spinel replied with a shrug "I was busying trying to beat Rainbow Dash,"

"That's a pretty good reason to miss lunch," Applejack said with a nod.

"Huge breakfast?" Applebloom tried.

"I think the last time I ate was right before the last time I poofed,"

"Yesterday afternoon?" Applebloom asked her eyes darting from Spinel to the plate "Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm a rock," Spinel said tapping her gem "I don't need to eat or sleep."

"What!?" Applejack demanded making Big Mac jump "How? What?" Applejack rubbed her temple "Imagine how much work I could get done if I never had to stop!"

"That's the general idea," Spinel said before adding "Though typical Spinels are used for entertainment, not hard labor,"

"You mean to tell me," Applejack said now standing up "That your body is built better for labor than mine, and you're not even the best example of it?"

"Pretty much," Spinel said with a shrug, there was a long moment of silence.

"How pray tell does one get a gem?" Applejack asked in curiosity "Some kind of magic,"

"You could say that," Spinel said as an image of an Injector came to her mind, "Let's just say that making a gem such as myself is very...damaging to the world,"

"That sounds bad," Applebloom said, the entire table now looking at Spinel.

"What kind of damage is done?" Granny asked, "does it mess with the soil, make things grow slower, mess with the weather?"

"Well to make a gem, um...oh let's say these chips represent the magical energy of your world," Spinel picked put her hand in the food as she talked "This part where my hand is at is the place where they use the injector and pump the...magic that makes gems into the ground, the gem then takes the magical energy," Spinel took a large handful of chips off the plate, leaving a chunk of the plate exposed "To give it self life," Spine pointed to the empty spot "and the magical energy it took stays with it, as such anything that was living in that area like plants or animals, will wither away and die, and due to the magical energy no longer existing there nothing will ever be able to grow from that spot ever again," Spinel shoved the chips in her mouth and started chewing them before looking at the Apples, who were staring at her in silence.

"Oh don't worry," She added once she swallowed "that was like 6 thousand years ago I thi-"

"Your 6 thousand years old!?" Granny demanded, "And I thought I was old!" There was a long silence before Spinel got up.

"Well I feel I've been my daily dose of random education, I'm gonna go back to existing in your barn, See you to-"

"Wait," Applejack excused herself and made her way into the next room, waving for Spinel to follow, "Here we go," Applejack had lead Spinel to the living room, it had Granny's rocking chair, a sofa, a bookshelf with books ranging from farming to a few action novels, there was a small TV with a Box of VHS tapes next to it. "Since you can't sleep, you can spend the night in here, you can read or watch Grannies favorite TV show from when she was younger, she has all 9 seasons," Spinel put her hand in the box and pulled out one of the tapes.

"Camp Pining heart," She blinked as she stared at the VHS for a long moment "I feel like I've heard that name before,"

"Here," Applejack said pulling one of the VHS tapes out "This is the first episode," Spinel watched as She put the tape in and started backing away "I hope you like it," She made her way out of the room before adding "I really do, Granny always makes us watch that with her," as Applejack made her way back to the table Spinel sat in silence as the episode played.

Author's Note:

I made TV a thing in Equestria, sue me.