• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 3,997 Views, 250 Comments

Sunset in Azeroth - RIPoste

Sunset Shimmer finds herself in Azeroth and picked up by the Kirin Tor.

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20. High Home I

“Are you nervous?”

Sunset shook her head in response to the question that Archmage Modera had asked her. While not exactly an unwelcome presence, Sunset was not exactly comfortable in the presence of the older mage. Of course, that may or may not be because she had not exactly been in contact with Archmage Modera for the last three years, though in her defense, the both of them did indeed have a lot on their plates, and did not really have a good reason to meet up.

“Well, I will be worried if she is.” A nearby elf remarked, causing the two to turn towards him. “First impressions matter a lot to many of the elves, so do try to give them a favorable one.”

“Luminrath,” Modera said, “please be nice.”

“My apologies,” The high elf bowed elegantly to Sunset, though it was clear to her that he most certainly did not mean it. “By the way, Archmage Rhonin wants us to gather by the portal. If I’m not wrong, we should be leaving soon.” Luminrath smiled as he looked at Sunset, “word has it that King Anasterian will be receiving his son, so please do not be overwhelmed.”

Sunset smoldered in silence as she watched the pompous High Elf walked away, and had to settle on imagining the myriad ways in which he would receive his comeuppance when she attained the rank she truly desired.

“Don’t worry about him,” Modera advised, placing a hand on the younger girl’s shoulder. “Most elves are like him, true, but there are those who are actually pleasant to be around.”

“Do you know any?” Sunset asked, calming down.

“Mmmh,” Modera mused, pursing her lips in thought, “Prince Kael’Thas, for one. Then there is also Aethas Sunreaver, if I have to name another, who had been extremely helpful in bringing together the Kirin Tor and the Magi of Quel’Thalas.” She smiled at Sunset, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “But I suppose they are still quite the rarity among their species, so it would be best if you don’t get your hopes too high up.”

“Master Modera,” Sunset paused, trying to search for the appropriate word to use, “is there any way to actually gain the respect of the elves?”

“Well… You merely need to impress them. They are a proud and long-lived race, with an extremely good memory, so anything that can humble them is something that they will remember for the rest of their lives.”

“Huh.” Easier said than done.
“Delegates of Dalaran!” Sunset heard the voice of Rhonin, magically amplified so that all those assembled could hear him, echo through the large courtyard, “It is time!”

All those assembled found their eyes drawn to the two huge obelisks surrounded by three robed figures each. Each of the three magi began drawing patterns into the air, leaving violet runes floating before them. Simultaneously, they all reached out to their respective obelisk, a stream of arcane energy bursting forth from them, pouring into the structures.

Slowly at first, the Obelisk pulsed with a bright violet light, then quickly. Barely a minute had passed when a streak of purple lightning lanced forth from their tips, both striking at the empty space between them. A loud ringing sound echoed through the courtyard as the two streaks of lightning met, and the air tore itself apart before the delegation of magi, slowly swirling to reveal a gaping hole into a lush and beautiful forest.

Archmage Antonidas strode forth, followed by Rhonin and Kael’Thas, until he stood forth before the portal, a gaping oval twice as large as an ogre and three times as wide. Turning around, the elderly mage raised his staff. “My people!” His voice boomed, “You are the chosen few that had been selected to represent us on the Quel’Dorei’s invitation to their home! May you have a fruitful and safe journey ahead of you, and may you bring ever more glory to the Kirin Tor!”

Such a roundabout way of saying ‘don’t disgrace us’. Sunset suppressed her snort, after all, it would not do to let others think that she did not think much of the ‘Great and Mighty’ Antonidas’ speech.

Well, that might be a little harsh on him… Still, he did blackmail her, and while Antonidas was not really too overbearing on her, it was still a slight that she could not really forgive, especially if he suddenly demanded that she turn-

“Magi of the Kirin Tor,” Rhonin called out, “prepare to enter the gate!”

The first group of magi mounted their horses, and fell into formation, the only time Sunset had ever seen Magi ever do something so orderly. Truth be told, this was indeed a first for Sunset Shimmer, she had never seen the magi adhere to traditions or customs before.

Must be because we want to impress the elves. It made a lot of sense actually. While many of the human kingdoms did indeed have a vested interest in the Quel’Thalas. Dalaran actually had far more to gain by making the Kingdom of the Elves an ally. Ancient magics, countless secrets, what was probably the greatest archive of knowledge currently available and known to the world.

And above all, the Sunwell.

If the tales were to be believed, the Sunwell was an ancient fount of limitless and powerful magic. It was said that in the Second War, it was the Sunwell’s energy that prevented the Horde’s mighty troop of Dragons from burning Quel’Thalas to the ground.

The mere thought of it had Sunset mentally salivating already. Perhaps it was why she did not really protest the packed timetable that Antonidas and Kel’Thuzad had prepared for her throughout the winter. After all, while she was still in relatively good graces with both of them, it would probably best to not sour her relationship with the two Archmagi, especially when they could easily revoke her right to join the Dalaran Delegation to Quel’Thalas.

Well, now that she was part of it, that would be one less thing to worry about. And a whole slew of other issues that took its place.

Sunset sighed, bringing her thoughts back to earth in time to see Archmage Antonidas exchange some few final words of parting with both Kael’Thas and Rhonin before vanishing in a flash of light himself.

As if on cue, the two magi strode into the yawning portal, and those assembled immediately moved to follow. As she waited for her turn, Sunset stole a quick glance at Archmage Modera beside her, who merely smiled and nodded in response, as if to reassure her.

True, diplomacy had never been Sunset’s strong suit, so she would be technically be an overstatement to say that she was not nervous at all. But definitely not to the point where she needed reassurance!

Then her column began moving, and Sunset found herself instinctively following them. When she entered the portal, she felt the slight displacement and sense of vertigo that often accompanied spatial magic.

Then it all disappeared, and what remained to her was not what she expected at all.

Ponies, by nature, were greatly attuned to the natural order of their world and Sunset was no exception from the rule. Ever since she came to Azeroth, however, that particular sense of hers had been greatly dampened. She had always chalked it up to her current physiology, being completely different from that of a pony.

She was about to realize how wrong she truly was.

A beautiful forest stretched out before her, as far as the eyes can see. However, it was not the sight that captivated her, but the sheer purity of its presence. She could really feel the vibrant life, the sheer power that resides within every tree, every plant and even the air. Not even in Equestria had she found a single place with as much splendour, as rich in magic as this wondrous place.

“Lady Shimmer, are you okay?” Turning her head sharply to see Prince Kael’Thas watching her at her side, Sunset bowed, a bit too quickly for her taste.

“I am fine, your highness.” Sunset responded truthfully, in fact, she had never felt as energized as she was right now. The amount of power at her fingertips! Metaphorically speaking, of course. This was no different from being overdosed on potions for an average wizard. Sure, one may feel extremely energetic, but it was just that, a feeling, nothing more and nothing less.

Still, it felt really good…

“I… see…” The elven prince looked at her intently, causing Sunset to have to control herself from shuffling awkwardly under his gaze. Thankfully, it took only a few seconds before help arrived.

“Delegates of Dalaran,” A strong female voice rang out, “Welcome!”

That failed to catch the prince’s attention, though the same was not true for the attention of all the others present. The entire troop of magi watched as dozens of armored elves began filing out of foilage and the general greenery about them. Sunset watched as they took up positions to the sides of delegation while one among them, a female draped in brown cloak approached them.

“Vereesa Windrunner,” She heard Rhonin say from the front of the troop, “it is good to see you again.”

“Likewise, Rhonin Redhair.” Vereesa replied, drawing back her cloak, revealing a head of beautiful silver hair that Sunset was almost convinced was actually made of the aforementioned metal. The elf then looked about, “however, where is our prince?”

Kael’Thas, who had still been watching Sunset intently, broke out of his frown and turned towards Vereesa, his features quickly smoothing over to break into a smile. “Ambassador Vereesa,” He said, as he quickly walked over, the throng of magi and elves before him stepping aside to let him pass. “I trust all is well in my father’s kingdom?”

Vereesa knelt before him as the prince stopped. “The realm is peaceful, your highness,” She said, “and your father is most eagerly awaiting your return.”

“Then it will be best to not keep him waiting.” Kael’Thas said as he gestured for Vereesa to rise. “Shall we depart?” Sunset saw him direct at Rhonin.

“Indeed.” Rhonin said, before turning to bark orders to the assembled magi. As they all scrambled to do the Archmage’s bidding, Sunset found herself quickly walking over to Modera.

“Sunset,” The older woman smiled, “beautiful, is it not?” She gestured to the forest about her.

You have no idea. “Yes, Master Modera.” Sunset replied, forcing a smile that she hoped was not as tense as she felt.

“Prepare yourself, however,” Modera cautioned, though Sunset caught a small twinkle in her eye, “Silvermoon is much better than this.”

“Have you been there before?”

“Seven times,” Modera replied proudly, “And while the elves were a secretive race, they were among the best hosts one could have. And also the best allies one could hope for.”

“I see,” Sunset nodded. “Though why did we come to the edge of their kingdom instead of directly into the city of Silvermoon?”

“Ah,” Modera chuckled, “let’s just say that there were many ancient magics that would prevent us from doing so, and anyone else for now, shall we?”

So it is a defense mechanism. That makes sense, Sunset nodded, before returning her attention to the lush forest about her, admiring not only the view, but also enjoying the vibrant energy the land itself gives off.

If she had not been so engrossed in this, she might have noticed a certain Elven prince looking in her direction now and then, a frown of contemplation upon his features.

Author's Note:

Alright, finally done with this chapter. Had to rewrite it like about a dozen times because it just felt so weird when I read the previous prototypes. Regardless, I hope that it will be to your liking!
