• Published 9th Jul 2019
  • 3,995 Views, 250 Comments

Sunset in Azeroth - RIPoste

Sunset Shimmer finds herself in Azeroth and picked up by the Kirin Tor.

  • ...

18. The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea

Sunset knocked upon the ornate wooden doors that led to Antonidas’ office. As she waited for his reply, she contemplated what the master of Dalaran might want to do with her. Truth be told, she had never interacted at length with Jaina’s personal mage tutor, despite being an apprentice of an Archmage herself.

Still, what does he want with her?

“Enter.” An elderly voice told her from beyond the doors. Apparently, she was not to be kept waiting. Most curious indeed.

Not like she had any alternative, as such Sunset wasted not any time pushing the doors open, after making a quick search for any hidden spells that would put her at his mercy, of course, a habit she had picked up under her tutelage from Kel’Thuzad.

The study was as one would expect from the ruler of Dalaran, with a table at the far side of the room, and the walls lined with shelves full of tomes and other objects. Decorated not extravagantly, but with enough books, contraptions and magical trinkets to impress anyone who would enter, be they mage or of the common mind. By Celestia, Sunset had seen her fair share of magical tomes and items during her time in the Kirin Tor and even she could not suppress her awe at what was displayed in the room. Surely this was but a fraction of the Grand Magus’ possession, but that was probably far more than she would accumulate even for another ten years.

The elderly man was standing beside his table, and had turned at Sunset’s entrance. Giving her a warm smile, he beckoned. “Come, apprentice Sunset, have a seat.”

“Thank you, Master Antonidas.” Sunset nodded and walked quickly to the indicated chair before seating herself when the Archmage had done so in one across the table.

“I am sure that you are curious as to why you are summoned.”

“Yes, Master Antonidas.” Sunset replied honestly, the chances are low that there would be lie-detecting spells in place on the room, so there was no reason why she should take any chances here. Despite the fact that such spells were immensely complex and could be easily detected and circumvented by one of her caliber, still, one can never be too careful.

“Good, curiosity is a virtue within the walls of Dalaran, though not in excess. I suppose you would agree with me on that.”


“Regardless, how goes your training?”

Panic flared within Sunset. Does he know? That question briefly flashed across her mind before she quickly composed herself. There was no way that he would know, from what her master, Kel’Thuzad, had shown her, he had been extremely meticulous in ensuring that his experiments were hidden from the eyes of others.

Especially those that would hinder his work.

“It is going well, Master Antonidas,” She said, neither lying not telling the complete truth. “Master Kel’Thuzad is a great mentor.”

“I see, I am glad that you are getting along well,” Antonidas smiled before standing up. Sunset made to follow, but a simple wave from Antonidas made it clear that he wants her to be seated.

“Now, for the reason that I have called you here,” Antonidas said as he began tracing runes in the air, patterns that Sunset recognized to be a summoning spell, a small but complex one. “You see, you always have been a person of interest among the elites of Dalaran.”

“A young girl with such huge magical potential locked away and undetected? Now, that was most curious indeed.”

He ended his spell, and Sunset watched as an ornate box materialized onto the table.

“And as one of the two magi that found you,” Antonidas continued as he walked over the container, “you might say that you have left a great mystery for me to solve. I must say that while it took me awhile, I finally happened upon one of the most important answers to the mystery that surrounds you.”

No. He couldn’t have… Sunset thought, her hands gripping the folds of her robes nervously. Could he?

“You are not from around here, are you? In fact, one would even say that you might not be of this world, am I correct, Apprentice Sunset Shimmer?” Antonidas asked, his voice solemn and serious.

To her, the pressure in the room seemed to have multiplied tenfold as those words left the Grand Magus’ mouth. Sunset’s throat constricted in sheer terror as she looked upon Archmage Antonidas, who suddenly seemed so much more intimidating than usual. How did he found out? That was the first question on her mind, only to be replaced by a more immediate and terrifying thought, what is going to happen to me? During her time here, she had kept her origins large a secret for fear of what might happen to her, especially considering the humans’ rather antagonistic nature to other races.

Escape, the word echoed in her mind, though the more rational part of her reminded her that she was in the Grand Magus’ sanctum, and as an apprentice, escape would not be even considered possible for the likes of her.

Sunset’s fear must have shown on her face, for Antonidas merely smiled, “I have no intention of harming you, Apprentice Sunset, unless you prove yourself a threat, on that you have my word.”

Well, isn't that reassuring? Sunset thought sarcastically, though she couldn’t deny the fact that it felt as though a substantial amount of pressure had been lifted off of her shoulders. Still, was she a threat? Especially in Antonidas’ eyes?

“So…” Sunset asked hesitantly, “what is going to happen to me…?”

“For now?” Antonidas mused, “nothing will change, though I suppose it depends on what happens in the next hour or so.”

With those words, Sunset had the distinct feeling that the next hour had suddenly became so very much more important to her, “I… see?”

“Before I get to the crux of the issue, I suppose you are curious as to how I found out?”

At Sunset’s nod of affirmation, Antonidas turned and with a gesture, the top of the box swung open, revealing its contents.

Sunset’s eyes opened widely, primarily not because the contents were anything special, being just a collection of shattered glass pieces, but because of what she could sense. Something that she had not felt for a long time that she had almost forgotten all about it.

Equestrian Magic.

How did he…? Sunset wondered as she let her senses sweep over the multitude of glass shards within the box. The scent was faint, but it was definitely there, the familiar feeling of the magic from her homeland.

“Master Antonidas, how many others…”

“Only a handful that I can trust with this information.” He replied, “You can rest easy on that. They will not harm you with this knowledge, I will make sure of it. However, I will like you to know that this was not all I found.”

There’s more? Sunset looked up at the Grand Magus. “The day Jaina and I found you, I happened upon a set of most intriguing notes. Notes on a form of magic that not only travels across incredible distance, but also to other worlds.” He looked at her, his emotions unreadable to her. “I suppose that those notes will be of utmost interest to you.”

A way home… Those were the words that first surfaced onto Sunset’s mind. For the last three years, Sunset had been searching (in secret) for a way to return to Equestria, especially since she had been bereft of her personal journal to Celestia. Her findings had even led her to that rundown shack in Vandermar Village, where Jaina had found her. But her findings had turned up nothing, even when she attempted the summoning spell for her diary that Celestia had taught her. Still, while Sunset’s spirit in finding her way back to Equestria was unbroken, she could not deny that part of her had been resigned to spending the rest of her life on Azeroth, in a place where she was truly appreciated.

And now, a solution had so easily presented itself before her.


“What do you want me to do?” Sunset asked, each word feeling like lead in her mouth. After all, according to her master, there was no mage alive that was altruistic enough to not demand anything from a favor.

Except Jaina. Probably.

Antonidas smiled, before seating himself, fixing his brown eyes with Sunset’s green. “I only need two things from you for the exchange of the contents in this box and those documents in addition to the information I have gathered from my own findings. Three pieces of information for two conditions. That sounds reasonable, does it not?”

Depends on what the conditions are. Sunset thought bitterly.

Either ignoring or unaware of Sunset’s thoughts, Antonidas continued. “First, I will want you to swear an oath to the Kirin Tor, to be recorded into our archives. An oath of loyalty and promise to never damage the integrity or structure of the Violet Order.”

That sounds okay...

“Next, I want you to tell me about your master. Especially what he’s currently working on.”

Sunset stiffened. He knows? Lord Antonidas knows about Master Kel’Thuzad’s experiments? Or was what he meant something else?

“I see that you are confused. Let me clarify then, Apprentice Sunset. I want you to spy on Kel’Thuzad’s current foray into forbidden magic. Especially those that toe the line between life and death.”

Sunset stiffened. How had he found out about her so fast? She had only been introduced into Kel’Thuzad’s experiments barely a few weeks ago. How had he found out so much about her so quickly?

How many eyes were focused upon her ever since she stepped foot into Dalaran?

“I suppose that I do not need to tell you that any unsanctioned research into Dalaran are grounds enough to be expelled from our order.” Antonidas reminded her, his features serious. “And while we may not have sufficient evidence to deal with Kel’Thuzad as of now. You can be sure that we have enough authority against a wayward apprentice.”

So it’s blackmail then? Sunset thought bitterly. The choice was clear. She could either help Antonidas and reap all the benefits that the Grand Magus had to offer, or stay loyal to her master and fall from her role in the Kirin Tor.

“So, Apprentice, what would your answer be?”

Author's Note:

Hello everybody.

Finals are finally over, which means i an finally get back to properly writing for the story once more. I mainly decided to release this today because I may not get the chance to tomorrow, and also because I really wanted to start working on the next arc for real now that I am free. Honest opinion, writing this story while studying for exams is really tough, though it does help with relieving stress. On the plus note, now that the exams are finally over, I can start writing more frequently and hopefully update much more frequently!

Thanks to all of you who have been understanding, really appreciate it! On another note, this chapter is shorter than most, but I hope to make up for it in the next few chapters, so here's to that!

Also, please leave a like if you enjoyed the chapter!
