• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,117 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

Around Every Corner: An alicorn's fury.

Twilight ran through the city. She wasn't going anywhere, she wasn't running from anything... she was just running. To get away from that house, that mansion, away from... Pinkie. She had hurt her, trashed her heart like she was a sworn enemy. The way she looked at her, those hate-filled eyes gawking at her very being. Despising her. That wasn't the Pinkie she knew, not anymore.

She was but a stranger now, Pinkie hated her. The way she was belittled? She never did that before even when she was really furious, Pinkie never abused her like that before.

She never meant for this to happen. Sorry wasn't going to fix anything, no matter how much guilt she had. The world didn't care... Pinkie didn't. She endlessly blamed and taunted her for the mistake she made. Twilight knew exactly what she did, she knew it was her fault. She just wished that Pinkie hadn't of been so cruel to her.

The unicorn came to a halt. Seeing the same church she'd came across when searching for Rarity. It's parking lot, that same roman numeral clock tower in the middle. Compared to last time, there were less walkers but it was still enough to make a herd.

The lot was pretty far from her to the left, none of the walkers had noticed. She trotted closer toward it. There she stood, just outside the lot staring at the mindless husks of what used to be people.

You just had to find out what that orb was...

Thoughts of Pinkie's belittlement came flooding back into her mind. Twilight found herself staring at nothing, too absorbed into her thoughts to even pay attention to the herd that was right in front of her.

It is your fault, you know that right?

Of course, she knew. She knew it perfectly well and she was suffering. For them. For her. She could see the herd drawing closer... she payed it no mind, though.

You just couldn't let things go, could you?

No, no she couldn't. She clenched her jaw. A hotness began to brew inside her chest, an urge to wrench the closest thing she could find. Thoughts continuously strolled through her mind like a record player on a loop.

...we're paying the price for your mistake!

The hotness was burning through her chest, it was getting harder to keep herself intact. She was sorry, what more could she offer? The herd was getting closer...

You brought us here, you brought all of us here!

She did, she knew.

...hope it was worth it, Twilight! Now, Rarity's gone!

She snapped at the closest walker which was mere inches away from grabbing her. She slammed it straight into the ground using her magic, turning it's head to mince.

She turned to the rest and began her massacre. One by one, husks fell dead around her. Blood spurted and splattered everywhere. Rotten organs began filling the lot. Crimson quickly pooled around the unicorn. All the while, it wasn't satisfying her rage, her bloodlust. Slaying a few mindless husks was too easy for her.

She was seeing red, she wasn't thinking and right now she was on a rampage. One after the other, the walkers marched to their gruesome fate. Some were torn limb from limb. Some were disemboweled. She hated them, she hated them all and they all equally deserved the same fate. They all got their fair share of torture. The unicorn couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Walkers were slaughtered from left to right.

She crushed a walker underneath a barrier of magic, she snapped around, ready to gut more.

The lot. It was... empty. The unicorn panted, her rage was still in control. Desperate, she rapidly glanced around, her eyes landing on a weak walker. It's legs were shredded, butchered meat with bones poking out of them. It was crawling toward her.

How pathetic.

It was only a few steps away from her. The unicorn stared at it, observing it's slow movements. She began to wonder if they felt pain, if it was suffering. If so... good.

She used her magic to lift it off the ground and began bending the walker backwards. Her teeth gritted, she continued to bend the walker until a pop was heard in the spinal cord. She finally released the walker, letting fall to the ground with a thud. It was still alive, growling and now unable to reach up at her.

The enraged unicorn pounced onto the walker and began hammering it with her hooves. Mercilessly and relentlessly. A few punches and it was over. The walker was dead but she didn't stop. She continued her wave of punches without the intention of stopping. Shortly they turned from quick rage-filled punches to slow rage-filled pounding.

One punch. "Why."

Another punch. "Won't."

Another one. "You."

Last punch. "DIE!!?? JUST DIE!!!"

She got up from the walker only to collapse onto ground, her back hit the ground with a hard thud. She panted, feeling all the energy drain from her body. She felt light, the hotness that burned was gone and a cool welcomed breeze fell upon her. Her mane laying flat in a pool of crimson.

After gathering herself, she got up from the ground and found herself doused in blood and organs. Bits of gunk and flesh littered all over her. She looked down at her gunk-covered hooves and stared at them for a moment. She gulped and glanced at the brutal sight in front of her. The brutally dismembered corpses layed out. Arms, legs, heads and even torsos were layed out all around her.

She did this. She took one last glance at the bloodbath around her and she began to wonder why she wasn't disgusted. If this was her a few days ago, she would've vomited out her insides but strangely she wasn't even remotely effected. Not one ounce of her was disgusted, she was just... indifferent.

The unicorn took pleasure in this massacre, she remembered. It wasn't just fury, it wasn't just anger that was committing these gruesome acts. Sadism was also apart of this. She recalled how she was maiming the husks and how little she cared about what she was doing to them. Or more fittingly, she didn't care at all. They were all dead, it didn't matter but regardless she still took pleasure in it.

Growls of approaching walkers caught her attention and she turned to see three heading toward her. She readied her magic and walked over, tripping when something grabbed onto her right hind leg. She yelped, feeling a sharp piercing pain. She yanked her leg free, got back up and turned to see a walker on the ground. Missing it's lower half of it's body.

She smashed it's head against the concrete with a barrier of magic. She turned and dealt with the others immediately after. It didn't take much effort, she easily disposed of all three of them. She was pumped with adrenaline when she was tripped but now it began to ware off and the pain in her leg quickly came back. This was unlike anything she ever felt before.

Curious, she took a glance down at her leg and her heart stopped. Everything around her suddenly went silent. Not even the wind, blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves was heard. The sound of her heart pumping blood through her body was the only thing she heard. Her breath hitched, watching the blood trickle down from her wound and onto the ground joining the crimson around her. The mare was as still as a catatonic patient...

...she had been bit.