• Published 5th Jul 2019
  • 3,119 Views, 108 Comments

The Mane 6 And Lee Everett - Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

The mane six is mysteriously transported to an unknown planet. Where rotting, decaying corpses now rule the world. The mane six stray further and further away from their elements as they are forced to face the unrelenting horrors of the cruel world.

  • ...

Around Every Corner: Sounds Like a Plan

Lilly felt relaxed at how quiet the city was. Despite being in a room filled with other people who were chatting away. She hadn't been able to properly relax ever sinced her father died, always thinking about the group and how much resources they had, it was never about herself, all the decisions she made; it's always been about the group.

When she decided she was going to kill Carley, it was for the sake of the group. She couldn't be trusted, the group barely knew anything about her; all they knew was that she was a reporter, what else? She's a good shot? A decent person?

Pretty much all they know is that she was a reporter, that was it. Even if she was right, she'd be powerless to do anything about it. She wouldn't even try anyway. Without the weight of being the leader on her shoulders, she was able to think more clearly; ever since she'd been given a second chance to be with the group, but not as the leader, she noticed that she hadn't been as stressed as when she was the leader.

The brunette thought more about it and was beginning to realize that maybe she was wrong about Carley. If she was a bandit, wouldn't she have killed her by now? The brunette missed her because of Doug, dragging her out of the way and getting himself... killed.

She tensed at the memory. It wasn't supposed to be... it wasn't supposed... them. But she messed up. She tried not to make any excuses and felt a pang of guilt struck her chest.

The brunette looked over to the reporter who was leaning against the wall near the stairs by the case opening.

Fuck it... She stood up, shoved all thoughts aside and walked over to her - albeit hesitantly.

Carley noticed her coming. She stopped leaning against the wall and judging by her expression and her left hand grasping the pistol grip; she was expecting that Lilly was going to try and finish the job.

The brunette quickly threw up her right hand, showing the her she meant no harm. The reporter slowly unclenched her grip on the pistol and she folded her arms. "What do you want?" She harshly said.

Shoulda saw that one coming. The brunette took a moment to answer before she sighed. "Look, Carley I'm-"

"You come back here and I'll kill you! You understand?! I will kill you!"

A shout came from outside, cutting the brunette off. The two women exchanged a look before they both ran outside to find Lee yelling out into the streets. "Lee, what the hell are you doing? You're gonna draw walkers." Carley exclaimed.

"Sorry, I just..." He turned to face them. "I saw someone over by the fence, watching us." He gestured to himself and Rarity who was just starting to recover from the fright.

"So they were just standing there, watching you guys?" Carley asked incredulously.

"What did he look like?" Lilly asked.

"Dunno, he was too quick."

Lilly looked towards the gates. Maybe leaving as soon as possible wasn't such a bad idea. First the bandits, now they've got some guy stalking them now? She looked towards Rarity who was still shook up by the ordeal.

It was concerning for the brunette to see. She felt an... urge to protect her, an urge to keep her safe. After all, she - and Lee were the only ones who were willing to give her a second chance. Besides Pinkie Pie. She didn't have anyone else to care for, no one else to look after - with her father being gone. She was going to stick by their side, no matter what and assist them in their time of need.

The brunette walked over to the frightened unicorn. "Are you okay?"

"J-just... j-just a little spooked, is all. I'm okay and... unharmed." Rarity said with half a smile.

Lilly nodded. "Have any idea who that guy is?"

"I-I don't know... maybe that man on the radio? He said..." The unicorn trailed off.

"Yeah?" Lilly urged her to continue.

Rarity wasn't sure if she should tell her about the walkie-talkie situation. Everyone else knew that the device was working, they found that out on the street, back when the bell suddenly rang. As for everything else, for the whole Clementine-has-been-talking-to-a-stranger-for-who-knows-how-long situation? Only she, Kenny and Lee knew about that.

She swallowed down any doubts she would have and decided to go with the "oh, to hell with it" approach, as Kenny liked to say. "Apparently... apparently, he was expecting us."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that the man was expecting us to be here. He said that he had Clementine's parents with him."

"He told you that?" A look of disbelief was on the brunette's face.

"No! It happened on the train. I was talking with, Lee and suddenly out of nowhere the walkie-talkie came on and there was this man saying he had Clementine's parents."

"Did he say anything else?"

"No. All he said was that he knew where Clementine's parents were."

Lilly recalled one of the moments back at the motor inn where she would see Clementine talking to her walkie-talkie. Which was odd to her at the time - considering the device was "broken". That was until Lee explained to her that the child used it to pretend like she was talking to her parents.

Rarity was already expecting to find someone watching them; she just didn't think it'd be so close to their so called "rest area". So coincidentally, she didn't see anyone going into the city and right when her guard was down; someone was watching her.

"Lee was there. Did he do anything about it? Did he speak to, Clementine at all?" Lilly asked.

"Uhh... y-yes? I'm certain he did."

"Well, good. I wouldn't have want to do that myself..." The brunette trailed off.

"I... doubt anyone would let you near her."

Lilly stared at the unicorn. "...Obviously."

"That's it! We've been here too fucking long! 'S about time we start movin'," Kenny's usual loud voice suddenly took up the whole backyard.

The two looked over from the left corner of the yard to find that Twilight and Kenny had come outside.

"The other two still aren't feeling well enough to move yet." Twilight argued.

"Well, ready or not; we need to leave!"

"Applejack, can barely breathe properly!"

"She seemed to be breathin' fine last time ah saw her!"

"It doesn't matter, we still don't have any supplies with us. Even if we do get a boat, what then? We won't have anything that'll keep us fed!"

Lilly and Rarity stood afar watching the two go back-and-forth with their points. Anyone with common knowledge would agree with both sides, although Lilly agreed more with Kenny; seeing as how someone knew of their location, they needed to leave as soon as possible.

But the others - Applejack and Omid, they still needed rest. The pony's ribs and Omid's leg. They both needed antibiotics to fight away infection, Rainbow Dash seemed to be getting better with her wing. If only she wasn't injured, she could fly to a pharmacy, chemist, a grocery store; anywhere that has any sort of resource really and bring it back here, no problem.

Lilly decided to speak up whether the group was going to like or not. "Guys!"

"What!?" Kenny and Twilight said in unison.

"Why... don't we try both? While, Kenny is out there looking for a boat, the group can stay here and rest." She looked at Kenny. "While you're out there, I'll scrounge up any supplies I can find."

Twilight and Kenny both exchanged a look of distaste before Kenny looked back at the brunette. "Fine... I can deal with that."

"You're not going out there alone, are you?" Rarity said.

"I'll be fine."

There was a pause throughout the yard. "...Alright, that settles it."

Lee handed over the wrench he found back at the train over to Lilly. She needed a way to defend herself somehow. She then made her way over to the front door but was stopped by a shout. "Wait!"

She saw Rarity and David approaching her from the living room, "We're coming with you!" The former teacher said.

Lilly couldn't help but feel slightly awkward with the presence of David being there, when they never really communicated in the past and the only time they ever really interacted with each other was when she murdered Doug. "I-I think it's better if I went alone."

"No really, I'm coming with you - both of us, actually!" He gestured to himself and Rarity.

"The more the merrier, darling." Rarity added.

"Do any of you even have anything to protect yourselves with?"

"I do." Just then, Lilly turned back to the living room and saw Carley walking over to them with her pistol in hand.

This couldn't possibly get any more awkward...

The group of four trailed through the dead streets of Savannah. Just like it was when they arrived, dead while the only thing that was keeping them company was the wind.

"This is stupid." David said, breaking the silence.

"Then why'd you even bother coming!?" Lilly snapped, irritated by his stupid comment.

"No-no-no! I meant how empty the streets were."


"No, seriously like... it's so empty! I mean I know that there's someone ringing bells all over the place but like... it's a city! There's supposed to be walkers everywhere."

"Your complaining that there's not enough walkers in the city?" Carley deadpanned.

"I think we should be grateful, David." The reporter nodded in agreement at Rarity.

"Just sayin', it's a bit weird how a city that use to be so full of people; is suddenly so empty."

There was a pause before Lilly decided to speak up. "David?"

"Yeah?" He looked at her and she turned back with a stern look on her face.

"Don't jinx us."