• Published 29th May 2019
  • 3,266 Views, 40 Comments

True Love's Kiss - bats

After psyching herself up, Twilight asks Applejack out on a date. Everything's going well until an obscure form of unicorn magic interrupts and makes things really awkward.

  • ...

Part 3

Twilight read back over the letter once more. She lost herself in thought for a moment, sucking on the end of the quill, before dipping it in the ink pot and floating it down to the waiting sheet of parchment.

Dear Meridian,

Twilight took a deep breath and popped a kink in her neck, looking back over the letter again. “You know,” she muttered under her breath, “yesterday I remembered how I answered you, Meridian. I told you a lot of things in a really nice way, and when you wrote back to me next week, you told me thank you and that it really helped … but you never told me whether you asked Nebula out on a date or not.”

She smiled ruefully at the letter, with its scratchy hornwriting, small and rushed, like Meridian had willed herself to get through writing everything out. “I don’t know if that was because you decided not to ask, or if you asked and she said no. Or if she said yes, and you’re just too private a pony to tell me. If I knew which one it was, I’d know exactly what to write now, because I can’t remember what I told you in my memories anymore.”

Twilight let out a long breath and dipped the feather back in her ink pot. “Maybe it’s better this way.” She sat up straight, rubbed her face, and set her quill to work.

Thank you for writing to me. I know what you’re going through is hard, and I know how lonely it can feel, when you’re holding onto something like that and are worried about bringing it out in the open. I’ve been through something similar. I spent a very long time worrying about how things might change if I ever said anything to

Twilight stared at the paper for a moment with the pen hovering just above the surface. She kept writing.

her, both for the worse, but also for the better. Part of me was ready to never act on it and let things be, and I could just be content with her in my life as a friend. And that was enough for a while.

Not everypony knows this about me, but when I was your age, I didn’t have very many friends. I was that filly who always sat in the front row, always answered all of the questions first, and always walked from class to class with a book in front of my face. The few friends that I had didn’t know me very well, because I never really let them get to know me. It’s something I came to regret about myself later.

The reason I’m telling you about that is so you know how strongly I wanted to hold onto the friends I eventually did make, the ones who are so important to me I’d die for them, and how worried and scared I was about losing them. How scared I am about losing them. And how it was enough for me to just have her in my life, if it meant not risking anything.

But while it might have been enough, it was hurting me inside to hold onto it. As time went on, it seemed to get bigger and scarier, and harder for me to imagine acting upon. And it was joined by a new fear that I might never get around to acting upon it at all before I never had the chance to.

I can’t tell you how Nebula Glow feels. I don’t know how she’d react to you telling her how you feel. I can’t promise you that she’d take it well, or that asking her won’t make things awkward for a while regardless of what she says. What I can tell you is that after holding it inside me for a long time, I felt so much relief to finally say it out loud to her, and regardless of how she reacted, I was better off having done it. Holding it all inside trapped me, keeping me from either growing closer to her, or moving on and growing as a pony. Being trapped felt like it could be “enough.” But the truth is, it wasn’t, and I was slowly withering. I couldn’t see that until afterwards.

I don’t know how things will go if you decide to tell Nebula, too. I don’t have a personal story to relate to you about what could or couldn’t happen, because I’m still living through my story. I hope the best for you regardless of what you decide to do. Nebula is lucky to have a friend who cares for her so deeply.

Yours truly,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

Twilight looked over her writing as the ink dried. Before rolling it up, she dipped the quill one last time.

P.S. If you decide to tell her, try not to do it with a big crowd of ponies watching. Trust me.

She pushed herself away from the desk and stretched out her back, then stepped down from her chair and stretched in the opposite direction. She let out a sigh of relaxation and headed out of her study. Her hoof clacks echoed through the empty castle as she let her mind wander over the letter, then over the day before and the magical memories stretching forward into the future. Most of them were just as clear and sharp as when she’d shared the True Love’s Kiss with Applejack, but almost everything that supposedly had happened between the kiss and that exact moment, feeling the blood pump back into her legs as she walked through the hallways, had turned into a blur, like the faint outlines of pencil erased from a page.

Maybe that meant the rest would start to fade with time, too, and all she’d be left with were Applejack’s memories. She could deal with having Applejack’s memories. She pushed open the door and felt the sun fall over her mane. She took in a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled as she left, taking a stroll just as aimless as her thoughts. She could deal with Applejack’s memories. She wasn’t sure she could deal with the future memories, though, if that meant them staying sharp and fresh until they didn’t happen, only to then be erased, like she was lowering a tapestry inch by inch into a fire. If they’d all just fade at once, she’d be content, left with just an echo of a happy life that didn’t happen. The memory of the memory.

Or maybe the first day had been a blur from the attunement itself, and she’d keep the rest of the memories. Maybe it could really be like an extra fifty years. She could deal with an extra fifty years, too.

“Be nice to know which,” she grumbled to herself. “It’s really hard to try and plan for one thing when the other might—”

A shrill voice carried on the wind cut through her musing. “Yes huh, it totally means that!”

Twilight stopped short and looked around. She’d zigged and zagged through town and ended up back at the park. She smirked at herself, then snapped back to the sound of a scoff. “I does not!” Apple Bloom gave Diamond Tiara a sour look as they walked up the path that led off to the ice cream vendor.

Diamond Tiara perked up when she locked eyes with Twilight, then tapped Apple Bloom on the shoulder. “We can ask Twilight, she’ll know for sure.”

Diamond rushed over and Twilight raised an eyebrow, because Apple Bloom froze in her tracks, looking stricken. She grimaced at Diamond Tiara, and stammered out, “N-no, don’t be askin’ her, it ain’t pol—”

“Tell her,” Diamond Tiara said loudly over Apple Bloom, raising her snout in the air. “That if you marry Applejack, that would make Applejack a princess, too!”

Apple Bloom cringed, and looked at Twilight from the corner of her eye. “Diamond! You ain’t supposed to ask ponies stuff like that!”

“Ugh, what’s the big deal? What, is it embarrassing? It’s not like I’m telling her to marry your sister now, she can marry her when she wants to!”

Apple Bloom’s face reddened, and she mouthed ‘sorry’ at Twilight.

Twilight chuckled and rubbed her face with a hoof. “I deserve this,” she whispered.

“Ya still don’t ask questions like that, Diamond Tiara! It ain’t good manners!”

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Ugh, good manners. If everypony was always so worried about manners, then nopony would ask anypony anything! What could possibly be bad about asking Twilight what it would mean when she marries your sister?”

Twilight scrunched her eyes tight and fought to keep from laughing. She could hear Apple Bloom’s teeth grinding together.

“If Twilight marries my sister, which she don’t have to, it’d be a long time from now. Ponies who lllllll—” Apple Bloom’s tone wavered in the middle of the held sound, then grew chipper and sped up all at once “—like each other a whole bunch wait and decide to get married after they’ve been together a long while. She don’t wanna be thinkin’ about it right now at all, it’s embarrassin’!”

Twilight cleared her throat sharply before Diamond Tiara could cut in again and made a mental note to compliment Applejack on instilling a good set of manners in her sister. Applejack was definitely the one who deserved credit for it. Twilight remembered her doing it. “It’s okay, Apple Bloom, I don’t mind the question.”

Apple Bloom blinked in surprise and gave Twilight a guarded, skeptical look. “Really?”

“Yes.” She flashed an indulgent smile at her, then turned to Diamond Tiara. “If I were to marry anypony, they would have the choice to take an official title, if they wanted to. Marrying a princess traditionally comes with the title of duke. Or duchess, in this case.”

Diamond Tiara wrinkled her muzzle. “Duchess? Why duchess? Shouldn’t it be prince or princess?”

Twilight shook her head. “Being a prince or princess is hereditary. Or … genetic, anyway.” She unfolded her wings for emphasis. “You’re either born with the title, or receive it through extraordinary circumstances, not through marriage. Any children we might have would be either a prince or princess.” Twilight knit her brow and frowned. “Of course, in this case, the logistics of that might prove complicated.”

She glanced at Apple Bloom, who was staring at her in abject horror. “… You sure you’re okay?”

“Really, I’m fine,” she giggled. “We’re talking in hypotheticals, Apple Bloom.” She kept her self from adding ‘sort of.’

Diamond Tiara let out a chuff through her snout. “Well that’s disappointing, what’s the point of marrying a princess, then?” She blinked and looked sidelong at Twilight. “I mean, no offense.” She looked back at Apple Bloom. “And I guess being a duchess is pretty cool, that’s a type of royalty still! So I was right!”

The preoccupation left Apple Bloom’s expression, and she harrumphed at Diamond. “I guess, but Twilight said you don’t gotta take a title or whatever. I betcha my sister wouldn’t wanna be a duchess’a nothin’ and say no.”

Scoffing, Diamond looked back to Twilight. “What do you think, would Applejack say no?” Apple Bloom twitched like she was on the verge of an aneurysm.

“You know, it never came up.” She glanced back and forth at their bewildered expressions. “Erm, the truth is I don’t know what she’d say. This town is very important to her as it is, and Ponyville would likely be the land her title would be attached to, I’d think she’d be honored to look after it. On the other hoof, she’s very humble and might feel conflicted about taking a title on principle. I could see her making either decision.”

Twilight’s expression slowly slid into a neutral line. She could imagine Applejack making either choice, and despite the years of memories filled with the tiniest details, she couldn’t recall anything related to Duchess Applejack or definitely not Duchess Applejack at any point in time through the whole other life. And it couldn’t have been that it never came up, something like that had to come up.

“… Maybe not with everything, but all the important things …” she muttered to herself.

Diamond’s mouth opened and closed a few times in confusion, then she shook her head and turned to Apple Bloom. “This is a weird conversation, anyway. I just thought it was cool, and that you should be excited.” She huffed. “Ugh, and now I’m late, too.” She looked at Twilight, smiled politely, and said, “Thank you for answering my question, Princess Twilight,” in a rehearsed monotone, then turned and walked back into the park.

Apple Bloom let out a deflating breath and shook her head. “I’m real sorry, Twilight, I kept tellin’ her …”

Twilight giggled and shook her head. “It really is okay.”

“Like … really okay, okay, or okay like how ponies sometimes say when it ain’t okay, but don’t want you to feel bad ‘cause they ain’t blamin’ you for it.”

She laughed harder and sat down on the ground. “You have a lot in common with your sister, you know. You’re both very perceptive. And blunt.”

Apple Bloom perked up and smiled. “Thanks!” She pawed the ground. “Uh … even if it is okay, I’m still awful sorry. It ain’t any’a my business one way or the other, and I don’t wanna be stickin’ my snout in my sister’s lllll—like a lot life.”

Twilight nodded. “I appreciate that.” She cocked her head to the side and smiled at Apple Bloom. “But it is your business a little bit.”


“I mean, obviously you’re right, but I hope that you don’t mind me dating your sister.”

“Are you kiddin’? ‘Course not!” Apple Bloom blinked and she shrunk into her shoulders with a look of chagrin. “I mean, I don’t see why I wouldn’t …”

Twilight smiled warmly at Apple Bloom, then froze as realization splashed over her. She’d always been perfectly fond of Apple Bloom, but she was looking at her with the eyes of a pony who had watched her grow up into such a well-mannered, thoughtful, self-assured young mare, and was bursting with sisterly pride. A pang of guilt tried to worm its way into her head, but the thought of Applejack hugging her close and whispering thanks into her ear killed that guilt on the spot.

Twilight cleared her throat. “I’m glad. And I hope it stays that way, I wouldn’t want you angry at me.”

Apple Bloom straightened up and rocked her weight back and forth from one set of legs to the other. “I dunno what I’d have to be cross with you over, ‘less you hurt my sister.” She frowned. “And I’d guess if that happened, you’d be hurtin’ an awful lot, too, so I still couldn’t be too mad.” She brightened. “Really, if you and Applejack’re happy, then I’m happy.”

Twilight nodded. “That sounds good.”

A beat of silence filled the air, and Apple Bloom shuffled her hooves. “… Umm …” She straightened, then glanced up at the sky, taking in the position of the sun. “Speakin’a bein’ late, I’m s’posed to meet Applejack soon. We’re havin’ lunch with Grand-père Pear.”

“I know, Applejack told me about that.” Her smile felt strained. “I won’t keep you, have a good time!” She resisted the urge to give Apple Bloom a hug and say how happy she was that Grand Pear was around, and how proud she was of Apple Bloom. She limited herself to a little wave.

“Bye, Twilight!” Apple Bloom grinned and waved, then trotted off into town at a fast clip.

She let out a long sigh, then turned around and started walking back into town, away from the park. Building up a relationship with Apple Bloom that matched the one she already felt in her heart would be something to work on. Big Macintosh and Granny, too. Maybe even Grand Pear. Applejack didn’t have any memories of him to share, but if he had stories about Pear Butter, Twilight was dying to hear them. But at the moment, all she was to them was one of Applejack’s friends. She imagined Applejack would have good advice to give on the subject.

She let her mind wander again as she walked, over plans for building a connection with the ponies she knew so well in her head, over helping Applejack do the same with Shining Armor if she wanted, and over the subject of duchesshoods, taken, not taken, and left undecided. As she pushed open the castle door, she realized none of her thoughts were concerned over how real the future memories were or not, nor how to go about deciding definitively how real they were. While she went back to her study, read over her letter again, and sealed it to be mailed, she decided she didn’t really care if they were real or not, anyway. All she could do was see what the future would bring, and then go from there.

Maybe it was better that way.

Author's Note:

Hey folks!

This one took a bit longer a time to get finished than I expected it to, because I kept running into roadblocks along the way. I am happy with how it turned out and am glad I got the chance to write this finally, as it's an old idea I've wanted to write for years now. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. Y'all are the best.

I'm juggling a couple of different projects at the moment, but hopefully the next story won't have as much of a gap between now and then as this one had with the last one. Hope to see y'all again then.

Comments ( 26 )

Ugh, now I'm feeling all sappy. But this wait was worth it, thanks Bats.

I still say Pinkie could pull that shit off with a particularly energetic high five.

Such a satisfying ending.

Thanks, good catch, don't know how the heck that made it through edits.

Very nice. I like the philosophical questions and discussions. Be interested in reading a sequel if you ever choose to write it.

It was so wholesome and lovely!

Romantic as :yay: and really interesting premise. Well earned favorite :twilightsmile:p

But book horse would DEFINITIVELY write a book on it, considering she experienced something with little to no data on. For SCIENCE!! :pinkiecrazy:

... You missed a perfectly good opportunity to show us Applejack getting to feel what it was like being raised into adulthood by 'her' parents, in Night Light and Twilight Velvet. I can't tell if it's because that would have been an even bigger waterworks issue tacked onto the happysads you gave us last chapter, or what.

But thank you for this story, I mean it. I may be more of a Rarijack and Twilestia sort, but a heartwarming story is heartwarming, regardless of which camp you dug your trench in.

I second the sequel sentiment.

It could be about their last days, where both remember baking, laughing and going to sleep... They talk, and talk, and talk. They are't going to let these possibly last moments be wasted on a pie. Very high on the night tough, tireness wins, and they go to sleep for the last time.

And then, the day after, Twilight wakes, and sees Applejack at her side, unmoving. She freaks out internally. Is her love just resting? Or did Twilight escape fate's claws, while AJ left her behind? At the verge of tears, she hears a faint sound. Hopeful, but still worried, she slowly gets up. Just to be greeted with a loudass state of the art snore.



You know, this is one of the purest example of speculative fiction I've seen on this site - taking a single premise, examining and analyzing it and everything it means but not losing the human connection that makes that examination matter.

Very well done.

Wait it only has three chapters? Where is the rest? It was just starting to get great.

Wonderful story :twilightsmile:
Thanks for writing it.

Consider the True Love's First Kiss thing taken for my own ships. Too awesome to leave here.

Ah! A Bats TwiJack fic. Also known as Insta-favorited.

I would just like to point out that "Magical Lesbian Spawn" is a thing on Derpibooru.

You ARE welcome! :twilightsmile:

Uh, thank... you? :rainbowderp:

Anyway, I know it doesn't matter, but I'm on team not actual future memories. The lines about not being able to know if Applejack took a title or not struck me as sufficient evidence.

My headcannon for this magic is it takes all their past memories up to the moment of the kiss and uses those plus their imagination to generate a series of future memories for each of them. Actually knowing the future seems like it should be impossible.

Love this fic! There's not a whole lot of Twijack, and it's nice when it pops up. Really like the opening particularly, and the overall premise regarding the potential future is great.

I featured this on episode 263 of my podcast, Pony 411.

And a perfect cherry on top. Take your like, take your fav, take it all.

Magnificent work. I especially love how persuasive the "Equestria's never threatened, so the memories can't be real" argument is. :rainbowlaugh: I can just imagine Twilight's frustration during the Pony of Shadows incident, Tempest's attack, Cozy's coup... None of that was on the schedule, darn it!

Lovely, thought-provoking Twijack from start to finish. Thank you for it.


I like the way how the second chapter is similar to the first, but with premonition instead of just predictability. Well played, bats.


My headcannon for this magic is it takes all their past memories up to the moment of the kiss and uses those plus their imagination to generate a series of future memories for each of them.

... of how things could have played out had the kiss been a normal one.
So in a way, the attunement gives them that future back, if only as memories.
A suspiciously normal future, that even appears to not include the elements and alicornication affecting their ability to have a normal life. So in a way, this magical alteration at least gives them back their normal life in the form of memories.

Actually knowing the future seems like it should be impossible.

That future already became impossible when they got each other's past memories, even disregarding those of that future. This might even be the magic's way to make them get the hint and stay together, for whatever reason it has to do so.

Very well planned and executed, as expected. Enjoyed a lot, thanks for writing.

Reminded me of Nietzsche’s Eternal Return, less expected, but also enjoyable.

I admit I would love to see Cadence’s reaction to Twilight going through a rare love related phenomenon like attune mentioned.

I like how that turned out, in a lot of ways

It's a really good story. I'm not... I probably didn't make that clear with my last comment. It is really, really good. And I enjoyed it, despite freaking out. (Actually, the whole 'how do I feel about Apple Bloom' added another layer on top: Foreign memories muddying my own sense of self and therefore causing an identity crisis. Yay, go me.)
And I realized that it doesn't even matter if these 'future memories' were real or not. Because it can't be proven either way. Which basically means 'they are what you make of them'. So an insecure, pessimistic being like me would obviously end up freaking out. Makes perfect sense. And someone like, well, them... might be able to find a better perspective on things. It's really enviable.

Either way, you gave me a few hours of enjoyable reading time and something to feed my notoriously skittish brain.

Thank you for writing!

Glad you enjoyed it! And in regards to finding the scary in what happened to them, Twilight definitely found the scary part, too. I don't find what happened to them to be particularly comforting or nice, either, it's at best very jarring and disruptive, at worst it's an existential nightmare of free will and stolen opportunities. Depending on what actually happened to them, anyway. Twilight sees the existential terror of it, but Applejack thinks in a manner that's different from her, and helped her find the different angle on how to view things, which is something Applejack is able to do for Twilight in many cases and is one of the reasons they can make for a very strong couple.

Personally, I definitely wouldn't want to experience an attunement, either, even if I'd happily share everything with my partner. But, if it did happen and I needed to cope and learn to live and move on from it with her, I'd do my best to try and frame it for myself as getting another 50 years, too. It isn't so bad to me "missing out" on learning how to get comfortable and close with a partner if I can remember doing that before. It isn't really different from how I am with my partner now, I just got those memories by living with her for a while, rather than a whole extra lifetime getting shoved into my head. Viewing it as getting a second time around is at least a little comforting to me. I get how it wouldn't be comforting to everyone, though. If True Love's Kiss wasn't at least a little scary, they're wouldn't be a story to tell.

I mean... it fits. Many have these associations with 'I feel close to Fluttershy'/'I feel like a Twilight'/'I relate to Rainbow the most'/whatever. In that regard, I've always flip-flopped between Twilight and Fluttershy, so that checks out. I envy AJs ability, in that regard. To think and see differently. And more to the point, I envy Twilight because she has AJ, and not only that, but trusts her enough to allow herself to switch lanes.
I'm honestly not sure if I would be capable of enough trust to accept a different stance of view, even if it were presented to me by someone so close. I usually feel like my mind's just a conductorless train barreling through the landscape, with no real means of stopping or controlling direction. But maybe that's the point (or at least another one) - she has that trust. It might be more of a general thing with her friendships, I can see others getting through to her as well, given time and effort. Applejack might just have an easier time than the others because, well, she's more grounded, I guess. In a way, she really fits that 'second in command'-position well, due to how well she works with Twi. On many levels.
Aaand I'm rambling. This was just a roundabout way of saying: Hey, I agree.

It isn't really different from how I am with my partner now, I just got those memories by living with her for a while, rather than a whole extra lifetime getting shoved into my head. Viewing it as getting a second time around is at least a little comforting to me. I get how it wouldn't be comforting to everyone, though. If True Love's Kiss wasn't at least a little scary, they're wouldn't be a story to tell.

I mean... I get where you're coming from. I think. But at the same time, isn't that part of the issue: 'I got those memories by living with her for a while'. Just, with an attunement, you don't really get that 'while'. First kiss, boom, magic happens. I don't know. I see the appeal in taking on that point of view, I just... couldn't, I think?
Doesn't make the story any less enjoyable, mind you.

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