• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”


The Tunnel of Love is a magical and romantic place in the Everfree Forest, and Twilight intends to find out about it first hoof. With Applejack by her side, it seems like the perfect time to talk to her friend about the feelings she's been having.

But when it turns out that Applejack has been through the tunnel before, and has no interest in going through again, Twilight's hopes and dreams are tested by a deeper understanding of the tunnel and what it shows.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 44 )

Argh, my heart. Why would you do this? :fluttershyouch: So bittersweet, I'm smiling and holding back tears at the same time - what is this sorcery?!

...it didn't help that For Good from Wicked was playing while I read this. :raritydespair: Why couldn't Kiss The Girl from The Little Mermaid be on? Maybe my heart wouldn't hurt so much then. Dammit all.

Dang, that's one spooky sounding tunnel. :twilightoops:

I think Twi and AJ will definitely appreciate the long way better. :ajsmug:

That's what she said!


Yeah, I got nothin' :ajsleepy:

This was a lovely little story, and glad I could help out on it! :rainbowkiss:

Heeeey! It's out! :pinkiehappy:

When I was pre-reading I remember saying something like "I don't think that's a tunnel. I think it is a maw." On further reflection I almost wonder if it is a tower. :pinkiecrazy:


no but seriously I like this a lot.

You write an unsinkably adorable ship, Book. You do know that, I hope.

Ever considered stringing these little jewels together? "Good Homesteading Ponies Don't Tunnel Their Facts" or some such?

That was nice. I actually really liked the line:

“So it turns out that all those dreams and visions don’t actually take you anywhere.”

From what I got, the moral of the story is that love takes work, and you won't get anywhere just daydreaming and idealizing it. I like that. It's true.

Great work like always, man.

I think I kind of agree with 4128953. These TwiJack stories almost feel like bit's of a series.

Bookplayer presents! The TwiJack cycle! :pinkiehappy:

Tunnel of Love? More like Scariest Cave in Equestria!

I haven't read yet...

That's sooo sweet. Great work.:twilightsmile:
I'm happy they took the long way. The journey is the reward, after all.

I don't know what Providence guides, Miss Book, but it's a blessing to us all. That fact this story didn't fall into any 'outright-falling-in-love' traps makes it so loveable I can't help but think my face will be stuck with this smile until I go to bed. My classmates will think totally I've lost it.

The subtly underlining this was simply breathtaking, and I MEAN that; I held my breath for most of these paragraphs, and outright sputtered all over my laptop when Applejack first said, 'Fluttershy'. The brevity actually added so much to Applejack's history I could touch it, and feel, it, and love it, and hate it. It also broadened Twilight's intentions little by little. The doubt, the fear, the crushing memories, and trying to dodge the consequences, yet fearing the consequences of dodging those consequences all the same. Beautiful in every sense of the word.

There is one thing I'd like to mention though. The Potion. Made from the Tunnel of Love's flowers. Euphoric Contentment. *Inhales through nose* If that isn't the most subtle hint to liquefied marijuana, I don't know what is.

You've just become my author of the day, Miss Book. Thank you SO much for sharing.


Although I appreciate the way that you hinted at possibilities of a further romance between Twi and AJ with a rare maturity and subtlety, I couldn't really feel the emotions you tried to put through the words. The earlier dialogue felt stilted and off to me, and it didn't seem to be that way for any particular reason. I know that's my personal taste coming through in terms of preference of prose; this is a sweet story. But my problems with your literary voice and my inability to enjoy the larger metaphors you drew made me feel that, like the tunnel, the story didn't really go anywhere.

The Tunnel of Love. More like Cadences Evil lair!!!:pinkiecrazy: This is where she tests your love to see if it's real or not. Also great story.:derpytongue2:

Twilight eyed the boat, then a smirk grew on her face. “So it turns out that all those dreams and visions don’t actually take you anywhere.”

Seriously though, this was great. You delivered a good moral, and through my favorite pairing to boot!

Sounds a little like the tunnel puts off an aura of love so that it can entice young lovers inside and tap off some of that emotion for power, much like a changeling.

I am once again made to feel inadequate in my ability to express emotion. How could I possibly show how much I liked this?

I suppose a paltry like and favorite will have to suffice.

Another excellent story, Bookplayer :pinkiehappy:

I think the illusion of the Tunnel of Love is something a lot of us have gotten caught up in, and at the time it's hard to see that its not getting you anywhere. Love takes more than just romanticism :twilightsmile:

I loved the moral here, and the exploration of love and magic. And once again you've used the dialogue-driven narrative to great effect - have I mentioned that I like your style? :ajsmug: Keep up the awesome work!

Yes! Another Twijack piece by Bookplayer! :rainbowkiss:

Gotta work now, but can't wait to dive into this later. :moustache:

So I really liked this story. Like a lot. A perfect dose of fluffy TwiJack to get a person through the day.

Also, congrats on the feature!

Wow, I was concerned there for a moment for A.J. and Twi's future together, but it looks like they might just be alright. Very nicely done.

I LOVE TWIJACK!!:ajsmug::heart::twilightsmile:

4129712 Flowers that can be turned into a euphoric? More likely they're Poppies.

A cute idea for a story. The idea behind the tunnel was a fun one. Gotta love mysterious magical locations which you go out the same way you came in but never know how you got turned around, while having visions. And of course, the visions themselves... certainly capable of doing a number on the wrong person.

A bittersweet, cute story as always comes out of you. How do you do this magic of excellence writing?
Holding back my tears and a big stupid smile on my face this story was damned cute and sweet. Good job.

A sweet story with a good point!

I was right! I read that description and said "That's not a 'read later', I want to read that one now." Very nice. Short and pleasant, with excellent pacing, just a very nice story overall. Really enjoyed your idea for the tunnel, and they way you had them handle it.

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading.

this one was very deep for "just" 5000+ words ! great work!

This story testifies of a profound insight into the relationship between love and romance.

Rare are the stories that actually enrich the reader with their point of view, but this is definitely one of those.

Well done

Also, I can't help but wonder what happens if somepony would go through the tunnel with three ponies or more... Or with a pet instead of another pony. :twilightoops:

Love even stamps all over apples apples apples some times :ajsleepy: I took a long time to get reading this story for some reason. Glad I got over the hump though.

This teaches a good lesson in that daydreams, while harmless and enjoyable on their own, should not be allowed to become all-consuming, and that love as well as friendship can be painful but shouldn't be feared. This was handled well within show guidelines for the most part, touching on more mature themes but presenting them in a way I would love for them to be presented in the show. I can see this as an episode of Love is Magic :twilightsmile:

AJ must have expected a painful trip down memory lane but went there with Twi because that's what friends do. We also get a glimpse of ponies being friends after being complicated, and that's not something I've read very much of.

Excellent. I still need to root around your back catalog a bit more :ajsmug:


If there isn't a chat between Tchernobog, bookplayer and bats going on right now to flesh this idea out, there should be :rainbowwild:

So I have never read a Twilight and AJ story before, but I knew plenty of people who are a fan of the ship. One of them recommended this, so I went along with it and tried giving this a read.

I absolutely loved it.

The chemistry between AJ and Twi was done really well, as was the whole idea of what love really is. I think it was fitting that they didn't go in the tunnel, choosing not to get the instant satisfaction of what might be, but instead, to experience the unknown day by day. It makes sense for both of them.

Great job with this! :twilightsmile:


I'm a little dismayed with the whole breaking up another ship so another could flourish thing. When an author does that it feels like they're trying to make a statement about it. Don't get me wrong, if all the times I've seen it, this was probably the most tactful I've seen it done, it's just the general concept alone leaves a bad taste in my mouth. (I feel the same way about sips I actively like too, not just passively.)

That said I'm not even sure if it works better with a non mane 6 pony, our even just have it remain anonymous, but really it's presented in a way that makes our a non issue.

Anyway it's a cute story with some neat world ideas. Nice work!

Very nicely done. Bravo.

I'd imagine with 3 ponies it would be the same thing.

Thinking about it quickly, with a pet perhaps it would be all the more heartbreaking. Not because the tunnel would show you smooching on Fido, but because the tunnel shows an idealized picture of what could be and, well... I can imagine it showing you your pet (a dog, say) with a much longer lifespan than average, feisty and ready to play even a decade later. It's not like that's impossible - some dogs have lived 25+ years - but it's definitely very unlikely, and if you had full faith in seeing your beloved pet make it that far, it'd hurt a lot when reality stepped in.

Lovely. Just lovely. Have a fav.

Wow :pinkiesmile: That whole story was deep :twilightsmile: I liked the metaphor at the end :twilightsheepish: Nicely done. :twilightsmile:

That's another good little story. Looking for something real.
I kinda have to disagree with how some people think this is a happy ending. Really it's a happy beginning. But that still doesn't guarantee it goes well. That's for another story though ;)

An interesting story I'm glad to have read. I did spot what might be an error though:

“Well, since the Mirror Pool incident, I’ve been doing some research into other magical spots in the Everfree forest, and I came across one I think I’d like to find.” Twilight paused to float her book out of her saddlebag.

Shouldn't 'forest' be capital? Just a few sentences ago Twi's book had it as capital but that might just be because it's a book, yet I still see (and write) it as 'Everfree Forest' anyway. This story also seemed to interest my cat since she came over to read with me. The only other story she's done that for is Lost Cities by: Cold in Gardez. She's rubbing up against me as I type this. :rainbowlaugh:

I reviewed this story as part of Recommended Story Reviews #14.

My review can be found here.

This here tall tale's gonna be some kinda metaphor for somethin' naughty, now ain't it? :ajbemused: :twilightblush:

Hi there!

As I said at Bronycon, here is the audiobook version of this story!


Nice story. I guess it does make sense Fluttershy would just go along with it even if it would hurt Applejack more in the long run.

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