• Published 20th May 2019
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Guest Star Kelduo: Justice from Afar - The Kelduo

The Star Allies have conquered a great evil, but they now find themselves in a foreign land. Can they find a way home?

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Chapter 41: My Element

I should have known that Rainbow Dash would have the nerve to challenge me to a race while we were on our mission. While I was upset by her carelessness, I must admit that the race was good flight training for when another threat attacks Pop Star. The thrill of it was also nice. It gave the feeling that I was actually doing an important race that would determine the fate of the planet. Besides, the destination was the same for both the race and the mission: Griffonstone. Therefore, I chose to accept. As I had expected, Rainbow was much faster than me. I did my best to keep up so I could analyze her strategy and how she used her wings to propel herself. That information would help me to become a better flier myself.

Rainbow touched down with grace. "Ha! You lose, Meta Knight! I made it to Griffonstone first!"

I landed and shook Rainbow's wing. "I lost indeed. I congratulate you on your victory." I looked at my surroundings, which were barren and solemn, as if struck by extreme drought. "So, this is Griffonstone? It appears to be dark and lonely."

"You'll get used to it."

I glanced at Rainbow Dash. "I don't have to... Personally, I prefer places such as this. They remind me of myself."

"You like Griffonstone because you're dark, lonely, and serious?"

"That is correct. I am always prepared for what comes at me, because if one is caught off-guard during times of crisis, then something dire could happen. I work hard to become stronger whenever I can, for it is my duty as a Star Warrior to protect planet Pop Star from evil's influence."

"That's pretty sweet! I love beating monsters up too! Do you think there will be any monsters here that need to get whooped?"

"There is only one way to find out. But first, we must search for the Energy Spheres. Be on the look out for glowing blue orbs with a single gear inside."

"That should be easy, because Griffonstone is super dull, and the only shiny things in Griffonstone are bits, which is Equestrian currency. C'mon, let's go!"

We split up to cover more ground. I searched the higher areas while Rainbow searched the lower ones. However, I didn't find even a hint of Energy Spheres. Apparently, Rainbow wasn't having any luck either.

"Aw, come on! Button Mash said some flew here, but I'm not seeing a single one! Just where are they?!"

A nearby door swung open, and out came a creature with an eagle's head and upper body and a lion's lower body. She was a griffon. "What's the deal, Rainbow Dash? Griffons have better things to do than listen to you complain."

Rainbow flew over to her. "Sorry, Gilda. You see, Meta Knight and I are looking for these things called Energy Spheres. They're these glowing blue orbs that have a gear inside. You seen any?"

The griffon, Gilda, replied, "I didn't, but Gabby kept on yapping about something like that. I don't know if that's what you're looking for, but I'd ask her about it."

I asked, "Where is Gabby?"

"She's right inside."

We went inside the small home from which Gilda came, and we were greeted heartily by a bluish-gray griffon who had a personality very different from the griffons I had learned about: optimistic, energetic, happy to help without wanting bits in return. "Hi there, Rainbow Dash! You would NEVER believe what I found! Ooh, who's your friend?"

Rainbow introduced us to each other. "Gabby, this is Meta Knight. Meta Knight, this is Gabby."

I shook Gabby's claw. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Gabby. We are searching for these spherical blue objects with gears inside. They are called Energy Spheres. Have you seen any?"

"Ohmygosh that's exactly what I found!" The griffon showed us two such orbs. "Here, take them!"

I put the Energy Spheres in my cape. "Thank you for giving us the Energy Spheres. Please be sure to let us know if you find any more of them."

"Well, I did see one fall into the chasm where the idol fell. And I think Grandpa Gruff might have found a couple."

"Very well. Farewell, Gabby."

7/45 Energy Spheres obtained

We turned to leave. "WAIT!" Gabby pulled us back inside. "Hey, Meta Knight... do you know Kirby?"

I smiled. "I trained him to become a powerful Star Warrior such as myself. Did somecreature tell you of his adventure in Equestria?"

"Yep, Gallus told me all about him! He sounds so awesome! I'd love to meet him!"

"I'm sure you will, Gabby."

Rainbow and I found ourselves at the top of a chasm where strong winds were blowing everywhere. Rainbow asked, "Sure you're up to this, Meta Knight?"

I chuckled. "Strong winds are nothing new to me. Watch this." I flew over the chasm before aiming my sword straight down. I should've shot downwards at an incredibly fast pace, but instead, I only fell a few yards before getting thrown around. Disappointed, I flew back to the cliff. "My Down Thrust didn't stand a chance against those strong winds. It's my fastest move! I need to be faster..."

"Faster, huh?" Rainbow thought for a moment. "...I got it! Remember when Sonic had windy shoes? I gave his shoes that windy effect, and he seemed faster than ever! Maybe I can do the same thing with your sword!"

"Excellent idea, Rainbow Dash." I held my sword in the air, and Rainbow used her wings to blow wind on them, giving them the Bluster power effect. "Let's try this again." I used Down Thrust again, but this time, I only advanced a few more yards than last time. "Seems like we need a concrete plan," I groaned as I swung my sword in anger.

Rainbow perked up. "Hey, do that again."

I swung my sword, and wind came from it.

"What if we used that wind against the other wind?"

My eyes widened. "...You're a genius, Rainbow Dash. We can counteract the wind with stronger wind coming from another direction!"

Third time is the charm. I spun around with my sword facing outwards, and my Meta Spin Slash created a whirlwind that fell downwards, pushing the other winds down as well. I soared downwards with Shuttle Loop, successfully overcoming the draft. Near the very bottom was an Energy Sphere, teetering on the edge of a small cliff. Rather than take my chances, I thrust my sword into the ground near it, causing a tornado that lifted it up to Rainbow Dash.

"Nice work, Meta Knight!" Rainbow Dash bumped my fist with her hoof.

8/45 Energy Spheres obtained

I summarized, "That's three Energy Spheres. Since forty-five Energy Spheres have been scattered around Equestria, and there are nine places they could have been launched, I assume there's about five Spheres per area. There must be two Energy Spheres left in Griffonstone."

Suddenly, Gabby popped up. "Guys, I'll let you in on a little secret: I think Grandpa Gruff got his claws on an Energy Sphere or two. You can try to get them from him, but it'll be super duper tough. He wouldn't part with them for a million bits!"

I sighed. "Taking something valuable from griffons is tougher than taking on Marx Soul, Soul of Sectonia, and Helix without taking damage... Does Grandpa Gruff have sharp hearing?"

"So sharp he could hear a pin drop. You'd never sneak up on him, even if he was asleep."

"...How strong-willed is he? How much does it take to get him to fall asleep?"

"Well, he is a grandpa. But still, it may take a lot to get him to fall asleep."

I rubbed my chin. "Hmm..."

Gabby, Rainbow and I stood outside Grandpa Gruff's home. I told the others, "Now remember, no matter what you see, do not panic. Do you understand?"

Gabby and Rainbow saluted. "Yes, sir!"

I peeked inside to check that the coast was clear. An elderly griffon, blind in his right eye, was sitting in a chair, grasping two Energy Spheres very firmly and looking around for thieves... Perfect.

I reached into my pocket and took out a spherical device split into two hemispheres by an orange line with a small orange circle at the front. The device was otherwise black with large green circles covering it. A Dusk Ball. I pressed the small circle, causing the Dusk Ball to grow from the size of a tennis ball to that of a baseball. I separated the two hemispheres, which were connected by a mere hinge on the back, causing a blue energy to burst from inside. The energy changed form until it solidified into a more concrete form. It became black, like a shadow. Its small head had a white fog-like plume billowing from it, covering the right of its bright blue eyes. A red, spiky growth was around its neck, almost like a jaw. Its skinny arms had claws for hands, and long, black tatters hung from its shoulders. It had no legs to speak of, and it overall looked like an hourglass figure, appearing to wear an old, torn cloak.

I reassured the others, who were cowering in fear. "Do not worry. This is my trustworthy partner, Darkrai. Its name is Dark Fright. Darkrai has a special power that should prove to be useful to our cause." I turned to Dark Fright. "Dark Fright, your mission is to retrieve the two glowing blue orbs with gears inside from the elderly griffon."

"Dark... rai..." Dark Fright slowly floated into Grandpa Gruff's home, causing the griffon to tighten his grip as he stared at the Pitch-Black Pokemon.

"Don't you know better than to barge into houses without asking?" Grandpa Gruff attempted to be courageous, but I noticed some fear in his eyes and tone of voice.

Dark Fright pointed at the Energy Spheres. "Give... Energy..."

"You're not getting your claws on my precious treasures! Why should I give them to you?"

I nodded at Dark Fright, who began to form a purple and black orb in its hands. "Dark... Void..."

Grandpa Gruff's eyes opened wide. "Wait, do you mean...?" Dark Fright fired its orb. "NO, DON'T TAKE MEEEEEEE!"

The others wailed in fear as the orb hit Grandpa Gruff, encasing him in a crimson bubble. Once the bubble disappeared, he was lying on the ground, motionless. Dark Fright took the Energy Spheres and brought them to me.

Gabby and Rainbow were horrified. "He... he killed Grandpa Gruff! How could you?!"

I calmly replied, "Wait for it..."

After a few seconds... "Zzz..."

The two let out the breath they were holding in. Rainbow sighed, "Oh, thank Celestia you didn't kill him."

Gabby asked, "But what happened? What did he do?!"

I explained, "Dark Void. It's a non-damaging Dark-type move that induces sleep. It's Darkrai's signature move. While Darkrai can cause nightmares by doing that, it's normally out of self-defense. But this was a special case. Grandpa Gruff will wake up thinking he just had a bad dream about finding the Energy Spheres, only to be killed. I'll take the Energy Spheres back to the Lor Starcutter." I gave Rainbow a light green, crescent-shaped feather. "When I get far enough away, I want you to use this Lunar Wing to end his nightmare. Tell him that it was all just a bad dream. That way, if he ever finds another Energy Sphere, he'll immediately give it to Dark Fright just because he's skeptical that it was all a dream." I chuckled to myself at the idea.

10/45 Energy Spheres obtained

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