• Published 20th May 2019
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Guest Star Kelduo: Justice from Afar - The Kelduo

The Star Allies have conquered a great evil, but they now find themselves in a foreign land. Can they find a way home?

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Chapter 2: R.E.B.O.O.T.

Recalibrating... Activating auditory sensors...

"Hello? Are you okay?" Unknown male voice detected. Activating visual sensors... Identifying speaker... Wing shells+long beetle-like antlers=Species: Changeling. Traits: Taller than normal changeling, green skin, purple eyes. Conclusion: Speaker is Thorax, ruler of the Changeling Kingdom. Mood: Concern.

Engaging appropriate response: "I am okay, changeling."

"I'm so glad you're okay. Pharynx saw you fall out of the sky. What happened?"

Activating memory banks... "I recall my friends and I defeating a monster of destruction before escaping the collapsing battlefield. I must have been struck by debris, causing me to crash-land here. Have you noticed any other creatures falling out of the sky?"

"Nah, just you." Deeper male voice detected. Shifting view to left... Tall, dark changeling detected. Identity: Pharynx. "By the way, I took care of your crooked horn for you."

Activating self-evaluation... Antenna: 100% repaired. All other systems: No damage done. Initiating gratitude: "Thank you very much, Pharynx. My name is Roborygon Mk. Z, but you can simply call me Roborygon."

"Wait, Roborygon's back in Equestria?" Unknown female voice detected. Young, light blue changeling with red wings detected coming from afar. Current mood: Shy. Identity: Ocellus. I had almost forgotten about her after our adventures in TV Equestria! "Oh, it really is Roborygon! Excuse me, but, um, why are you back here?"

Thorax responded, saving me an explanation. "Truth is, he was the thing that fell out of the sky. I'm sorry the sound of him crashing scared you away."

"It's okay. I'm just happy that he's back. After all, he helped defeat our evil queen and a wizard."

Compliment accepted. "It's what my friends and I do. We travel the universe, taking down evil where we go. By any chance, Thorax, might this young changeling be Ocellus?"

"Yeah. She's pretty shy, but she seems to kind of like you."

"That's because he disguised himself as a pony to blend in, like I do. He's pretty good at it too."

Initiating reasoning for my actions: "I only blended in because Equestrians had never seen anything like me before. I was certain that they would fear me, and I wanted to get along with them."

Green cloud of smoke detected. Direction of travel: Northeast. Origin likely Spike sending a letter, which is now normally sent in case of unusual circumstances such as foreign creature sightings. Engaging magnetic levitation. "I would be happy to stay and get to know Ocellus, but I believe I should go in search of my friends. Until we meet again, farewell!" Objective: Locate friends.

Author's Note:

After that, we'll meet a trio of princesses.

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