• Published 18th May 2019
  • 2,883 Views, 23 Comments

Among the Kitsune - Crisis Novastar

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Chapter Six:

Chapter 6

The sun was at its peak and by this point, just about every citizen of the small town of Ponyville was out and about. Spike, along with the silver tailed archer who changed from his tactical clothing to a more modern one. Long blue jeans, and a shirt, written in kanji in bold gold letters.

“You sure you want to come along? I mean Seer dono did tell you what you needed to know.” The silver fox asked looking at the winged drake who was as tall as him.

“I’m sure. I mean I don’t fully believe him but I have to try.” Spike said to the silver fox. “Also I need new clothes.”

“Alright. . .Alright. . .I’ll be here for when you cry.” The fox snicker only to earn a glare from the dragon.

“You said Seer can predictions are wrong, yes?”

Yajirushi asked with a raised brow. “What are you getting at Spike?”

“What if he’s wrong? What if his predictions are wrong. And Rarity does return my feelings.” The drake asked ensuring his mind that the write mare would return his feelings.

“Then he’s wrong. Its nothing new to him.” The silver fox shrugged once more. Unlike the others who would ridicule the purple drake for doubting the nine-tailed fox abilities, Yajirushi, however, wasn’t like them. He knew that creatures would have doubts about Seer’s predictions. He himself doubt him at times, however, his predictions indeed came true. It was only a matter of time. “Look if you doubt him, then that’s fine. All other creatures he had met doubted him at first. All I can tell you is the choice is yours whether you believe him or not.”

“Ok one more thing. . .why are you coming along?” The purple and green dragon asked, only for Yajirushi to snicker.

“I kind of reveal Seer Dono clairvoyant to the princesses when he said not too. I’m actually lucky he didn’t set the worst punishment for me.”

“And what is the worst thing he could do?” Aske the dragon, only for the silver fox snickering at the question.

“Oh trust me you really don’t want to know.” The silver fox stated as he continued to walk down the path to the Boutique.

“Oh, my Spike what happen to you? You're not hoarding again, are you? And what are you wearing?” Asked the white mare wearing a matching blouse and black pants. She also had on her work glasses.

“No no, we just. . .how can I explain it.” Spike said rubbing the back of his head.

“I feel like if I do it, you might faint but here we go. . .” Yajirushi explained that the visitors feed Spike meat due to his condition. The white mare took the news fairly.

“How could you make such a sweet and innocent little dragon such do something so barbaric like eating other creatures.” Rarity screamed. The once cute and adorable little dragon that follows her endlessly doing various chores. Worship the ground she walks on, and to an extension, the path she went rather it be from her home, to the store, or to other towns and cities was now replaced with a slightly bigger dragon, one that is a cannibal.

“Question. . .do you know how dragons grow naturally?” The silver fox asked with a raised brow. This also made the mare in question to speak with no sound coming through for an answer. “I thought so. Anyway, He doesn't need to eat meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. . . we did, however, prevented you ponies from dealing with dragon hunger pains.”

“Hunger pains?” Ask the pony and now a teenage adult dragon.

“Yes, All dragons go through it once in there life when they're small. Usually around 10 to 12 years of age. In fact, Spike is a strange case since you somehow avoided those pains.” The silver fox explained. “But it either here or there.”

“Um changing the subject. . .mind if I get new clothes, I um.”

“Say no more darling.” Rarity sweetly smiles. “Tho I’m going to need to take your measurements again, and with my. . .um assistant helping we’ll get them in no time.” The white unicorn they smirk. “And your emperor told me what you did.” This made the fox’s ears flatten.

For the next several minutes, The white unicorn, with the help of her silver furred assistant measurements of the now tall and barely nude dragon. From his head which was about 27 inches. Then neck which was about 16 inches. The unicorn moved towards his chest, which was a good 40 inches. Then the arm length which was about 3 inches long, and 4.6 inches in 4.7. Yajirushi found it funny that the dragon was trying to show off to the mare of his dreams by showing how much he had grown. The legs were measured next was the hips which Rarity did by wrapping around the measuring tape, revealing that he had lost all of his baby fat. Despite being slim he was still a good 35 inches. She then moved to his thigh was about 32 inches from inner thigh then foot with thighs begin. And finally, his tail that was around 50 inches in length.

While she was taking the dragon’s measurements It took all of Spike willpower to not pop a boner right there and then. Normally such touching would likely cause a reaction, ether him fainting or blood rubbing down his nose.

“So tell me.” Rarity begins, taking down the notes on Spike’s measurements. “What is your home country like? Um, Yajirushi was it?”

“That’s my name.” The fox said with a smile. “And it’s peaceful to say at the least. sakura petals falling like snow during the spring. Which reminds me that I’m going to miss the Sakura Spring Festival.” His ears perked up remembering the festival he planned on partaking.


“Yea, it a festival that only happens once every year when Sakura Trees bloom all over several regions in Vulpes Terra. Kitsunes and other creatures would gather around parks, or any place with a Sakura Tree, set up a picnic ether under the tree, or somewhere within the park and enjoy the warm spring day or the cool spring night. while the sakura petals fall to the ground.” The silver fox closed his eyes remember the time where he was either with his family and friends all sitting under the tree, or in buildings sipping tea, or partying. Having fun, pranking others, and just having a good time.

“That sounds lovely. Under the pink petals of beauty, Oh I can see it now. The perfect stallion of my dreams under those trees. Kneeling down and asking me for his hand in marriage.” Rarity coo thinking of the image. Spike who wanted to gag also thought about it as well. Him and Rarity, under one of pink blooming trees. Him opening a box, revealing a diamond ring ‘Which he was tempted not to munch on it) proposing to the mare of his dreams. How beautiful would that be?

“Well. . .this is a very common thing to do.” Yajirushi explained placing his fingers under his chin. “In fact, it is so common that most of us place bet how many foxes propose within the area. We call it Koibito dōshi no kake, or lovers wager.”

“Really now is it really that common?” Spike asked.


“Oh and I bet a strong and handsome fox-like yourself has a vixen back home upset that you’re going to miss this festive of yours.” Rarity leaned forward and cup a hand on the fox’s cheek. “You do have a special some fox back home right? The green eyes looked at the mare with sadness in them.

“I did, and she was beautiful. A fox who fur shine like the golden rays of the sun. Despite having seven-tails, the citizens of believe her to be a tenko. She was a Zenko by the way.”

“What is an zenko?” Rarity asked interrupting the fox’s story. “Or for that fact what’s a tenko.”

“A tenko is the Kitsune version of an alicorn,” Spike said putting on his clothes. “There emperor is this tenko.”

“And the zenko are the nobles of our land. Fun fact Frostbite is a Zenko. Anyway, we met one night during the Sakura Fall Festival. And it was love at first sight. We went on dates, me paying for most of them. I took her any way she desires. . .unless I was at work, of course. Also, our fur color had this um yin yang thing going on.” The green eyes look down on the floor. One day I had sabbatical leave so I ran as fast as I can to her house so I can propose to her. . .come to find out she was cheating on me behind my back with some other eight-tailed kitsune. She was only using me for material gain. And was in fact in love with this guy.”

Upon hearing the tale Rarity decided to wrap her arms around the fox, bring him into a hug.“Oh dear. I’m so sorry.” Spike only walked over to the pair and place his claw on his shoulder.

“Yea. . .I mean that harsh.”

“Nah it fine. It happened a few years ago anyway, and pardon my language but the bitch got what she deserved.” The fox snicker. Evilly. “I place a curse on her. I won’t go into details on what happened, but needless to say, she or her ‘husband’ won’t expand their family.” Yajirushi on the inside knowing that the two kitsune who was the only child to their respective houses would never produce offsprings. “Oh and before you say anything, yes I was disciplined, nearly dishonorably discharged because it's an illegal practice of magic, arrested and fined.”

“Wait. . .are you?”

“A Yako, why yes. Kind of in my nature.”

The white mare let go. “Well um. . .I just go and get started on the designs. Um come back in a couple of minutes Spike, and I’ll have some new clothes for you.” With that, the white mare walked off to another room to get started.

“So does she live here by herself?” The silver fox asked placing his hands in his pocket.

“Something. . .she has a little sister who stays here on occasions. . .why you ask?”

“Just wondering.” Yajirushi smile then pushes the drake over to the direction where Rarity went. “Just remember I’ll be here when she breaks your heart.” This earned him a glare, Spike however shrugs and walked into the room.

Spike knew the layout of the Boutique like the back of his head. He has been in the clothes shop/home for many years now, and knew which Room the ivory mare would be in. And sure enough there she was sitting in her room designing clothes for the purple drake. Entering the room, Spike closes the door. “Um, Rarity?”

“Oh, why yes Spikey?” Asked the ivory mare tilted her head. “Is something the matter?”

“Um, I would. . .I kind of want to know.”


“Well here goes nothing.I love you. . .I always love you ever since I arrived in Ponyville with Twilight.!”

Flashback: Yesterday

“You want to know if there’s anyone out there interested in you?” The red nine-tailed fox asked while he was chewing on a green frosted cupcake that tastes like apples and cinnamon.

“Yes, Miss Frostbite did say you are able to see into the future.” The blue eyes of the kitsune just looked at his armor guard who blushes then shyly looked away. His eyes then shifted back to Rarity and nod in conformation. The cat was out of the bag anyway. “I was wondering if you know when I would meet the perfect stallion?”

“First. Do you like him?” He pointed his tail over to the small purple and green dragon who was just eating gems with Gale who was explaining in detail about her powers over the weather.

“Why yes, I do like him.”

“I mean do you really love him?” The red fox asked once more.

“Well, I do admit that I always look at him as a little brother, or something close to that. He is special to me.”

“So you have no feelings for him?” Rarity only shook her head.

“Like I said. . .he’s like a little brother I never had.” The fox only nodded listen to the ivory mare. As he finished his cupcake, Frostbite dash to the table, picked up a couple of things, including a cup of fruit punch, and dash back towards the two offering the sweets to her emperor.

“You know you didn’t have to do that Frostbite.” A red magical aura encases the treats and floated towards the fox’s side. “As for Spike. . .let him off easy He has a lot on his mind as it is. And as for your future. . .Not to sound rude or anything, you may want to lower your standards a tad bit.”


“Knowing you’re interested in males. No stallion would want to date someone with high or double standards which you out of your entire life wants. Tall, good looking, must be polite, but not to be polite. In short, you want a stallion that knows how to treat a mare but is also in touch with his emotions, am I right?” This causes the mare jar to drop and the red fox to smirk. “I take your silence as a yes. If you lower your standards and come to a compromise then the perfect stallion(s) will be waiting. . .hell the stallion you want may even be nearby.”

Relocating her jar, Rarity looked around the room. Yajirushi was now talking to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Manto was having a drink with Applejack and Pinkie, while Twilight, Starlight, and Sunburst were having their own conversation.“How would I know if he’s the one?”

“That’s is up for your heart to decide.”

Flashback ends

Rarity was just standing there. The dragon she knew for so long just confessed. She was aware of his crush on her for some time now. She thought it was a childhood crush and he would move on to someone else. But here he was saying those three words that she wanted to hear from someone else.

‘Let him off easy.’ The voice of the nine-tailed fox echo throughout her head. “Spike. We knew each other for a long time. And you’re my friend. But, I don’t feel the same way you feel.” Upon saying this. Spike let out a sighed in defeat. “Please understand that you will always be special in my heart.”

“I understand. Though I might try.” The dragon sounded defeated. He then turned around and walked out of the room. Before Rarity could say anything, the dragon closed the door, leaving her alone.

Spike walked downstairs to the main room only to find Yajirushi sitting down on one of the sofas. A teacup in one hand. On the table were three more cups. Sitting next to the silver fox was a white unicorn wearing white dress no doubt made from Rarity that shows off her curves. Her pink and purple mane rested on her shoulder and to some extending over her dd cup size breast.

“And that is the reason why we foxes are here,” Yajirushi spoke taking another sip of his tea. He was explaining why he and his friends were here leaving out the details on the reason why there were here in the first place.

“Oh. . .well to be honest I never seen a kitsune before. I’m even surprised you’re a part of the royal guard despite you not looking like one? And young to boot.” The mare commented while taking a sip of her tea.

“Thanks, but there are some good looking vixens that are in the 3 til 4 digits and still look like they're in their late 20s. Oh hey, Spike. . .how did the rejection go?” Asked the silver fox with a coy smile. Upon seeing the drake the mare cheeks turn into a crimson red. She did remember him being an adorable small dragon that reaches up to her hips. Now he’s a tall slender and to her handsome. Yajirushi could have sworn he heard someone's heart rate increase.

“S-Sweetie Belle? I thought you'll be with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Gabby?” Spike asked surprised to see the up and coming singing idol here.

“Well, we were in Manehattan for one of Countess Coloratura concerts the other night and caught an early train after helping a colt find his cutie mark.” The jade eyes of the mare scan the dragon up and down. “Growth sport?”

“You could say that.”

Picking up the tray, the silver fox walked out of the main room. “I’ll leave you two alone.”


“Oh snap!” Gale screamed out causing most of the ponies, as well as the emperor, Manto, Twilight, Starlight, and Sunburst to stop in there tracks. Currently, the group was making there way to the spa per Manto request. The nice massage would also help the emperor to clear his mind and figure out what spells his former student place. The visitors change from tactical clothing to a more modern one. “I completely forgot about the Sakura Spring Festival. I told Iwa I was going to meet him in the palace garden.”

“We thought you told him that you were going on royal business?” The black fox asked.

“You do know you can send him a letter...now that I’m thinking about it Bijin is going to kill me when we get back.” Seer just rubbed the back of his head.

“Who? Oh, are more foxes coming?” Ask Pinkie who just appears out behind Twilight, scaring both her, Starlight, Sunburst, Manto and Gale. “And did someone said festival?”

“Sweet rice of Inari. . .do you try to give ponies heart attacks?” The ninja asked clenching his heart.

“Well. . .there was this one time when we throw a big big big surprise party of Shining Armor and Cadence Anniversaire. . .and we were all in this giant cake and.” As Pinkie continued but was silents by a violet bubble that forms around the mare’s head.

“Well yes.” Twilight nervously chuckling remembering the ordeal. So many frosting. “Anyway, I believe it an event that happens every year during spring where Cherry Blossoms bloom. Am I right?”

“Oh, I heard about them. . .from Mistmane. . .she said it a tree that blooms once every year for a week. There are some in the crystal gardens.” Sunburst spoke, remembering the plants. “Oh um me Starlight, took Flurry into the gardens.”

“Yep, but not to slope or anything, but who is this Bijin? Is she your girlfriend or something.” Starlight asked with a soft grin on her face, wanting to any juicy details on the emperor. Before Seer could speak, Gale beat him to the punch.

“Lady Bijin is the most beautiful vixen in the land. And the best geisha of them all. Heck if I wasn’t into dragons I wouldn’t mind sleeping with her.” This causes all parties to blush, including the emperor. “However she’s Seer Dono’s concubine.”


So this will be an A/N: I wrote out this chapter over a year ago, and never posted it. In fact, this chapter isn't even halfway finished, I have some much plan for this story, and this would be my longest story yet. Life is a bitch. Also, I lost all interested in not only continuing this story but the fandom as a whole. I still am writing fanfiction since A; I was bored and B: I found a new interest in The Loud House. Will I post my works over in Fanfiction.net? Maybe, And only the ones I completed which is the two stories that are on here. You know in Highlight I should have had posted my work there years ago. Anyway, I'm on the other site check out some of my work there if you want. It's the name only without the star. But other then that, this will be my last post on this site. Also Why and I tell the readers this here instead of my Blog?

More people will read it here? I don't know. I just won't delete this account since I been on here for over seven+ years when the time I wrote this. So there's that.

On that note do not. I repeat do not pm me on here or on Discord to have this or any other story I have. The answer is No. I do not care if it's your birthday, Christmas, or any holiday. You will not get this or any other MLP story I wrote.

Crisis Novastar Not saying goodbye, but see you later, and keep reading and making wonderful stories.

Comments ( 4 )

Ok, sad ends like this when the ideas and narrative and I understand that you have to be horny and continue with the story and see where it goes

Comment posted by NasihaBrony deleted Jun 11th, 2020

Really great story, and I absolutely LOVE how the cover art looks

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