• Published 18th May 2019
  • 2,883 Views, 23 Comments

Among the Kitsune - Crisis Novastar

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Chapter Three: Nature Vs Nurture

Chapter Three

The Battle Between Nature and Nurture

Everfree Forest was known as a dangerous place where creatures such as timberwolves, manticore, cocktrice, and other predatory animals roamed and called it their home. If one wasn’t careful when they intrude the forest, the unfortunate victim would become lunch for one of these dangerous beasts. However, such dangers didn’t give the Everfree its name. In fact, the very nature of the forest seemed to refuse to allow ponies to have control. The clouds moved on their own, the plants seem to come to life, and not to mention the animals that lurked within the forest. Ironically, despite the sun’s rays revealing the lush green of the forest, a dark presence lingered.

Over the years however the ponies became less scared of the forest but remained cautious of the predators that lurked within the forest. This seemed to be the case with Spike. The small purple and green dragon was practically dragged out of bed by a grey dragoness ninja who insisted they get an early start, much to his dismay. He was still able to make breakfast for the two ponies that lived in the castle before leaving though, cooking a stack of banana flavored pancakes for Starlight and a batch of sweet potato muffins for Twilight, and a pot of coffee.

The group save for Spike wore a black leather tactical suit that clung to there body for added movement. Gale was standing by the door with Manto, Yajirushi, and Seer. All of them save for Spike wore a belt that held a couple of hunter’s knives, throwing knives, a compact hunting bow, and a canteen of water.

Yajirushi was the only one carrying a backpack which held pots, pans, a couple of spices, and dinnerware such as plates and forks.

Spike just wore a normal purple and green matching shirt and pants.

“I don’t understand why do you guys need to go and this early in the morning to get breakfast. I already made some and it’s waiting in the dining room.” complained the dragon. The sun was already up. Spike normally woke up early then the two mares, to make breakfast for the two.

“It’s simple really,” replied the storm dragon. “the prey we’re hunting are usually up around this time to gather food for the morning. Furthermore, I don’t think the kitsune here can live off of sweets, oats, and other pony foods for long.” The others nodded in confirmation.

“Besides, some of us don’t like eggs,” Manto spoke now having his mask removed.

“Don’t worry, we also brought some some pancakes mix, oil and a pan, along with some fuirts.” Yajirushi pointed to the backpack he was carrying.

“Ok then why does he need to go?” the dragon asked pointing to the nine-tailed fox. “Isn’t he like your king? Shouldn’t he and one of you stay here while the others go out to get...‘meat’?” Spike shuddered from the idea of the visitors eating other animals.

“Normally yes, but it’s an good excuse to get out of the castle get some exercise and not having to deal with any boring political stuff.” the emperor replied with a shrug not having the patience necessary to deal with the petty complaints of the nobles.

Seer extended his right hand, channeling his magical energy though the door. The red fox then opened the door, and instead of Ponyville, the door revealed the outside of Everfree Forest.

“Woah, how did you did that?” Spike asked in amazement.

“I’m able to channel a bit chaos magic though the door and when I opens it, it opens the place I want to go.” Seer answered holding his head up in pride. The group walked through the door, which closed behind them before disappearing.

“Alright,” The nine-tailed fox began. “we’re hunting small game today, no Boar or any large creature that lurks in the forest. If you spot a cottage or any small animal running towards the cottage don’t chase it, just turn around and go somewhere else. Yajirushi, take short stuff over here and set up. Gale, Manto, and I will get the food.” Before Spike could reply, the two foxes and dragon leapt into the trees, almost immediately blending in with the forest’s environment.

“So um... you know how to set a camp up?” asked the silver fox.

“Sure do.” Spike gingerly reply.

“Alright then.” The silver fox entered the forest with the little dragon trudging behind him.

“Say, can I ask you something, um...?” The small dragon asked while trailing off at his name.

“Yajirushi, and you already did,” the silver fox replied with a grin.

“That’s not what I meant,” Spike said while stifling a laugh, “I was wondering what made you want to work with a guy who seemingly knows everything?”

“Hmm...” The silver fox shrugged and said. “I honestly can’t answer that. I mean, sure I’m his friend, and personal guard and it seems very irrelevant for Seer Dono to have guards when he knows what’s going to happen in a 24 hour period and how to avoid it if necessary. Though... there are some instances where his predictions are wrong.”

“Heh, and here I thought he was perfect,” Spike chuckled.

“Hah, hell no he isn’t! God or not, he isn’t perfect. From what I know, he’s made plenty of mistakes.” Yajirushi stated. “In fact there are some foxes still believe he’s a virgin which isn’t true.”

“Pffft ha that the same with some of the ponie- Wait, he’s a god? Like Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight?” the purple dragon asked once again in bewilderment.

“I don’t know about the last two, but yes.” Yajirushi chuckled. Once he found a clearing, the fox set his bag down. “Mind getting some wood for the fire?” The samurai begin to set up. Spike just sighed and did what he was asked.

Meanwhile back at the castle of friendship.

Dear princess of friendship,

I heard yesterday from your assistant that he has neglected his growth into a mature dragon. Part of it is your fault seeing that you’re friends with Ryujinn Ember, and I’m sure she would have informed you about his growth. I understand that eating meat is taboo in your lands, but every creature has a diet requirement in order to grow healthy including Spike. Also, gems can only do so much, so we’re taking him with us to the forest with us for breakfast. Don’t worry, he’ll be safe with us.

Feeling sorry for dragging your assistant out of bed,
Gale of The Stormy Skies

PS: The princess of the sun is also at fault.

Upon reading Gale’s letter, Twilight sighed. She had always wondered why Spike hadn’t grown as much as other dragons she had seen. Maybe it was her own fault for now seeing this. Pony life really did affect his growth in more ways than one. She always resorted to going to either Ember or Smolder to answer any dragon related questions. She thought Ember was busy ruling over the dragons, and Smolder, being her adviser, was busy as well. With that in mind, she figured it would be good for Spike to go with them. At least he made some breakfast for her and Starlight.

Back in the forest.

Spike was flying for his life from a manticore that he had just stumbled across while gathering firewood. The combination of a lion, scorpion, and bat was looking for food and naturally saw the small dragon as a tasty treat. Spike bobbed, weaved, and on some occasion, avoided trees. The beast however, was able to keep up with the flying dragon by moving around the trees, only for some of the tree branches to slow the manticore down.

Taking the opportunity, Spike flew into a hollow tree and hid there while still holding the firewood he had collected. The manticore slowly inched closer toward its prey. Once near, it raised its paw, ready to take out the tree where his meal hid.

“Here, kitty kitty kitty,” a voice rang out, gaining the beast’s attention. When the manticore turned its head, an arrow made of green magical energy suddenly hit its head, causing a small explosion powerful enough to send the beast flying a couple of yards. It raise to his paws, growling at it attacker.

“That was your one and only warning beast. The next one is going right through you. . .so I would suggest looking for your meal somewhere else, unless you don’t want live.” Yajirushi said threateningly while having his bow out and another arrow of the same green magical energy aimed right for the manticore’s head. With a loud roar, the beast charged, causing the fox to sigh at it foolishness.

“I warned ya...” he said as he let go of the string, sending the arrow flying toward its destination. Instead of blowing up upon contact like the last arrow, this one went right through the manticore’s head and exited through the back, leaving a massive hole behind. The beast slid along the dirt ground, only stopping a yard away from the silver-furred archer. The heat of the magical energy that was released, caused the wound to cauterize, stopping the blood from pouring down into the ground.

“You can come on out now Spike, it’s dead.” Yajirushi called out.

Spike popped his head out of the tree and gasped at the sight. A corpse of a manticore with a hole in its head and its body laying still at the fox’s paws. This was the first time the small dragon had seen the corpse of another animal. Of course, there were a few times when he helped Fluttershy bury some of her critters, but all of them were in boxes.

“And...” Yajirushi spoke knowing what was about to happen. Spike turned his head threw up all over the ground. “...there it is.” he finished, knowing anyone who wasn’t prepared to witness death at first hand would either gag, puked or fainted at the sight. This also include the citizens of this land, save for the guard.“You alright there?”

“Besides nearly being breakfast for a manticore and seeing it killed right in front of my eyes, I’ve been through worse...” Spike stated sarcastically.

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet...” Yajirushi said in a low tone that Spike couldn’t hear. “Come on, the others are waiting.” With a nod, the two went back to the campsite.

“So how did you know I was being chased? Don’t tell me, Seer told you?” Spike guessed, only for the silver fox to chuckle.

“Nah, he was still out when I heard you crying like a baby.” he recounted earning a glare from the small dragon. “I thought it was a timberwolf or something, but it turned out to be some kind of lion with wings and a poison scorpion tail.”

“Actually, it’s called a manticore.” Spike corrected him.

“Right, manticore. Knowing you don’t possess the strength to take one on ‘yet’. I felt I had to intervene.”

Spike held his head before raising it and looking at the fox. “Thanks a lot,” he said before realizing what he said. “Wait, what do you mean ‘yet’?”

“Well... dragon's your age should be able to take down this manticore, and other creatures twice your size with little to no problem.” Yajirushi replied.

“So you were going to let me get eaten?!” Spike asked stopping in his tracks.

“Not really, dude.” the silver fox then placed his hand under his chin, then stopped. “Actually, I couldn’t get a clean kill shot because you were bobbing and weaving between the trees, nice agility there by the way kid.” Yajirushi copmanted.

“W-Well thanks...” Spike said with a blush. Flapping his wings, the little dragon took off and over toward the silver fox who placed his bow on his back and walk towards the camp site.

“So what took you two so long?” asked the dragoness floating over the two. “We’ve been waiting for you for like two hours!”

“It’s only been a two minutes!” snarled Manto.

Yajirushi did set up the camp. Inside their little campsite was three fire pits with stones circling around them to prevent the flames from escaping. There were two stainless steel pans over two fire pits, and a pot over the other one. The flames danced around the wood, keeping whatever was inside the pot boiling. And a table that held berries and a large bowl filled with pancake mix ready to be poured. And a cup filled with maple syrup.

Seer was standing there holding three well sizable rabbits by the ear in a comedic fashion. Each of them kicking and screaming. Manto was sharpening his blade, against the stone.

“I remember it differently. Like how I got the firewood and stuff like that.” The dragoness lower her eyes. “I bet you were you was off chasing some monster out there while getting firewood? And have the nerve to bring Spike along. What if something happen to him. You have no idea what Twilight or Celestia would do to us if we return and he was missing a scale.”

“I was the one being attacked. . .Yajirushi.” The little dragon paused, remembering what the silver fox did to the manticore. “Was there to save me.” Spike finished and looked up at the silver fox, who just grinned.

“Well I’m glad you’re ok little buddy.” The dragoness smiled. Seer just sighed and encased two bunnies in a red aura and floated one over to Manto.

“You sure this is enough for five? Maybe we should had gotten a boar instead.” The black fox asked, to which Seer nodded.

“It should be enough for the five of us...and Frostbite. Beside where would we keep the leftovers of the boar?” Seer shrug. Then addressed Spike “Alright little guy, you might want to turn away.”

“I can handle it.” Spike said reassuring himself.

“I highly doubt that, but if you ever feel the need to puke in about a couple of minutes, please go over to those bushes.” warned Seer. “You may begin Manto.”

With a grin, the black fox placed the bunny down while using his shadows to keep the its limbs pinned. He took out his knife and raised it over his head, ready to end its life.

“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! RELEASE THOSE POOR BUNNIES THIS INSTANT!!!” Fluttershy yelled to the top of her lungs, forcing the foxes to cover their ears. This caused Seer and Manto to lose concentration in there spells and set the bunnies free from there prison, allowing them to run behind the pegasus.

“How could you? Twilight told us you foxes were friendly, but how can you be friendly if you bully poor, innocent bunnies? What did they ever do to you?!” she demanded.

Shaking his head, Seer turned to Manto, “I’m inclined to agree with the Element of Kindness. We’re not barbarians like those damn diamond mutts. We’re better than that.” The reprimanding caught the ninja off guard. “You should’ve put it to sleep first before killing it.” The fox then turned to Fluttershy, who was staring intensely at the group and Spike who covered his eyes. “And there’s a difference between bullying and killing. Not to mention that we’re hungry.”

“Well I’m sorry but you can’t eat these bunnies.” Fluttershy firmly stated.

“Give us a reason why?” Seer asked with his head tilted to the side. “And don’t say they’re cute unless you want to annoy us.” he added as if knowing what the butterscotch pegasus would say.

“Well there’s other food you can eat beside the animals in the forest, like in Sugarcube Corner.” Fluttershy said hoping they won’t harm the bunnies. “That is if you want to.”

“Indeed, but if you haven’t noticed, we’re not ponies. And we still have this dragon’s stunted growth to deal with.” Seer stated. “So is there any other reason?”

“If you want, I could find you guys some fish, or I have some eggs you can cook. We also have protein substitutions so you wouldn’t have to-” the mare began only for her to be stopped by the nine tailed fox.

“Just stop, please.” Seer placed his fingers between his eyes and pinched the bridge slightly. “For starters, protein substitutes don’t do much in our diet and we don’t want to be starving throughout the entire week and a half. Also, unless we’re on an island with no inhabitants, we’re not eating fish.”

“Well I can’t just let you eat those bunnies. There must be something you want without harming the animals here,” pleaded the yellow mare.

“So what you’re saying is that you’re denying us of our breakfast?” the silver fox added.

“It looks like it.” Manto said a bit disappointedly.

“No, no, there are other options for you to eat. There’s no need to harm the critters here.” Pleaded the shy mare once more. This only made the group sighed.

“... Alright, what do you offer. We don’t eat ponies... we could, but that’s not really recommended.” Seer shrugged and looked at Fluttershy. He then turned to the dragon who still had his eyes closed. The emperor notice and just rose a brow at this.

“I didn’t want to do this but you force me to do this...” Fluttershy used her stare on the group. Her eyes only grew in intensity. The foxes and storm dragon just looked at the mare indifferently.

“Umm, Spike, what is she doing?” The dragoness whisper with her head tilted to the side. “She’s just staring at us.”

“She’s using the stare.” purple dragon replied with his eyes still shut tight.

“The stare?” the red fox asked somewhat amused. “It look more like intimidations to me.”

“It’s something Fluttershy came up with to make her animal friends behave.” Explained the purple dragon. “She only uses it when something or someone misbehaves or bullies someone.”

“Or something she doesn't agree with?” Asked the red fox, not phased by this stare the mare was giving them.

The teal eyes met with Fluttershy’s green blue eyes. Before the red fox could speak, Yajirushi beat him to it. “Please stop staring, it’s beginning to creep me out...” the silver fox cried out. When Fluttershy refused, his knees grew stiff and his body froze in fear. “Please stop!”

“Just close your eyes, genius.” Manto said looking away from the mare and towards his comrades. “Also, you’re a part of the royal guard. You’ve face Oni, Kappa, Shisa, Goryo, and other monsters that threaten the the royal family. And you’re telling us that you can’t handle a stare from a pony?”

“In my defense, I’ve never faced what you old timers have centuries ago,” retorted the silver archer who had closed his eyes.

“Alright, you can stop now Miss Shy. Your stare isn’t going to work against us.” the nine tailed fox spoke crossing his arms. “Except maybe on Yajirushi.”

“You sure about that?” asked the yellow mare in a strained voice.

“Well the thing is and I’m being honest here , the stuff you face were mere child’s play compared to the eldritch abominations we had to deal with on a daily basis.” Seer shivered, thinking of all the monsters and vengeful spirits he had to deal with. Not to mention the nightmares he and a special unit had to endure. “Besides, it’s already nine in the morning and I haven’t even had my cup of coffee or eaten breakfast. . .So with that said...” Seer snapped his fingers and time itself froze in place except for the nine tailed fox. He walked over and grabbed the three bunnies that stood behind the pegasus’ leg. He then walked over to where Manto was and opened the palm of the black fox’s hand before wrapping it around the rabbit’s ears.

Seer then chanted a few words before snapping his fingers once more, letting time resume. Once it did, the bunny that was in the ninja’s hand fell asleep as well as the two he was holding. “Manto, please prepare the meat,” the nine-tailed fox commanded, much to Fluttershy’s horror and confusion.


“Oh, I stopped time... You might want to turn away or use that bush over there.” he suggested pointing towards the bush a few yards away from the camp. Before Fluttershy could protest, Manto plunged the shark knife he held into the bunny’s throat. That was the last thing he did before feeling a something press up against his muzzle. Manto flew back only to perform a backflip, sticking his fingers and paws to the ground.

“Ow ow ow ow ow ow!” Before the black fox could retort, he saw a yellow hoof coming right at his face. He had enough time to avoid the strike by ducking his head.

“Whoa there!” the ninja exclaimed catching the mare with his hand, only to winch in pain when he felt something striking him in his... family jewels.

“FFFF-!!” The black fox went down riding in pain. He then looked up only to see a very pissed off yellow pegasus mare wearing a green sleeveless sweater and a long pink skirt.

All parties were surprised, especially Gale and Yajirushi. A pony of all creatures was able to take down a highly trained ninja guard with hundreds of years of experience with a single punch and kick.

Seer made a mento note to review the training of his guard when he gets back.

“Always the quiet ones...” Seer spoke in amazement, only to catch and stop a knife traveling at high speeds with his index and middle fingers with the blade mere inches from his head. His ocean blue eyes gazed at the one who threw the knife. “You do realize what you’ve done, right?” he asked the angry mare. Before Fluttershy could move, she felt a sudden hard kick to the gut which sent her back flying to a tree. Before she could get up, the tips of a couple of arrows made out of silver magical energy price though the shy mare clothing and embedded themselves in the tree behind her.

“I will not stand by and let you hurt those poor animals!” she yelled standing up only to have the blades of two swords press against her neck. Her eyes stared at the grey scaled dragoness and the still recovering black fox with anger and hate in their eyes “You may think we’re okay with you and your guard coming here and bullying the animals before eating and I’m sorry, but you’re in the wrong land mister. If you want to eat then you have to get your food somewhere else!” Fluttershy yelled at the top of her lungs.

The red nine-tailed fox just rolled his eyes. Fluttershy was about to move, but the blades dug a bit deeper, slowly drawing blood.

“Try and move bitch and we’ll remove your fucking head from your shoulders.” the dragoness growled, surprising Spike.

“You’re lucky we don’t kill you right here and now.” Manto whom quickly recover from his assaulted added with Yajirushi aiming his energy made arrow right at the yellow mare’s head, sending her into too much of a panic to use her stare.

She didn’t realize the how harsh the nine-tailed fox’s guard would respond.

“And now because of you just try to kill me, you just caused an international incident.” Seer sighed. “Spike, I’m sorry but can you bring Princess Sparkle here? Yajirushi, find Frostbite and bring her up to speed. Gale, get Princess Celestia. If they said she’s busy. . . Which she really isn’t, and if the guards try to stop you, knock them out, then tell her what happen and a reason as to why you assaulted her guard.”

With a nod, the dragoness was gone in a flash while Spike just looked at his shy friend with sadness, before flying back to the castle.

Manto pulled Fluttershy up and tossed her to the ground. Her shadow appeared to grow larger and larger. Hands began to form and drag her into the darkness kicking and screaming.

Both foxes waited until the air around them turn colder. “WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!?” screamed an angry arctic fox. Her clear white katana which shone in the light of the sun sliced through the air. “How dare she attack Seer Dono over some fucking bunnies! And why didn’t you kill her for doing such thing!”

“And what would you have us tell the princesses, that we killed an animal loving bitch that prevented us from eating breakfast and attacked us?!” yelled Manto all while clenching his crotch. “Besides, I have her trapped in Naraku no rōgoku.

“Um Nara what now?” asked a now worried Applejack who had just arrived.

“It means Prison of the Abyss. And that’s where she’s staying until this matter is resolved.” Manto explained in a firm tone despite the pain he was feeling. The yellow eyes slid to the left, then the black fox leaned back, letting a rainbow blur pass him. The ninja grab the leg of the pegasus and tossed her to the ground, making her skid across the dirt. Getting back up, Rainbow, who was wearing a black sports bra and matching shorts, tried to charge at the black fox again only to be held down by her shadows once more.

“Let her go you freaks!” Rainbow yelled.

“Let go of a pony who tried to killed the ruler of a foreign land? Yea not very likely.” Manto replied. Before he could say anything, Twilight, along with Spike, Starlight, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity soon arrived as well. Starlight’s horn glowed an electric blue aura. Its shine casting the shadows away. With Rainbow free, she charged at the black fox once again, only to be stopped by a red aura. All eyes stared to the crimson fox with his right hand extending and covered in the matching crimson aura.

“I would greatly appreciate it if you don’t attack my guard.” Seer warner as he released Rainbow from his hold.

“Mind tell me what’s going on, and where is Fluttershy?” the princess asked worriedly.

“We have that shy bitch in a prison of darkness.” Gale spoke in a low growl. Hearing this, Rainbow Dash was about to move and tackle the dragoness but was stopped by a violet light provided by Twilight.

“Rainbow Dash.” Seer began. “I understand you’re upset, but your friend did commit a crime. And if you so much as to strike me or any of my guard, I will consider this not only an act of aggression, but an act of war, and you will be the first to feel my wrath.”

“Challenging one of the Fates Rainbow Brash? As entertaining as that would be, I would highly reconsider it if I were you. You just have no idea the things he’s capable of doing.” An voice spoke in the distance. Looking up, a creature could be seen sitting on a pink cloud while munching on popcorn. It had a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He has the arm of a lion, and a claw of an eagle, he also had a right leg of a lizard, and a left leg of a goat. In addition, he had a bat's wing on the right, a pegasus wing on the left, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of his body resembled that of a snake.

Teleporting from his cloud seat, the creature appeared right before Rainbow Dash, placing an arm over her shoulders. All while showing the cyan pegasus action figures of her and the nine-tailed fox in fighting stances with the latter beating the former “Fox boy here can, and will, ruin both your life and afterlife. Oh, and to put the cherry on top of the cake.”he said while placing a cherry atop a cake showing Rainbow and Seer in various combat positions, “If he wanted, he could easily erase you from existence entirely.” The creature grinned.

“Discord. It’s been a while.” Seer spoke narrowing his eyes.

“Why yes it has, little Seer.” The Draconequus disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared in front of Seer with a pair of binoculars, staring at the fox. “I see time has been kind to you. Not surprising, since you own it. And I must say how is that fine vixen that is your mother doing?”

“If you said you did her, I swear will in prison you myself.” Seer reply. “But other than that, she’s okay. And how about your cousin, Princess Eris?”

“Oh she’s doing good. Now that that’ formalities are out of the way.” Discord said as he pulled out a pair of goofy looking shards seemingly from out of nowhere. They suddenly began emitting a bright light that blinded everyone except Discord and Seer with the latter closing his eyes. Once the light dimmed, Celestia was standing there in all her glory.

“Release her.” Seer ordered, to which Manto nodded. He placed his hand on his shadow, causing it to expand. Slowly, the yellow-coated, pink-maned mare rose from the shadows. Her arms, and legs chained in black like shackles, her wings bonded in three black leather straps. She squinted her eyes once the rays of the sun hit her. Once she adjusted to the light, she only saw a disappointed look on her friend, and a displeased look on Celestia’s face with a hint of anger.

“Explain.” the princess of the sun demanded both harshly and bluntly.

“T-T-T-T-They were about to k-k-kill three innocent b-b-bunnies and feed them to Spike...” the shy mare said weakly. Celestia looked over at Seer.

“Is this true?” she asked with a frown on her face

“It is.” Seer replied casually, Much to the others disgusts, all but Twilight. “Just like what Gale said when she and Spike spoke, living amongst ponies has affected his growth. Also, because he been living with ponies for so long, he suppressed his dragonic nature, which is part of a dragon’s biology.” His eyes then turned to Celestia. “Which then begs the question, why didn’t you do something about it? You are allies with the western dragons, right? Surely you notice something different about Spike, like why wasn’t he growing? Did you even bother contacting Ember about this problem?” The nine-tailed fox eyed the both Twilight and Celestia who looked down in shame.

“I know you care for Spike, but leaving him small isn’t healthy for him, no matter how cute he may look. What if something happens that is out of your control and none of his friends are around?” Seer sighed softly. This question left both princesses speechless.

There were times when they wondered why Spike wasn’t growing. They knew that dragons lived for a long time and that their growth rate was slow, but they didn’t know that living with ponies was affecting his growth. If they had known, both Celestia and Twilight would have sent Spike to the dragon lands with Smolder for a while so he could learn a bit about dragon culture.

“Anyway, Fluttershy here assaulted my guard and nearly committed regicide.” Seer recounted, “If this was Vulpus Terra, she would most likely either be sentenced to death or worse. However since the crime was committed on Equestrian soil, I don’t have the jurisdiction to pass judgement, so the decision is yours princesses.”

Celestia and Twilight looked down at the bonded mare with sadness and disappointment. The teal eyes of the former looked over at her friend, who other than Rainbow Dash was sharing the same expression. “Fluttershy, what you did was noble, but it was also wrong. You were not only rude to our guests, but instead of making friends, you created an enemy of Equestria. As punishment for your actions, you will first sit and eat with our guests. Afterwards, you will be Seer’s attendant for the duration of his stay here in Equestria.” Celestia continued to speak, but no words came out of her mouth.

Fluttershy blinked as she was suddenly free from her bindings. Twilight Celestia, all her friends,even Discord seem to vanished leaving her alone with Seer, Manto, Yajirushi, Gale, and Spike. Manto was holding the knife to the bunny’s throat. All but the two were still, as if time had stopped.

“This is your future if you choose to act Ms.Fluttershy. And as noble as it is, you of all ponies should understand that animals like me need to prey on others, not only for suavial, but for population control. Too many of one thing is harmful to the ecosystem.” The tails of the fox waved from side to side. “What will you do? Act and attack out of rage, or stand there and let us do what nature attends? The choice is yours. However if you choice to watch, or leave, you have my word no harm will come to your pet bunny, or any animals in your cottage or sanctuary. That also does not mean take every single animal from the forest hide them in your cottage and sanctuary.” he asked as time resumed.

The ninja then moved the knife down, cutting all the way down towards the tail. Lucky for the black fox, the bunny he killed was female so he didn’t have to remove the genitals. From there, Manto began to remove parts from the bunny that weren’t useable like the bladder and intestines.

Once that was done, Manto cut a small hole around the bunny’s anus and pulled it out from the inside of its body. He then rolled it over to drain its blood. This process continued three times with Seer handing the ninja a new body. Once the blood was drained, Gale took the body and began to remove the fur before passing it along with the liver, kidney, and heart towards Yajirushi who added spices and herbs, as well as fat to make the meat taste better and so it wouldn’t stick into the pan.

All the while, Spike and Fluttershy were horrified at what they were witnessing. The brutal murder and skin removal of her animal friends. The sickening aroma of their parts being cooked a company with the scent of pancakes mixed with berries.

She couldn’t just attack the group out of sorrow and revenge, and even if she did, Seer’s guards would subdue and imprison her in darkness. This of course would cause an international incident that would paint Equestria in a bad light.

There was nothing she could do, they intended on having bunnies. Fluttershy knew rabbit’s most famous predators were foxes, which made her worry for Angel’s safety. Seer however did said he wouldn’t harm any animal in her care.

Spike was having it rough. He had to eat the meal the group was preparing. They said it would help him grow, but they had alternatives such as protein pills and even fish, which was meat so he could eat that instead of bunnies. But the aroma of the meat was intoxicating. He always thought of eating some of the animals Fluttershy had, but pushed that to the side since he was her friend.

He was raised by ponies. Ponies don’t eat meat. Being taught their ways, included eating cannibalism wasn’t just immoral, it was just plain wrong. Yet here were three foxes, and a dragon cooking a once living creature so he can eat it.

As Seer predicted, Fluttershy ran over to a nearby bush to throw up the contents she had all over the ground. ‘Glad the wind is blowing the smell away from our meal.’ Seer thought to himself.

When Fluttershy returned, Gale offered her a napkin and a bottle of mouthwash she had by order of Seer, which she accepted without hesitation, and used. “Y-Y-You...” She stumbled over her words after spitting out the minty liquid.

However the nine tailed fox who, with a snap of his fingers, created a polish wooden table and chairs with cushions to add comfort to their rumps cut her off by saying, “Heartless monsters? How could we kill innocent creatures such as bunnies? Well for one, bunnies are a kitsune’s favorite delicately. And it’s not heartless if you really think about it. It’s more of a survival instinct all creatures have. The need to live at any cost in the wild. Sure, foxes are omnivores, but like most..” he paused then winced at the word that was about to come out of his muzzle, “...dogs, our diet mainly consists of meat.”

“Predators exist for population control. Bunnies can reproduce rapidly, and such a large family would mean more food. And if every creature was an herbivore or didn’t eat meat, then we’d either be at war for food, or food itself would be very scarce,” the storm dragon chimed in while setting up the plates. “Being an animal expert, you should already know this,” The ninja then stared at the pink mane mare. “Right?”

Fluttershy didn’t say anything. She was too traumatized from the scene she had witnessed. “I think we broke her,” Gale said waving her hand in front of the mare’s eyes.

“Maybe...” Manto said rubbing the back of his head with his tail. The black tailed fox reached behind his back for his canteen, opened it, and poured the water on his bloodstained hands and fur. “Or maybe she just wasn’t ready to accept the truth.”

“About what?” Yajirushi asked after coming down from the spook that was the stare and taking a seat on the chair. “We’re predators. We eat meat in order to survive. That is the order of nature. And I want the bunny’s liver.” the silver fox called out.

“Hey! You’re not cooking, I am. And you get whatever I’m serving.” Yelled the black fox who was indeed in the middle of cooking the meat while at the same time flipping the pan that held the pancakes.

“Give the dragon the heart.” Seer ordered. “And I’ll take a loin.”

“Hmm, what do we do about the parts we won’t eat milord?” asked the storm dragon.

“Just save some for Frostbite. The rest is going to the little dragon here.” The nine tailed fox sat down on the table, waiting to be served. “Also Fluttershy, you can join us if you want.”

“Yea Manto is also making pancakes.” Gala spoke sitting down on the wooden chair.

It wasn’t long before Manto placed a liver on the plate for Seer, as well as a heart and a couple of shoulders for Spike, a loin and another liver for Yajirushi, and a couple of ribs for Gale. Fluttershy was served a stack of pancakes cover in maple syrup. Though she hesitated at first, Fluttershy picked up her fork and knife, still shivering from the display of brutality she and the purple dragon witnessed. The butterscotch mare gazed at the group who was just eating the cooked bunnies nonchalantly. It was good, but not not as good when Spike or Pinkie makes it.

The purple and green dragon looked at meat before him. He had never imagined he would eat something so vile despite it smelling relatively good. Picking up the heart, Before he could take a bite the dragoness stopped him. “Woah there. Before you take a bite you have to give thanks.”

“Woah give thanks to whom?” The purple dragon asked in confusion. His head tilted to the side.

“It consider disrespectful for not giving thanks to the animal that gave up his life for you too live. And for the ones who brought you food.” Yajirushi said placing his paws together in a pray. Fluttershy was about to say something but swallow the remaining pancake she was eating and follow sult. Along with the others.

“Itadakimasu!” All of them said in unison which surprised the visitors.

“Naghponies?” Seer asked to which Spike and Fluttershy nodded.

The purple and green dragon took a bite and winced at the tender feeling and the sweet yet salty and savory taste of the meat. After taking a small bite, the dragon began to chew it and contemplate the taste before gently swallowing it.

It was then that something within Spike snapped. After taking the first bite, the purple and green dragon began to devour the rest of the heart like a wild animal. When he was done, the dragon wanted more. The nine-tailed fox pointed to the rest of the meat on the plate to which Spike ate it all the more. Fluttershy only watched in horror as the small dragon she knew and called a friend consumed her animal friends. Gale did mention that eating meat would help him grow which she failed to notice, but it was at the cost of her critters. Sons and daughters to a family of the adorable animals that roamed around the Everfree who often visited Fluttershy’s cottage.

She’d never see Spike the same way again. She look at her pancakes that was given to her, then the rest of the group who was eating there meals. Fluttershy hesitantly picked up her fork and sink the four sharp edges into the fluffy goodness of the pancake.

More bunny meat was placed on the smaller dragon’s plate. Spike then looked at Seer before taking a deep breath. “So, um, Seer?” he asked while chewing his food.

“ You know It’s rude to talk with your mouth full, but yes?” the red fox replied only with a grin.

Spike blushed and swallowed before continuing. “Is it true that you’re a god? Like Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight?” the little dragon asked, not noticing he was gradually starting to get bigger.

“A Tenko literally means Celestial fox, so yes. I don’t know about Twilight or this Cadance tho.” Seer replied calmly.

“And you can see the future of everyone?” Spike asked as his growth continued.

Seer raised a brow, but nodded and replied, “Well my name is Seer for a reason.”

“I was wondering,” Spike tapped his claws together, “I have this, um, friend that really likes someone and-”

“Spike...” the red fox interrupted. “I have lived longer than Celestia and Luna, nor was I born yesterday. A lot of creatures have asked me about their coming futures, especially about any crush they may have. I know what you want to ask me so just come out and ask me.” The dragon gulped at the fox’s words, but nodded. All eyes were on him.

“I want to know if there’s a future between me and Rarity!” Spike yelled in a deeper tone than normal.

“There, was that so hard?” Seer chuckled. “Anyway, the answer to you question is that there is.” That simple answer was enough to lighten Spike’s mood. Now he didn’t care if he ate all of the meat here, as long he got the mare of his dreams. “However...” With those words, his hopes were dashed as fast as they came. “The love you want is extremely hurtful and, in some cases... toxic.”

“W-W-What?” The dragon asked out of disbelief.

“She does love you, but only as a friend. Nothing more.” Seer said somberly.

“W-W-What if I said I’m the son of the princess?” Spike clambered desperately, “Surely she would-”

“That would only make it worse for all parties.” the fox interrupted as he stared deep into the dragon’s eyes. “And the longer you fond over her, the more miserable you’ll become. And once you realize she wasn’t the one, it would be too late. Suitable lovers you rejected will have moved on.” Upon saying those words, the dragon was in tears. This was enough for Fluttershy as her attention was now drawn to their conversation and placed her hand on Spike’s shoulder.

“S-S-S-S-So, there’s no chance for me and her to be together?” the dragon asked between sobs.

“There is, but is that what you really want?” The fox asked while his ocean blue eyes started at the dragon. “Remember, the love you want will be a false one, and in the long run you and Rarity will both be miserable. Which will leads in one of you, mostly you getting hurt.”

“What he’s saying is that there are other fishes out in the sea.” Manto replied, taking a bite off his roasted bunny loin. After chewing it he said. “And once you catch one, don’t let go.”

The dragon sniffed and Fluttershy thankfully gave him a napkin to blow his nose. “I-I-It’s going to be hard. I’ve known her for so long.” he sniffled.

“N-N-Nothing is easy Spike...” Fluttershy spoke softly in a motherly tone. “But I’m sure a pony, or dragon, is out there and would love to date you.”

Before Spike could say anything, something soft blinded him. He quickly took it off and looked at it. It was a purple kimono with a lime green sash and a purple hakima.

“Yajirushi, help the dragon put those on,” Seer ordered while finishing his meal. Spike was about to protest until he heard something tearing. He looked down to see his shirt and pants starting to rip from his body. It was then that he noticed how much bigger he had gotten and quickly stood up in surprise. He couldn't believe it as the clothes he was wearing were getting tighter by each second. He felt his feet touching the grass, his tail grow longer, his wings getting bigger, and his spines becoming sharper.

At the moment, he was getting as tall as the current dragon lord.

“Come on, before you rip off your clothes.” Yajirushi said walking behind a tree. Both the purple dragon and yellow mare blushed as Spike rushed to where the silver fox was while being careful to not rip the clothes made for him by Rarity.

When they were gone, Seer snapped his fingers once more, creating a bento lunch box. Getting up from his seat, the nine-tailed fox walked over and began to fill the box with some roasted loins, a few ribs, and a couple of pancakes. “Gale, since you’re the fastest, I task you to give this to Frostbite in Sweet Apple Acres.”

Taking the box, the dragoness nodded at the order and, in a flash of white that left a trail which faded in a second, the dragoness was gone. A few minutes later, the dragoness returned only with her arm covered in ice. “How did you deal with that real stick in the mud fox anyway milord?”

“Please elaborate for us, and why your arm is frozen?” Seer asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well I brought her the food like you said, and told the farmer ponies not to gag since she eats meat. What I didn’t know was that there had a pet dog and said dog smelled the food and chased Frostbite up a tree where she growled. I laughed and then she fired a beam of icy energy at me. I dodged it of course, but it kind of hit my arm. So I ran out of there.” Gale said still giggling at the facial expression the arctic fox made when she saw the dog.

Seer didn’t know how to respond to that. Though he was laughing on the inside, deep down he felt sorry that his guard had to go through such an ordeal. At that moment, Yajirushi and Spike came out from the bushes. The purple and green dragon had changed into the clothing akin to samurai. “So, do I get swords or something?”

“Do you know how to use a sword?” Yajirushi asked chuckling.

“Well, um, Shining Armor and I used to do swordplay when I was younger...” the purple dragon answered embarrassed.

“So I’ll just take that as a no.” the silver fox chuckled.

“You’re a samurai right? So where are your swords?” asked the dragon crossing his arms.

“I don’t use them...” Yajirushi replied.

“Then how can you be a samurai if you don’t use swords?!” the dragon yelled.

“You’re right. How can I be a samurai if I only use bows and arrows?” the silver fox grabbed his crossbow and stared at it. “Well you don’t have to wield a sword in order to become a samurai. One learns it by following Bushido. Or in pony languages, the ways of the samurai.”

“Bushido... like those Japonese mangas?” Fluttershy squealed then covered her mouth. Gale and Yajirushi both had a twinkle in their eyes, much to Seer’s and Manto’s displeasure.

“And here we go.” Seer and Manto commented simultaneously.

“You read manga as well!” Both the silver fox and storm dragon rush over to the shy mare and bombarded her with questions such as Cupcake Wars, Navy Moon, Noodle 1/2, Revolt Mare Utena, Neon Exodus Evangelion, and the main streams Ninto, Detergin, and Bit Piece. She was able to answer them, and tell them her favorite manga.

The conversation the three had continued. “Well I’ll put out the fire.”Seer said and snap his fingers. The campfire disappeared along with the pans. “And done.”

“Where’d you put them?” Spike asked.

“Oh, someplace special...” replied Seer with a confident smirk on his face.

Vulpus Terra Palace Kitchen

Kori was a eight-tailed white female fox who worked in the palace kitchen since Hourglass rule. As the palace head chef she was responsible for preparing food for the royal family as well as their guests. Whether it be a formal gathering, a party, or the famous holiday ‘Kansha-sai’ dinner. Thankfully, Kori had a team of well known chefs behind her.

With the emperor gone on his diplomatic mission/vacation, Kori was happy that he left. This give her the time she needed to make more recipes. That and she gave her team a little vacation. She was in the kitchen alone reading various suggestions on the new menu from her staff for when he returned when her ears picked up upon hearing a series of loud clangs. Closing her book, she walked over to the source and was surprised to see a pot and two pans in one of the three sinks.

“Oh for the love of Inari!” The white vixen screamed.