• Published 2nd Apr 2019
  • 5,585 Views, 89 Comments

Little Colt in big everfree - The Cowardly Christian

A young colt lives in the Everfree forest. Naturally the Mane six want to save him and get him back to his designated mare!...but what if he didn't need saving? The mane 6 are in for a nasty surprise!

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Chapter 2

Little Colt in Big Everfree




Things more or less went by at a normal pace in Ponyville. Twilight experienced the ups and downs of friendship...but her life had more or less gone into a steady rhythm...

A rhythm that would soon be disrupted rather abruptly...

The trouble would start after the whole Zecora... 'misunderstanding'. Twilight was rather ashamed of how she'd misjudged the nice Zebra. So among other things she was in her hut getting to know her better...

"I must say Zecora, I don't know how you can stay in a place as unnatural as Everfree. I could never do it, you must be very brave!" Exclaimed Twilight complimentary.

Zecora smiled, "Lack of will is not what you lacked, was it not Nightmare moons snout that you once whacked?" She rhymed happily.

Twilight smiled, "Oh, I could never have done that without my friends!" She briefly considered mentioning that blue colt as well...but Celestia had asked her to leave that part out until they knew more about who he was and why he did what he did...

Zecora again smiles, "Your modesty becomes you, something I wish a certain blue colt would emulate. But I-

"Wait, blue colt? Where?" Interrupts Twilight quickly.

Zecora smiles, "A most amusing and stubborn foal my neighbor in the Everfree is, many of the things he says and dose leaves my all a tiz."

Twilight gaped in horror, "There's a COLT living in the Everfree?!"

Zecora just shrugs, "Yes, but do not worry unicorn of Purple, he is quite clever and-

But Twilight ran out of the hut before she could finish that rhyme...she needed to get the girls fast!


"Alright, so Zecora made it sound like he was close by...so let's focus on the area around her hut first..." Said Twilight as she led the group forward.

"I can't believe Zecora knew about a young colt living in the Everfree but did nothing about it!" Exclaimed Rarity.

Twilight nodded, every mare learns as a filly that most colts can't take care of themselves. This wasn't unfounded racism like with Zecora, there was a reason why mares outnumbered stallions...it's because most of the stallions kept getting themselves killed!

In fairness, there were some exceptions...the likes of Fancy pants, Filthy Rich, her brother and Big Mac came to mind. But most colts were incapable of surviving on their own! and this didn't get much better for most of them as they grew up.

'Expendable background characters,' as Pinkie Pie would enigmatically refer to them in a sadly resigned way.

As a result, every family had a 'designated mare'. A mare that's acknowledged by the law as the person who has 'power of attorney' over all other family members(especially the colts and stallions)...

In addition to that, most colts were paired up to a filly at a young age to make sure said colt didn't get himself killed.

Twilight had had no time for such 'silly things' as a young foal and had focused exclusively on her studies...still, she understood the importance of the whole system.

They figured this would be easy...but several hours went by with no sign...then Fluttershy asked around and a mouse told her that a blue colt lived in a fort within walking distance of the west side of Zecora's hut.

Rainbow Dash was skeptical of this as she'd done aerial reconnaissance all over that area and hadn't seen any buildings, nevermind a fort.

But using the mouses instructions...they find the fort...

"Wow, he painted it to look like the surrounding area and added foliage to it so even Pegasus couldn't find it. Very clever." Admitted Twilight impressed.

"I don't care how clever his designated mare is, I'm going to give her a firm talking to raising a colt in this horrid place!" Shouts Rarity indignantly!

Twilight frowns at that statement but says nothing, she just looks ahead as she and her friends step forward to the fort-



The girls turn to see Rarity scream in pain, her white fur now stained in-

"BLOOD!?" Screamed everypony else in horror. Indeed, A very well hidden bear-trap had snapped Rarity's leg clean off. blood everywhere.

Hero's they maybe...but like most ponies they were ordinarily rather insulated from such morbid things-


So naturally they're first instinct was to vomit...Rainbow Dash and Applejack actually fainted. A queasy Twilight tried to fight her nausea and head to Rarity to heal her-


And that's when she snagged the trip wire-


Weird nozzles popped down from the trees that sprayed a strange green fire that only burnt the mares but not the forest.


Screamed all the mares as their fur burst into flames...

Despite being in pain, they manage to see a sign that points to the lake-

Still screaming and sobbing in pain, the girls run in that direction-


Went the rash weed as it's pollen mystically survived the fire and gave them rashes on top of everything else-


Went the Sting grass as it's thorns tore into them, again without setting fire themselves-


Went the Shock Shrubs-


Went the Scorpion Cactus-


Went the Mare Six as they finally jumped into the lake-


Went the lake as it was revealed to actually have been a mystically distilled liquid designed to make the fire WORSE...





Dipper groans as he steps out of the shower, "Never fails; I step into the bath, I FINALLY get comfortable... and the freaking perimeter alarm goes off...AGAIN!" He grumbles as he hastily wraps a towel around his waist as he goes to deal with the 'intruders'...



Author's Note:



On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publisher, also available at Amazon, Inkitt and BarnesandNoble.



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If you want to see more, go to my fanfiction account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5874134/The-Cowardly-Christian-du911


AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas? Or maybe bribe me on my Patreon account

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