• Published 2nd Apr 2019
  • 5,584 Views, 89 Comments

Little Colt in big everfree - The Cowardly Christian

A young colt lives in the Everfree forest. Naturally the Mane six want to save him and get him back to his designated mare!...but what if he didn't need saving? The mane 6 are in for a nasty surprise!

  • ...

Chapter 1

Little Colt in big everfree



Nightmare Moon laughed, those foolish mares might've beaten her trials! Now they were walking right into her trap! Soon they and the elements of harmony would be vanquished AND HER NIGHT WOULD RULE FOREVER!

And then she felt it...the familiar feeling of someone asleep...and nearby?

Nightmare Moon frowned at that, they were in the middle of the Everfree forest...who could possibly be asleep?

Curious and seeing she still had time before those mares showed up, she investigated.

To her surprise she found a little blue colt sound asleep in the old library. several books scattered around him, clearly he'd been reading them.

Nightmare Moon scratched her head with a hoof confused, "How on earth did this little colt get out here all by himself? Clearly his family's designated mare has been negligent!" She snorted that last bit with disgust.

She then shrugs, "Well, whatever. I'll take him home after I'm done here. And as long as she forsakes Celestia and swears allegiance to me I'll let her off with just a warning."

She thinks to herself, "Hmmm...I still have some time, I should probably go inside his dream and see if I can find some clue where his home actually is."

And with that she attempts to open a door into his dream realm and go through it-


Nightmare Moon screamed! all of the darkness within Luna was forcibly sucked out of her and into one of the books surrounding the colt.

Dipper Pines 'woke' up with a smile, "Worked like a charm." He opens up the fake book he had beside him to reveal a dream catcher of his own design which now contained the essence of Nightmare Moon.

"Sweet! This'll be useful! Better scram before Celestia or anyone else shows up...but first..."

A woozy Luna slowly woke up and saw the little colt walk up to her, "Well, hello there little one! Thank you for restoring me! Did your family's designated Mare help you put this together? If so, I want to say thank-

A now somewhat annoyed Dipper slapped a collar on her neck, Luna's eye's widen in disbelief.

"Wha- What is this?" Asked the Alicorn Princess confused. "Oh, just some assurance that you won't ever become Nightmare Moon again...if you do, it'll blow up killing you. Oh, and FYI. I have no designated Mare, this was ALL me."

"WHAT!?" Screamed Luna in panic, But Dipper had already jumped out a nearby window. Luna, still weak from her 'exorcism' took awhile to get to the window, she quickly saw it was facing toward Ponyville.

"He must've headed back into town!" Exclaimed Luna as she stumbled her way out of the castle and desperately tried to navigate the forest in her weakened state...

...it never occurred to her that the little colt would head AWAY from civilization and FURTHER into the Everfree Forest.

Dipper watched all this from his hidey-hole, and smirked as he headed back to his 'home'.


Meanwhile the mane 6...were at a loss to what to do...after much trial and error(or just gathering in a circle and getting to know each other better to releave their boredom) Twilight was eventually able to figure out how to activate the elements and bring about the sixth element- HER element...but now...now they had no idea what to do next.

...they'd sorta just assumed that when they got the elements Nightmare Moon would simply appear and attack them...But they'd been her for hours...and nothing...kind of a letdown really...

Princess Celestia would be equally confused when she finally showed up. "Why hasn't Luna attacked? She obviously set up tricks and traps to ensnare them in the forest, so she had to be nearby...this doesn't make any sense!"

It is then she gets a message about a confused alicorn stumbling out of the forest, claiming to be her sister...and that she was wearing a BOMB!?

Frantically Celestia teleported herself and the Mane 6 to her location.

After a still panicky Luna explains what happened, Celestia tries to get the collar off...only to find it impossible to remove! Even for her!

Applejack scowls, "What kind of mare would force a little colt to do something so dangerous?!" She snapped angrily.

Twilight frowned, "Wait, I thought he said that he did it himself-

"Oh, come now dear. Little foals are always exaggerating things like that, best pay it no mind." Said Rarity dismissively.

Watching from afar...Dipper was annoyed by the dismissal...except for the purple one...she was the only one who didn't seem completely sold on a Mare being behind him...

"Well...one mare thinking higher of me is a step up I guess." Admitted Dipper with a sigh as he walks back into Everfree...


It had been a week or so since Twilight had moved to Ponyville to be around her new friends, still no word on the whereabouts of the little colt that slapped that seemingly unmovable collar on Princess Luna's neck.

...although Twilight couldn't help but feel this might be because the police were more focused on finding the colt's 'designated mare' rather than the actual colt...now although Twilight was reluctant to just take a little colt on his word alone...she also couldn't help but feel that just outright dismissing him wasn't the way to go either...

But Princess Celestia told her to just focus on her friendship lessons, so she supposed that would just have to be a conundrum for another day...

But TODAY the only conundrum she wanted to solve was the mystery of how many apples she could help Applejack buck! YAAY!


Twilight looked over concerned as Spike came down with a nasty cough, sparks flying everywhere. "Spike?! You okay? What's wrong?"

Spike gagged, "COUGH! -Celestia- WHEEZE! -Message- RETCH! -Coming in rough!" And Spike retched out a...chair and alchemist tools?

Twilight looked at this confused, "What the- Why would Celestia send me this?" She said outloud.

However Spike being in rough shape took priority. She rushed him to the hospital and in her concern, completely forgot about what happened and went about her day...


Dipper looked confused, one moment he was tinkering with some ancient dragon bones...the next it temporarily gets engulfed in flames, his chair and several tools got sucked up...and now he had two gala tickets?

Dipper shrugged and eagerly picked up the tickets, "Alright, I know some people who could get me a couple thousand bits for each of these bad boys..."


Celestia frowned, "I don't understand...Twilight should have sent a letter complaining about how few tickets I sent by now..." After the day ends and still no word, Celestia doesn't have anymore time to spare on this, she had a country to run and a sister to DE-bomb after all!

Writing off the friendship lesson as a loss she just sends another 5 tickets and goes about her day...

Twilight would never receive them...

But a blue colt in the Everfree would...as would anything else that goes through Spike...



AN: Want me to continue this? I'm willing to take Bribes! Go to my Patreon account.

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Author's Note:



On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publisher, also available at Amazon, Inkitt and BarnesandNoble.



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If you want to see more, go to my fanfiction account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5874134/The-Cowardly-Christian-du911


AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas? Or maybe bribe me on my Patreon account

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