• Published 22nd Mar 2019
  • 3,988 Views, 247 Comments

Twilight's Pirate School - Lets Do This

If you should see a lavender airship in your sky, hurry to get on board. You don't want to miss being part of Equestria's future, aboard Princess Twilight's School of Friendship... (An AU reboot of season 8)

  • ...

The Friendship School

"Woah, woah, woah!" Rainbow Dash said, wide-eyed. "A pirate school?" She grinned and waved a hoof. "Okay, say no more! I'm sold! Sign me up! Now," she added with a baffled look, "... what the hay is it?"

"It's a school that operates outside of official licensing and sanction," Twilight explained. "Though it's really closer to the concept of boat-based casinos. They're mobile so they can pick up and drop off passengers, and then operate on waterways outside local jurisdiction, and thus skirt local rules about gambling."

Fluttershy looked uncomfortable. "Um, we're not teaching the students gambling, are we?"

Twilight shook her head, and gestured with a hoof towards the map room's windows, high on the walls. Through them, one of Tempest's black airships was visible holding station in the sky beyond the castle.

"We'll equip one of Tempest's larger ships as a kind of flying school, with classrooms and quarters for the students. The school can operate outside of Equestria's borders, or at the very least high enough in the air that it's technically not within Equestrian airspace. I looked it up: the EEA's legal mandate only covers educational facilities physically located in Equestria. It's a thin line to be sure, but I think it's just enough that we can claim to be operating outside of it, so they can't just shut us down."

Starlight Glimmer was standing beside Twilight, clipboard in hoof. She'd been clued in to the project early on, and had helped work out some of the logistical details. "Since the school isn't physically bound," she said with a gesture at the map-table, "it can relocate on a regular basis to wherever makes the most sense, in order to teach classes, conduct field trips, visit different cultures, and so forth. It can also travel to more distant lands whose inhabitants might not be able to attend a school located here in Ponyville."

Twilight nodded. "For research and study purposes, the School can return to Ponyville periodically, to allow the students to make use of the more extensive library facilities here in the Friendship Castle." She put a hoof around Starlight's shoulders. "And Starlight here would be in charge of the Castle, whenever I'm away traveling with the School."

"Assisted by the Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie!" Trixie put her own hoof around Starlight's shoulders. Then she shrugged and waved her other forehoof airily. "Ya know, whenever I'm in town!"

Twilight frowned at her, then looked around at the other ponies. "And by coming back here on a regular basis, we'll be able to accommodate all of your schedules for harvests, design shows, animal care, flight school, and party-planning... because I'm going to need all of you along as my teaching staff, to help make this work. I can't imagine ever running a School of Friendship without my best friends!"

"Sounds peachy keen!" said Pinkie Pie. "Count me in!"

The others nodded in agreement... except for Rainbow. "Us? Teaching? Like, in classrooms? Urgh, they're gonna think I'm an egghead!"

"I realize it's not some big, cool adventure against the forces of evil," Twilight admitted. "But this could be the most important thing we've ever done. Can I count on all of you?"

"Of course you can, dahling!" Rarity said.

"Absolutely, hon!" Applejack agreed.

Rainbow glanced at the others, then shrugged. "Okay, fine! Call me Professor Egghead. I'm in!"

"Oh! Me too!" Fluttershy said nervously. "But what about Celestia and Luna? Are you sure they'd be okay with all this?"

Twilight looked uneasy. "That's the rub: this is all unofficial in the extreme. I mean, we're basically skirting around Equestrian law here. I can't ask the other Princesses to give it their blessing. Though I do intend to give Celestia some warning at least, so it's not a total surprise. We'll just have to get everything ready and go ahead with it on our own... and hope that the name of the Princess of Friendship carries enough weight with the other lands to convince them to allow their students to attend the school."

"Annnnd..." Rainbow waved a hoof. "...assuming we get that far?"

"Then we keep going, see how far we can take this," Twilight said. "Because I am not giving up on the Friendship School. It's too important!"

"We're with you, Twi!" Applejack said.

"All of us," Tempest agreed, from her seat by the door. Since it'd been her idea to begin with, she'd unobtrusively left herself out of the discussion so as not to bias opinion. "I'll have Fred start construction work on the ship right away. I already have Grubber looking into obtaining building supplies, paint and the like, from sources who can keep things quiet. Applejack and Rarity, could I borrow you for some construction and design advice?"

"Surely can!"

"Of course, dahling!"

"And everypony else," Twilight said, "start working on plans for your Friendship lessons. Oh! And not a word about this to anyone, until we're ready to go ahead with it. All right?"

They all nodded, and split up to go about their tasks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Chief Steward's voice rang out in the Royal Audience Hall: "Chancellor Neighsay, of the Equestria Education Association!"

The berobed unicorn stepped forward onto the red carpet, and curtly bowed to the twin thrones.

Celestia looked down loftily at him. "Yes, Chancellor? How may we be of assistance to the mission of the EEA?"

"Your Highness, I have been hearing some disquieting rumors... about an unlicensed, unaccredited school being organized within Equestria's borders... a 'pirate school', I have heard it called."

"These rumors have reached our ears as well," Celestia acknowledged. "However at the moment that is all they are... rumors. The Crown cannot act on the basis of mere rumor, Chancellor."

"Your Highness, this 'pirate school' is sounding suspiciously like the Friendship School that Princess Twilight presented to our Council late last month. Now, if this is true, I expect prompt action to be taken to curb this illegal activity! Clearly, the EEA has full authority over the curriculum and operation of all Equestrian educational facilities. Such 'pirate' organizations cannot be tolerated!"

Celestia eyed him sternly.

"Officially, we cannot comment on the existence or provenance of such an organization," she said. "Unofficially... there's something you should understand about Princess Twilight, Chancellor: her tenacity. She never truly gives up on what she believes in. In all honesty, it might have been a better decision to grant her School provisional approval, so that she might demonstrate her ability to teach according to the EEA's guidelines. Denying her that opportunity, forcing her to fall back on her own resources... well, all I'll say is, you only have yourself to blame."

Neighsay glared, outraged. "So you intend to do nothing?"

"As we said, it is mere rumor at this point. But even so, if such a school operates outside the purview of Equestrian law -- as currently specified in that law -- the Crown cannot be expected to intervene in the name of the law, can it?" Celestia gently shrugged. "But it's a fair point. The law should be reviewed, to see if it might require... adjustment? Rest assured, Chancellor, we shall make a point to bring it up at our next weekly meeting with the legislature." She smiled thinly. "But do not be hopeful of immediate change. As you are well aware, these things take time."

"Princess Celestia...!"

"You have made your position quite clear, Chancellor," Celestia interrupted, calmly but with just a hint of iron in her tone. "And there are several other high-ranking petitioners requiring our attention this morning. Good day to you!"

Huffing angrily, Neighsay managed a travesty of a bow, then stormed angrily out of the Audience Chamber.

Celestia looked to the Chief Steward. "Ah... remind me, who was next on the list?"

"A Miss Cinnamon Chai, Highness. She wished to ask permission to use Your Majesty's name in an upcoming tea-of-the-day promotion at her shop."

"Oh! There was absolutely no need for her to wait. Tell her we approve! And schedule an appointment for me to drop by that day to sample it. We must encourage things that help brighten everyone's day, mustn't we?"

"Your Majesty is most understanding," the Steward said, waving over a underling to handle the details.

Celestia sat back on her throne, a smile on her face.

All right, Twilight, she thought. The rest is up to you!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"No peeking, Twi!" Pinkie Pie warned, her forehooves crossed over Twilight's face.

"Pinkie!" Twilight grumbled good-naturedly, "you've been saying that for the last five minutes. Are we there yet?"

"Just about, Princess," Tempest replied. "All right, Grubber, this is close enough. All stop!"

"Right, boss!" Grubber swung around on the ship's wheel and slapped the throttle home with his paw. The warship they were on gradually swept to a halt.

"Open 'em up, Twi!" Pinkie said.

Twilight looked... and gaped in awe.

Directly ahead of her, beyond the ship's railing, she could see the largest of Tempest's fleet of ships holding station among the clouds, surrounded by several of the smaller black warships.

But the huge ship looked nothing like a warship now.

The ship's hull and armor had been repainted a warm lavender hue, with swirling curlicue highlights of brighter and darker shades, nicely complementing the roseate hue of the airship's balloon. The glowing double-bolt icon on the prow armor had been covered over, and repainted with Twilight's six-star cutie-mark. And hanging from either side of the balloon were large banners displaying the School's logo: a shield bearing six element gems, set around a large purple star.

"Whatta ya think, Twi?" Applejack asked nervously.

"I think it looks amazing!" Twilight replied, leaning her forehooves on the railing, staring at it. "And I really appreciate you letting us use the big ship, Tempest!"

"Not a problem, Princess," Tempest said. "We needed the extra space to fit everything in."

"So!" Rainbow asked eagerly, "what are we gonna call it?"

Twilight didn't hesitate. "The Friendship School," she said, proudly.

"Heh!" Rainbow sniggered. "Betcha that gets shortened to the Friendship inside of a day!"

"Warned you, Princess," Tempest said, shaking her head. "But the tour's not over yet. Wait 'til you see inside."

"I can hardly wait!"

They came alongside the lavender ship and then shuttled everyone across. Soldiers in winged form ferried those unable to fly themselves. And Tempest simply backed up several paces and then fearlessly leapt the gap on her own.

They went down two decks via the forward stairs, then around the curving corridor and into the main classroom. It was a large amphitheater with a central stage and blackboard, comfortable tiered seating platforms, and shelves of books around the walls. Overhead there was an orrery of gold and silver planets, and above them skylights allowed a cascade of warm sunlight to fill the room.

"We can use this as an assembly hall," Rarity explained, "or for teaching larger classes. And there are individual classrooms down the halls on either side of the ship, for each of us to teach more specialized subjects."

Twilight trotted down into the room and up onto the stage, turning to face the rows of empty seats.

"It's perfect!" she cried. "Now all we need are students!"

Starlight consulted her clipboard. "The pony students we've signed up will be arriving later today, once the ship is enroute. Their cutter should be loading up at Dodge station just about now."

"Come on, Twi!" Rainbow said, waving a hoof. "Take a look at the rest of the place!"

They proceeded down the corridor to the midsection of the ship, beyond the classrooms. Here there were dormitory quarters for the students, and beyond them were a dining hall, a kitchen, and recreation rooms toward the rear of the ship.

"You're kidding me!" Twilight said, peering through a doorway. "You managed to squeeze in a buckball court back here?"

"Well... it's not official size," Rainbow admitted. "But it's enough for a quick pick-up game if anyone feels like it. And it doubles as a gym as well."

They proceeded up the rear stairwell one flight, to the administrative deck. Here there were staff offices, conference and common rooms, and file rooms. Forward of these, on either side of the ship, were staff quarters and guest rooms.

And then they reached the royal suite, on its own at the bow of the ship. It was entered via a pair of doors painted red, with a familiar candlestick logo on each of them. And when Twilight stepped through them, she came to a halt in amazement.

The wood-paneled room, insulated with bookshelves... the table with the large chesspiece sculpture... the desk with scrolls and quills and a few books that needed sortation... and at the very front of the suite, up a short stairway, there was a sleeping area with a bed and an oval window, looking out on the cloud-dotted blue sky.

"Woah!" Spike breathed, astonished. "Am I dreaming this?"

Twilight just stood and stared at it all. It wasn't exactly the same, but it was close enough. It felt familiar.

She belatedly noticed that Tempest had trotted over to stand next to her. "I remember you mentioning how much you liked that oak tree library you used to live in," Tempest said. "So I talked to your friends, and consulted the original Ponyville design plans. We came up with this. I... hope we got it right. After all, I never saw it myself."

Twilight smiled at her. "It's perfect, Tempest!"

Tempest shrugged. "Call it a thank you for helping me find my place, Princess. After all, it's because of you that I have these ships at all. And if you're going to be spending a lot of time aboard, I'd want you to feel right at home."

"I already do. Thanks!" Twilight trotted forward and took the stairs up to the loft. She hopped up on the bed and leaned on the windowsill. For a long moment she looked out at the wide-open sky, enjoying the warm sunlight on her face.

Then she looked back down at the others, standing there waiting patiently for her.

"What do you think, everypony?" she called. "Are we ready?"

"Ready when you are, Twi!" Applejack said happily.

"Right!" Twilight faced forward again. "Let's do this!"