• Published 22nd Mar 2019
  • 3,989 Views, 247 Comments

Twilight's Pirate School - Lets Do This

If you should see a lavender airship in your sky, hurry to get on board. You don't want to miss being part of Equestria's future, aboard Princess Twilight's School of Friendship... (An AU reboot of season 8)

  • ...

Conspiracy Theory

"I'm tellin' you, she's up to something!" Gallus said, after having quietly made his way back to room 6A. "Look, I followed Commander Tempest..."

"Seriously?" Smolder interrupted, eyeing him. "And she didn't spot you? You've got more horns than I gave you credit for, griffon!"

"Uh, thanks... I suppose. Anyway, I overheard her talking with that hedgehog who works for her. Tempest's got something planned for tomorrow morning. She didn't say what it was, but it sure didn't sound like one of Professor Pie's parties. And she's not alone in this... she's bringing in outside help. She's been using one of her ships to send secret messages to them."

"Are you sure?" Ocellus asked nervously. "I mean, Tempest is really scary, but... well, she wouldn't turn on Headmare Twilight, would she?"

Gallus rotated a claw beside his head. "I said she's got a few screws loose! She's probably planning to take Twilight hostage!"

"Yona not see!" The yak snorted. "Why Tempest do that?"

"Who can say, with her?" Gallus shrugged. "Maybe it's for ransom. I mean, Twilight is a Princess, after all. Or maybe Tempest is just doing it for laughs. How the fluff should I know? I'm not the power-mad crazy-pony!"

"Waaait a second..." Sandbar suddenly looked worried. "Tempest mentioned that the School is facing some kind of official opposition back home. What if Tempest is secretly working for... well, whoever it is?"

"Right!" Gallus nodded. "Maybe Tempest is going to take Twilight captive... in order to make the School seem too dangerous! So it'll be shut down!"

"Shut down the School?" Silverstream cried. "No no no! They can't do that! We've only just started classes! I've only just learned where my desk is! Would they put us in another school? Would they just send us back home? Aaaah! We need to warn Twilight and the other professors!"

"Warn them of what?" Smolder sneered. "Seriously, what have we got? Gallus thinks he overheard Tempest planning... something. We're just guessing at the rest. Where's the proof?"

Gallus thought about it. "That ship she's using to send messages back and forth... when it gets back later tonight, we could go over there and search it. Maybe we'll find something we can use as evidence."

"I dunno..." Sandbar said. "That sounds awful risky... being caught out after curfew, for starters."

"More risky than just doing nothing? Letting Tempest get away with it?" Gallus looked around. "So, who's in?"

"Meh, I'll go with you..." Smolder swatted a claw. "If only to see you prove yourself wrong."

"Yona go too! Yona not afraid." The yak stamped her hoof proudly.

The others still looked doubtful, but eventually nodded. Sandbar was the final holdout, then he reluctantly gave in. "Well... I guess I should tag along with you guys," he said. "Just to make sure you don't get into trouble."

They waited a decent interval, uselessly attempting to pass the time by studying. Finally, Gallus came back to the room with word that the Tempest's messenger ship had returned.

They checked the hallway. Seeing no one, the students crept out of the room and along the corridor to the aft stairs, then climbed them.

Just as they'd reached the admin deck, they heard hoofsteps coming from around the corner.

"This way, Angel," said a pleasant voice.

"Oh no!" Silverstream gasped. "Professor Fluttershy! We're busted!"

All at once, Ocellus darted to the head of the group. There was a flash, and the other students found themselves looking...

... at Headmare Twilight.

Fluttershy and Angel the bunny came around the corner. The pegasus came to a halt, looking surprised.

"Oh my! Twilight! Where are you all headed?"

"Uh... just... a quick science lesson!" Twilight smiled nervously. "Right! I'm taking the students up on deck to show them a few of the northern constellations!" She added a weak grin.

Fluttershy apparently took this to be totally normal behavior for the headmare. "Oh, that's a wonderful idea!" she said. "Have fun!" Turning, she trotted off down the stairs. Angel paused to stare at them for a moment longer, grumbling distrustfully to himself. And then he hopped down the stairs after Fluttershy.

When it was clear they were all alone again, there was another flash and Ocellus was standing before them, gasping in relief.

"O-kay..." Smolder said as they turned to climb the stairs to the main deck. "I take back everything I said about you...that was cool!"

"Thanks!" Ocellus came to a halt. "Wait... what have you been saying about me?"

To their surprise, the main deck was empty. "Where's the guards?" Sandbar asked, as they crossed to the starboard railing.

"Probably wherever Tempest is," Gallus replied. "Don't turn your beak up at found money." He pointed. "There's the ship, that one over there with the crack in the stern."

"Uh huh," Smolder nodded. "And... how do we all get over there?"

"Duh, wings?" Gallus spread his.

"Works for some of us," Sandbar said. "What about Yona and me?"

"Easy." Gallus leapt into the air, and then snatched up Sandbar in his claws. Taking the hint, Smolder and Silverstream took wing, and together they grabbed hold of Yona by her forehooves. And Ocellus followed along by herself.

"Yaaa!" Yona squirmed uneasily, staring at the drop below. "Yaks not good at flying!"

"Oh come on, Yona!" Silverstream laughed.

"Yeah," Smolder added. "What's so difficult about it? We're the ones doing all the hard work here."

Realizing her friends had a firm grip on her, Yona calmed down a bit. And then began smiling... and laughing along with them, as the slipstream whipped her coat and braids behind her. "Yes! Flying is best!"

"Congratulations, Yona!" Silverstream said, with a giggle. "You are officially the weirdest thing I've seen at the School so far."

"What about you, Ocellus?" Sandbar called. "Can you be weirder than a flying yak?"

The students looked where Ocellus had been... and collectively blinked in astonishment. Pacing them was one of Tempest's flying soldiers.

"Relax," Ocellus said to them. "It's only me."

"Okay..." Gallus nodded, approvingly. "Now that my heart's started up again, that is pretty cool!"

Ocellus, in her soldier form, led the group as they came in for a landing on the other ship. Dropping lightly onto the deck, she glanced around, then quickly motioned for the others to join her. They did so, with Yona making a fairly rough but relatively quiet four-point landing on her hooves.

With a flash, Ocellus was back in her own form again. "No one around," she whispered, in a worried tone. "Are you sure this is the right ship?"

"Positive," Gallus said. "Let's check belowdecks... but quietly!"

They moved to a nearby bulkhead door, pulled it open, and descended the stairs. Below they found a corridor, and they followed it forward. All was silent around them... except for the sound of voices up ahead.

They crept forward to the ship's captain's cabin, and peered through the doors, which stood slightly ajar.

Inside, they saw Commander Tempest, in full body armor, standing with her forehooves resting on a map-table lit by candle-lanterns. And across from her was a shadowy, cloaked figure, its back to the doors.

"... and then you know, the fun really begins," Tempest said. She pointed a hoof at a diagram on the table. "I take Princess Twilight hostage in her suite. And you and your crew take charge of the students, who will be gathered in the main auditorium here."

The cloaked figure paused for a moment as if surprised. Then it nodded and spoke. "And then we wait for them to be ransomed?"

"Actually... I have a better idea." Tempest smiled evilly. "We use them as bait... to lure the Princesses of Canterlot out into the open. And then we finish the job I started under the Storm King: the total subjugation of Equestria!"

The students all stared, in shocked disbelief. Unable to contain her nervousness, Silverstream gasped, claws pressed to her beak.

At the sound, Tempest looked up sharply, towards the doorway. The cloaked figure turned to look as well. And then the students heard loud footfalls... behind them.

"What have we got here?" said one of the shadowy figures looming in the dark corridor.

"Looks like a pack of stowaways to me," said the other.

"Stowaways, eh? What're we supposed to do with them?"

"That's for the Captain to decide. What say ye, Cap'n?"

The cloaked figure pushed back its hood, revealing a lime-crested avian head. Smolder stared, unable to believe her eyes... and then she really hoped no one had noticed her reaction.

The pirate Captain eyed them coldly. "Commander Tempest says..."

She paused for effect. Her eyes narrowed.

"...throw them in... the brig..."

The students cowered in terror as the pirates reached for them...