• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 807 Views, 8 Comments

Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights - Leondude

The newly reformed Storm King teams up with the Nightmare Knights to take down a foe from ancient Equestrian times.

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Chapter 5 - Tricks up the sleeve

Trixie wandered into the labyrinth, only to bump into what appeared to be a mirror. Then she looked around and noticed there were loads of hidden mirrors everywhere, designed to make the labyrinth harder than it actually is.

"Really?!" Trixie said in an annoyed tone

"Well now, since that I can't rip the fabric of reality like your buddy Discord, I had to improvise."

Trixie then noticed who was talking behind her and turned around into an attack position. Sacanas just laughed.

"I'm not here to fight, Trixie. After all, why would I hurt someone who has the same blood as me?"


"Would you believe me if I told you I was one of your ancestors?"

Trixie looked stunned for a moment, trying to process what Sacanas just said. Sacanas then leaned in closer to whisper into Trixie's ear.

"Let me tell you a family secret............Gullible!"

Sacanas then rolled onto the floor laughing like he just pulled the funniest prank in the history of Equestria, while Trixie just looked annoyed before giving Sacanas a haughty look.
The great and powerful Trixie was not fooled at all, fiend!"

"Oh good because I was worried in case of the odd event that somepony actually believed they were related to somepony else simply for sharing a few attributes and having similar names. Although I did come across a bouncing pink mare that suspiciously looked like a mercenary stallion I once knew, but she had a pink poofy mane while the stallion was bald."

Sacanas then knocked down a few mirrors, trying his best not to break them because A. Mirrors are expensive. And B. It's usually bad luck to smash a mirror to pieces.

"Anyways, even if we're not related, I think we can help each other out. I show you the way to the end of the maze and, in return, you listen to a great and powerful offer."

"And what could you possibly offer the great and powerful Trixie?"

"If you accept my help, perhaps I will tell you."

"No deal!"

Trixie then walked off before bumping into another mirror, something that even made Sacanas do a facehoof, and that pony is crazy! Nevertheless, while Trixie was clumsily plodding along, Sacanas was helping her from behind the scenes, even placing signs saying "Centre of maze is here, genius!" and "Go this way, all great and powerful one!". Eventually, Trixie encountered Sacanas, who was holding a congratulatory muffin basket (don't tell Derpy).

"Congratulations on making it through the maze! And since I'm feeling generous, I will tell you my offer anyway. You know how you're always wishing to one-up that princess Twilight Sparkle? 'Twilight Sparkle'?! Eesh, sounds like the name of a vampire pony! And I thought a creature named 'Discord' making friends was the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

One of Trixie's ears perked up at that statement, more specifically, the "one-upping Twilight Sparkle" part. While she is all great and powerful and WAY more humble than everypony else, she can't help but be intrigued by Sacanas' offer.


"What if I could turn you into an alicorn? While Twilight is stuck being a tiny little unicorn that is now inferior to your magic! And the best part? No strings attached! Trust me, this is not a trick, which is impressive because my cutie mark indicates I have a knack for tricking people. Even to the point where I told Celestia that it actually meant I was good at acting, which is technically true."

While Trixie was tempted by Sacanas' offer, she decided to pass on the offer, knowing that Starlight would not be happy if she found out that the great and powerful Trixie bucked over Equestria simply to be even more great and powerful.

Besides, why would she need to be more great and powerful? She is the greatest and most powerful unicorn Equestria has ever seen!

"The Great and Powerful Trixie refuses your offer! Now, since I have won your little game, I am going to be helping Starlight Glimmer and the others take down those alien invaders."

But when she tried to do that, she realized she can't move. Her entire body, apart from her face, was paralyzed, something that amused Sacanas.

"Trixie" Sacanas said in his usual jovial tone, but this time sounding a little bit more sinister "When it comes to unlimited power and greatness, most ponies don't pass on this kind of deal. Tartarus, not even I would pass on this deal!"

"W...What's going on? What did you do?!"

"You were used as a vessel by my apprentice, weren't you? Well, along with using what's left of the changeling throne room, I also made a visit to Tartarus and noticed that my poor apprentice was in pieces, serves him right too, if you ask me. So I scattered pieces of my apprentice all over this maze as well in order to give some of you ponies a little nudge when it came to making the right choices."

Sacanas then presented Trixie a familiar looking amulet, except this time it looked....different. More twisted and evil, with darker colours and small black tendrils encasing the ruby. It also looked more draconic in appearance.

"You know, since that this amulet was designed to house at least the power of an alicorn and nothing else, I wondered how you managed to get corrupted by it when you took your revenge on Twilight. But then I remembered that my apprentice pooled some of his own magic into this precious amulet. I'm guessing it must have been more than magic because chances are some of his evil must have gone into the mix too, for lack of better words. Well, either that or it's because the alicorn whose magic I stole to make this amulet was one very bad pony! And I mean REALLY bad, like 'literally watching the world burn' kind of bad!"

Sacanas then trotted closer towards Trixie, intending to put the amulet on her. Needless to say, if it weren't for the fact that Trixie was paralyzed, she would either be running for her life or emptying her bladder. Sacanas just smiled.

"Ever heard of the phrase 'Don't knock it until you try it'? If I'm offering you nigh-unlimited power, the least you could do is give it a trial run. Besides, I went through a lot of trouble to get the Alicorn Amulet!"

What followed was Trixie letting out a piercing scream as Sacanas placed the amulet on her.

Author's Note:

'Twilight Sparkle'?! Eesh, sounds like the name of a vampire pony!

(sighs) Twilight's my favourite character and I'm taking the mick out of her name. :twilightblush:

Heh, me uploading a chapter on time. It's a miracle.