• Published 9th Feb 2019
  • 807 Views, 8 Comments

Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights - Leondude

The newly reformed Storm King teams up with the Nightmare Knights to take down a foe from ancient Equestrian times.

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Chapter 3 - Awkward

Captain Goodking looked at the mutant unicorn standing before him. Where has he heard the name "Sacanas" before? Then he noticed that Sacanas was holding a very familiar staff in his hooves.

"I'm sure you're familiar with my staff, Mr. Storm King." Sacanas said "Though I do have to wonder, how did you mess up in spite of having the power of all four princesses?! I didn't even live long enough to see the third one!"

"Okay, first of all, it's Captain Goodking now. And the reason why I failed is the same reason your apprentice failed: He stabbed the wrong back!"

"Well to be fair, Sanies did take after his father more than he cared to admit."

"And second of all, how did you know who I was?"

"Just a simple bit of psychometry. By the way, did you know Discord has a cousin?"

Sacanas then looked at the Nightmare Knights he tied up before Goodking's arrival. You see, before the good captain showed up, the Nightmare Knights thought they could take on Sacanas and, while they did put up a really good fight, Sacanas managed to depower most of them and let Luna and Tempest go so they can find some new party members, counting on the fact that they would go to the recently reformed Storm King. While Sacanas has no specific use for Goodking at the moment, he assumed that Captain Goodking would be the only option left since that everyone else was busy taking down the aliens that were in cahoots with him. While they could get Daring Do to help, chances are she is busy with her own adventures. Perhaps if he has the time, Sacanas could find out about Daring Do's whereabouts and force her to find one of the seven Seals Of The Planets for him (and maybe a few other magical artifacts of unlimited power while she's at it). The Pillars could have been of good help but there's a good chance they are probably helping Celestia and her forces take down the alien invaders. Oh well, at least Sacanas knows that the diversion is going off without a hitch. Since that Sacanas was randomly entertaining the many ways his plan could go, he failed to notice how everyone was staring at him. And at that moment, he remembered something in order to ensure any temporary co-operation with his enemies.

"Oh of course, where are my manners? I promised Luna that I wouldn't kill these guys if she and Fizzlepop over here invited one more player to our little game."

"How did you know my real name?" Tempest asked inquisitively, which resulted in Sacanas giving her a look of shock.


Naturally, such a comment resulted in Tempest trying to zap Sacanas, but Sacanas managed to block it with his staff.

"Well, it's been fun getting up to speed with everything and catching up with everyone but I really must go. I have a game night to prepare. Oh, and in the meantime, why don't we all acquaint ourselves with the new guys" Sacanas said before teleporting away. Goodking then noticed one of the group members, an Abyssinian, giving him a glare. While Capper is in no position to judge, given how he once tried to sell the Mane 6 and especially considering he betrayed the Nightmare Knights after Princess Eris offered him a life of luxury (although that last one turned out to be a trick to lower Eris' guard), he was still pretty mad about the Storm King's invasion and conquest of Abyssinia.

"Hey." Goodking said in an awkward manner "Soooooo.....No hard feelings about the whole 'conquering your home' thing?"

"And the whole 'attempting to destroy the world and allow your buddy to possess me' thing?!" a light blue pony said in a tone that was meant to be deadpan but was seething with mild contempt. The pony was also giving Goodking a glare.

"Hey, I had nothing to do with Sans or whatever his name was possessing you! Especially since he used you to kick my butt!"

"I still have nightmares about that dragon, you know!"

"And I have nightmares about being turned into stone and smashed to pieces, how do you think I feel?!"

That managed to shut the blue pony up. Since that he realized he probably has a lot of apologizing to do (if he didn't do enough atonement already) Goodking let out a deep sigh and then breathed in.

"I may have conquered your homes, destroyed your homes, turned some of you into stone, teamed up with a maniac that tried to destroy the world, and all that jazz and let me just say that whatever I did wrong, I'm sorry and I am trying like Tartarus to atone for it and get good PR. Now that that's over, let's start from the beginning. Hi, my name is Captain Goodking, what's yours?"

Author's Note:

Apologies if this chapter was a day over schedule. I was just waiting for a response from AnnEldest to see if there was a need for any improvements or not. While I am still waiting for a response from him (I assume Ann's a he), I figured I should publish this chapter anyways since I have been taking his advice to heart. Perhaps I should notify him on either a Thursday or a Friday whenever I have a chapter written that needs a good look at.

Hmm, perhaps I should have mentioned there would be spoilers for anyone who has not read My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights. Oh well, c'est la vie.

EDIT: Just added a little information that was brought to light thanks to the last issue of Nightmare Knights