• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 2,065 Views, 105 Comments

Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria - Zipp Storm

A Spin off of MaxTV123's Ren's Adventures in Equestria story with a a few changes.

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Chapter 89: Discordant and Werewolf Harmony

One afternoon as the birds were chirping happily inside Sarah's Castle of Friendship, Sarah, Discord, and Aura Moon, her boyfriend were having their regular afternoon tea party. Discord was sitting on the sofa, he poofed up while Sarah and Aura each sat in their own armchairs. Discord had cracked another joke, which made Sarah and Aura laugh.

"Care for a carrot-ginger sandwich?" Sarah offered the draconequus.

"Oh! You remembered to cut off the crusts for me," said Discord as he reached out to grab...one of the sandwich crusts that Sarah had put on a separate plate.

"Of course I did," said Sarah, "I know how you like them." For some reason, while Aura knew Sarah was just being considerate, something about hearing her say that made him angry with her, but he quickly shook the feeling off and took a long sip of his tea. Discord then lightly dunked his crust into his tea and ate it. Discord then reached out for one of the other sandwiches that had no crusts. His fingers detached themselves and started to goggle up a sandwich together.

"You really do make the best finger foods," said Discord.

"That we can agree on, buddy," said Aura, raising his tea cup in agreement.


The finger that belched blushed heavily, especially when Discord gave it a death glare.

"What do you say?" Discord asked the finger.

"Excuse me," said the finger in a high pitched tone. Discord just scoffed.

"I really can't take them anywhere," Discord grumbled as he slammed his palm on top of the fingers to reattached them. Sarah just giggled. Aura just rolled his eyes and gave a chuckle as well. By now, Aura had gotten used to Discord's random behavior and jokes...mostly.

"Can I trouble you for another sugarcube?" Discord asked. Sarah went to open her sugar cup, "Oh no, Discord. Here you go." Sarah said and she gave Discord another sugarcube for his tea. "You are very generous, Sarah Gem." Discord smiled.

"Thank you Discord." Sarah said with a grin. Aura and Sarah liked seeing Sarah's friendship with Discord. Aura nuzzled her, "And that's one reason why she's mine." he cooed. Sarah giggled and nuzzled Aura back. Discord chuckled at the two of them while thinking, "I wonder how he and the vamponies get along... if they have met before."

"Hey Sarah, why don't you introduce Aura to your three 'special' friends?" Discord suggested.

"Special friends?" Aura asked, looking at Sarah.

Sarah smiled, "Yeah... it will be a great idea." she turned to Aura, "Please Aura, you'll love them."

"Well.... if they're a friend of yours Sarah then I guess I have to meet them." Aura said with a grin. Sarah and Aura hugged each other while Discord chuckled, "This is will interesting."

The Next Day....

Sarah's POV

Today I was meeting with my boyfriend, Aura Moon at the home-ship. Scarlet, Rose and Jose were with me as well. Scarlet and Rose wanted to meet my new boyfriend. When I told them about it, they squealed and said things like "It's about time girl." and "He sounds like a hunk." and now they wanted to meet him.

Ren and the others were waiting outside the home-ship. "So when your boyfriend getting here?" Jack grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Jack, be nice. It's good that Sarah has found her special somepony." Rarity said.

"Yeah man, lay off the guy." Ren added.

Jack growled and huffed, "... Fine." Bushes began to rustle and out came a large wolf with light brown fur. I knew this one was Aura. But when the vamponies layed eyes on him. They hissed angrily and Aura growled at them, shocking everyone. "What's wrong?" Rainbow asked.

"You didn't tell us your boyfriend was a werepony." Jose growled.

"And you didn't tell me that your friends were vamponies!" Aura growled back at them.

"But what's the big deal?" Jack asked.

"Vamponies and Wereponies are mortal enemies." Rose hissed.

"WHAT?!" We all exclaimed.

"Enemies?" Ren asked. "Why?"

"We're enemies by nature. We never socialize with one another and we're not gonna start now." Scarlet growled. She and the other vamponies turned to leave but I blocked their path. "Guys, please... you guys wanted to meet my boyfriend and now you the have chance too. So what if he's an enemy, I've made friends with former enemies before."

"She does have a point." Applejack stated.

"So maybe you guys can be friends with Aura.... for me?" I asked them. The three of them huffed and looked at each other and then back at Aura who was still acting hostile. They turned back to me, ".... Fine Sarah, if this will make you happy.... then... we'll be friends with a Werepony." Jose gritted through his teeth.

"Yeah." I cheered.

I brought everyone back to my castle but Aura, Scarlet, Jose and Rose still would not talk to each other. Twilight, Ren and the others talked to them.

Twilight and the Mane 6 talked with Aura while Ren and the others talked with Scarlet, Rose and Jose.

Ren's POV

Now we were talking with the vamponies in hoping to help them become friends with Sarah's werepony boyfriend, Aura Moon. "We are not being friends with that beast." Rose growled.

"How could Sarah be in love with someone like that?!" Jose added. "He can change into a creature that can kill!"

"... So can Sarah." Mason deadpanned.

"Sarah has twice as much heart as that overgrow dog." Scarlet grumbled... it was weird to see her like this. Usually she's happy like Pinkie Pie. "He's not Sarah at all. Sarah is caring, generous and easy to talk to, but her boyfriend is ruthless and deadly!"

"Um... that sounds like Sarah when she's in a fight, Scarlet." Kaede informed.

"Oh please, Sarah would never kill, unlike a certain werepony." Jose grumbled.

"Maybe you three should spend sometime together and find out what you have in common." I suggested with a nervous smile.

"Oh that's easy." Scarlet said and then they all screamed. "NOTHING!" and they stomped away.

"Well... you all care about newbie." Jack informed.

"I guess." Rose said.

"Then there's something you four can go on." I smiled.

"Yeah, can you at least try to spend sometime with him?" Carrie asked. "You saw how happy Sarah was when you agreed to come here."

The three vamponies looked at each other. "I guess... we could give it a try... for Sarah."

I smiled at them. "Great."

POV Ends

Third Person POV

Meanwhile, outside the castle, the three burly werestallions from before were listening in on the conversation. "So... Aura's girlfriend wants him to be friends with three vamponies; our mortal enemies. That cannot happen." the lead stallion with the mowhawk and scar over his eye stated.

"So what do we do, Scar?" the stallion with the jewelry asked.

"We'll take that girl and bring her before the pack who will decide her punishment." Scar replied. "We strike when the girl and her friends are alone, Venom and Moonlight." The three stallion laughed.

Meanwhile, Jose, Scarlet, Rose and Jose were walking through Ponyville together. They weren't looking at each other or even saying a word to each other.

"There is no way, I'm befriended these blood suckers." Aura thought.

There is no way we're befriending this wolf." The vampony trio stated.

Suddenly.. they all heard a scream and the sound of glass breaking! "Sarah!" The rushed back and burst into the castle to find Ren and everyone else on the floor groaning and the throne room a mess with scorch marks and claw marks everywhere. "What happened?" Scarelet asked.

"These three wolf bastards burst into the castle and took newbie." Jack growled, getting up holding his arm in pain.

"What?!" Jose and Rose exclaimed. Aura examined the claw marks and gasped in horror. "Oh no... they're back."

"Whose back?" Ren asked.

"The three stallion from before." Aura replied.

"You mean the ones from your pack! What do they want with Sarah?" Kaede asked.

"They want Sarah punished for bringing me and the vamponies together." Aura stated.

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed in fear.

"W-What will they do to her?" Fluttershy asked in fear.

"They'll mostly likely destroy her." Scarlet replied. "We have to move now."

"We're going with you!" Ren spoke up.

Scarlet, Jose and Rose turned to them, but Aura spoke up, "No, you guys have to stay here, it's too dangerous for you all, they're my pack and she's my girlfriend; I'm going."

"You're not going alone, werepony. Sarah's our friend too and we're getting her back." Rose stated with a determined look. Aura sighed, "Fine." and he turned to Ren and the others. "The rest of you stay here." Aura and the vampony trio turned and ran out of the door and into the forest nearby.

Meanwhile, Sarah was pinned down by the Venom and Midnight as nine more wolves surrounded her. Scar came up to her with a growl. "This is what happens when someone breaks our pack law!" he bared his teeth and lunged at Sarah, ready to deliver the final blow when Aura, in his wolf, form tackled Scar to the ground and pinned him, "Not on my watch!"

"Or ours!" the vampony trio said as Rose and Jose tackled the two wolves, freeing Sarah while Scarlet hissed at the other wolves, spreading her wings to make herself look more intimidating.

The wolves back up, snarling and growling.

Scar snarled and looked at Aura, "Why are you defending this human?! She broke pack law and she must pay the price."

"I won't let you hurt my girlfriend!" Aura snarled. Scar pushed him off and they faced each other. Aura charged Scar but Scar tackled Aura to the ground and bit him on the neck. Aura growled in pain and gave a hard swat to Scar's face, with claws extended, leaving three claw marks in his cheek! Scar cried in pain as he backed off, allowing Aura to lunged and ram him, sending him skidding on the ground. The pack circled around him, "Now leave this territory and don't come back! NOW!" Aura yelled with an angry look on his face.

Scar growling, knowing he'd lost this round. "This isn't over, traitor!" Scar growled and he and the pack ran away and were swallowed by the darkness of the forest. Aura changed back into his human form and approached Sarah, "Are you alright?" he asked. Sarh got up, "Yeah, I'm alright. How are the others?"

"They're fine." Scarlet stated. "Now let's get you back to your castle." Sarah nodded and the four brought her back to the castle where Ren and the others stayed and they were relived to see Sarah safe and sound. "Sarah, you're alright." Ren sighed with a happy smile.

"You okay Newbie?" Jack asked. Sarah nodded, "Yeah, I'm good. Scarlet and the others saved me."

"Together?!" Twilight asked incredulously.

"Together." Sarah said proudly.

"Guess you four can get along without harming each other." Rainbow said, hovering over to them. Aura, Scarlet, Jose and Rose looked at each other, "Huh..? I guess we can get along." Aura said with a smile. The vampony trio nodded. Twilight and the others smiled.

Later that Day...

Aura and Sarah were by themselves outside of her castle. "Thanks for coming after me." Sarah smiled, looking at her boyfriend.

"Why wouldn't I? Your my girlfriend." Aura said. "I'm responsible for you."

Sarah chuckled, "That belongs more to my dads rather than you." Sarah ruffled his head, making Aura laugh a little.

"You know, you and I... would make a great team." Sarah said. Aura smiled at them. "Yeah... we do." Music started playing and the two broke into song.

How are we so different
and still so much the same?

Why do I start smilin',
when I hear your name?

At times I think you could be
A reflection of me

Still there's something deeper

More than what we see

There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside
A feeling that's been growing now we just can't hide
It's a feeling somehow knowing there's nothing to decide
'Cause when I'm with you it's clear we're of the same pack

Seems like you have grown up
So much while I was gone

I don't know everything
I still have much to learn

You had some great adventures

I also had some fun

Shame to think it's ending

Or, has it just begun?

There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside
A feeling that's been growing now we just can't hide
It's a feeling somehow knowing there's nothing to decide
'Cause when I'm with you it's clear we're of the same pack

You have the energy and drive to take command

You have the patience I always wish I had

Working together I finally understand
Having you here by my side will help me rule this land

There's a feeling of belonging that's deep down inside
A feeling that's been growing now we just can't hide
It's a feeling somehow knowing there's nothing to decide

'Cause when I'm with you, it's clear

'Cause when I'm with you, it's clear

We're of the same pack

Aura and Sarah hugged each other while unknowingly, Ren and the others watched them from a far, smiling happily at the couple.

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