• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 2,065 Views, 105 Comments

Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria - Zipp Storm

A Spin off of MaxTV123's Ren's Adventures in Equestria story with a a few changes.

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Episode 86: Crystal Esteem

One day, Twilight, Ren, Jack, Jamie, Nicole, Rantaro, Mason, Carrie, Kade, Skye and I were at the Crystal Empire. Twilight and Cadence did their childhood dance together. “Sunshine Sunshine, ladybug awake, Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” They hugged each other and Cadence said, “It’s been too you long, Twilight. Thank you all for coming out the Crystal Empire.”

“How could we possible turn down an invite to the official dedication of the Court of the Crystal Princess?” Twilight asked. “In your honor too?”

“No way, we’d pass up the chance.” Ren added.

“Yeah, its seems a bit silly though, making a big fuss and all.” Cadence said modestly with a smile.

“It’s not silly! You’ve been an amazing leader and Protector of the Empire ever since it reappeared.” Twilight added. “Why shouldn’t the Crystal Ponies honor you?”

“Never mind all that now. There’s two days until the dedication, what do you wanna do in the meantime?” Cadence asked. And here it comes…

“I’ve been thinking about it and I may have come up with a thing or two.” Twilight said unrolling a really, really long scroll. “A thing or two, huh?” Rantaro asked sarcastically.

“Let’s see we’ve barely scratched the surface of the magnificent library and I believe a new exhibition opened up about the history of the empire or - unless there's something you already had planned.” Twilight said.

“Well… there is one thing I’ve always wanted to do…” Cadence said.

Sometimes Later

“When you said you wanted to do something different, I didn't think it’s would mean walking around the market incognito.” I whispered to Cadence. Cadence and I were wearing jackets and other accessories. Cadence had a sun hat to hide her mane and a scarf too. I was wearing sunglasses and a yellow jacket. “Are you sure these disguises will work?” Twilight asked Cadence. “We’re in an Empire that had been missing for 1,000 years. We’ll fit right in.”

“If you say so.” I claimed.

“Of course I’m sure.” Cadence replied.

“And I’m sure you three look ridiculous.” Rantaro grumbled.

“Rantaro!” Kaede scolded.

“What? I’m telling the truth.” Rantaro replied. We walked around the marketplace when suddenly, “Strange pony and human, come here!” We tensed for a moment and turned to see a pony waving to us. We went over to the stand.

“You two are new the empire, no?” the stallion asked. He was light green with a darker green mane.

“No! I mean yes, I’m Sa- I mean Glimmer and this is Candlewick. And Twiggy” I said. I swear I heard Rainbow, Jack and Mason facepalm.

“For new visitors, this fabric is only five bits.” he offered. “Where are you journeying from?”

“Ponyville! No I mean-”

“Ah The home of Princess Sarah Gem. She who is noble! Wise! Respectful! Brave!” Then he looked at Twilight, “Do you know Princess Sarah?”

“Uh, yes, I’ve met her once before.” I said nervously.

“For Princess Twilight, two bits.” he offered again. “So what brings you to the Crystal Empire?”

“We’ve come for the Dedication of the Court of the Crystal Princess.” ‘Candlewick’ replied.

“Yes, Princess Cadence, she’s lovely isn’t she?” he asked.

“Thank you but we must be going.” Cadence suddenly pushed me away from the stand. “What just happened?” I asked her.

“Nothing I- I just wanna keep moving.” Cadence stammered.

“Explain to me why again we’re doing this?” I asked Cadence.

“Whenever I walk through the marketplace as myself, everypony stops what they’re doing and bows and get tongue tied. I just want to see the Crystal Empire as it really is and interact with the subjects but without all the pretension.” Cadence explained.

But being the Crystal Princess is what you’re meant to be. Your true self.” Ren spoke up.

“How would you feel if everypony bowed to you in Ponyville?” Cadence asked.

“I feel that pain everyday.” I grumbled.

“... Hmm… I see your point.” Ren said.

“Let’s look around some more.” Twilight added. “Thank Twilight, I mean Twiggy.” We went past a couple stand until we found on that had costumes…. Of the princesses of Equestria, including Twilight, Cadence and I. “It’s weird, but I guess kind of nice, knowing that fillies look up to us enough to dress up like us.” Twilight said.

“Oooohh, it’s so embarrassing.” I said with a blush on my face. I still wasn’t used to all the attention Princesses get and new children want to dress like me? I’m glad Shimmer does not do that.

"Oh come on Corporeal Gem, it's not that bad." Skye reassured.

“Oh, Sarah, it’s not that bad. It’s cute.” Mason said.

“How would you feel if Carrie dressed up like you?” I asked.

“... I see your point.” Mason said.

“Hey!” Carrie exclaimed. We looked at the Celestia Costume which said Sun Princess. The Luna Costume had Moon Princess. My costume had said Friendship Princess and the Cadence Costume had… Pretty Princess?

“Why does Cadence’s costume say Pretty Princess?” Kaede asked.

“Really couldn’t they have called it Crystal Princess or something?” Jamie asked.

“Maybe because… it’s unauthorized?” Twilight suggested. Some fillies came over to the stand. “I see you’re looking at the Pretty Princess costume our best seller.” the stand pony said. I notice Cadence walking away, looking a bit down. There was another stand with pony/human figures. “Look it’s the Princesses!” One filly cried.

“I want Celestia an Luna so I can raise the sun and moon.” Another filly said.

“I want Princess Sarah so I can wield the Element of Faith.” Another added.

“I want Princess Cadence and Shining Armor so I can live happily ever after.” a filly squealed. My friends almost fell down and Cadence slumped. “I think I’ve seen enough of the market. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Cadence said before she dashed off. “Candlewick, wait up!” I called as I raced after her along with the others.

That Night

We were in Cadence’s bedroom. “Is that really all they think of me as - a pretty Princess?” Cadence asked.

“Of course not!” Twilight replied. “I’m sure they view you with great pride and reverence. But just express it in an odd way when your not around.”

“I guess…”

“Twilight’s right. They do look up to you and see more than a Pretty Princess.” Ren added with a smile.

"Yeah, you're caring, kind and brave." Carrie added.

Cadence just slumped onto her bed, “If you all don’t mind, I’d like to go to sleep now.”

“Alright, goodnight.” Twilight and the rest of us exited the room. “Do you think she’ll be okay, big brother?” Carrie asked.

“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.” Mason reassured and I hoped he was right.

The Next Morning

I was sleeping peacefully in my room without a care in the world.....

GAH! I fell put of my bed and found myself staring at a royal guard, "Your presence in the throne room is requested immediately." the guard said. You could have just tapped me awake. Anyway, I headed to the throne room and found Ren and the others. "You all got call to the throne room too?"

"Yeah, wonder what Cadence wants?" Carrie asked.

"Sarah, everyone." We turned and saw Shining Armor coming towards us, "Shining Armor, what's going on? Why is Cadence summoning us during her morning meetings?" Twilight asked.

"Cadence didn't summon you all. I did." Shining Armor replied. "She's not acting like herself. Something is wrong and I need your help." We went to the throne room to find Cadence in her throne. Her mane was a bit messy and had some bags underneath her eyes. "Cadence, I hate to say this but, you look terrible. You're still not upset about what happened at the marketplace, are you?" Twilight asked.

"Well, maybe a little." Cadence replied.

Cadence got up and started walking towards a window, "Actually a lot. I don't think I slept at all last night."

"Cadence, you're blowing this out of proportions.

"And I though? What if Celestia and Luna just put me here as a figurehead? Made me the Crystal Princess because I am an alicorn and they feel obliged to do so?" Cadence asked sadly. "Shining Armor is more than capable of protecting empire on his own."

"That’s not true." Ren exclaimed. "No offense, Shining Armor."

"None taken." Shining Armor replied.

"You're the one who saved the Crystal Empire when Sombra came back." Twilight added. "Yes you may have needed some help but we all need help sometimes."

"But it was you who saved the Crystal Heart, not me." Cadence pointed out.

"Well technically it was Spike, Ren and Kodi,, which just proves my point. That we all helped you save the Crystal Empire but you were the driving force and you deserve to be here."

"Hell yeah." Jack agreed.

"Twilight's right, Princess Cadence." Jamie added. Cadence gave a small smile, "Thanks everyone." and then a royal guard came into the room, "Please forgive me for the interruption but we have some subject awaiting counsel with you to settle a dispute." the guard said.

"Please give us a few more minutes and then send them in." Cadence stated. The guard nodded and headed off.

"Well get out of your way and let you go on with your Princess duties." Twilight said as she began to take her leave. "Come on guys."

"No, please stay everyone. The dispute resolutions don't take too long and since you're already here..."

"It's only a matter of time before the ponies in Ponyville start coming to my castle for those kinds of things.” I finished. "Alright, we'll stay."

"Thanks." Cadence said. The guard sent the two bickering stallions in and Cadence flinched in fear and actually turned away in fear! "Oh dear." Kaede said. Shining Armor winced as the two kept arguing. "Cadence, aren't you going to say something?" Twilight asked her sister-in-law." Cadence turned around and we saw her sweating nervously, "Well, the solution will be.... determined by Princess Sarah!"

"What?" I cried. But I got right to a solution, "Well, why don't you team up to offer limited edition of custom costumes made from his fabric and then split the profit between the two of you?" I proposed and the two stallions looked at each other. "That's not a half bad idea." "That may drum up business for the both of us." The two stallion then took their leave after thanking me. Ren turned to Cadence, "Cadence, what just happened?"

"I don't know. When I saw those ponies from the marketplace, it reinforced how they don't take me seriously." Cadance said sadly. "That they just see me as a pretty Princess."

"That's not true." Mason said.

"Yeah, big brother's right." Carrie added, "You're more than a pretty Princess."

"We are ready for the second dispute." The guard said and this time two more stallions came in and this time... they were royal guards. "Charming Cavaliar, Gallant Gallop, what are you doing?" Shining Armor asked, shocked to see the two guards. The two guards were upset with each other over something odd and Shining Armor sighed and took the two away in his magic, "I'll handle this Cadence."

We were worried about Cadence at this point. And when some schoolponies came in and asked her to join a party, Cadence suddenly bolted and saw Sarah would take over.

Something is definitely wrong with her! This can't be good......

The Next Day

It was the day of the Dedication Celebration and things were worse with Cadence. "This is worse than we thought." Shining Armor said. "Now she's talking about rejecting the formal name of the court! I'm afraid she thinking of renouncing the throne!" Renouncing the throne?! Oh man, can things get any worse?

"What are we going to do?" I asked. "Cadence never acted like this before."

Then some crystal ponies came over, "There's a slight rumor that something is going on with Princess Cadence." a pony said.

"Indeed, I saw her this morning. Its as if all the love and light has been drained from her." another pony said.

"Does the Crystal Heart look a bit dull to anypony else?" another pony asked and we looked at the Heart and saw that it was not as shiny and glistening as it once was. "That is true, but I'm sure its nothing." Jack said.

"Come on everyone, let's go back and see if there's anything we can do." Shining Armor suggested. We all agreed and went back inside. "Otherwise the dedication today is gonna be a compete disaster."

Hours Later

It was time for the Dedication Ceremony,

"Any luck you guys?" Twilight asked.

"No she's very very blue almost like she's depressed." Kaede said.

"Yeah, Private Cadence, is nothing short of glum." Skye added.

"She would barely speak to me." Shining Armor said with worry clear in his voice.

"And now I present the Crystal Princess-!" A pony called and everyone cleared a path for Princess Cadence.... who was nowhere to be seen?!

All the ponies began chattering in worry, "Where is she?" Kaede asked.

"I don't know." I replied. This can't be a good sign. The pony cleared his throat. "I repeat, the Crystal Princess..!" and then Cadence appeared... in bad shape. Everyone gasped in horror. She had wet makeup on underneath her eyes, like she had been crying. "Oh man, she looks worse than before!" Jamie whispered.

We all nodded in agreement. Cadence stood in front of everypony and said, "Crystal Ponies, it is a great honor to be standing here before you for the Dedication of the Court of the Crystal Princess. But this is an honor I am not sure I deserve."

Oh man! This is really, really bad! "Guys look!" Twilight called.

"The Crystal Heart!" We saw the Heart was getting clearer and clearer like it was... "The crystal Heart is fading!" Carrie cried.

"Fading?!" Jamie exclaimed. "H-How can that be?!"

"No time for that, nerd. We have to do something before it disappears forever!" Jack exclaimed and he was right, without the Heart, the Empire is defenseless!

"Twilight, any ideas?!" I asked her frantically.

"Think Twilight Think....!" Twilight looked at all the Crystal Ponies and gasped. "That's it!" then she addressed Cadence. "Cadence, the Crystal Ponies don't look up to you just because you're pretty. They look up to you because your kind, thoughtful, accessible and accepting of everypony. Because you are full of love and light which makes them feel that way. And it doesn't make you any less of a positive influence than Celestia, Luna, Sarah or even me. You just inspire them in a different way, and you have been since you came here. I should know. Because these are the reasons I have always looked up to you and have been inspired by you." Twilight declared.

Shining Armor had tears in his eyes at her speech as did I and Cadence, "Is that true Twilight..? I inspire you?" Cadence asked.

"Ever since I was a filly." Twilight replied.

"You inspire me too, Cadence." Shining Armor said.

"And us too." I added and the rest of our friends nodded in agreement. "And all of them." Twilight said looking at all the Crystal Ponies. Cadence and Twilight shared a hug, "Thank you Twilight." they separated and Cadence addressed the crowd, "Thank you, Ponies of the Crystal Empire. Thank you for inspiring me! And while this area may not be know as the Court of the Crystal Princess, it truly belongs to all of you." All the ponies cheered and the love and light from them transferred into the Crystal Heart, restoring it and sending the rainbow lights into the sky once more.


We were all walking through the fair and Cadence was looking happier than ever. "It feels goof to feel like me again, without so much self-doubt and second guessing." Cadence said.

"We're just glad you're back, Cadence." I smiled.

"Thought I'm sure everyone questions their own identity and purposes sometimes. " Jamie stated.

"I'm just glad you all were around when it happened to me." Cadence smiled at us. Some Crystal Ponies and foals approached us and the two in front bowed to Cadence, "Please get up girls, that's not necessary." Then we saw the costume stand and saw that Princess Cadence costume now said Crystal Princess instead of Pretty Princess.

"Twilight? You got it changed?" Cadence asked in shock.

"Maybe..." Twilight grinned. "After all that is your true identity."

"Yes it is." Cadence said and we all smiled at our friend and Crystal Princess.

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