• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 8,372 Views, 220 Comments

Don't Wake Up - Grizzly Nation

I enter these horses dreams whenever I sleep. I don't know why, all I do know is the horse on the moon is not good. Why can't I just wake up?

  • ...

Psychological Warfare

All of the metaphorical hairs on the back of my neck were raised. I was ready to pounce, but I still hesitated. I wasn't afraid; I had all of this energy ready to burst out of my body, but I still wouldn't move. I was waiting for something –anything to put me into action.

"This shall be our last confrontation, beast." I almost jumped, I wasn't expecting her to speak at all, especially with such hate. "I thought you were a simple problem that would just go away and disappear if handled with enough force." She slowly began to advance, "You, who has trespassed on my realm and fed off my subjects." She stopped a few feet away from me and gave me a predatory look. "I now realise, if you want to stay in my realm so much, then you can stay here. Permanently."

An explosion of dirt followed immediately. In an instant she was in front of me; her sword raised above me. Time slowed as I watched in her sword coming down on me, only to pass right through me.

My body expanded into a mist-like form, and I covered the entire area in a white smoke. I quickly reformed a short distance away and fell to the ground.

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

How the hell did she move so fast?! I almost died again! I think I’m gonna pass out."

"Adam, calm thyself," Nightmare said, "The princess is swift, yes, however, so art thou. This is a dream; This realm bends to thy will," Nightmare soothed.

Her words hit me like a train. She was right, this is a dream. I wasn’t restrained by anything like physics or even health. I was in control.

I stood up and flicked my arm to the side, lifting the veil of smoke. I knew where Luna was already. I could sense her: her fear. I outstretched my arm and held out my hand. After a few seconds my lightsaber came flying back into my grasp. I pressed the button and the weapon sparked to life.

As the smoke cleared I could finally see her. Her Blue Highness was still in confusion as to where I was, desperately glancing around -until our eyes finally met. That rage, I saw, had come back again.

This time, however, I was ready. In an explosion of movement, we both lurched forward at speeds seemingly impossible. Our swords clashed, stopping both of us dead in our tracks. Our swords trembled as we strained to overpower each other.

She slid her sword out of the way, causing me to stumble forward past her in surprise. I turned around just in time to see her sword just inches away from my face.

"SHIT!" I quickly exclaimed in fright. Almost instantly, an invisible force pushed me back, out of the range of her sword.

I quickly stood up and gripped my lightsaber tightly. With no hesitation she shot forward again. Her blade was blur as she slashed again and again. I managed to just narrowly match her speed to block her attacks. Despite how quickly she tried to strike me I could tell there was some elegance to it. Every swipe of her sword had a purpose.

I, however, was not elegant at all. It was a miracle that I'd been blocking so effectively. This was not working, and I'm not sure what would happen if I did get hit.

In a short burst of extreme speed, I smack her sword as hard as I can, momentarily causing a pause in her flurry of attacks. Seeing the opportunity I created, I lunged forward using my empty hand to grab her neck.

The blue magical aura surrounding her sword disappeared and the blade fell to the ground. Her concentration had been broken: This was my chance.

With one swift motion, I lifted her off the ground, watching her hooves flail helplessly as I slammed her down on her back. Her pained cries only spurred my actions. I raised my saber high, pointed straight at her face and quickly thrusted it down.

"Enough!" Luna shouted. Her horn glowed a blinding white before everything exploded. I was hurled somewhere away from her. I felt the ground swipe my feet before my back slammed into the ground, sliding to a stop.

Normally if I fell this hard on my back I would be gasping for air, but not having lungs was pretty cool.

But if I don't have lungs then how was I breathing before? Actually, how have I been moving without any muscle? Wait, how can I feel anything without nerve–

"–Focus!" Nightmare barked.

Right, I'm fighting.

I got to my feet and scanned the area. There was no sign of the lunar princess but I spotted the hilt of my lightsaber a few feet away.

My head jerked upwards and I saw it –the moon. Well, I saw what was in front of the moon. The black silhouette of a winged horse hung directly in the center of the moon.

I stood there just staring, like my brain had shut down. My mind went blank, not out of fear or anything like that. I couldn't describe it. It was like some kind of invisible force shackled me in place. I knew that something bad was going to happen but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Her menacing presence was awe inspiring. She had the force of a demon but the grace of an angel. It was beautiful in some twisted kind of way.

Then her horn shined, quickly getting brighter and brighter. The light of her magic illuminated her hate-filled face. With clenched teeth she rose higher in the sky, even higher than the moon. The moon...pulsed? No, it shone brighter briefly somehow and then dimmed, then returning to its normal glow.

"Stop gawking and get the buck away from here!" Nightmare cut in.

Why was she screaming again?

My body twitched as an intense sense of dread pricked my stomach. In that moment I knew exactly what the fuck was happening.

Almost as if on reflex I quickly bolted away in complete panic. In my haste I tripped over my foot, but that still didn't stop me. I scrambled to crawl away like a frightened dog.

For a split second I felt an intense heat kiss my heels, and the next second I wasn't touching ground. Everything happened so fast but now everything felt so slow. I was in the air and still rising. I watched the ground run away from me as I flailed, trying to get back down. My legs floated upwards as my torso rotated down. My whole world turned upside down as I found myself midway through the slowest ungraceful front flip. As I continued to rotate, a bright light assaulted my eyes, yet I could not blink.

I watched a giant pure white beam of light coursing into the earth below. Sparks of white energy crackled around the beam, adding to its destructive nature. It looked like thousands of smaller shaky streams of light were grouped together tightly. The whole scene felt like a lucid dream.

...oh wait, this is a lucid dream. I lightly chuckled to myself.

"Adam, can thou hear us?" Nightmare asked, seemingly concerned for me.

"Yeah, loud and clear," I replied mentally, "So what the hell is happening?"

"Thou accelerated thy mental functions without accelerating thy body," Nightmare explained.

"So, you're telling me that I'm thinking faster than the speed of light. This is awesome!" I could feel Nightmare facepalm in my head.

"Nay, it is much more complicated than tha–nevermind! We are here to remind thou to take this fight seriously! Thou must remember this is a fight, not a dream. If thou is bested, thou will be unable to return to thy original form. Thou will be trapped here forever. Thy consciousness will remain in this place while your body rots away. There is no second chance."

Okay okay, let's not panic right now. Panicking never solves anything. So let's just stay calm right now in this moment of complete calmness.

"Adam, thy can win! Remain in control. Remember, Luna lacks imagination: That is thy advantage. We...believe in thou!" Nightmare blurts out.

She's right, I can't afford to make another mistake. Fighting her normally isn't going to work here. I need to start fighting creatively. I'm gonna be the most unorthodox person she's ever fought!

I closed my eyes and focused on speeding the rest of my body up. I imagined those scenes with Quicksilver and how he moved normally while everything stayed slow. Those movies were the best.

I opened my eyes and I could move, but I was still slowly falling. I felt like I was swimming in a pool of jelly. I grabbed the air in astonishment.

Is this what it's like to be high?

I shook my head, I needed to focus. I look back down to the ground where I once stood. This moon blast was much more powerful than the last one. The ground around the blast had been upturned and cracked. I stared at the scene below me before continuing my search.

Then I saw it; It was just a glint of light but I knew what it was. Thinking back to all of the movies I've watched, I reached out to the sparkle of light far away from me. Almost straining my left arm, I continued to reach as far as this body would let me. I closed my eyes and imagined an invisible force pulling it toward me.

My eyes strained as I kept thinking and thinking of it entering my hand, until I felt a smooth cylinder slide against my bony palm. I immediately clutched the object and opened my eyes.

It was my lightsaber! I tightened my grip and it sparked to life. I gawked in pure happiness. I admired the fine weapon once again until a thought crossed my mind.

When did I get eyelids?

I blinked again, but couldn't. My eyelids had left me as soon as I acknowledged them.

Wait! Is this what Nightmare meant when she said I need to use dream magic as an instinct? Ahh! Focus Adam, we are fighting!

I glanced up towards the very moon that had tried to shoot me, then a little higher. The mare that caused all of this was far above the moon.

I levitated upwards as quickly as I could with the slowed flow of time. I held my free hand out as some kind of steering guide. It looked so much easier in the movies but floating was hard. I had to lift my whole body. If I just lifted my feet I’d be turned upside down.

I slowly floated up towards Luna’s position, trying not to wobble. Flying is like trying to balance on a ball: If you lean too far off center you'll wipeout. You have to find a balance and stick to it, and I think I was getting the hang of it.

Despite the carnage beneath me, I couldn't help but marvel at the night sky. There were more stars than I had ever seen in my life. The sky had never been so clear before. The night really was beautiful, everything about it was just so satisfying. The cool air, the gentle glow of the stars, the whole vibe of the night, and all within the slow ooze of this time distortion. Everything was perfect just above the battlefield.

"Indeed, our night truly is amazing. Yet, not many ponies appreciate our night the way thou does. How can thou value our night so much when thou sleeps during it?" Nightmare asked. This was the most vulnerable I've ever heard her and she was actually interested in my opinion for once.

"And here I thought you knew all of my thoughts," I teased, "Nightmare, I enjoy the day, yes, because it is awesome. But so is the night. Without the day, the night isn't really the night. I enjoy the night because it gives me a reason to be lazy, it makes scary movies better, and it's the perfect time to hang out with my friends. In a way, everyone likes the night whether they know it or not, because without it we would be hot all the time in the summer, the nocturnal creatures wouldn't come out, and most importantly I'd lose my time to hang out with the bros. Day and night cannot exist without each other because then they become less special. Do you get what I mean?"

Nightmare didn't answer right away but I assumed she was thinking about my words. "We suppose there is some wisdom in thy words," she admitted.

"I'll take that as some kind of compliment," I replied.

I continued to make my slow ascent towards the Lunar Princess, and gradually I could make out her features. Her face still held the same angry expression it always had, however she looked...off somehow. I couldn't tell but it was just a feeling. Her wings were fully extended out on both sides while her hindlegs hung limp below her and her front...legs were tucked and held against her chest like a praying mantis.

I had finally floated up her level and didn't hesitate to advance forward. I had made it halfway before I saw her wings move, just slightly though. But that was enough to make me freeze in place. I watched as her wings sped up and completed a full flap.

"Thy powers art wearing thin! Hurry!" Nightmare warned.

Alarm bells rang in my head. I practically dived towards the Princess as fast as my time alteration allowed...which wasn't that fast.

I watched as her eyes widened in surprise before returning to their former glare. My heart was pounding despite how slow everything was going. She was slowly becoming more animated and began shifting faster. It wouldn't be long before she was as fast as me.

I was so close! I just needed to reach a little bit more! I was inches away from her –just mere moments from reaching her.

My vision went completely white. I recoiled in shock as I rubbed my sockets with my empty hand. When I finally removed my fingers from my eyes, she was gone. Then I heard a snap from above. I quickly looked above to see Luna rocketing towards me, brandishing her sword.

I raised my lightsaber in time to narrowly block her strike. But at that moment I lost concentration in my flight and my right foot fell through the open air.

With our weapons still locked perpendicular to one another, she kept pushing. In this short moment I once again looked into her eyes. The same hatred that had always been stained on her face had not disappeared.

What did I do to make her hate me so much? Wasn't I the one trying to survive?! Wasn't I the one fighting for my life?! Wasn't I the one who was cursed with these powers?! Wasn't I the one who was hunted night after night?! How dare you look at me like that! What the fuck did I do to deserve this shit?!

Then I hit the ground. I couldn't even feel it. I was solely focused on her eyes. She was on top of me, still pushing almost as if she was trying to force me through the ground.

Now thoroughly pissed, I pushed back. I let out a guttural growl before grabbing her sword with one hand. Her eyes widened in surprise, and for a small moment I noticed a small lack of strength behind her force.

I put everything into both my hands and my lightsaber. With all of my strength I halted her advance, but couldn't seem to move her at all. But then she put a single hoof on the blade of the sword, forcing my lightsaber dangerously close to my chest.

Our faces were so close, hatred still strewn across her face. My long snout was the only inches away from her face. I could feel her heavy breaths against my nose. If we weren't trying to kill each other this could be romantic.

I could feel the heat of my lightsaber against my bare chest. I could only dread the slow approach of my own weapon. Panic flashed across my mind. My eyes bounced around trying to find anything that could save me in this situation. My feet scraped across the ground as I kicked and thrashed, anything to get her off of me.

Then in one motion, I clicked off my lightsaber and jerked my head to the left. My jaw unhinged and my head lunged forward, biting into her neck.

My jaw clamped down harder as I felt the hot pain of her sword in my chest. I heard her let out a scream of pain before her wings flared out. With a few flaps, she was off the ground, carrying me along with her.

With her no longer on top of me, I tugged my head to the side. She crashed back to the ground on her side and I wrenched her sword out of her magical grasp and threw it to the side. I dropped my lightsaber and, using both hands, I pinned her down, placing a hand on the side of her face and another on her shoulder. Now it was my turn to be the predator.

She kept moving, kicking, and squirming: Anything to try to loosen my grip. But I wasn't going to budge. She let out sickening screams, the screams of someone in pain, the screams of someone afraid.

I didn’t know why but at that moment I felt so strong, like a boost of energy had surged through me. I wanted more. I used this extra strength to bite down even harder on her tough skin. I knew what was happening. I knew this feeling, this taste.

It was her fear .I was devouring her fear straight from the source and it tasted delicious. But I also tasted something else, a kind of metallic taste, like I was sucking on pennies.

Blood. It was blood. The moment I realised it I immediately let go of her. I must've jumped a few feet back, because I was a significant distance away from the Princess. I was horrified and stood in shock. I didn't have a tongue but I could still taste it.

When I looked upon Luna I froze. She stood like a wounded deer, yet she had the expression of absolute rage. She hung her neck low and panted in exhaustion. I stared at the pool of crimson that had accumulated on her neck and watched as streaks of red slowly dribbled down and onto her forehead, before ending at her chin and dripping down onto the grass.

I put a finger up to my snout and felt a wet sensation, I raised my finger higher to meet my gaze and gasped. Blood. My mouth was coated in Princess's blood. My legs suddenly lost all strength and I collapsed to the ground.

I was eating her! I am a monster. I deserve to stay here! How could I have tried to eat her alive?! And I was enjoying it! What the fuck is wrong with me?! Ahhhhh, this is definitely not a part of the plan!

"Adam, do not blame thyself for what happened," Nightmare said. I felt my anger rise once more.

Why the hell shouldn't I?! I just tried to eat someone alive! How can you be so calm about this!?

"Adam, if an animal is backed into a corner, it will fight tooth and nail to escape. Thou was simply doing the same," Nightmare explained, not sounding even a little bit concerned.

It's still not right! I shouldn't be biting people or trying to eat them!

"It's not right?" Nightmare mocked, "Tell us, art thou not fighting in the first place? Didn't Luna herself try to disintegrate thou?" Nightmare questioned.

Well sti-

Nightmare cut me off, "Is Luna not the one who vowed to trap thou within this dreamspace forever? Do not speak morals with us. This is a fight for survival. If thou holds back thou will be imprisoned for eternity. Next time, do not stop. Do whatever thou must to win," Nightmare scolded.

I almost forgot I could be here forever. Within this space of...grass, with no interaction whatsoever. As much as I dislike fighting like an animal, I might have to. I'm fighting to survive, not for vengeance, and certainly not because I want to. Forgive me Lord, please I just want to live…

I stood up and Luna was still there, but her neck was perfectly normal. There wasn't a single drop of blood anywhere on her form, but she did have her sword in her magical grip once again.

I didn't even bother using the force to get my lightsaber. I didn't feel like looking for it so I just made another one out of thin air. I held the shiny hilt with both hands and winced as pain shot through my right hand.

I quickly let go of the weapon and flapped my hand around, trying to quell the pain.I stopped and looked at my hand. A deep blue gash ran across the appendage. This was the first time I had seen my own blood. I didn't even know I had blood in this form. I stared at my hand almost crossing my eyes, and then a long tongue slithered out from my mouth and snaked its way to my hand.

I did it, I fucking did it: I licked my blood. I tasted like blueberry yogurt.

I lightly chuckled to myself, before my tongue retreated back into my mouth, never to be seen again. With my tongue no longer obstructing my view of my injury, I saw that it was gone. What I done had worked. I wasn’t sure what I did exactly but I probably had some intention of healing myself.

Then I looked to my chest, remembering my reckless actions, and noticed I felt no pain. I gingerly placed a hand on my chest and winced in anticipation, but there was no wound, it was gone. I wasn’t sure if I caused this or maybe I had some kind of super regenerative powers naturally.

"Die beast!" Luna roared, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I quickly looked up and saw the Princess coming right at me. I clicked on my lightsaber and was instantly on the defensive. She brought her sword down hard but I was ready for it. I held my ground but her sword backed off suddenly and then swung in from another direction.

Her sword was getting faster and becoming harder to predict. Her sword circled me, prodding my defense. It was then I realised, I wasn't fighting her, I was fighting her sword. I glanced back to Luna, and she was just watching me.

I saw my chance. Her sword was still circling me, and I was between her and her sword. Without warning, I lunged forward towards Luna. Immediately, I swung my saber out in a wide arc, ignoring all dangers, causing Luna to jump back in surprise. I let go of the hilt as I recklessly swung it outwards. The lightsaber spun and flew to the side. Luna instantly took advantage of my helpless state and thrusted her blade straight to my back.

Except it didn't go through, her sword bounced off my back with a loud metallic twang. My back was covered in a hard black substance that was seemingly strong as steel.

"Haki bitch," I stated while more of the black substance coated my fist.

I punched her with said fist in the face, launching her far away from me. I wanted to smile as I watched her tumble in the grass.

I quickly advanced after her, not wanting to give her any room to breath. The black substance, or the 'haki' was recycled back into my body. She was quick to get back on her hooves and was already on the offensive again. She slashed and stabbed at me but I simply dodged out of the way.

"Y'know, I used to be really afraid of you," I began as I casually dodged another swing of her sword, "but, then I realised just how powerless you are." My hand, covered in Haki again, grabbed the blade of her sword as it came down on me. The blade became soft and malleable, but this took longer than usual, almost as if the sword was trying to resist me. But I focused my mind and soon the blade completely liquefied into a dark blue mush. Then, I sucked it into my body. It felt different somehow, exotic in a way, or flavorful in a sense.

She wasted no time in flapping her wings and gaining some distance between us. She stood away from me, giving me that same glare she always had.

"I now understand that I require something more...drastic to defeat you." Her horn shined so bright that it mimicked the sun itself. I had to cover my eyeless sockets before I was blinded. I felt the ground shake and an extreme surge of power that wasn't going into me, but flowing around me. I was definitely intimidated and I couldn't even see.

The light finally dimmed and the ground had settled, but when I opened my eyes I didn't see Luna. What I saw was some kind of celestial being. What stood before me was a tall equine that looked like the mirror opposite of Nightmare. She was glowing white and her hair was a dim silver full of shining stars. Her eyes were pure white, and she had horseshoes that were sparkling silver. She wore no necklace, nor did she have a crown. Despite having no pupils, I could tell that she was most definitely pissed at me. She easily towered over me, and her presence reeked elegance and dominance.

"I shall not let this go on for any longer." Her words echoed across the plains. Despite not yelling, her voice still boomed.

A black cloudy thing circled around her. It was huge, almost as big as Luna herself. It seemed to be trying to enter her in some way. It constantly prodded and poked her body, but Luna remained unfazed. Then, it suddenly rushed towards me.

I tried to punch it almost out of instinct but my hand went straight through the black cloud. And suddenly, I was surrounded in a tornado of swirling darkness. I could feel it invading my body. Small wisps of cloud seeped through the orifices of my skeleton body. My sockets, my nostrils, even the cracks between my bones. I thrashed and grabbed, but couldn't grasp anything. This entity somehow was solid and a literal cloud at the same time. The only thing that I knew was that I was afraid.

"Adam, calm down, thou ist safe. Allow thyself to consume us," Nightmare interjected.

I calmed down somewhat and stopped trying to fight the cloud. Seemingly in response, the cloud lessened its aggressiveness. Its movements slowed and it felt more calm in a sense. Slowly, the misty darkness crawled through my body and disappeared inside of me.

"Finally! We are complete! Adam! Thou ist no longer alone in this battle!" Nightmare shouted cheerfully before breaking into a maniacal laugh. Nightmare had never been this happy ever. It's kind of scary.

"Adam, so that is thy name." I shuddered at the mention of my name. It felt like the very ground shook when she spoke.

I quickly looked at the white mare, as she began to slowly advance

"I expelled all evil from my body and finally let go." She gave me a disgusted expression. "And here you are sucking it all up, feeding like the parasite you are."

A thousand needles stabbed my chest and I immediately lurched over in pain.

Luna began slowly circling me as she spoke. "It hurts, doesn't it? –All of my hate, my insecurities, all of my demons. And thou devoured them all."

My body spasmed on the ground from this invisible attack inside of my body. I shouted in pain, but no sound came out.

"It's eating you from the inside, trying to break out and tear you apart. I had to carry this pain with me everywhere, even when I was completely isolated. It kept growing and festering." Each word she said seemed to make the pain increase. "So relish it, this is my pain and there is plenty of it."

I clawed at the dirt as I tried to bare through this burning feeling. I momentarily stopped writhing out of shock. I was turning black! Slowly, I watched as a stream of jet black travel up my bony arm. My body was quickly being converted to black, and now I had something else to panic about.


Everything stopped: all of the pain, all of my fear, everything except the blackness overtaking my body.

"Did I not tell thou to calm thyself?"

I could feel my anger rise.
I am out here squirming in pain and all she says is to 'calm myself!' Does she not know that I feel pain?!

"Yes, we are well aware of thy pain, however it is a small price to pay for power," Nightmare calmly stated.

I looked at my hand and saw that it was completely black, as was the rest of my body.

"Ah, now I understand. Thou hast taken refuge within thy creature." Luna actually chuckled. "It all makes sense. You didn't think I wouldn't notice thy disappearing act?" she suddenly paused and then smirked while I silently listened. "Thy hideous transformation proves it all. This is good, I get to destroy both you and Nightmare Moon."

Then Nightmare started...laughing. She laughed hard, cackling like a maniac. Even Luna seemed confused as me.

Her laughs echoed throughout my head and wouldn't stop. It was all surreal. Was she going insane or was I going insane? I felt like a madman with the amount of laughter bouncing in my mind. I wish I was having the party she was having in my head.

"What dost thou find so humorous?!" Luna yelled. The force of her voice alone blew a strong gust of wind.

Nightmare just wouldn't stop, and Luna was getting angrier by the second.

"I told thou to explain thyself!!!" In an explosion of dirt, I was skidding across the grassy plains a few feet away.

"Nightmare, I would appreciate it if you didn't antagonize the enemy!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

I quickly stood up and saw the area around the white mare was a crater of dirt. Despite her having no pupils I could still see the anger in her eyes. So much for being a pure deity.

"Forgive me Adam," Nightmare began as she tried to fight off another cackle. "Luna, you truly are a fool."

I could hear the thunderous growl Luna emitted. I was getting ready to yell at Nightmare again before I was cut off.

"Luna, thou expelled all of us, all of thy negative emotions from thy memories. Thou expelled All of thy hatred, thy sorrow, and all of thy fear," Nightmare finished with a giggle.

I could see the gears turning in Luna's head and mine were moving as well.

She fucking gave us all of her fear. She just handed us a rocket launcher in a knife fight. Nightmare is back together and I just got a fuckton of fear.

"Well Luna, as a wise man once said, 'you just fucked up'." At that moment I felt an incredible surge of power running through me like a boost of adrenaline. I just felt pumped.

I looked at my now black skeletal hand and saw purple arcs of electricity flashing in and out of existence around my fingers.

Dark purple clouds that reminded me of Nightmare's hair swirled around me, before returning somewhere behind my back. I was completely awestruck at my new transformation.

I look awesome! And now I have those purple swirly thingies!

I completely looked myself over. Not much had changed besides the fact that now I was black. I could already feel the racism running through me. And the cloud thingies were definitely new.

"Adam, we believe thou hast everything thy needs to end this. Make. Her. Suffer," Nightmare said in a sinister tone.

"Of course, why wouldn't I," I replied, trying to match her evil..nes.

I extended my arm to the side and reached out. An invisible yet powerful force spiraled out and grabbed something, pulling it towards me quickly. I felt the object hit my grasp and its brilliant blue blade sparked to life the second I gripped it. I looked at the lightsaber: a jedi's weapon, but not one that is needed right now. The weapon melted in my hand and I absorbed it. I needed something fresh –something that felt like me.

Y'know what? I don't need a weapon. If this fight has taught me anything, it's that swordfights fucking suck. I don't have any training, I was only trained to be unpredictable. It was...pretty weird training, but still acceptable in this situation. I am going to end this once and for all.

I readied myself. I knew I had what it took to win. If I was going to win this I would need creativity, passion, and anime –a lot of anime.

Author's Note:

Im am so sorry for the long wait, but here you go! Its been a long time since ive written any action so I hope its up to your guys' standards. I worked really hard on this chapter and I hope it shows.

So Enjoy! And maybe Follow me and stuff....but you don't have to....*looks away*