• Published 15th Dec 2018
  • 8,372 Views, 220 Comments

Don't Wake Up - Grizzly Nation

I enter these horses dreams whenever I sleep. I don't know why, all I do know is the horse on the moon is not good. Why can't I just wake up?

  • ...

Nightmares Coming to Life


Once more, sight had clicked into existence, and I found myself in an entirely new environment.

I was in some kind of room; It was trashed. Random objects were thrown across the floor, glass shards covered sections of the room, and some of the floorboards were torn apart. This was like something out of Resident Evil. The room seemed old. A thin layer of dust covered the area.

I didn't know why but I wasn't afraid. I was as calm as I could be, like a detective taking in information from a crime scene.

I took a step and a loud creak followed. It echoed throughout the room, piercing the silence for a moment. I paused. Whatever caused this, that something could still be here, I knew. Fear pricked my stomach as I watched for any kind of movement.

I took another step, and to my relief, this time the floor didn't make a sound. I put more weight on my foot, testing the old wood. “Huh, seems stable enough.”

I took yet another step, and the floor gave a loud groan, before I heard a snap. The floor suddenly gave out. The floorboard I stood on cracked open. My foot plunged through the board, the momentum sending the rest of my body through the floor.

Out of instinct, I screamed, as I fell into an almost pitch black void. I flailed my limbs around, panicking as I awaited my demise.

I hit the ground hard, so hard it should have killed me, or at the very least have knocked the wind out of me. But no, I was fine, if maybe a little sore –but fine overall.

I stayed on the ground, I took a sharp inhale of air. It smelled foul, but I probably needed air at this point. I tried to process what happened. The impossible had just happened, but that's dreams for ya.

I picked myself up and glanced at my surroundings. The only source of light was where I used to be, up above. Other than that, it was almost pitch black.

“Wish I had some kind of light.” And on cue, a ball of white light floated above my head. “Huh, neat,” I said, marvelling at the power of dreams.

The light illuminated my surroundings. I was in some kind of tunnel. The walls were simple stone blocks and the ground was just dirt.

The darkness gave me chills. I hope there are no spiders. I will flip out if there are, I don't play with spiders! I dreaded at the back of my mind.

I crept forward, glancing at the walls looking for cobwebs. The ball of light follow me, just hovering above my head.

After a few more minutes of slowing walking through the tunnel, I was finally convinced there were no spiders and started walking at a decent pace.

Then I felt it, the tugging once again. It was in the direction I was headed, and fairly strong too. I had to be close.

I hummed a random song as I kept walking. I was bored and this tunnel didn't help. So I decided to pick up the pace. I settled on a light jog. It was nice to get some exercise anyways.

A shrill scream broke the silence of the tunnel.

“Okay! Looks like I'm running!” I yelled to myself as I proceeded to sprint.

I saw a light at the end of the tunnel as I kept going. I am almost there! The light increased in size as I got closer. I didn't care at this point. Whatever lied ahead was better than this damn tunnel.

I stopped dead in my tracks, kicking up dirt as I made it to the end of the tunnel.

The smell hit me first. I almost recoiled in disgust at the sight. Blood covered the room, painting the walls in red. I slowly walked forward as fear pricked at my stomach again.

I took in more of the room, it was some kind of...school? There were some desks knocked over and a big black chalkboard that covered the wall. The classroom was uneasily dim. There were no windows so escape was impossible. The only way to go was back into the hallways.

“What the hell, I swear if this is anything like corpse party, I'm leaving,” I said to myself, glancing around.

I quickly went to the door...or door frame as the door was ripped off its hinges. I peaked out into the hallway –nobody there and no sound. After a few seconds of mentally preparing myself, I stepped out of the classroom.

I decided to follow the tugging, using it as a guide through the twisting hallways. The hallway itself was also distorted. The lights were on but they were dimmed significantly.

Some lockers were dented, left opened, or outright missing. This place creeped me out. The general feel of the place was all wrong. It felt depressed and malicious in a sense.

My head snapped backwards as I looked behind me, though nothing was there. I felt like I was being watched but I kept going.

The silence was driving me insane. It was so weird not hearing anything but my bones clacking against the white tiled floor for this long. I hastened my pace and tried to follow the tugging.

I knew I had to be really close, The tugging was almost physically pulling me.

I decided I should take this time and experiment. I cleared my head as best as I could and pictured a spear. I visualized the head and then worked my way down the wooden pole.

And just like magic, the spear popped into existence into my waiting hands. “Cool, always wanted one of these,” I said, inspecting the spear.

I decided to test it. I raised the spear up to the side of my head, and with all of my strength, I hefted it into the nearest locker. It flew like a bullet. I couldn't even see it moving through the air. It went straight through point where I couldn't even see it sticking out of the hole in locker.

I quickly walked up to inspect the locker. The spear hardly even left a dent; It pierced through the locker with ease. I realised the hole it made went through the wall behind the locker as well.

“That's a damn good spear for sure,” I remarked. So that's dream powers for ya, I think it might still be going.

I kept following the tugging as I thought of more things I could do. “So, I can change my body, make items appear out of nowhere, and change my surroundings...cool,” I explained to myself.

I wonder if there's a limit to my dream power. So far I haven't been able to find one, but I think I can test that some other time.

I took a quick turn and made it into a seperate classroom. The classroom wasn't any better than the other one I was in, except most of the desks weren't flipped over. There was no blood, only that pungent stench that covered the entire school.

I crept into the classroom, glancing around the dim corners. I knew someone was in here, I could feel it. I walked through the aisles of desks, glancing into each of them. But there was no one there. That was impossible, there's nowhere else they could possibly be.

I began to panic before my eyes glanced upon a wooden cabinet. Getting impatient, I briskly walked up to the cabinet. I firmly grabbed the knob and slowly pulled the door open.

A loud metallic slam interrupted me. I flinched violently from the sudden sound. My head snapped to the entrance of the classroom. I waited for what seemed like hours, before I heard quiet but heavy clops that slowly got louder.

I felt my stomach clench as fear gripped me. I quickly swung open the cabinet and hid inside, closing the door behind me. My light had followed me in there and illuminated the dark cabinet. I turned my head to look at my surroundings and almost had a heart attack.

A yellowish pony with pink hair was standing right next to me, staring at me with a look of pure panic. I almost fell back, but held my stance. It opened its mouth to scream, but I covered my fingers over its muzzle and clamped its mouth shut.

I put a finger to my mouth and then pointed to the door of the cabinet. A sudden slam startled me. It sounded like whatever was out there threw a desk at the wall.

I grabbed the ball of light. I closed my hands around it until there was nothing left. We were left in complete darkness. We were forced to listen to the heavy stomps of the creature on the other side of the cabinet.

At this point I had been holding in a breath for what seemed like ten minutes. I am fairly certain I don't need to breathe, which is awesome, but the pony next to me can't say the same.

I could hear the pony breathing quite heavily through my fingers. I couldn't really muffle them any better, I just had wait it out.

Whatever this creature was, it was angry. Every few seconds it would flip a desk over. It didn't really make any sound itself, just its ragged heavy breathing.

Then I couldn't hear anything, maybe it ran out of desks to flip? I nearly opened the cabinet, but stopped as I heard the clop of its feet. The sound got louder and louder, until it stopped.

I could hear it's breathing clearly. My heart sank as I realised where it was. It was directly in front of the cabinet. The door slowly opened, a weakly glowing line of light piercing the dark.

My body acted on its own as I suddenly burst through the cabinet. The creature skid across the floor to the other side of the classroom.

As it got up I got a good look at the creature. It was disturbing to the say the least. It looked like somebody fused different creatures into each other. It had four pony legs, but the torso was like a humans but grey. It had massive claws covered in blood, and long lanky arms that accompanied the claws. It was like a nightmare fuel Centaur.

But unlike the great Centaurs you usually see, this one was always hunched over. It had shaggy black hair on the top of its head. And it was visibly skinny, its ribs easily showing through its chest. It could have stood taller than me but it's hunched over form prevented that.

The Centaur charged me, its claws were ready to rip me apart. I didn't know how but I countered its charge. I grabbed it by the wrists and pushed back. It let out a feral growl before it opened its maw, giving me a view of its razor sharp teeth. It clamped down on my bony neck. Strangely it didn't hurt that bad.

I open my long mouth and bite down on its neck in return. I easily tore through its flesh and felt its crimson blood dribble down my mouth. It released my neck with a ear piercing screech. I detached my mouth and took a few steps back. Its neck was covered in blood and it glared at me with hatred. Its black, almost button like eyes bored at my soul.

Once again it came running but I ignored its claws. I let it rake its long nails across my face. I didn't feel anything, only a slight scratch. I quickly clenched my fingers and smashed my fist into the side of the creatures head. It smacked onto the ground hard. Its head visibly caved in and blood spattered across the ground.

I finally let out a breath. I wanted to collapse right then and there, but as there was someone else here I was looking for.

I turned around to face the pony I had hid with. They looked feminine but I honestly didn't want to assume at this point.

They still looked kinda terrified. I mean, they did just witness me kill a monster easily. Anyways, since I had a good look at them, I noticed wings. Their wings were held tightly against their side.

I tried to break the silence. “So...Hey, how are ya?” I asked, not really expecting a response.

The pony just stared at me, they didn't even move.

“My name's Adam, what's yours?” I asked, trying to be friendly.

Their lips quivered as they tried to answer my question. “F-fluttershy…”

“Uhm, could you repeat that?, I asked as I inched closer to the cabinet.

“...Fluttershy…” she replied a little louder.

“Oh Fluttershy, nice to meet you,” I said, trying to get a little closer, “So, you wanna tell me why you're dreaming about hiding in a cabinet from that guy over there,” I asked as I pointed to the smashed monster in the middle of the room.

She didn't reply, almost like she couldn't. It was like asking a toddler to explain why they did something bad.

“It's fine if you don't want to answer that, I'm not forcing y-” a loud crash interrupted me as my body was rocketed through the wall.

In an instant I felt cold. when I landed I was met with unforgiving cold dirt.

I glanced around frantically. The once stuffy school was gone. I was in an open field on a dark night.

I immediately looked up to see my arch nemesis. “Moon, you fuck! You just couldn't leave me be!” I said aggressively, pointing at the giant moon in the sky. “Well, come on, I'm ready for you!” I said.

Instead of being lasered to death like usual, a small blue streak came down from the moon. It was like a comet, but it was from the moon. I didn't trust it, so I waited for the tiny comet cautiously. It was fairly quick. The blue comet had almost touch ground before it suddenly slowed down to a stop on the ground a few feet ahead of me.

It was another damn pony! A large dark blue pony had just landed in front. And it had a horn...and wings. Some kind of pegacorn had just come from the moon. Am I sure I'm not high? Either way, the pony did not look friendly. It glared at me.

Their hair flowed through an nonexistent wind. That wasn't the weirdest thing either: They had had space hair. Well, not space hair, but hair that looked like the night sky. It contained white dots that gave it the appearance of stars. I felt like if I fell onto her hair, I would fall through it.

“We have you caught, foul creature!” it said to me, sounding pretty feminine, “Your days of walking in the dream realm are over!” She ended her statement with a wicked smile.

“Uhm...who are you?” I asked dumbly.

She seemed confused for a second before she corrected her expression. “Very well then, we shall allow you to know the one who shall vanquish you!” she said before she put a hoof to her chest. “I am Luna, Princess of the Night!”

I took a second to comprehend what she just told me, “Wait, so you've been attacking me because you don't like me here?” I asked, trying to piece together what was happening, “Dude, how fucked up are you?!” I was really pissed. It's not like I wanted to do this.

“You dare insult us.” She looked beyond angry at this point. “You would do best to watch your tongue, beast.” She flared her wings letting them stretch to their fullest.

“Fuck you,” I stated simply.

In one motion, she rocketed towards me. She quickly covered the distance between us. I could hardly see her but I knew I had to get out of the way.

I dove to the side, the air rushing past me as she missed. I quickly got up and turned around, she skidded to stop and caught dirt in the process.

She flared her wings, and immediately rushed towards me.

I stood my ground. If I could take a monster, I could take a horse. I planted my feet and stood ready. She came like cannonball, barrelling into me and almost knocking the wind out of me. I grabbed her head with both arms and flung her to the side.

I felt weird after touching her, like someone else was watching me. I just couldn't shake the feeling. But something else stuck out more, I could really feel her hit.

Ah, we finally found you,” a feminine voice said from seemingly everywhere.

“W-what?” Were the only words I could get out before I was hit by...something flashy. I recoiled in shock from the blast and felt a slight sting on my chest. I quickly inspected myself, but I found nothing wrong.

Then, I looked straight ahead. That same pony stood, her horn glowing blue and kinda sparkling.I got ready for her next attack.

Wait, what am I doing? I should be using my powers. I would win easily if I used them.

Once again that voice spoke to me, “True, but thou cannot win. Thou art far too weak.”

Seriously, where is that voice coming from? I ignored the voice and tried to focus. I closed my eyes and quickly racked my brain for ideas. I need to restrict her movements... I got it!

I opened my eyes just as her horn grew even brighter. I didn't think that was a good sign, so I moved quickly. I raised my arm and black chains shot out of the ground. The chains wrapped around the blue pony and pinned her to the ground.

“Fool! Your magic is far too weak to restrain her!” The voice yelled at me.

Her horn still shined and a blue bubble grew from seemingly nowhere, the bubble phased through the pony and pulled the chains past their breaking point. The chains snapped and dropped to the ground uselessly.

“Heed my warning, thou art not strong enough! Flee while you can!” the voice shouted.

“How?!” I relented, extremely annoyed by it's constant yelling.

“Useless Cur! Simply enter another dream!” it replied as if that was common knowledge.

I didn't have time to respond as I was hit with another bolt of light. This one actually hurt. I held my shoulder to try to remedy this pain.

“Would you stop?!” I shouted at the pony in annoyance as I dodged another blast.

The pony ignored my comment and charged another blast. I immediately summoned the same spear from earlier, and closed the distance between us.

She took to the skies as I ran, but my chains reanimated and chased her. The chains shot out relentlessly, like there was an endless coil of chains below the ground.

I watched as she zipped through the air. She did all kinds of maneuvers to try to avoid the chains, but one caught her. It wrapped itself around her leg like a snake. It constricted and held her in place as the rest of the chains caught up, the creature desperately flapping her wings. They wrapped around her and locked her wings to her sides.

She plummeted to the ground and I wasted no time. I sprinted towards her. I knew I couldn't reach her in time, but I just needed to get close enough.

She broke the chains quicker than expected with another bubble.

I hurled my spear at her as she got up. It whizzed past her head, her face unphased. I mentally cursed myself.

She glared at me with a burning passion, and in a blue flash she was gone.

I looked around, but couldn't spot her. Only moonlit grass that went on for miles.

“Is thou deaf in the ear? We said go!” the voice once again shouted at me.

“How about you try to be a little more positive?” I suggested.

I felt kinda winded, which was weird because I never felt tired here before.

“Listen to me, thou is a weakening. Methinks thou should leave,” the voice replied and I finally relented.

“Alright, but how? I don't know how to use my powers.”

The blue pegacorn reappeared in the air, it's horn having grown almost blindingly bright. She threw another bolt of light, which dimmed her light slightly.

This bolt was considerably large, and whizzed past me.

I tried to cover my large bony ears as I heard a large boom. I turned around to see fires that sprouted, they slowly spread across the grass.

“Are you fucking insane!” I yelled to the pony, but again she just ignored me.

I dodged another explosion as I listened to a stranger in my head.

“Just envision a pony and a door to their head, then simply walk through it.”

“Well, that's cryptic as fuck,” I responded as I dove to the ground. The large pony flew just over me as I got out of the way.

She's really not giving up, and it doesn't help that I'm having trouble breathing. I let out another heavy breath as I once again narrowly jump out of the way of the angry pony. This isn't working and I can't dodge forever.

I kept my eyes on the Moon horse as I tried to picture a pony. Alright, now door come on! I thought as another explosion happened behind me. Fuck! Open now! I struggled to dodge; my movements were sluggish and slow.

She blasted another huge bolt of light at me. I held up my arms to block the magic. The blast burned through the bone facade. The explosion that came after sent me on my back, and I was face to face with the moon in the sky. It's shining radiance contrasted my exhausted form.

If I had hairs they would have stood up. I knew what was about to happen.

“Fuck you,” I plainly stated to the giant rock in the sky.

And just like always I was engulfed in white. Pain was all I could sense, and I ceased to exist in an instant.

I jolted from my bed and my head hit the top bunk. I recoiled in pain and hissed. I rubbed my forehead and looked at my other hand, skin and flesh. I sighed in relief and fell back onto my pillow.

I had woke up.

“Yes, thou hast woken up.”

Author's Note:

Alright, I finally pushed this chapter out, and thank you guys for the short feature! I love all of you and you guys keep inspiring me to write, seriously thank you!