• Published 13th Dec 2018
  • 3,987 Views, 219 Comments

Etheria's Sunset - Wanderer D

Adora receives an invitation for a "Former Super-villain Party". Should she go?

  • ...

Figuring Things Out

Etheria's Sunset

By Wanderer D

Figuring things out

"Open Sesame!"







"Seriously, Kyle, do you need to keep shouting 'Eternia'?" Catra finally asked. "It really, really doesn't work."

"W-well, Entrapta once said that you can use a brute force attack to hack a password!"

Scorpia blinked. "Oh! I remember that!" She then arched an eyebrow and looked at Kyle with a decidedly unsure expression. "But I don't think she meant using the same word over and over."

"What else would make it a brute force attack?"

"This is stupid." Catra glanced over at her troops, as they tried to use a powerful laser to shoot through the structure's walls, but as fragile as Eternian architecture seemed to be inside, the outside? Diamond-solid. "Alright, Kyle, since you're not helping, go back to stacking the equipment."

Kyle deflated, but Catra's orders were law. He headed over to the crates, and started piling them once more.

Once he was out of sight, Catra massaged her brow.

"Aww, I like how you care about your friends." Scorpia smiled, then tapped her chin. "Well, your underling friends."

"Kyle is not my friend," Catra stated, shaking her head. "I just don't like seeing what the others do to him because they think they can get away with it."

Scorpia slapped her back. "Ha! And that makes you a good leader! He just needs more training, that's all."

"Yes, but that doesn't solve our current problem," Catra replied, wincing. "We need to bring Entrapta along next time, she might not be able to read it, like Adora can—" her voice took a decidedly low tone at the mention of her former friend"—but she understands this technology much better."

"Is that a good idea?" Scorpia rubbed the back of her head. "I mean, it can't be that difficult, can it?" Scorpia asked. "The lines are a bit weird, but that there looks like a fish. And that looks like Adora's sword. Hey! Maybe we need the sword to open it!"

"In which case, this is all a big waste of time!" Catra hissed. "It's not like we can just borrow it!"

"You could always ask?"

"Adora isn't even here!"

"Then who's that?"

Catra cringed and turned slowly to face She-Ra and some friends, which surprisingly included a horse with a horn. She quickly gathered herself, smirking at the group. "Hey, Adora. What a pleasant surprise," she deadpanned. "What brings you here?"

Adora took two steps forth, posing mightily, her blonde hair waving in the air. "You know why I'm here, Catra," she said in that tone of voice that just rubbed Catra the wrong way. "We can't let the Horde obtain this First One's technology!" She valiantly pointed her very dangerous sword at Catra and Scorpia.

"First ones, first ones… Aha!" the young woman with the red and blonde hair said, snapping her fingers. She turned to look at the little horse with the horn. "That's why it sounded familiar! G'kar and Londo actually knew the First Ones!"

The little horned horse smacked her forehead and shook her head. "Of course! No wonder it sounded so familiar!"

"Girls?" Adora hissed, holding her sword steady. "Is this really the time?"

"So," Catra spoke up, ignoring the odd pair. "Where's my patrol?"

"Bow and Glimmer took care of them," Adora said, "give up, Catra. You can't win this."

Catra rolled her eyes. "Blah, blah, righteous fury. Blah, blah, can't win this!" She crossed her arms. "Come on, Adora, you can do better than that." She smirked. "In prison."

Adora blinked, then her eyes opened wide when she realized what Catra had done.

"Well, it seems our villaness is not dumb," a voice said, making Kyle jump, hand on his chest as he stared at the armored, deep purple horse with the half horn.

"Who are you?!" he asked, quickly raising his weapon.

"At ease, soldier," the horse said, waving a hoof. "I'm just passing by and I noticed what was happening here. I used to serve an evil army too."

Kyle sat down on the crates, watching as Catra's ambush proceeded exactly as she had planned. He looked down at his gun, then at the horse. "I guess there's no point in fighting. With my luck, I'll get banged up again."

Both of them winced at the loud explosion and then followed the trajectory of a particularly large tank as it was thrown overhead.

"Perhaps," the horse said, taking a seat next to him, "but as I said, I have no intention of causing you harm. My name is Tempest Shadow."


"Nice to meet you, Kyle. How come you are here and not there, participating in the battle?"

Kyle sighed. "I'm just not good at this. Lonnie and the others all scored higher than me during training… not to mention Adora and Catra," he said, motioning at the pair.

"Interesting. Are you saying Sunset and Starlight's ally was once one of yours?"

"Are they the cute redhead and the little horse with the horn? Yeah," Kyle said, leaning back. "We all grew up together in the Horde. Well, most of us. I was picked up from a town the Horde conquered, but Lonnie and the others had been there before. We all trained together, ate together… I guess, I never realized I wasn't cut for this."

Tempest nodded. "We're called unicorns, by the way. Horses with horns."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it." The pair contemplated the heat from the explosion. "You know, Kyle, not everyone is meant to be part of the frontlines, have you considered an administrative role?"

"But… I want to be with my friends."


Nearby, a pair of troopers landed, unconscious.

"I mean, it's not like I enjoy being in a fight, you know?" Kyle admitted. "But these guys are all I know, and… well, it sucks that it's all falling apart. Adora and Catra are at each other's throats, and they used to be best friends!" He shook his head. "I know I'm not important, like them, but we all care. Lonnie, Rogelio, myself… I-I think even Shadow Weaver cares, in her own, twisted, manipulative way." He looked up at the battle. "I hate that Catra and Adora have to fight. They were like sisters… I always thought they'd be there for each other. And they were always nice to me."

"I'm not entirely sure what to say. On the one hoof, I don't think there's anything good that can come out of being with an army like this one," Tempest said, "Reminds me a lot of the Storm King's army… but it seems more complicated than that, in your case. You're talking about your family and your friends."

Tempest hummed. "I suppose I could try and help you out."

Kyle blinked. "What? Really?"

Tempest shrugged. "Sure. I was given a second chance after… well, a lot of things. I've been part of something very similar, but where you have the strength to stay to help your friends, I left mine behind and ended up joining evil." She smirked. "At least the Storm King's army didn't have "evil" as part of their title."

"I don't think we're particularly evil," Kyle said softly.

"Sometimes we can only see what's right in front of us," Tempest said, keeping her eye on the battle. "And it takes some time to realize that the world is not limited to what we can, or cannot see."

While Kyle pondered those words, the area shook and several shouts recalled their attention to the battle.

Kyle blinked. "I guess they figured out the password."

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Hello, readers! Short chapter, I know, but just like with Ranger it's taking more time than I anticipated to get things moving again!
Now, I love my references as much as anyone (maybe more!) but I'll be weaning those out of the story as it progresses. I think we've had our fun with the multiverse constant references, and now I should really focus on actual She-Ra, MLP.
I'll keep the tone light, but the story most move forward!

Comments ( 26 )

Funnily enough Tempest could take care of that entire force all by herself. She may not be able to regulate her magic correctly, but she packs one hell of a punch and she is no slouch in CQC. I almost feel bad for the horde here

Kyle is SUCH a woobie.

Hopefully you're running out of reformed horses now. At this rate I'm half expecting Diamond Tiara to pop up.

Secretly hoping she's already sitting a desk going through the Horde's finances and likely going to get annoyed at Kyle when he shows up.

"W-well, Entrapta once said that you can use a brute force attack to hack a password!"

That's not how it works in this case.

"This is stupid." Catra glanced over at her troops, as they tried to use a powerful laser to shoot through the structure's, but as fragile as Eternian architecture seemed to be inside, the outside? Diamond-solid.

GOD I love smart villains.

Scorpia slapped her back. "Ha! And that makes you a good leader! He just needs more training, that's all."

Be that as it may, we still have a problem. Or, you do.

Catra cringed and turned slowly to face She-Ra and some friends, which surprisingly included a horse with a horn. She quickly gathered herself, smirking at the group. "Hey, Adora. What a pleasant surprise," she deadpanned. "What brings you here?"

Oh. Hey Adora.

"Well, it seems our villaness is not dumb," a voice said, making Kyle jump, hand on his chest as he stared at the armored, deep purple horse with the half horn.

She really isn't.

"At ease, soldier," the horse said, waving a hoof. "I'm just passing by and I noticed what was happening here. I used to serve an evil army too."

Hi Tempest. And yeah, Catra is SMART and I LOVE IT. She is best evil lesbian catgirl waifu. Not my term, but the term stands regardless.

"Perhaps," the horse said, taking a seat next to him, "but as I said, I have no intention of causing you harm. My name is Tempest Shadow."

Called it.

"I mean, it's not like I enjoy being in a fight, you know?" Kyle admitted. "But these guys are all I know, and… well, it sucks that it's all falling apart. Adora and Catra are at each other's throats, and they used to be best friends!" He shook his head. "I know I'm not important, like them, but we all care. Lonnie, Sauro, myself… I-I think even Shadow Weaver cares, in her own, twisted, manipulative way." He looked up at the battle. "I hate that Catra and Adora have to fight. They were like sisters… I always thought they'd be there for each other. And they were always nice to me."

... Well shit, now I care about this guy. Dammit Skeyoh! No wait, this isn't his (her?) doing. Dammit Wanderer!

"I don't think we're particularly evil," Kyle said softly.

It's a matter of perspective really. Some are more evil than others. You're not particularly evil, but Shadow Weaver is.

Hello, readers! Short chapter, I know, but just like with Ranger it's taking more time than I anticipated to get things moving again!

Hey, Quality over Quantity.

"Open Sesame!"







Catra, really—are you trying to get yourself killed? If so, you’re making a dandy start of things!

"First ones, first ones… Aha!" the young woman with the red and blonde hair said, snapping her fingers. She turned to look at the little horse with the horn. "That's why it sounded familiar! G'kar and Londo actually knew the First Ones!"

They knew a few of them, anyway, much to their eventual regret.

There is so much to love in these new chapters and Tempest is a great addution. I look forward to seeing what gets added next <3

Random Babylon 5 references always make me happy.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"
"Seriously, Kyle?"

In any case, the couple's spat continues, and poor Kyle just wants his friends to be happy. Meanwhile, that door just detected its sword-shaped keycard. Looking forward to seeing what's in the ruin.

Whoa, whoa! At least have Londo and G'Kar show up!

A excellent twist with Tempest showing up, and I loved her entire talk with Kyle.

"We need to Entrapta along next time,...

I think there's a word missing here. Did you mean, "We need to bring Entrapta along next time,"?

"Is that a good idea?" Scorpia rubbed the back of her head. "I mean,

"It can't be that difficult, can it?" Scorpia asked. "I mean… the lines are a bit weird, but that there looks like a fish. And that looks like Adora's sword. Hey! Maybe we need the sword to open it!"

Is there supposed to be more at the end of that first paragraph?

Awesome, Tempest is in Etheria, too! Was she at the Former-Villains Party, too? I don't think she was ever mentioned.

I liked the conversation between her and Kyle. It's obvious that he cares greatly about his friends, even though he's usually the butt of their jokes. I like how he's especially concerned for Catra and Adora.

Tempest hummed. "I suppose I could try and help you out."

I'm curious to see what role Tempest will play in this.

Nice story so far, good work.

This was incredibly fun, I hope it continues in the future.


That's debatable.

The movie that then acted as pilot of the first series was okay for the time it was made. And was the first time He-Man could have really died.

The She-Ra series itself was more childish than He-Man save perhaps in the crossover episodes with He-Man and a few rare episodes.

Overall it showed a woman kicking butt, and I always thought that Adora and Hordak didn't simply kill each other because they were daughter and father for a while and Hordak just couldn't bring himself to kill Adora. And that meant thar She-Ra never went all out against him.

its a lot worse than the stuff you remember that was pretty good from the time its early 80s late 70s but if you do two things, i dont recommend ether you get a more clear picture
1 watch random episodes of old early 80s cartoons they are much worse than you remember
2 compare it the average of junk for kids at the time now that you have seen them fresh not the best of the best through nostalgia glasses

i used to love thunder hawks as a kid try watching now its painful

the steps wont make you happy

side note the new she-ra is much like a surpiseing number of shows of late much better than they should be

Will there be a continuation of thi? Season 4 is over, there are way more material for the story Xad, anyway, hopefully wanderer don't forget this funny gem XD.

Aw man I ran out of chapters

are you gonna continue this

You nailed it, Nostradamus.

I particularly can't wait for an update to this fic!
Also I agree with continuing the story, but you are honestly really good at comedy Wanderer! it'd be a shame if focusing o the story took away from the comedy.
Besides, Discord can always come up with new hijinks to ensue or something
Or expanding into the other universes where the Twilight's and Luna ended up on or something
like, I love the She-Ra perspective and the idea of sticking to it so absolutely no objections, just suggestions ^^

Anyway, good luck writing this when you get to it ^^

This isn't dead is it... cause I kinda like it, I'll wait for a year or two then see if anything happens to this, hopefully you continue or maybe rewrite it, whichever you prefer...

This was a cute story. Very fun to read!

i mean...fireworks where the first versions of rockets..and those DO pack an..EXPLOSIVE punch...aaand a explosion from the VERY early versions of fireworks where known for exploding with more force than a hand grenade.

........also..just read all of this...new chapter soon..


This is a fun story! I hope it continues someday!!

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