• Published 13th Dec 2018
  • 3,988 Views, 219 Comments

Etheria's Sunset - Wanderer D

Adora receives an invitation for a "Former Super-villain Party". Should she go?

  • ...


Etheria's Sunset

By Wanderer D


"Glimmer?" Angella asked, carefully stepping back and observing Sunset and Starlight Glimmer both bow deeply before Swift Wing of all...horses… "What is going on?"

"I… have no clue?"

"Oh!" Bow gasped, slamming his fist into his palm as things clicked together. "I remember Princess Twilight saying that she's an Alicorn, which is a pony with a horn and wings… in her original world, supposedly only Princesses look like that."

"So what you're saying," Angella clarified, "is that by all accounts, just by his physical appearance, Swift Wing is royalty in their world."

"That's right."

Angella nodded. "Adora, please be so kind as to escort Swift Wind out, I need to speak to our guests."

"Um… okay, but you have to deal with the enraged females if I move away their eye-candy."

"I am well aware of that."

"Alright," Adora said dubiously, walking over to where Swift Wind was posing bravely as he retold a story.

"...and then I said, 'Your Majesty! I request, neigh! I demand that you release all the horses in the stables!"

"Oooh, that's so considerate, your highness," Starlight said, edging up to him. Sure, she only reached up to his shoulder, but she liked that. "How about we go to one of these stables and you show me how… bad… you can get?"

Sunset covered her mouth.

"I uh…" Swift Wind stammered, glancing down at Starlight and seeming to notice just how physically close she had gotten. He gave Sunset a pleading look. "Uh, ma'am, Sunset… your uh, mighty steed seems awful close and I'm uh…"

Sunset snorted behind her hand. "I'm sorry your highness, but you are kind of dreamy, and she's not my steed. I originally looked like her." She winked. "Only prettier. And I might have wings now too."

Starlight hissed at her.

Sunset stepped back. "Then again, Starlight really knows about subjugated towns, right, Starlight?"

"Oh, I know everything there is to know about enslaving towns, and uh, liberating them too," Starlight purred, eyeing Swift Wind up and down. "Why don't you show me how you'd… liberate mine? Or maybe… you'd like a taste of subjugation?"

Sunset covered her mouth and turned around, her shoulders shaking.

"Um, girls?" Adora called, approaching carefully. "Can I borrow Swift Wind for a moment?"

"Adora!" Swift Wind whispered, talking out of the side of his mouth. "Help!"

"No!" Starlight said, her horn blazing with magic. "I will reduce this castle to scraps if—"

"Come on, Starlight," Sunset said, nudging the unicorn and breaking the spell. "We're still going to be here for a while, you'll get your chance to tell Swift Wind about… towns."

"But… Sunset! This is literally the best of my three mate choices! Don't take him away from me!" Starlight begged.

"The third? Who are the other two?"

"Spike and Sunburst."

Sunset frowned. "Spike? Really?"

"Hey, he's a dragon, he'll last for a while, plus he's sharp, and witty!"

Sunset crossed her arms. "What about Sunburst?"

"It's not that I want to, more like our parents are pushing it."


"So that's why—hey! Where is he?"

Sunset smirked. "Outside. Now, let's go see what the Queen wants."

The doors closed behind them, leaving the pair of world-travelers with Queen Angella.

"My daughter tells me you all met at a Former Villains party?" she asked, frowning down at the pair.

It was like dealing with Luna.

"Sort of? I mean, it wasn't real bad, all the villains there were reformed, and some were even really not that bad, right, Starlight?"

"Totally! Even Princess Luna, sister to our own immortal Princess, Celestia, was there! She went evil a thousand years ago, but she's good now!" Starlight said quickly, nodding in tandem with Sunset.

"Is that so?"

"But it wasn't anything dangerous!" Sunset added just as quickly. "Sure, she might have turned herself into a creature of ultimate evil that cursed the entire world into eternal darkness while her rule lasted, but one rainbow-whammy later, and she's back to being good old Luna, princess of dreams and the night."

"Right. So you're saying that, despite what you just said, she was never a serious threat?" Angella mused, looking at her nails carefully. "Glimmer dropped some other names. Maybe you could tell me what they did?"


"Gemini Saga and Kanon?"

Sunset gulped. "Uh, tried to murder an infant goddess, then manipulated another god to flood the Earth? But! A few years later, they saw the error of their ways and sacrificed their lives for the greater good!"

Sunset jumped when she felt Starlight's magic pinch her butt. She glanced at the unicorn, who gave her a look. Sunset nodded in understanding. "I assure you, not all of them were that bad."

"I see." Angella said, pretending to study her other hand. "Sasuke Uchiha?"

"He went emo."


"Obsessed over chess."


"We don't talk about that pervert!"


"Wants to be the king."


"Daddy issues." Sunset tapped her finger to her nose. "Or is it mommy issues? Both. Issues."


"You would love him. I'm not even sure why he was even there. Something about pirates."


"Doesn't seem to like puppies."


"He's a warrior prince of a people named after vegetables."


"Very, very hungry."


"Alright, alright," Starlight interrupted. "Just how many people did Glimmer meet? And when? She was with us most of the time! And I sure as hay didn't see her go near Alucard."

"Maybe when we were placing bets on the arm wrestling? Or when Adora and I were having that shooting competition with Gru?"

"I do believe you have severely downplayed several of the individuals named," Angella said, "I think, regardless of the exact moment my daughter chose to mingle with… these questionable people…"

"Hey, I'll have you know Harlock is a gentleman!"

"...the fact is that she mingled with criminals." She glared at the pair just as they were about to complain. "Former. I do not care. She is the princess of Bright Moon and she shouldn't have been exposed to… that."

"Look, your majesty, we all made mistakes and paid for it… some of us still pay for it in one way or another. Everyone there lost someone, learned something, changed, or sacrificed something invaluable to redeem themselves in the eyes of others… even their worst enemies." Sunset said, hands tightening.

Starlight picked up from there. "None of us are perfect, but we all learned. We all became better, and if they were there, it was because they deserved to be. It's a lot easier to take the easy way and remain evil, or aloof. When you have power, it's easy to abuse. And sometimes you don't even know how bad you are until you realize…"

"And when you do, when you see… and you choose the hard way… the one that demands that you face your fears, your errors and whatever crimes you might have committed," Sunset said slowly, "that's when you can truly move forward. And, I for one, would stand at the side of any warrior, witch, vampire, princess or creature that did that. And I'd stand proud at their side."

Angella sighed and shook her head. "Very well. I wanted to take your measure before allowing you further contact with Glimmer, Bow and Adora. We are at war with the Horde and bad influences in these times carry a lot of consequences."

"War?" Starlight asked.

"Adora told me… I'm sorry." Sunset grimaced. "I know it seems we're making light of the situation, but with Discord involved… either there's some convoluted plan, or it really is just him getting amusement out of this. Either way, the more we worry, the worse things will get."

"It's only a matter of time before we go back home," Starlight said. "Fluttershy will get him sorted. But if we're here for the duration of the war…"

"I do not know what skills you might or not possess," Angella said into the following silence. "But if your magic or powers can be of help in some way, the Rebellion can use some assistance." She stood up and headed for the exit. "It will be your choice, of course. If you do not want to get involved in this world's problems, I will still allow you to stay as guests. You will excuse me, I must talk to my generals about… recent developments."

"What are you thinking?" Sunset asked Starlight, sitting next to her.

"Many things…"

"You mean one horse?"

"He's delicious!"

Sunset smiled. "It might be best not to remain too besotted by him, Starlight. We don't know how long we'll stay here."

"I know, I know!" Starlight hissed. "It's just… you're human right now! You don't... you can't smell..." She blushed. "I'm just glad I'm the only currently pony Equestrian here."

Sunset sighed, patting Starlight on the back.

"I'm probably the only one stupid enough to fall for otherworldly creatures."

"What is this admittedly beautiful creature with an otherwordly aura trying to say to me, Mewtwo?"

Mewtwo levitated down to where his fellow Legendary Pokemon was crooning to Luna.

"If you lower your mind-shield for her, you should understand her." He projected through their mutual link.

"Perhaps, after I understand more of your unique world, my dear. For now, I fear that I must be a bit defensive."

"This is Cresselia, the Legendary Pokemon." Mewtwo tilted his head and shrugged. "She is asking why you came down to the planet, when she has been trying to protect you all this time."

Luna blinked. "Surely she is confused, dear Mewtwo. I have just arrived in this world!"

"She says she's your dutiful guardian, and that she was surprised to feel you down here," he translated the series of croons. "She seems to believe you're the Moon itself."

"Ah, a Moon Guardian of some repute!" Luna said, nodding. "Verily, this bodes well for my stay here! Henceforth she'll be the captain of our guard!"

At Mewtwo's raised eyebrow, she nuzzled him. "Do not pretend that you do not wish it so, my dear Mewtwo."

Cresselia crooned excitedly, a slight blush on her beak.

Mewtwo glared at her. "Shut up."

"Nah. It was a roomful of people and creatures that understood exactly where we were coming from. I'm sure there are some other infatuations out there."

Starlight chuckled weakly. "Yeah. Sure."

"Anyway," Sunset stood up, stretching and motioning to the door with her head. "I don't know about you… but I can't leave friends to their own when something this serious is happening. You in?"

Starlight snorted. "Duh. Let's go buck the Horde."

To Be Continued…