• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 11,652 Views, 337 Comments

Hunter Turned Monster - Ahrazell

You know the saying "Be careful when hunting monsters lest you become one'? Well I didn't think they meant it literally!

  • ...

Pain of a Memory

Val sighed as she walked the long road back to ponyville. "Time to meet Watashi no musuko at his adopted mother/sister's castle... Hopefully I can keep my instinct in check." The elder dragon sighed as she made her way back into town, only for a pink blur to come to a stop right infront of the great dragon.

"Hi there! I'm pinkie pie! Oh oh, are you a new pony in town?! Wait silly me you're no new pony you're a new dragon in town! Oh my gosh oh my gosh, I need to throw you a Welcome to ponyville party, a welcome back to Equestria party, and a yay you found your s-mh!" Pinkie ranted, only to find her last part silenced by the dragon.

"Ah laughter. I was wondering when you'd show. I'd be delighted for a party, however maybe in a later date. I am rather busy at the moment and I don't want that last one to be told... He deserves better than to have it dumped onto him." Valstrax told the exsightable pony with a level of calm that shocked any passerbys.

"Do you pinkie promise to come back for a party?" Pinkie asked only for the silver dragon to chuckle.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." The dragon said, going through most of the actions.

"Wow, your good." Pinkie nodded sagelly.

"I try." Valstrax chuckled, causing the pink pony to beam in joy.

"Well get a go on, before the comments start to realize and translate what you are speaking into Japanese." She said skipping away as the silver wyrm shook her head.

"No matter the era, laughter is ever the wierd one."

It didn't take long for the dragon to make her way to the crystal tree, giving a few firm knocks on the grand doors. "It anything but the tree had made this, I would have said they have no sense of taiste, a crystal tree castle in the middle of a very rural town." The Elder dragon commented only for a chuckle to be heard next to her.

"Oh I know. Imagine living in the thing." A purple alicorn said up to the dragon. "Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I have to say, I've never seen a dragon like you." Twilight said, looking over Valstrax.

The dragon in question chuckled "I would be impressed if you have, I am the last of my subspecies after all."

That was a mistake. Val spent the next thirty minutes reassuring twilight. "Yes, I am alright. No I'm not depressed. Yes I am unique. No you may not preserve me. Yes I am omnivorous. No I don't eat ponies, or anything sentient. And No, I did not kill the rest of my kind."

The purple alicorn looked sheepish at the deadpan stare she was receiving from that last question. "I'm sorry, but it's not everyday you meet a creature such as yourself."

Valstrax couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes it is. I see myself every day." Twilight and all the onlookers all groaned at the bad joke.

"Anyways, Welcome to ponyville. Did you come to see me?" Twilight asked, getting back on topic.

"Why yes. I met Watashi- er, Spike earlier today, and wanted to meet his guardian." Valstrax said, causing Twilight to smile.

"Hehe, well that is me. I hatched him from a egg a long time ago." Twilight said with a proud smile.

"Did you now?" Valstrax said. Though, it was the tone, the change in her stance, and the slight narrowing of her eyes that made Twilight just the slightest bit nervous. As quickly as that violent energy was there it was gone. "That's very interesting."

Twilight chuckled as a way to calm her prey instincts. "W-well let's not stand out here all day. Come on in Miss.... I... Um... Never got your name." Twilight said, scratching the back of her head.

"My name is Valstrax, but please, call me Val." Valstrax said, walking through the large doors as Twilight stood there, dumbfounded and watching as the strange dragon made her way in.

"Valstrax.... But then she... No she can't be... Can she?" Twilight said, pulling out the book she had before looking at the authors again, making sure she read the co author's name right. "You wouldn't happen to have any titles, would you?"

"Oh many little princess, though I care for most of them not. I mean, I'm a simple dragoness with simple wants. I don't need titles like Eternal Queen of the Sky." Valstrax said with a shrug. "I mean, I'm in a ratty cloak, covered in scars, do I look like someone who actually cares about positions of power? Hell if Lulu was here I woul treat her like anyone else. Celly on the other hand...." She said, drifting off when she noticed the princess wide eyed, looking between her and a book in her magic.

"Was it something I said?"

After dealing with a rapid fire machine gun named Twilight's questions, Val raised a claw before booking the bookworm. "You do realize you just spent the last hour, standing outside your home, asking me questions without letting me answer a single one?" Twilight blushed in embarrassment. "Now, let's go inside and talk, one question at a time now~"

Twilight nodded with a blush. "S-Sorry, I kinda get carried away..." She said with a nervous chuckle as she let the dragon inside.

Once they were seated in the library, Valstrax gestured to twilight. "Now little princess, ask away."

Pulling out a paper and quill, Twilight began her improve interview. "So, you are Valstrax, Eternal Queen of the Sky, right?"

The larger dragon chuckled. "Havent heard that name in a long time. Yes, I am. Now, to only be fair, I will ask my own questions. Tell me, how was your charge hatched?"

"You mean Spike?" Val nodded. "Well, his egg was my test to get into the academy for gifted unicorns. They wernt expecting him to hatch, it was supposed to be a test on how a handled failure. But then I surged due to a sonic Rainboom, and with a burst of magic, hatched his egg... Among other things." Val kept her smile, but Twilight could help but shiver under her eyes, like prey to predetor. "A-anyways, so, what are you the queen of?"

"Why, dragons of course. The dragon Lord is only a title to what is basicly my second in command, the one to watch over them while I'm away." Val said, her smile getting errey as she kept it. "So, what is Spike's relation to you?"

"Wow, that's a loaded question... Uhmm..... I think mother? Maybe older sister? It's a hard one." Twilight swore for a moment hope flickered in those threatening eyes. "What is your diet?"

"My diet, like all dragons is of gems, however gems alone don't provide a dragon with everything they need." Val said, a subtle edge in her voice Twilight was only able to hear due to her time dealing with nobles.

"Yes, like how ponies can't live on sweets alone, we need our veggies and plants to substain us." Twilight said as Valstrax chuckled a humorless laugh.

"Wrong there little princess. While that's true for dragons.... Plants give us nothing. They can help with sickness sure, but to nurish us.... It is as useless as those fad diets." Twilight went pale. "Tell me little princess. Have you ever once fed Spike meat. If he is as old as you say, he shouldn't look so young. Infact he isn't even a baby anymore, more of a young teenager, yet he looks as developed as one half his age." Twilight looked fearful as the edge in her tone became razor, no longer subtle dispite the upbeat tone and now terrifying smile on her face. "So tell me princess, as you surely would never, ever starve a dragon, how have you treated him? Have you treated him like a brother or son? Or have you more of a servant? Have you always taken care of him, or have you left him to suffer multiple times until he forces you to notice. Tell me princess!" Val ranted, nearly roaring the last bit as she growled.

"Why are you acting like this?!" Twilight begged, sobbing as the dragon loomed over her.


A crash as a platter fell, the sound as glass breaking as a tea pot and cups fell to the floor. Both of them turned to the door to see Spike standing there, horror on his face.

"....fuck...." Val cursed softly.