• Published 19th Oct 2018
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The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie - Foal Star

Pinkie Pie was somehow regressed to a one year old foal by chaos magic. But the Cake twins also grew into adults as well. What can go wrong?

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Chapter Four: A Doctor in Potty Training

Later that day, Pound and Pumpkin Cake were playing with each other while Derpy and Rarity were keeping an eye on the foals. Dr. Whooves was plopped down in front of the board game he had been playing with Pinkie Pie earlier, with his hooves crossed in a pouting motion. It was clear that now that he was diapered, Derpy and Rarity both were treating him like one of the foals despite his size. He turned to see the board game now had both Blueblood and Hoity Toity playing with Pinkie Pie, all taking their turns. At least they were cooperating.

After finishing her turn Pinkie Pie looked around and asked. “Hey Whoovesy, wha time is it?”

Dr. Whooves grumbled. “I don’t know, but I think it’s nap time for you, little one.”

Pinkie burst into laughter. “Nuh uh! Is way too early for nappy time!” She bounced over as her diaper made random noises and she asked. “So now ya a big pony in diapees! Why don't ya just use your age remote and change yasewf into a baby?! We can have so much fun!”

Blueblood shouted in delight. “Yeah! We need more big ponies to turn into foaws! The foaw pandemic shaww wize again!”

Hoity snickered. “He’s awmost one! I mean, he wost his potty training and his diapee tewws when he needs a change! What a coow diapee, I wish I had one wike tat!”

Dr. Whooves rolled his eyes and explained. “I told you before, my remote doesn’t work like that. It’ll only change my age for an hour. If I keep changing myself back and forth I’m gonna burn out the remote, and we’ll all be in trouble.”

Pinkie smirked. “Weww, now we have chaos magic fwowing through us I’m betting tat it can go wonger! Pwease?! Come on, I pwomise I’ww stay hewe in ta nuwsewy tis time!”

Blueblood and Hoity both shouted together. “Pwetty please?!”

Dr. Whooves scoffed and turned to Pinkie as he grumbled. “Yeah right! After what you pulled earlier, I don’t trust you one bit. I’m not falling for it again.”

Pinkie Pie, undeterred, looked up with puppy dog eyes as she pleaded. “Pwetty pwease? I pwomise I won’t weave ta nuwsewy! I mean it.”

Derpy came over and cooed. “Sounds like you’re all having fun. I could hear your babbing all the way across from the nursery.”

Dr Whooves got up and explained. “They want me to turn into a foal, just because I’m in a diaper.”

Derpy giggled as she came around and checked the stallion’s diaper clock. “Well, it looks like you’re going to be peeing soon anyway. So I think this is a perfect opportunity to show the Cake Twins how to use the big potty. If it’s really chaos magic, we should probably at least partially train them so they don’t go through all their diapers before Twilight can cure them or Mr. and Mrs. Cake come back.”

All the foals around giggled and turned their attention to Dr. Whooves who squeaked at such a notion, making his back legs crunch his diaper as he shouted. “No way! I didn’t sign up for that! I’m a scientist, I don’t do potty training! I barely even did it when Dinky was going through it.”

But Rarity came over and cooed. “I for one think that would be an excellent idea. We should have every foal watch the doctor go potty! Give them an example and a chance to see a grown up on their level.”

Dr. Whooves whimpered in protest as Derpy nevertheless took him by the hoof and led him across the hall to the bathroom. All the foals followed behind, waddling about and making a symphony of crinkling that echoed through the hall.

They eventually reached the bathroom and came upon the toilet. Pound and Pumpkin Cake finally laid their eyes upon the porcelain bowl. Despite them now being the same size as it they still whimpered and their legs shook. “M-monster!” They whimpered in fright, opting to stand as far back as they could from the toilet, as Pinkie Pie sighed and groaned.

Hoity Toity hid behind the twins as well, which Blueblood rolled his eyes at. “I thought you not scawed of big potty anymowe?” He asked Hoity Toity.

“I thought I was, bu ten I got fwushed!” Hoity gulped.

“So, I did too, I wasn’t scawed,” Blueblood humphed. “As wong as you cawefuw, ya wun go down ta howe! Now watch, when Dr. Whooves uses it ya see it not scawy ow a monstew!”

Dr. Whooves. Meanwhile, just whimpered some more as Derpy cooed. “Alright now Pound and Pumpkin Cake. Dr. Whooves here is going to show you that the big pony potty is not a monster. Just do what he does and you’ll be fine.”

The stallion grumbled irritably and started to do a potty dance as the hand on the back of the diaper moved to the storm cloud, indicating he was about to wet himself.

“Okay, it’s really simple. You just need to take your diaper off,” Derpy began to instruct, then slowly peeled the tapes off Dr. Whooves diaper as he waddled onto the toilet and sat down. “You sit down on the seat like Dr. Whooves does. Then you just do what you’d normally do in your diaper.”

Dr. Whooves sighed and relaxed, peeing into the toilet. Once done he got up. “It’s a good idea to use toilet paper to wipe yourself up, especially if you’re still in diapers,” He instructed as he gestured to the nearby roll. “Take only one swath of the roll off at a time, don’t try to use the whole thing.”

“And when you’re all done, you just flush. Like this,” Derpy explained as she pressed down the handle. “There, it's that simple. Nothing to it. Oh, and be sure to wash your hooves afterward.”

Pinkie Pie chirped up as she turned to the twins. “See, you guys?! Is not tat scawy! Ta potty just wans to be youw fwiend! And you wike making new fwiends, wight?”

Pound Cake reluctantly asked. “Can we at weast have diapees wike Dr. Whooves when we twain? They wook pwetty.”

Derpy giggled, picking up the diaper. “Sure. I’ll have my husband wear a few more and have you wear them as needed. It'll make it easier to see when you need to go. If you’re still nervous, that’s okay. Just come get me, I’ll be there to help. And I promise you, I won’t let the potty hurt or eat you.”

The twins both squealed at the notion as the stallion grumbled, seeing another diaper be tapped around his rump, and another clock magically appeared on the seat of it. “Just wonderful, how can this possibly get any worse? Given the choice, I’d rather be fighting the daleks.”

After a humiliating experience of wearing dozens of adult diapers and making stacks of the enchanted ones with the clocks printed on the backs, Dr. Whooves was now sitting down and eating dinner with his wife, the Cake Twins, and Rarity with her foals in highchairs (Pinkie Pie had been fed earlier).

Dr. Whooves asked. “So, Rarity, I was thinking about what you said earlier, about this being tied to Discord. Did you send this hypothesis to Twilight?”

Rarity gave a nod. “Yes, darling. In fact, she told me after hours of studying that she has concluded the same thing, that this is tied to chaos magic. It could take weeks to figure out a solution, chaos magic is very complicated.”

Derpy then asked. “So, does that mean you and your friends are going to have to wake up Discord to get him to fix this? Do you even know if he’ll cooperate? What if he intentionally left the muffins out to turn Pinkie into a foal, so she can’t use her Element of Harmony?”

Rarity shrugged. “I’m not sure, with Discord all bets are off. Pinkie still seems to have her adult mind though, so as long as she doesn’t try to stuff the Element of Laughter into her diaper or flush it down the toilet we should be okay. Twilight and Celestia will be going over on what they want to do to solve this. For now, we’re going to have just keep watching the twins and Pinkie Pie. We’ll probably have to tell Mr. and Mrs. Cake what happened if they come back.”

Pinkie giggled as she kicked about in her diaper excitedly, and in foal babble she shouted. “Yay! Tat means I going to be a foaw wongew! I get anothew foawhood!”

Blueblood giggled and spoke in baby babble. “Weww, we wewcome ya, newest baby! Guess ya joined the diapee club, just fow a wiwwle bit anyways.”

Hoity laughed as he bounced in his diaper, making it crinkle. “Yeah, ta diapee club! Guess we needed another fiwwy. So faw, Zecowa is ta onwy fiwwy who is a baby. Can’t bewieve she not in potty twaining yet. I tink Appwejackie’s owevpwotective of hew.”

Pinkie laughed. “Yeah, we need mowe big ponies to join! Tat’s why I want to have Whoovesy be a baby.”

Blueblood commented “So, Derpy has ta age wegwession wemote. We can twy convincing hew to tuwn him into a baby fow a wittwe bit…” He then laughed as he rubbed his hooves together. ”Oh, I gots an idea!” He then switched to talking to Derpy. “Hey, Dewpy. Hoity and I wewe wondewing if ya can change Whoovesy into a toddwew for a bit.”

Dr. Whooves spat out his food and Derpy smiled and asked. “Oh, what for?”

Hoity replied with a smile. “Weww, he did such a gweat job showing Pound and Pumpkin Cake ta big potty. Bu we foals stiww and wan to see him on the wittwe pwastic potty.”

Dr. Whooves whined. “No way! That was the first and only time I’m ever being a potty training pony! I told you, I don’t do potty training!”

Derpy just cooed. “Oh,I think that’s a great idea, just for a little whle. I can even tuck you in when you go to sleep tonight, just like I used to do with Dinky.”

Dr. Whooves scrunched the diaper between his legs. “No…no way! There’s absolutely no way I’m going to just let you do that!” He then tried to run off, but was hit with a zap from the remote as he regressed into a three year old toddler, with his diaper shrinking down with him.

Rarity caught him in her magic and cooed. “Oh, just look at the little Dr. Whooves, he’s just so adorable as a baby!”

The little colt kicked about, making his diaper crinkle as he whined. “Stop tat! I wun be tweated wike tis! Get off me!”

Rarity placed Dr. Whooves down as he crossed his hooves. “Fine ten! I guess I’ww demonstwate how to go potty fow ta othew foaws. Bu onwy tis once, so tey’d bettew wisten.”

Derpy placed a plastic potty down as Dr. Whooves went over and explained to the regressed foals. “Now tis is a potty! Now watch, when ya get the urge wike I do, ya go to the potty. See, my diapee is showing ta stinky wines, tat means I need to go poopie. So ya just sit down and do it. A gwown-up cweans up ta potty.”

He sat down and did his business as Derpy clapped her hooves. “Oh, what a big colt!” She then picked him up and cleaned him with wipes. “There, all done. Now that we have a good idea on how to use the little potty, would anypony else like to try?”

Both Hoity Toity and Blueblood raised a hoof. Rarity (having thought ahead) set out two plastic potties. They came over and both plopped down and peed into them. Rarity smiled. “Oh, look at them, growing up so fast. I bet they’ll be out of diapers in a year or so.”

Derpy gave a nod. “I wonder when my husband will be out of diapers? Dinky was a pretty fast learner, but I wonder if he’ll be the same.”

The mares giggled as Dr. Whooves crossed his hooves and pouted. “Whateva, can I just go to sweepies? I had a wong day.”

Both mares gave nods as derpy took him by the hoof. “Come on, cutie. You can sleep with me tonight. Rarity, you can take care of the potties. And tell the Cake Twins they don’t have to worry about trying to use the potty at night.”

“Right, darling, better not risk them causing any accidents.” Rarity replied before she used her magic to pick up the training potties.

Dr. Whooves just blushed as he toddled along, with his diaper shaking back and forth.

Later, after Derpy placed a nighttime diaper on Pinkie, Blueblood and Hoity, she was placing the nighttime diaper on Dr. Whooves, and gasped upon seeing that a small clock appeared with various times and a storm cloud next to them. She giggled. “Looks like a schedule on when you’re going to pee tonight. That’ll be helpful.”

Dr. Whooves squeaked and shouted. “Sewiously?! Ugh!”

Derpy just cooed. “This chaos magic sure is something. Now come on, let's get going. We’ll see if my hunch is correct.”

They went into Pinkie Pie's room where Rarity now had her own bed in place. The fashionista smiled. “Well, it looks like I'll be staying here for awhile, so I might as well make myself comfortable.”

Derpy lightly rolled her eyes, took the little colt to Pinkie’s bed and lay down with him, snuggling close. Derpy blushed, having fond memories of sleeping like this many times with her daughter. She then slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning, after everypony woke up, Dr. Whooves groaned as he got up and saw that he was somehow still a toddler, and was having his very soggy diaper changed by Derpy. He then asked. “Um, Dewpy …why am I stiwww a toddwew?”

Derpy shrugged. “I'm not sure. I thought you would’ve turned back into a stallion by now,” She then looked down to see that her husband’s new diaper now had Dr. Whooves’ cutie mark, but the hourglass sands were dripping down. “Huh, that’s odd. I wonder why it's doing that?”

Dr. Whooves looked down at his diaper and shrugged. “I not suwe…just use ta remote to tuwn me back to thiwty.”

Derpy blushed. “Right,” She took out the remote, but when she tried to change him back to normal, nothing happened. “Huh, that’s very odd.”

Dr. Whooves cried in protest. “No, no, no! I can’t stay a toddwew!” He then blinked, looked down at the diaper and gasped. “Ta timew! Tat must be wha it means, I’ww be a toddwer untiw aww ta sand is gone.”

Derpy giggled. “Well then, I guess I won’t waste the opportunity to baby you,” She then placed a pacifier in his mouth, and drifted a cute suited onesie over him. “There. You’re all suited up, my hubby.”

Dr. Whooves rolled his eyes and waddled off towards the door, only to be tackled by Blueblood and Hoity, both laughing. “Yay! Anothew pony has become a pawt of ta diapee cwub.”

Dr. Whooves scoffed. “Not fow wong! My diapee has a timer, see?! Tat means I onwy a toddwew fow a wittwe bit.”

Blueblood snickered. “Weww, I guess ya membership has a wimit. Oh well, tats otay.”

Pinkie Pie bounced over, showering the foals with confetti! “Anothew foaw! We gots another foaw, yay!”

Rarity came over. “Come now, darlings. Today, I’ll be caring for you while Derpy and the Cake Twins work. No funny business now.”

They all squealed in delight as she hoofed out bottles, and gave one to Dr. Whooves who blushed as he started to drink. His eyes lit up as he continued to chug, as the other foals giggled.

Blue Blood then cooed. “Wooks wike ya wike mommy’s miwk a wot!”

Dr. Whooves spat it out as the foals squealed in laughter. Derpy dawwed. “Oh, that was just too adorable!”

He groaned as Rarity picked him up by the diaper to examine the clock on his back. “Well, it looks like he’ll be peeing in an hour or so. I would love to tape up a hundred or so diapers to get that enchanted clock on my stuff as well. It’ll help a lot with potty training Hoity and Blueblood. No more false alarms, and no more stinky accidents.”

Dr. Whooves groaned as he was then lifted to a diaper changing mat, and Rarity began tapping and untapping diapers from around his rump.

The two adult foals were now back to serving ponies as they both took turns looking at each other’s diapers. That way they could keep each other informed of their need to go potty.

As Pound Cake was opening the door to what he assume would be a normal customer, he gasped upon seeing Twilight come in, and quickly bowed. “G-good mowning, Twiwy.”

The mare gave the big foal a pat on the head and cooed. “It’s nice to see you as well, Pound Cake. And how are things with you and your sister? How do you like being a big pony?”

Pound Cake shrugged. “Well, is okay. Is weird bu fun I guess,” Then he smiled. “Dr. Whooves is teaching us how to go potty, and is not tat bad.”

Twilight gave a nod. “That’s good to hear.”

Pound nodded and continued. “Yeah! He has a power whewe evewy time he weaws a diapee, a cwock appeaws on tem.”

Twilight burst into laughter, and when she controlled herself she came over and asked. “Oh, I need to see this! Can you show me, please?”

Pound Cake turned around, and Twilight burst into even more fits of laughter upon seeing the adorable clock on his padded rump. It was super adorable and it made her squeal. “Oh, that is just adorable! And useful!”

Pound nodded and explained. “Yeah, it is! My sistew came up with a plan were we wook at each others diapee to figure out if we need to go potty thwoughout the day. Guess what?! We haven’t have a singwe accident!” He didn’t mention that they were secretly only using training potties. They still didn’t fully trust the big potty just yet.

Twilight cooed. “That’s very good to hear. Now, I need to talk to Rarity about something very important, okay?”

Pound nodded. “Otay, Twily.” She then continued on her way and waved a hoof at Pumpkin who waved back, then waddled off.

Derpy smiled as she approached Twilight. “So, from what I heard, you agree with Rarity that the muffins were infused with Discord’s magic, right?”

Twilight gave a nod. “Right. But from what I read, chaos magic eventually dissipates, so you have nothing to worry about. Pinkie Pie and the Cake Twins will be back to normal soon. You actually didn’t need to potty train them, though I think Mr. and Mrs. Cake will be glad you did.”

They then went up stairs only to see a naked Dr. Whooves shouting “Give my diapee back!”, as Pinkie Pie was giggling, running around with his enchanted diaper on her head, and Blueblood and Hoity were both laughing while Rarity was somehow in the crib, strapped in a big diaper that was crinkling between her back hooves. It was a miracle the crib hadn’t broken.

Rarity gave a sigh of relief. “Oh, thanks goodness you’re here! I thought I could handle the little ones on my own, should’ve known four foals were harder than two! Especially when one of them is Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight sighed as she lit her horn and untied Rarity, she then went over to Pinkie Pie, picked up the diaper, and strapped it around Dr. Whooves’ waist. It was then that she saw the enchanted clock and the odd hourglass counting down on the front of the diaper. She smirked. “So I assume you'll be back to normal when the hourglass stops?”

Dr. Whooves sighed. “Yeah. Now do ya have a cuwe or someting?”

Twilight cooed. “I just explained to your wife that the chaos magic infused within the muffins will dissipate soon. And as for you… I do believe that hourglass is proof Discord’s chaos magic can’t last forever. Luckily, I stored the rest of the muffins safely in my library where nopony can find them.”

They all cheered as Twilight sighed. “Now, I would actually like to stay and document, as this may be a scientific discovery into how foals think and act.”

Depry blushed. “Um, I'm not sure if that's a good idea…we’re running out of room here. And if everypony’s staying at Sugarcube Corner it’s going to look mighty suspicious.”

Twilight waved a hoof. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll camp out downstairs. I’ll try to be discrete. Besides, Spike can manage the library all by himself, and I can always teleport over there if I need something.” She then turned to Pinkie Pie, who squealed as she bounced over, shooting out confetti from her diaper.

Twilight dawwed as she picked her regressed friend up. “Oh, just look at you, Pinkie Pie! You’re just so cute! Also, it looks like you need diaper change, come on.”

Depry laughed. “Well, I'll go back downstairs and continue running the shop with the twins. Have fun.”

“We will!” Twilight insisted.

As Pinkie Pie’s diaper was changed she thought to herself. “It’s too bad I’m probably only going to be a foal for as long as it takes for the sand on Dr. Whooves’ cutie mark to run down. Maybe there are some more of the magic muffins I could eat to turn back into a foal again? Mr. and Mrs. Cake probably wouldn’t mind, I’m already family to them and it’d be fun to grow up with them, even if was just for a little while.