• Published 19th Oct 2018
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The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie - Foal Star

Pinkie Pie was somehow regressed to a one year old foal by chaos magic. But the Cake twins also grew into adults as well. What can go wrong?

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Chapter one: Were Big Ponies now

Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake were both confused on what was going on, as they looked over their new adult bodies. Pound Cake looked himself over, seeing his now giant wings he flapped them. Then he saw how pudgy he looked as well as how big he was, whisking his long brown tail. He giggled and chirped. “Wow, I look great! Look how big I am!”

Pumpkin Cake poked the belly and laughed. “You still got all your foal fat, look how chubby ya are, fatso!”

Pound Cake scoffed and turned to his sister. “So what? I got Mommy’s body and she’s chubby. You look more like Daddy, he’s a lot less fat!”

Pumpkin Cake was amazed as she looked over her taller, skinner body and squeaked in surprise. ”This is super cool! I do look like Daddy! And you look like Mommy!”

The stallion looked around and shouted. “We gotta show Auntie Pinkie Pie that we're big ponies now! She’ll be so surprised.”

His sister looked around and nervously asked. “By the way, where is she? Pinkie was just feeding us before we got turned into big ponies and lost our diapers.”

Then they heard baby gibberish, and both ponies slowly looked down. They saw that Pinkie Pie was now a little pudgy pink foal, and holding her hooves up while whimpering and babbling. Clearly, she wanted to be picked up. The twins both looked down with horrified looks as Pumpkin squeaked in horror. ”Is...is that Pinkie Pie?!”

Pound Cake bent down and poked Pinkie’s pudgy body, making her giggle as she threw some confetti into the stallion’s face, causing him to stumble backward and gulp. “Yep, that’s Pinkie Pie, alright.”

The pink coated little filly gave a nod and held out her hooves again, still insistent on being picked up. However, the two Cakes gulped nervously, and they gave each other nervous looks.

Pumpkin Cake picked up the little foal with Pinkie Pie giggling and kicking her legs about in excitement. She looked Pinkie over, seeing that she didn’t seem much different than when she was an adult with her pink coat and big poofy pink mane and tail. But she was pudgier with a chubby belly and cute, stubby hooves. Pumpkin Cake couldn’t help but daww a little as she whispered in a sweet tone. “Well...um...I guess we're the big ponies now, and we have to take care of Auntie Pinkie.”

Pound Cake was walking back and forth nervously as he exclaimed, “But what do we do?! Mommy and Daddy are going to be gone for a long time! We don’t know anything about taking care of foals! Or how to run Sugarcube Corner!”

Pumpkin Cake sighed as she looked over at Pinkie, still floating about in her magic while kicking and giggling. She pondered for a bit and whispered. “They said they’ll be gone for a week, how long is a week, brother?”

Pinkie Pie sat up, started to babble something, and pointed a hoof to a calendar. Pumpkin Cake came over to it and Pinkie placed a hoof on the seven. Pumpkin whispered. “That’s seven. A week is seven days?”

The little foal gave a nod, and Pound Cake squeaked in horror! “Seven days?! We're going to be big ponies for that long?!”

Pumpkin slowly placed Pinkie on the ground and whined. “What do we do?! I mean, we have to run Mommy and Daddy’s store, and take care of a foal! That’s impossible!” The two ponies looked at each other, then suddenly the two both plopped on their rumps, burst into tears and started to bawl. Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes, stomped on the ground and shouted something in baby gibberish.

But the two ponies continued to complain.

Pound Cake stomped a hoof and shouted. “What are we going to do?! We’re too big for diapers and we don’t know how to use the potty!”

Pumpkin Cake nodded and continued to cry as she whined. “Yeah, we also have no idea on how to bake a cake!”

The stallion fussed about and shouted. “Not to mention we don’t know if we’re going to be able to even care for foals! I mean, we were just foals ourselves, I don't know how to change a diaper! Mommy, Daddy, and Auntie Pinkie always changed our diapers.”

Then all of a sudden, a hissing noise broke through the crying and whining. Both ponies turned to see Pinkie Pie with a huge blush on her face, as she was now slowly wiggling away from a puddle of urine on the ground, looking quite ashamed.

Pound Cake shook his head and grumbled. “Well, it looks like we need to get Pinkie Pie in a diaper, I think.”

Pumpkin gave a nod as she lifted the blushing filly with her magic and whimpered. “Right, she can’t go potty on the ground. Let’s... um... take her to our nursery. Maybe it’ll still have our diapers.” The two then quickly ran up the stairs before Pinkie could suffer another accident on the ground (they would clean up the current one later).

Pinkie Pie was now sitting on the changing table watching the Cake Twins scrounge through the drawers underneath , taking out tons of diaper changing supplies. They were both a bit unsure of what they needed, but they still took everything into their hooves and placed them down.

Pumpkin took out a cute, white, poofy diaper and explained. “Mommy doesn't use these a lot because they’re expensive. But they’re better than the diapers we wore.”

Pound gave a nod of agreement and chirped. “Yeah, and they're more poofy and comfortable than the normal ones. But we need to put foal powder on her first.” He took out the bottle of foal powder and pounded on it with a hoof. Pinkie Pie squealed as the white powder was blasted all over her, turning the pink filly’s coat into a pasty white. Pound Cake squealed in terror at what he did. “That’s way too much!”

Pumpkin sighed as she took out a foal wipe and cleaned the excess powder off Pinkie. “Next time, I’ll do that, brother,” She then slid the diaper under Pinkie’s rump and slowly began to tape it up. The mare didn’t realize she was taping it up backward until she saw it and groaned. “Oh dear. Diaper changing’s harder than the grown-ups made it look,” Pound Cake and Pinkie Pie both burst into fits of laughter as Pumpkin’s face grew red. “Hey, this is my first time doing this!”

Pound Cake snickered. “Oh yeah, well just don’t tape it over her head. Remember when Auntie Pinkie had a diaper on her head and another on her butt? She looked so silly.”

Pound Cake and Pinkie Pie both returned to laughing as Pumpkin’s face grew red. She then took a diaper within her magic and shoved it over Pound Cake’s head. He got angry, so he took the foal powder and threw it into Pumpkin’s face! She squeaked as the powder enveloped her, then she made a dozen diapers with her magic.

Pinkie then got up and stomped a hoof as she pointed at her diaper taped backward around her rump. Both ponies looked over and sighed, seeing that Pinkie still needed their help. Clearly, she was the most grown-up of the three.

Pumpkin reluctantly stomped over and untaped the diaper, then taped the padding up the right way after a few more attempts and adjustments. Eventually, she had Pinkie’s first diaper taped correctly around her rump. The little pink foal squealed in delight on seeing her first diaper, and bounced up and down while babbling happily!

The two former foals just watched the little cutie dance about, until the little filly’s tummy rumbled and the two adults both giggled as Pound shouted to Pumpkin. “You changed her, that means I get to feed her!” He then picked the filly up and ran downstairs as Pumpkin groaned and chased after her brother.

The twins eventually reached the kitchen where Pinkie Pie was now strapped into a spare highchair with a cute little bib strapped around her neck. But the filly watched with a worried look, seeing the twins going through the pantry while trying to figure out what foal food to feed her.

Pumpkin watched as her brother was busy stirring Mashed Yams with oatmeal into a little plastic blue bowl, getting foal food all over himself. Pumpkin Cake chuckled and asked. “Are you sure you don’t need any help, brother?”

Pound Cake scoffed. “Oh stop it, sis! If you can change a diaper, I can spoon feed Auntie Pinkie. Watch!” The stallion then stomped over with the bowl and started to spoon feed Pinkie Pie, giggling upon seeing her making cute sucking noises as she ate. But the clumsy stallion kept missing her mouth, promptly sending the food all over her face.

Pinkie laughed and bounced about, clearly loving the mess made from mashing the foal food over her tray.

But Pound was getting frustrated and he whined. “Stop moving around, Pinkie! I’m trying to feed ya!”

Pumpkin smirked as she commented. “See, brother? I told you we weren’t meant to play with our food when Mommy and Daddy feed us.”

Pound Cake threw the bowl of foal food at his sister, splattering it all over as he growled. “You did it too, ya poopy head!”

Pumpkin took the bowl off and shouted as she lifted a bag of flour! She was going to throw it at Pound Cake with her magic, but Pinkie started to babble angrily and throw something of a tantrum.

Pumpkin reluctantly set the bag down and grumbled. “Look, you can continue to feed Auntie Pinkie. I’ll find something for us to eat,” Pound scoffed as he started to scoop foal food into a plastic bowl. Meanwhile, Pumpkin was now looking into the fridge. “I think I’ll make us sandwiches, and there’s some milk in the fridge we can drink.”

Pound sighed in relief and whispered. “Good. After all this I could use a good bottle, and a nap.”

Pumpkin gave a nod of agreement as she began making sandwiches with her magic, struggling just to spread mayonnaise on the bread. She also slowly placed some vegetables down on the bread to add flavor.

Pound cake finished feeding Pinkie a short time later. She was stuffed with foal food. But Pound Cake and Pinkie Pie were both covered in orange paste, and the stallion sighed. “Okay, I’m done. Now can we start to clean up.”

Pumpkin Cake came over. She began wiping off her brother and the little filly, who yawned. “She looks tired. Let’s give her a baba, then put her down for a nap.”

Pound Cake gave a nod and yawned. “Good thinking. Heck, I could use a nap too. I’m exhausted.”

Pumpkin gave a nod of agreement. “Let’s get this little one to sleep first. Then we can talk about what we should do,” She then took Pinkie Pie upstairs, placing the little filly in her old crib. She made sure to tuck Pinkie under the sheets and kissed her goodnight. “Night night, Auntie Pinkie. Sweet dreams.” She then slowly went downstairs to eat her sandwich.

Pound Cake was already munching on his sandwich with an odd look on his face as he gulped down a bit and whispered. “Eating big pony food is weird.”

Pumpkin giggled as she sat across her brother, took up her sandwich, and started eating. The mare blinked, realizing that her brother was right. It felt so odd to be with eating with teeth instead of gulping down goop.

Still, the two continued to chew and swallow for a while, eventually finishing their sandwiches. Then they took two baby bottles filled with milk that Pumpkin had prepared for them. They started to suckle on their tiny bottles with blushes growing on their faces.

After their meal, Pound Cake sighed. “Well, sis, we can’t sleep in our cribs anymore. Do we have to sleep in Mommy’s and Daddy’s bed?”

Pumpkin Cake gave a nod as she explained. “Well, that's the only big pony bed other than Pinkie’ Pie’s.Would it be okay if we slept in the same bed?”

Pound Cake gave a nod and sighed. “Yeah, that’s fine. But we should probably find something to make sure we don’t make messes either. I...I’m not really sure if I want to use the potty, even though I think I know how to use it, just a little bit..”

They both looked at each other with uncertainty and Pumpkin whimpered. “Doesn't it make that scary flushing noise when you use it?!”

Pound gave a nod and whimpered. “Yeah! I don’t wanna get flushed down! Nothing that goes into the potty ever comes back out!”

Pumpkin nodded and agreed. “I don’t wanna get flushed down either, let’s go find some big diapers instead! Or maybe another pony to care for us. I dun wanna be a big pony yet!”

Pound got up and exclaimed. “Yeah, let's go into Ponyville and find somepony to help us!”

Pumpkin got up and squealed. “Right! When we find that pony, we need to tell them that we’re babies too! Then they can care for Pinkie Pie, and us!” They both put their hooves together, before they both ran out the door in search of help!