• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 489 Views, 6 Comments

The Two Days War - Perpetually Confused

Star Kicker asks Luna questions.

  • ...

Libera Et Impera

And so, my dearest Star, you shall hear the truth. What came about so long ago, how we came to be your sovereigns... I would not dean to speak for sister, her tale is hers to tell. But mine begins as I landed there amongst the clouds.

I've always found that feeling unsettling, standing so high above, each step springing under me as I go. I've prefered the solid earth since i can remember. But today... that day, my steps were sure. I walked the cloud fluff cobbles of the streets of Pegasopolis, and shivered. We often look to pegasi for their aesthetic, their simple swoops and swirls in their buildings, their indeneted columns and the cloudiseum. But not they... not these pegasus.

These were not the kind souls you know Star. Nor are they my poor lost foals of a mere millenia ago. No... these were the legionaires, my little pony. In those times, the world of the pegasus was thus: there were of course the clans, but the ones of actual rank the regulars, comprised largely of pegasus not of any clan and those of the clans who volunteered and it was they who were sent to handle the mundane daily of bandits, road guarding, gryphons, and the like, and the legionaries, those elite sent to the monsters and called upon by the Magus for the threats brought about by warlocks or if needed the spear point in acts of war, the bearers of armor of stormy grey and captains in barding of gold and red.

As I walked, I scanned my immediate surroundings at the gathering throng, their wingblades rattling as wings flexed and relaxed, the pegasus there watching me warily. The buildings they had formed had no elegance or grace, no sense of identity. The thirteen ponies who had made this place had seen it done all angles and sharp lines. Cold, conforming. A thing meant to suck away as much of a sense of freedom a tribe of air bound people as it can. From the windows, over the edges of square cloud platforms, (nay, I jest not Star. They could not even allow that bit of whimsy) the pegasus I've come to see set free watch. Wait. All about me, all I see is armor of grey and smatterings of red.

After all, Pegasopolis wouldn't be worth living in if some parts were not for the express use of its upper rungs.

I adjust my sabers at my side slightly, and all there tense, and I giggle at that. I had, and even until now, have never been before such a buttoned up group of soldiers. I wondered a moment if a message had made it through sisters stroll... I had seen her to Canterlot gates, and with a kiss goodbye. As I began my ascent, I could already hear the screams below. I could feel in my body the gathering below of the finest and most skilled of their magus, the greatest of their Alpha.

I hoped sister kept herself content with ashing ponies in her pass. I'd dearly love to come home to at least a whole city after all.

Looking up, I paunch out my lip. Well, sister was doing her part. I suppose I...

"Hail and well met!"

Blinking, I look down again and watch as a mare and stallion had begun walking towards me. The stallion, colt really, is still getting used to his barding, the storm grey of its shell unmarred of the mark of battle. Before him, and mare in their tribes battle braid trots briskly up to me. Neither is armed. As she walks close, she smiles as she hold up a hoof.

"Luna! I have been sent by my epoch to give word of a parlay. They..."

To anypony else it would have seemed an errant breeze had flicked a couple of strands of brown mane from her eyes. Mouth still open, the mare blinked... then her braid slid down from her necks back. Smiling, I took a gathering of mane in my aura while covering the stump with a bit of mana. Turning to the colt, whose eyes are becoming wild in fear, I release his superiors neck, and the blood held at bay spurt forth coating me, and down my front as it slumps down. My smile grows soft. I hold the mares head out to him. Slowly, he holds out his hooves. Once I'm sure, I let the head drop, and he clutches it too his chest. I lower my muzzle to his ear.

"There is my answer. Do make sure its recieved promptly."

I kiss his cheek as I pass, then regard the legion of thunder steel, the great sabaton of might of Pegasopolis. They had remained stoically regarded my little bit of theater, patiently waiting, though a few pawed the clouds and bared teeth. I tilt my head at that.

"Wee pups think to show the alpha their milkers..."

I continued on, watching them tense further. I was smiling, I was numb inside. No, not even that.

Cold. I was cold. Cold steel, cold fury, I thought of the Bolean stallion we'd seen, how he laughed to see such sport, his blood leaking out into the sand. I wonder if this was how he felt. I know he loved battle, but killing... I began to gently move my lips, my words on the wind to be carried to all corners of the pegasus propers, a decree of whispers that shake the very timbers in ways no Canterlot Royal Voice ever dream of. I see the ponies before me shift and ears flick in the slot of theirs, eyes darting as each hears my voice.

"Pegasus... I am Luna. I have come to see you from this bondage, this cage of indentured built about the blue. I have heard your cries in your dreams, have seen you weep alone in your hearts, have watched you flying free while sleeping in this place. And I would see you from the thirteens tyranny... but I must have you, pegasus. I am no Queen, I do not wish for scrapes and bows. I need strong hearts, back, and wills. I need ponies at my side who will not lick the hoof of the pony what feeds them only enough so they not starve. I need only one word."

I had drawn my sabers, the light glinting off their mirror shine.

"The offer is always open, unto the last. Yield. I want only the thirteen, and to do so I need you to yield. So I offer it now, and shall offer it with each dead pegasus."

Above me, the noon day sun was blazing bright as a shadow began to slide over it. My moon had begun its movement, and I watched in cold how each eye grew fearful, each heart began to beat faster.

And say came the first eclipse Star. And the ponies began to murmur and grow restless as the shadows began to gather. I wondered then what blood looked like in this light. I could still smell her on me...

"You have not long. My sisters does not hold her sun for anypony."

And with the last bit of light, the first elites let out bray's and charged. I sighed.

"Then it is war..."

The collide into a heap where I had been not moments before, eyes still adjusting to the low light. I giggle as I sprint about them in a strafe, and they wince. I come to them from no where and everywhere. I lash out, and a mares hind leg jerks up with a yelp then lowers with a whimper as the blood flows. Another jumps as my edge flits across their nose, another jumps into his fellow as I make a slash at a fetlock. They step far enough apart... And I am in the center of their circle, their gaze anywhere else.

"Good eve."

Before they can even twitch, they seem to split open, head roll, and fall apart in a heap as I work my sabers craft over them. Looking down at my blade, I smile.

Still as you were then?

Above me, sister moves the sun... and I can see all the elites have remained. Scared, infuriated, but still standing firm. I sigh, and with one swipe, I have let loose my mane from me. Such a shame. My stallion said I was so pretty with it. I look at it a moment, and my muzzle pulls back in a snarl.

"I have to see my stallion with a cropped mane cunts..."

I let it flutter away, and look towards the elite legionaires. I'm cold, I'm wrath and hate and now because they refused to fucking yield I have to sheer myself like a sheep lest they yank it back. I can see a few uncovered heads and a few braids and I feel the sort of petty mare resentment only we know, and I let loose with a screech of a alicorns voice. The pegasus fall screaming as hooves fly to their ears, but for the front lines, its to late. Already who lines are deaf, and even a few had their eyeballs burst and roll about screeching and begging. I pause as comrade rush to them... then balk as they slit their throats.

In moments, they are turned back to me. Then in a practiced motion as one, they seem to all suddenly fall to their bellies, the push off with a thunder clap into the air. They pause a moment, and from the platforms, their fellows leap, and as one, the legionaires descend. I crick my neck, my wings being held firm at my sides.

"Come along then my lovelies... oh what a horror I shall make of you."

I remember my union with Bright... oh what a sad thing that was. She thought she knew power in that moment. She was so... grateful for what little I offered. I remember the charge of the rahj, the sheer joy they felt in defense of their nation, to face an enemy for the people they love. As they come upon me, I step aside, and forward, and back, moving and weaving as the rahj do, but I do not laugh. I cannot.

"Where is your joy, my little pony?"

Their hooves kick at me, their blades slash me, their spears are tossed in all fury... but none hit me.

"Why do you not rejoice as they?"

I step back as a few slam down, and rush towards me, their hooves pounding against the cloud masonry.

"And there are no elites there... no alicorns or magus..."

I have backed into one of the buildings, and the ponies circle about, wings stretched and blades arched in the air.

"Mere rahj..."

The mare screeches as she charges at my turned backed, and in a flurry of movement she is split sideways, her innards falling through the clouds as her detris hits the floor.

"They... are a trader... a flower mare... a worker..."

The others are upon me, their brays and curses mere annoyance then the threat they mean it to be.

"A father... mother... brother... sister... a soldier all."

I have finished my work on them, and rush out into the day again, my voice echoing.

"You think any of you are more worthy of honor then they! Against empires and mad beasts I have seen them hold their line! And against the likes of you, who would hate them for naught the had the audacity to not lay down and die..."

I stop, and look up. Above the clouds are being gathered. I can feel their hooves working their cloud charges full of lightning.

"Against a world who despises them, and with barely held together tin pot barding and swords of rust and half hope... they hold their line."

The sky is a blaze, corona upon the brow of my supposed death as their first bolt is launched, and it strikes full between my shoulder blades. I black out a moment I think, I just remember the world going white and blinding and my entire locking in agony. I stand there, legs akimbo, and am pleased to see my blades enchantments held since I'd drop them in my pain. Raising them again, I look up at the clouds, and close my eyes. I feel my stomach lurch and insides tense in reflex as I port into the cloud bank they have brought, and opening them, I regard the turning pegasus, their looks of dawning horror clear.

"You... you who allow your earth kin to suffer... who cry "a third, a third, a third of your we take, and all your grapes and wheat."

My body and blades are a blur to them, but I keep their expressions in my mind as they are torn from this world. In but minutes, I stand before a red armored stallion, my hoof on his back as he paws at the clouds trying to pull himself from me.

"For their nation... the citizen soldier of the rahj hold the line for no more then the honor of a return home."

He turn his gaze to me, eyes pleading.

"If but a mere commoner can show such loyalty... what is your excuse?"

He slumps in his motions, panting.

"They're... just... earth ponies! They're always at making more of themselves!"

I tilt my head at that.

"So... then because there are so many, whats a few lost to bandits or gryphons to save a noble from a beast?"

He nodded desperately.

"Exactly! A noble, a magus, hell, thats an ally! Another clan is allowed to expand, more armor and spears! We couldn't function otherwise, and then they all get eaten!"

I smile, I can't help it.

"Save a hundred in exchange for a few, is that right?"

He nods, relaxing. My blades end pierces his skulls and he jerks and convulses for a time as I scowl again.

"How many points does one recieve when they kill one of you?"

I was, to put in young Pips friends Buttons parlance, going for the high score.

I open my wings, and with a thrust I am up and through the cloud battery, and folding my wings against me again, I regard the tableau beneath. I feel... stunned.

Its empty. I could see a few bodies, but pegasus magic exists as long as they do. So... did I...

I flew down to the lower plantform, and as I walked to a bench, I thought... I should feel... something now. Right? These... pegasus had done evil, allowing their kin to die for the sake of glory, had taken to the point where they starved while they and the unicorns grew fat. I should feel pride, accomplishment.

I sit on the bench, and sigh again. I did not regret my deed. I regretted its necessity. I touch the stone hanging around my neck.

"Sister... how fares your day."

"Uh... hi lady."

I blink at that. A filly?

"Who is this?"

"Uhmm... Lemon zest... my mama was here on Magus stuff and then we saw this white lady... And then mama was gone. I'm with miss white lady now. Do you wanna talk?"

"Yes dear... please give her the stone."


I wince at that. I lost that name with my decision. Why would she...

"Selene... I... I tried to do what we said to..."


"I did, I swear... but I just... They were just so... unaware. They didn't even know whats happening outside the gates... So long as the food and drink comes, they couldn't care less..."

I slump on my seat, remembering how many empty villages. The earth ponies were fed... enough. It was just a matter of leaving them hungry enough for motivation, just scared enough of the timberwolves or warlocks or darkened woods as to warrant more. Always more. And it wasn't like the other tribes went outright evil, they didn't abuse their kin. No, they weren't monsters. And their court was always open... yet it always seemed a earth pony needed to be pushed back so another vital matter could be addressed.

"And then the Magus came... I told them to move... I had no quarrel with those noble fops, got no trouble with them... just let me have her. Just... just stand aside. They... they were utterly devoted to her, Luna! They adored her! No spell, just fanatical devotion to her every whim! And... then that mare was telling her filly... she was gonna be here too one day, all grown up... and she would please their queen with her service."

I merely sat Star. We were at war child...

"She was a bit ahead... and then just ash, and then nothing. I stopped before Lemon got hurt..."

"Hey Celestia... I want mama."

"Luna... never again. Not ever. I don't... I don't care what we do, this will not be it."

I run my hoof down my cropped mane.

"Tia... you know we..."

"No, damn it. You had too. You had too be a hero, you had help. I told you stay out of it..."

It is a long missive Star, but we had, in our coming to Equestria, had to deal with a number of creatures and desperates villages. The crown and council found our presence... upsetting to the landed gentry and disquieting to the citizens of the earth pony communities. Obviously we were there to stir up rebellion and unrest.

They razed the first village we saved... We watched as it burned.

"Luna... I'm Queen."


"I killed her. I cornered that foal bloated bellied mare and I sent her and what she carried to whatever stygian awaits. The magus... began cheering. They ran to the windows and cried the news. She... she kept their foals Luna. Said long as they served, they were safe. They begged me Luna... They are still just... crouching. Please, all of you! I... I don't want this..."

"So... what will you do?"

"... They need me Luna. I have to, I suppose. We still have those foals and now their talking about you..."

I can hear a muffled voice.

"Luna... theres a pegasus coming. Don't... just don't. He's a friend."

I snort as I replace the necklace on my neck, and looked about. A spear was tossed lengthwise before, and I looked to my side. A pegasus stallion in brown leather and chain mail flapped, two hooves held up in a peace gesture.

"Yield. I yield."

I look at him a moment, then shift across the bench to the end. He nods, and takes the spot next to me. For a time, we sit there quietly. I chance a few peeks at him: his face has been mauled by one thing or another, his legs marred in scar tissue. I realize he's blind in one eyes as he seems to not care about my gawking. He rubbed his chin with his hoof.

"We got orders from the thirteen... All regular battalions are to make a full fall back to Pegasopolis. No exceptions. We are then to provide mercy to any injured, foals, and discipline any negligence on any citizen's part. We have granted the use of gelding, clipping, and drops from platform in full measure. Once first duty is dispatched we are to engage fully with the strange blue mare with the horn until dead or such time as we are relieved."

I nod and grimace. You seem shocked Star. A mare of clan should know that full invasion means a purge. Do not glare at me mare... To them, it seemed a mercy, and better a quick end then slow starvation. I sat there with that stallion a time, neither wishing to speak. I reached into a satchel on my side... and removed a pipe. After filling it with another pouches filling, I lit it. I took a deep draw, and looked at my hoof. I was still shaking... I was cold ash in terms of feeling, but I shook like a leaf. And what I had in pipe did nothing. The stallion to my right took the pipe, and giving it a drag, gave a shudder.

No, I will not say what it was. Suddenly the pipe fell from his hooves and he jerked up, eyes wide as he looked. Pursing his lips, he made a series of whistles. From elsewhere, two more sound. He gave a sharp trill, and stood. A head popped out from a cloud bank, then drew back in. From it, a colt barely in his majority flew out, in all things, in green armor. He regarded me a moment... I gave him a wink, and snorted as he blushed and looked back to my new stallion friend.

"And what do the clans familias want with us?"

The colt near stallion gulped, then said "We send word that the clans will stand with the stranger... but will do so only if she guarantees the heads of the thirteen and dissolving of the legionaires... and regulars."

I begin to stand, my feathers ruffled out in indignation...

"I speak for Commander Luna. The regulars soar at her side once more... then we disband. Clear?"

The colt shuffles his hooves a moment, then snorts in annoyance, his cheeks abloom much as yours do from time to time, my dear Star.

"The materfamilia of clan Doo would also like to inform you that your place remains open... and demanded I tell you she would be most pleased it was atop her."

I face hooved at that. The old buck beside chuckled throatily, clapping the colt on his pauldron.

"Ease up son. Its not like we're up to anything that hasn't been done before."


We made a long stint of a flight over the plains and valleys of the Equestrian lands, and as we went, more pegasus drew up beside us. And then more. They seemed to come from all directions, all in the same armor or brown leather and chainmail. Some had spears over their backs, other wingblades, most seemed scarred and gashed almost to the point of excess. A mare who may have been called pretty had it not been for the burns over her face and neck flew up to me.

"You... what, a goddess or something? No way a old fashioned mortal did that."

I shake my head. The last thing I need is devotees.

"Just... just a mare bit sturdier then most."

She nods, and peels away. I groan inwardly... Please don't start a religion around us ponies, please...

We come to a great cloud ampitheater, on of the few novel things the pegasus have made...to bad Roam had at it first. A pair of stallions make to block us, then tense before slumping over, a dart in each. Looking about, I give a salute with my sword to a pair of twins with blow darts, who smirk at each other. We continue on, and as we go, some merely stand aside, others salute, but all too many begin to kneel.

"Up, up! I say this now, and forever shall it remain, my pegasus bow to no one. One your hooves, one more spot of killing today."

We come to the theater, and I can see the ponies milling inside. Looking to the stallion, I sigh.

"What will you do now?"

He grins.

"Making a new clan. What do you think? Any particular color you like Commander?"

I look down at myself, and stick out my tongue.

"If you go with anything but red I swear I'll kick your teeth in."

The stallion smirks.

"Legs like those gotta make a mare one tartarus of a kicker, no lie Commander. Good luck Luna."

I nod... and walk into the ampitheater.

I don't know what I thought I'd see. There are thirteen pegasus standing about, all of of whom seemed, while mostly hale, decidedly older. I notice one slumped on a step near me, mumbling softly. Leaning down, I give him a nudge.

"Excuse me..."

He jerks awake, and looks around.

"Oh... I'm sorry. Blue yonder, did I miss dinner."

I sigh and smile.

"No father. You fell asleep after it."

He nods, his jaw moving.

"Did you hear if I liked it?"

I nod, and hold out my hoof.

"Come along father, we gotta get you home."

He nods, then looks around, frowning.

"Oh damn... we had guests. I do hope you broke out proper refreshment yonder. We don't skimp on that, no sir."

I chuckle and lead the limping stallion out. A mare pushes through the crowd, scowling.

"Luna... we'll take him. The only reason that fucker drags him along is cause they like to watch him slip away."

I nod, and the stallion eyes shine as he smiles.

"Corn Rows! Why I live and breath, how did you get up here? And how come you aren't falling, I thought earth ponies did that on clouds."

The mare giggled.

"I'm just so good at jumping I got stuck. Come on old son, lets get you home."

I turn back to my quarry, and regard them icily. All stand about in cloaks and shawls, the chill seeming to hit them a bit more nowadays. Seven mares to five stallions. But the one before me is their alpha, I know that. He holds himself erect, a red cloak over his shoulder with the Equestrian standard on it. Lips curling in disgust, he begins to walk forward, a decided limp. I walk with slow deliberation, not breaking our eye contact.

"You... abomination. You ground sewer gutter filth, you dare to come here. To our home?"

He grimaces as his knee buckles a moment, but he quickly recovers.

"You think to take the pegasus as yours? Ha! You think us cruel? What is a pegasus but a beast? What are their desires? I'll tell you: naught worth a tinkers wooden fuck to anyone. What do you think would happen, we're we not to enforce their compliance? Do you think they would act or ever strive for more? No. They would eat grapes held by some noble mare as she uses them as her courtesan, they would roll about the green and filth like the mud pony. They would do nothing. Accomplish nothing. They need nothing less then a steel hoof and mithril will to even be worth a damn."

He has stopped, but I continue, his breath heavy.

"We, our tribe, our clans, have seen made strong legions before. And will do so again! We will have honor! We will have purpose! We shall be strong... untouched by... by..."

I had come up to him by inches, regarding him in my utter amazement at the wretchedness before me. I had seen cretins Star, but him. He licks his lips and gulps.

"We will be pure. Unsullied by your decadence. By your... simpering cuckoldry. By your weakening ways."

My blade whistles, and the blood gysers again. I turn to a rather tweedy fellow, who steps forward.

"I believe you may be interested in several caches..."

No. His head joins the other. Another stallion, a rather rotund brown coated fellow makes to flee... and finds no where to go. All the pegasus have gathered, and watch silently, no expression on their muzzles. Twisting back, he throws a metal box to the floor and desperately unlocks it, showing me a few slips of parchment.

"Here! Mineral rights, slips for mines, a few properties! I.. I'll hide! I can..."

He deals no more. And so it goes, that last act of the council of thirteen. I send unarmed harmless ponies who have killed who knows how many to whatever waits, and at last come down to two. They cling and kiss in desperate goodbye. one bury her face in the others neck as her mare glares at me with all the hate in her heart.

"So... our clans send a... a demon here to see to our end. Want to be seeing to this new world with consciouses clean? All we've done, all we sacrificed... and they do us this utter blasphemy. They do not even have the decency to see to us themselves."

I yank the other mare from her companion, and as she beats her hoof on my chest, she screams. In moments, she screams no more. Letting her body slump, I regard the last one.

"Give me... one indulgence. One small kindness, please..."

I nod. Letting out a whistle, I wave over a pegasus, then with a quicking unmounting, hold a wingblade out to her. She takes it, her mouth set in a hard line.

"All we had done... we did for them."

I can only nod, and watch as the last of the thirteen goes out in all the glory of the old ways.

I walk back outside, and about me stand pegasus in various shades of barding, regarding me with steel gazes. I trot up besides them, learning their faces.

"I am Luna. Your honor is in service to my Equestria, your duty is first to her. Above all else, you are my pegasus, my clans. I need not empty words or emptier ceremony, I have no use for any who cannot offer me ponies of integrity. I have no use who see clad in finest thunder steel those who would not turn it against us if we demanded from them atrocity, no use who seek to spill blood unneeded. You are to be my finest mare and stallions, you who give of yourselves my sister and I. You will see made muscles of iron, and in them shall be made wills of steel. I shall impart on you, my clans, the fullness of my wisdom, and you will have such knowledge of the ways of war that have not been seen since Roam, and will see sent screaming into the here after all the enemies who dare to enter our lands."

I stood upon a cloud that had been brought, and looked down at all those gathered. Clad in different hues, but all under one banner. Our banner.


The roar, it was said, was heard all across Equestria that night.

Comments ( 6 )

Okay I have to know. How much was taken from The Lunar Rebellion storyline? I'm recognizing quite a bit just from the description.

the clans were around a long time, though how much they were into the political sphere varied. Its something akin to church and state, or at least thats the closest we can come too in comparison. Hurricane, for example, tried damn hard to keep them separate as much as possible. He couldn't out right forbid them of course, but he could use his eloquence and subtle ways to dissuade them from the notion. When on matters of the clan as a family, he agreed, which was why he wanted them to try to have some seperation.

the pegasus, from what I've seen, have always had a problem with romanticization. Now none of this, in general, again from my perspective, is done from a place of malice or spite, but are generally well meaning. But it must be infuriating for anyone in charge of them that they seem to only budge a inch when they've taken a cattle prod to the butt.

From the description:

Celestia's, for example, not only means she raises the sun but seeks to be light for others, a guide. Shadow possessed a wingblade as hers, where its been proposed it meant her skill in asymetrical warfare. She stated it meant she knew what it meant to use a blade, and that one always carried it with them, whether seen or not.

You spelled that Highlighted word wrong, it should be asymmetrical. It's a commonly misspelled word so I figured I would point it out.

I hate to be the one to point it out, but if this was meant as an entry for the Imposing Sovereigns contest, I'm pretty sure it exceeds the word limit.

EDIT: My bad. I see now it's in a special non-competing category.

Removed regardless. Wouldn't want to cause trouble:twilightblush:

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