• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 489 Views, 6 Comments

The Two Days War - Perpetually Confused

Star Kicker asks Luna questions.

  • ...

Happy is the nation without a history

It was so strange that moment. Sitting there at my duties, seeing my dear Star fidget. I remember my days in my own postings amongst my pegasus, how their wings would do much the same. It always meant they were about to ask something of their Luna, something humiliating.

"Umm... Princess?"

I can only barely stop myself in giggling at her timidness. I would scold her for this, of course, I probably should, but by the stars she is just too cute for words. So, I'll just play it, as they say, cool. I merely continued looking over the minutia of our budget, silently cursing at the mares nest Celestia had let things become. What happened to taxes coming in potatos? One day, boom. Potatoes. By my research, its seems much of this current Class S Grade A cluster molest of a tax war gear amass began when the discussion began when nobles argued over whether corn should come on or off their cobs, and from there, the current mire of five dozen laws regarding the price of apples in Neighpon, which is odd, considering we should have no jurisdiction there in regards to such matters. My quill scratches against the parchment as I adjust several brackets. There, now matters are... still reaming our poor ponies cross eyed. Yes, I'm pissed Celestia. There will be a reckoning on this matter, you great pale idiot... Well, better see to our filly then. I smile as I lean back in my chair, my aura pulling my glasses away. When Star had asked why I had them, I honestly had not the single idea as to why. I merely shrugged then, and said I liked them. She hung her head for a time after that.

"There. Now, my Lieutenant, what trouble you?"

She slowly pulls her helm away, eyes troubled. "Okay... This has to stay here. I know this is breaking every code, but... Please, can I ask a question?"

I can't help myself.

"Is that the one?"

She gives me a quite put upon expression, and I can't help my giggles this time.


"Very well... what is your question?"

"Its... its just there's so little I know about you. Or Princess Celestia. Where did you come from? Did you have parents, orphans, fall from some giants armpit? Did you make us, or are just our guardians? And if you didn't, who or what did? And being immortal, how does that work for you? I mean, its gotta get to you."

This. This I hadn't been expecting. Our ponies... are not ones to engage in such inquiries by and large, being quite content in matters as they are. I have of course heard of their rebellion, have memories of it albeit hazy, but I have little doubt as to its written testimony. Much of the time will have been glossed over by sister. And they are good. But it serves them little to not realize there own limited selves, that they can fall. But no, she seeks Harmony, and such truth would do more harm then good. I suppose, given how resentment could spring up, but still... I look at my Star, and can only sigh. I am not my sister. I will not lie.

"Ahh... the oldest of queries. I fear I am ill equipped to answer the last, but I can say no, we did not create you. As for us..."

I reach towards a small box on my desk. A recent addition at insistence. Something called a intercom. Some machination that uses wires to speak. Imagine such times. Of course sister being her refuses it. And no doubt it will never advance much past my own hooves given how our Equestria sees clinging to the past as vital. I clear my throat. "Miss Raven... Please leave us and see that my schedule is cleared. And inform sister I may miss our dinner."

"Yes prinzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... buck!"

I wince as the other end cuts off. Installation had... not been perfect. I had attempted to make inquiries to the two unicorns who had installed the blasted thing (and who had a whole song and dance for the device for some odd reason) but I found their shop closed. Ah well, I suppose I'd work its design in my off hours. I looked at Star, whose shaking her head, looking horrified.

"Princess, no! I can't... you have so much to do, I shouldn't have..."

As she rambles on, I feel another stab of resentment towards my sister. Now, I had always maintained a sense of decorum and respect with my pegasus, but always I was their Luna. I had demanded of them such that they saw themselves less then some bit of state, or that they shouldn't ask things of us. We said we would make things right Celestia. Is this what you have led them too? After what we had too do... I smile at my little pony, feeling my anger eb as she relaxes and walks to my desk.

"Peace dear heart... you cause no harm. I'm... happy. Nopony has really ever come to me like this. Even sister's students haven't, although that has more to do with idealizing her then propriety. But pray, why ask me? Do not the scholars some manner of speculation?"

Star thinks a moment, then gives a shrug. "Not... really. Most of its a load of wank... whoops."

I smirk at the vibrant blush that crosses her muzzle as her hoof flies to her mouth. Another fun niggle my sister has brought to our Equestria. Mare the day I be told by you I can't swear is the day I tongue a sewer pipe...

"No matter. Continue and feel free to profane if needed."

"All right... anyway, most of its just gooblydook and espousal's bordering on the writer practically getting off as they go about how wonderful you both are, a propaganda pamphlet how we ponies by the grace of your presence to are granted the right and duty to purge the undesirables like zebras and gryphons by divine right, or is so sparse as to be useless. And about all of it states you two came down from on high to give writing, arithmetic, and farming. Got a lot of titles and justifications... but nothing on you."

That sounds about right. Honestly, what is it with this lot and their somehow simultaneous belief they are the end all be all of civilization yet no confidence in their own abilities. We may be old, but I seem to remember farming being everywhere in our early days.

"Hmm... and sister?"

Star rolls her eyes as her hoof waves dismissively in the air a moment.

"Is Princess Celestia."

Of course she bloody is. I slam my hoof on my desk, wincing as the wood splinters. Damn, gonna need a mat.. No doubt sister will talk of image, but its still a good desk, just with a hoof print... but to Star I shout "Which can also read obnoxious white cunt!"

She stands there a moment, legs askance and one hoof curled under her in the common defensive stance we take when startled or unsure. Slowly she blinks, ears twitching as her brain begins to comprehend what was said. Her eyes widen further, her jaw dropping hard enough I worry a moment it may fall, then she stamps her raised hoof down in indignation, her blush growing to the inside of her ears reddened.

"Princess LUNA!"

"Oh stop. What, you think she and I haven't been calling each other slag, gash, or all manner of suggestion to do unsightly things on unsightly things? When did it did it come to this when ponies were forbidden to speak ill of others!"

"You just can't call her that!"

Seriously? Do they just have a selective memory that oddly makes them forget who the two ladies with the wings and horn are and why we have these tiaras? What is with them as say what we cannot do?

"Yes I can. I just did. And why are you mares all hot and bothered over that word? Its a perfectly succinct and clear way of conveying dissatisfaction over the behavior or manner of a person or persons and is applicable to mare and stallion alike. Its like fuck!"

"Oh Gods and green apples..."

At this point mind, I'm just pulling her tail. Oh come now, if you were there watching a magical dye job mare looking ready to either cry or scream, you'd do it too. Also by the stars I'll these ponies loosen up.

"Oh come now, fucks a wonderful word! Describing ones ichor over ones current place in life, describing the state in which on is mentally and physically, and describes ones preferred means of relaxation!"

"Princess... Maker, why can't you just be a pig like Duchess..."

"Princess Twilight, Star."

She groans at that, face hooving at her slip. "Forgive me, Princess Twilight."

Now to truly rile her up... "And its just Luna."

She jerks at that. I press her armors color control, and it bleed into itself, revealing the red underneath. The rest of remains the same, her blue eyes and grey mane, I had undo the catch on her armors magic to ease matters, but I frown at this a moment... And my mind returns to the rush of euphoria, and how I screamed for it to stop, how I screeched what was done in my name was wrong, how I laughed and told myself how I would never be rid of me... how this was what I wanted. To be strong. To be like...


I blink, and I'm back. I still remember... that, and my dual feelings of overwhelming pleasure and joy mixed with my revulsion at what I had demanded... But I realize she'd lain a hoof on mine. I look at it a moment, stunned. It was the belief of this era that we were somehow uncleaned by our subjects touch, the sumptuary laws of old in place. I am still in my past, still remembering how I wouldn't have wanted that, I would want there eyes on me, always and only me... whether in fear or adoration, I cared not... I shake myself in my mind, and I smile. This is good. Star smiles back uncertainly, and I feel such love for her then. Not that kind of course, but the love I feel for my ponies when I'm proud of them. She didn't shy away, and came to my aid, uncaring of anything by my well being. She deserves this.

"And after tonight it shall be so again. But only a friend may ask such things of me, so friend you are."

"All right..."

She moves to the pillows before my desk, but I pull her to my side instead in my aura, and smirk as she lets out a squeak when I put my wing over her. I know she can't decide whether or not to bolt, and I give her ear a nip. She jerks her head from my muzzle, her mouth scrunching in annoyance.

"Very good. As for my current... state, its rather hard to describe to one who isn't a immortal or alicorn. Its so... liberating, really. Sister and I, we walked the world, seeing all there was in it. And there was always more just over the hill. I've heard its often said we see mortals as petty or unconcerned with what damage they cause in their haste. I think... I think for us, it was just such a relief knowing how little we mattered."

She has by then calmed enough to merely be looking up at me as I look away, finding it easier to stare at the clutter over my desk then at her no doubt reproachful eyes. "Luna... come one. Even if you weren't raising the moon..."

"No no, we were at our duties. Its just that... duty. We didn't need or want really for anything. If we wished it, we could spend our days as idle wastrels or even awaken, give each other a kiss good night, then go back to sleep until the next day. We could have as much or as little as people as we wished, could as easily eat and sleep in an inn or offered barn as we could drink from a pond, eat grass, and lay together in a cave."

"So, what was it like? What did you guys see?"

"Wonderful things. Beautiful things. And terrible things."

"Like what?"

I wanted to speak of the people of the world... all the beauty then, the days we spent... but then I look at Star, I see the red... and I think of Shadow. I think of that mare, and my blood boils. I know of her deeds, her veneration... of what she is now. You... you malevolent little piece of filth. If you had even an inkling Shadow of what you are... you machination... You think you know as I? I have stood on the earth and felt its tremble as the old beast stirs anew to rage across the earth. I have seen the sky darken under the sheer number of an armies arrows. I have stood with sister on a thousand cliff over a thousand stain fields to look down on the ones below, to see the people there, mere colts and fillies really, see naught but death and pain...

I tear my eyes away. Fool Shadow, a thousand curses on you. Damn you and your death cult. This child worships you, wants to be you. But you and I both know what waits there don't we? Well fool Shadow, you... you sad sad wicked child, I will see your work undone at least with this one.

I hope

"Like war. Always war. No matter where we went, what joy we found, always the ambitions and follies of the greedy and rabidly hateful would see us flee."

"Oh Luna..."

"Child, you and yours oft look on us and pity us. We live as you die. What sorrow we feel. And we do feel that... but we also have such found joy in our tears, at the lives that have been. Perhaps one day, we'll see each other again. But if not, if all that is a lie, then at least we'll remember them. And you. I'll always remember you Star. But that... beast, that wretch, that old mongrel war... always at our heels, always leering and lurking in the hearts of all. The thirst and lust and hunger and want to eat and eat and chew upon the screaming colt and filly's, mares and stallions, the young and old of all people it takes in its teeth as it crushed what they sought to defend is ground under it paws... We lost so many to it."

"This is our story, my little pony. Our first war. Against you."


"We were, as we were oft to do in those days, about the roads and ways of mortal make, sister drawing deep from her wine bottle as went. As I looked back at her, a tendril of her magic shifted her sabers at her side in the usual unthinking way we had long since developed, keeping them untangled and making sure they could be drawn with ease. Happily, she was at least not so lax as to lose her awareness, but still, I worried."

Celestia drank?


Uh... I thought the laws...

Star, the laws were not written as of then, and had they been, who would have enforced them? She caused herself no harm regardless, but if she had, and one had been there, what could they do?

Still... Well, its kinda nice to know even she could loosen up and have fun.

One supposes so if one does not have to deal with her.

"Really sister! Can you not at least wait til the eve? You look unseemly!"

She lowered her bottle then, her muzzle scrunched in annoyance.

"Oh leave me be you old nag! Its naught but a bit of drink."

I could only shake my head and turn back to our road, knowing the juvenille lug I had behind me no doubt stuck her tongue out at me as I did. We continued on through a patch of forest the road had made its way through, the wind rustling the leaves above as birds flitted from the branches, the heat of sisters day somewhat cooled by their shade. Looking about, I spotted a morsel.

"Ohh... One moment sister."

I walked up to one of the trees, and there it was. A hive. Bees droned in and out from its underside as they worked, and it was all I could do but drool.

You ate bees?

No! Good stars, I was after the combs!


I grabbed the nest in my aura as sister trotted up behind me, tsking.

"Now now sister love, wouldn't want one to lose that mare-ish figure."

I merely snorted of course.

"Build a fire then and we'll share."

She nodded, and began setting out stones in a circle. Lowering the hive, I watched as the swarm held at bay beat their heads against my aura, memories of long past trauma of a tragic day that ended with me with a flank of sting welts passed the perview of my mind. For a moment I thought to toss the whole lot of the hateful things, but as my sister, I merely settled for a stuck out tongue of my own to my would be attackers. Meanwhile, sister had began leaning a few of the sticks into shape, and flicked her eyes up to me.

"Got the flint and stone?"

Wait... you weren't going to light them with your magic?

Nay... Where we were from, such things were something of a taboo. One was expected to use magic only in dire need, not for things we could do ourselves. So, we could use our aura to lift a flint and stone to light our fire and since I sought my quarry with magic because I did not wish to harm them, I had kept to the tenants.


No matter.

Celestia flicked the stone over the twigs a few moments, then leaning down, began blowing into the flicker ember that had caught from a spark.

"It will take time then?"

I nodded and sister sat beside our little flame, face impassive. I sat beside, and as she lay a wing over my back, I snuggled into her shoulder.


I am not cute.

"So, when do you expect we shall reach Archer sister?"

Shrugging, she paunched out her lip slightly in thought.

"Mmm... three days. Mayhaps four."

I nodded as I took out my book, our recent completion of letters opening a new world. Opening the newest friend I had made, I began on my journey through its inked trail.

Book sounds like a big deal

Not as such. I was merely proud of my latest learning venture, and since books were a decided rarity in those days, such a thing was beyond a find.

So... how old are you?

I am one day old.


Each day, I am born anew. And I shall never be more then one day old.


Couldn't say. We stopped keeping track ages ago. There were steel and mithril weapons though as we had begun to hear talk of the Borean king's march unto the Rahj, so mayhaps... hmm...

Is it really that hard to remember?

You must realize that matters of the calendar and time were not as well kept as they are, especially for commoners like ourselves. Of course we were beholden to none but ourselves, but we were also less knowing on the matters of the world and it mechanations.

"Would you like some help preening?"

Eagerly, I pulled from her and lay down along the grass. As she began running her muzzle over my wing, she began humming. Looking back down to my book, I merely enjoyed our time together, thinking back to what we had been told: look to her, and know you shall never be alone.

... Luna? Are you...

Forgive me Star. I... I'm not one to stoically bear my misdeeds, so allow me a few tears. I left her Star... I left Celestia alone.

What was your fight over? Really?

What do all parents fight over? Their children. And you are that, dear Star. All of our little ponies are as if you were our flesh and blood.


As for our fight, matters politic and of discipline. I was felt as being to lax with my pegasus, too close to them. I was their commander, their queen, but outside of militant action, all were equal as far as I was concerned. This of course angered my Epoch's, who felt I ought to demands deeds to prove worth of my notice, but fie on them then and now.

The more I hear of a Crown, the less I like it.

We spend our days either being told what we, as Princess, are not permitted to do and the rest telling others they are not allowed to do things that are foolish, dangerous, or obscene. And then lunch.


"Luna... come on, put down that thing and sing. Its been so long."

I couldn't help but smirk at the silly mare at my back.

"Ah, but I feel so sleepy... Maybe I'd rather sleep..."

She lay her head across my shoulder then, giving me her pleading mongrel eyes.

"Come on Sel. I miss your songs."


Selene. It was my name... before. I lost my right to that life after our war, and took on Luna.

I like that name..,

I did as well... So, I began to sing.

What was it?

sakhif alshakhs aldhy la yafham
'akhbar 'astura
'ana alghajr al'unthaa
aistuhdir alqamar hataa alfajr
albaka' sa'al
eindama yasil alyawm
tazawj kalyh
sayakun ladayk rajluk aljuld albani
min alsama' tahadath albadar
walakun fi almuqabil 'urid
alaibn awla
'an tulidah
'ana aibnih yahfir
la takun whydaan
kunt sa'ahibuh

Wow... What was it about?

A fool mare who gave her son to the moon so she could have the stallion she desired.


Such a sad thing there are about this world. I have never done such a thing, but mayhaps... But sister always loved it. She saw it as a beautiful story, I suppose. Wait... No, thats wrong. There was one... Oh Maker and all the works... Who was that... Star, what became of that foal?

Luna... it was a long time ago...

Speak true Star... How did she fare?

She lived, don't worry. Grew up and became a Magis and everything.

Oh thank providence...

So, I sang as my sister finished my wings, my... song drowning out the buzz and chirps about us as I did. I so loved those days Star... The world about seemed so bright, and as old as we were, we were young as well. In full vim and prime, the experience of ages in the bodies of mares that were of ones barely in their majority and would be so as long as our Mantles remained. It was... such a blessing those moments. Soon, we both knew, the fire would be ready, and the smoke would be full, and we would have a brief repast. And then, the road ahead. She had finished and drew my from my thoughts with a kiss to the cheek.


Oh shush. It was merely a kiss from one I love. What has this world come to?

Your smiling again...

Yes. We must remember that in our darkest moments, those times we had in the light. Those times... that let us know that all nightmares end, and we awaken to a new dawn. So, tell me of of the filly.

Well, she almost died in the Rebellion, but thankfully she was saved.

I'm glad her parents got her back.

Umm... yeah, I'd say she did.

Oh good. I'm certain that she must have been beside herself and in tears after those wretches dragged that poor child away.

Yeah... I'd say there was some sobbing...


"Well, your turn."

I nodded, and as she lay down, I began to run my teeth over her wings shoulders. As I went, straightening her primaries, she continued speaking.

"I think after Archer we go back to the zebra grasslands. Or maybe even visit the Rahj lands. Its always nice to watch them slit open another emperor belly, wouldn't you say?"

She jumped slightly as I pulled a feather, and spitting it out, I rolled my eyes.

"Really Celestia! We can at least try to find value in all life, even if we find the person repugnant, can we not?"

She merely looked at me a moment, her eyes narrowing. She looked back at our fire, and her face settled into that damned mask of hers. I have heard it said this was much of the cause of the Rebellion, her accused aloofness, this cold logic hiding away her smile. You and they have not a notion of what she has suffered. She hides to keep herself from harm, then and now. But there is another part of this, one few of you know. The bite of steel in her words as the suns warmth is denied, as her heart hardens and she thinks of the emperors and kings and all the dead. And I shiver as she speaks, her voice even, soft, but one that causes the bees in my aura to still and the birds above to fall silent in terror.

"No, we cannot."

I don't remember the movement, but I remember I had jumped up and begun to back from her when I my tail brushed against a tree. I had, in my fear, stepped away from that mare. She folded her wing back to her side.

"I'll... I'll do the other one Sel."

She then began to do so, her face still set in that indifferent flat way of hers, but her eyes... I couldn't go near her in those moments Star. I just couldn't. She was so... angry. At the world, at its people. Not at me, never at me. But still, she frightened me in those moments.

Damn... wish that mare had been the one we had in the Rebellion.

No. No Star, you most assuredly do not.

I returned to her, somehow managing to keep our hive. I kept my gaze from her, knowing she'd merely be glaring, and held the hive over the smoke. I opened a slit in my aura, and watched in silence as it began to put the bees to sleep. Upending it, I looked to sister.

"Do you have your knife, or do I?"

She nodded, and opening her saddlebags, tossed my tool. I worked out a sizable hunk from the hive, and as I did, a decidedly large bee stumbled out, and seemed to glare at me in her own tiny fury. I watched her as she began shaking one of her legs at me in what I assume now was quite obscene gestures.

"Forgive me your majesty."

She stomped, or at least made the bee equivalent there of, back into her hive, and sighing, I went to put her and her home back.

Hey... why didn't you just slide through with your knife and work out the hunk while keeping a shield up.

... Damn it

"Now, you lot go back up, then we take our leave."

After making sure our unwilling host was back, i turned to Celestia as she rustled her wings at her side again, her aura working over her sword belts. Seeing her trouble, I came to her side, my own joining hers as we sought to prepare ourselves for another few hours as we trekked over hill and dale. I still looked away from her though. I couldn't and she knew that. She sighed.

"Luna... I'm sorry. But..."

I had to use every bit of my will then Star. I can't... I can't describe how hard it was just to lift my head from my fussing, too look that mare in the eye. She was watching me, her eyes not angry, or not only that. She smiled a little, but I hated it. I hated that motherly fucking smile, that condescending twitch on that white muzzle.

I scowled and turned back to her leathers. I was frightened of Celestia, and am, but Mother Tia is perhaps where I hate her. And look not surprised dear Star, there are times where we hate each other. And times we refuse to even speak. In our reign we've had whole decades past where we had naught to do with each other but for Equestria's affairs. But we remain close, even in our ichor. At some point, we simply came to a place where we simply stayed because it was what we knew. I've said I love her... but love is a poor word for what we have. I have not the words to describe it.

Damn... I thought me and Storm had it bad. Is it rivalry between you, or...

No Star. We are at an age and in a place where such things do not matter. And its... better now, I suppose. My sister is more the fool with her maudlin nonsense and celibate notions, but that aside...

So... what happened with Chrysalis then? If she's so scary why...

Child... Rest assured, that sow will trouble us never again. My sister have sworn to me next time... she burns. But you must realize she does such a thing with a heavy heart. She seeks such matters not for her sake, but yours. She sees so much in you...

Don't you?

... In individuals. Yes. But I saw how my pegasus fell... I am loath to admit it, but I am glad of their defeat. The fools learned nothing from me, merely humored me as I feared.

So, I began my own adjustments, and as I had, she began to help.

"I have it mare, damn it! I have this."

She brought her head close to mine then, her smile gone, and just that same sad look she wears now. She knew she had slipped... She sighed that same weary sigh she always had to her view of herself, like merely trying to improve was hopeless.

"Selene... I'm sorry. I am. I know how you feel about my... well, you do know I would never hurt you, right?"

I merely continued my task. I knew I was being unfair, I knew it was childish, and I knew how much it would hurt her.


I looked at her again, her eyes pleading, this time for real. Just one little word, one I knew I was supposed to say regardless, but I had already forgiven her, so to say it...

I merely walked down our road again, leaving her there. I had come to the end of the woods by the time she caught up to my side. We did not speak for hours.

Hey... I know how it is. I mean... Storm can be a right ass at times...

Star... I hurt her because I wanted to. I hurt her deeply AND liked it. The reason matters naught, I acted poorly then, and would do so more times then I'd ever care to consider. Its a trait of myself I detest, one thats far to much like Nightmare then I'd like.

You're just a mare Luna. A pony. Its okay to make mistakes and be mad.

Not for us child. For us... the consequence is so much greater and can cause more harm then you could imagine. We... we needed to be better. We still need to be better.

We traveled on and on. Day and night passed above us in each of our turns, and we did not stop. We knew not what drove us, but it was hardly a new sensation. We had always had our wander lust, to see new places and meet new people. And this day... we found a carnival.

Celestia stopped short in our journey, her nose posed upwards into the air as it quivered.

"I smell food."

I felt then I should have scolded her at that, that she shouldn't show such eagerness or be a pest... but I was just as tired as she was. We had spent some time amongst the Rahj... We do not aid in such things, and know they would take no aid, but still... the borea king had taken his pound of flesh.

The Borean king?

Star... I do not doubt your Shadow a brave mare. She faced me at my worst, faced the clans, faced so much... but my child, there are wicked souls about this world, some who walk so far beyond the lines as to nearly come full circle. His army was... cruel, not a mindless or animal cruelty, but cold, calculating, and brutal beyond all reckoning. The Rahj stood firm before them as they had against so many others, their hooves dug deep in the blood soaked sand, and before them they laughed. As they always have, and always will. But save against one.

I saw the charge ravaged ranks of the Borean part, not out of respect but terror, eyes covered and pleas of mercy, they had served, they had, to please spare them... And across the sand he tread, his cloak billowing in the wind. He did not lower his hood, that... thing. I think he pony, but I would dare not such as he that. He had long since rid himself of such a petty thing as conscious or care... The Rahj stilled in their revelry... Each eye looked upon him.


It was... horrid. Wretched beyond reckoning as those mare and stallions were tossed about, to hear their screams for Maker, for mother, for death as that beast tore them open, as the fell upon raised pikes and amongst the Borean to be ripped apart by the quickly recovering soldiers.

Oh Celestia... what happened?

Their mother, the desert, heard her children's cry. We watched as she awoke... and we huddled under our blanket as she let loose her wrath. The sands of their lands child... I heard what Rahj were left begin to laugh again... and we chanced a glance. A Rahj charge is a beautiful savage thing my child... it is not as our pegasus, a grim assault. No, while both charge, a Rahj charges with all joy in their act, they fall upon their enemy and their swords move in a blur about them almost out of sight... but a Rahj in the storm, that is terror. They do not seek a swift death then. They grow as silent as the tomb, their hooves silenced in the blowing of the sand... and strike from their mothers blinding sands, gone as soon as there.

The storm slowly ebbed and the sands settled... and they were gone. The Rahj had left with their mother, those that could. About lay scattered the covered forms of the armies of Borean's and Rahj, but one still lived. We flew down, and looked in horror at that... stallion.

He was still alive?

He was. And he looked up at the sky... and laughed. It was not the pleasant or exuberant laugh of a Rahj... it was a hoarse, raspy thing. And he just kept on. His head slumped... and so went the last king of Borea. It took a storm and a whole army to slay one stallion. Your Shadow was, and perhaps is, a great warrior. But there are many out there. And not all care for their lives as much as they do the act of violence. I pray Storm to never face such a thing, for Shadow will not avail her.

I pause in our story, looking down at Star, then too a cabinet. I bit my lip a moment as I think... It will hurt, but... Shadow, I will break this mare of you by heavens light. I open a drawer on my desk, and unfurling my wing from my guard, I walk to the cabinet.

"I think... I think you need to see this."

I push the key into the lock and feel the paradigm shift within. In an instant, I begin to hear that same damn snickering I heard on those cliffs. I open the wardrobe, regarding the contents within

Hello darkness my old friend

I take the helm from within, and whatever resides in it stills its snickering. Taking some solace in this, I turn back to Star, who tilts her head curiously.

"Is that..."

I nod. Placing the polished armor piece upon the desk, I smile sadly.

"Go on. It won't bite."

Nodding, Star reaches out with a hoof... it stills, a look of confusion and unease quickly manifesting as my friend jerks the hoof back.

"What... what is that? A spell... runes?"

I shake my head, and she reaches with both hooves this time, wincing as the frogs make contact.

"No. Its just... him."

She draws it to her as she regards herself in its surface.

"Its... heavy."

"Such was the deeds done by its master."

A shiver runs through as the chill begins to set in.


"Such was the stallion who bore it."

I can hear the helm begin whispering again, and although I know she can't, it still has an effect. She can feel his fury, his loathing of all who had the audacity not to simply lay down and die, his want of war and death, thinking it gave one strength. What comes next, I do only for her sake...

"Storm is dead."

Star's head jerks up, her eyes shocked at the statement.


I lean my head forehead, not breaking my gaze.

"Storm. Is. Dead. The Borean King walks the earth in this era, a stallion who would see Chrysalis as an irresistible delight, an enemy he could kill but who would never die. He came to your hold, and all of them are dead Star. The plan failed, and all is blood and shattered masonry. He took your sister and killed her like a fly, Shadow has been shattered like glass. You are all that remains. What do you do?"

She looks at me, and in that instant I bit back a sigh.

"I fight."

"Why? Honor? Vengeance? Would any there have a last breath, they'd tell you to run."

She shakes her head. a sad little smile playing over her muzzle. Lighting her horn, she lowers her hooves as she raises the helm to hover in front of her, looking the king in his blackened eyes.

"Its not about them."

Closing her eyes, she rested her horn across the top of the helm, her shoulders slumped.

"Its me. Because I'm not Shadow. Or Storm. Or my parents. Or Cloud, or Tornado, or anypony else there. I'm Star. And I'm scared Luna."

Putting the helm on the desk, she reopened her eyes, then looked up at me evenly.

"I'm scared."

Slowly a hoof runs along her throat where a knife had not long ago laid.

"I can't say I'd die smiling, because I wouldn't. I don't want that. But... if not me, who?"

She looked back to the the helm, and laid her chin on my desk, sighing bitterly.

"If I run then, Canterlot's next. Then Equestria. Its not about the Guard, or my clan."

She rolls her eyes up to look at me, and this time her smile is happy.

"Its about what you said. You said my life was valued. Well, so is everyone else."

Looking back to the armor, she scowled.

"And as for you... come around if you will. My clan falls... I fight. I fall... there will be ten to take my place and a hundred each with them. We're the Guard old wolf. We're whats waiting when you growl at our door."

I can only barely stop myself from sighing. Damn it... I pick up the helm... and she glares.

"And I know what this is Luna... I'm not a foal. I know what I'm doing."

And not a split second later, a loud gurgling echoed from her unhappy stomach. And of course, she blushes.

"Errr.... heh."

"I'll order something up."

As I put him back, his voice is droll.

Haa. Amen to that little sister. People like that... there what we fear, huh Nighty? Gods, the valiant Knights, such vain glorious things they are...

I close the doors, and turn the key.

Glory to the guard, all those who hold the line.

Author's Note:

Well, since no one seems to take much interest in celestia and luna stories, I figured why not. Got the next chapter going, where the pegasus face Luna in the second day of the two day war of Equestria.

There's a reason she was named Lady of War