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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."

Comments ( 115 )

I feel utter pity for Majesty she has been fed a pack of lies from the day she was born and has been everyone's pawn as well. I hope when she dies Faust shows her the truth and gives her another chance, unlike her father who should be banished to the deepest and darkest reaches of the neither world.

That would be an epic twist if Majesty was the reincarnated Twilight Sparkle.

Now the trip of the poor, delusional, misled pawn begins, trying to make a world-order that will never work in the end... And her papa is definitely burning in hell, potentially being gnawed by the Devil.
Which begs the question; Where is Tantabus now? Hopefully torturing some nazi-unicorn, and hopping to another one after that... And repeating the process again, and again...

I can see that Majesty is ultimately just a pawn, an innocent girl who was lied to her whole life about who was evil and who isn’t. But that doesn’t excuse the atrocities she’ll commit or the monster she grows up to be.

Quick question: does this story and Path of the Dragon take place simultaneously?


Hopefully he is going to be the one who breaks the rule. Ponies have a reincarnation system like Buddhism and they do not have a place for the damned, yet.

Yeah I heard of that. If that... Thing that has no respectful naming term yet, reincarnates, hopefully its gonna be torture... On stuck repeat-button.

I was really willing to give her a pass seeing as she's been indoctrinated. But it's clear her conscious and empathy are both dead. So there's really no going back for her.

Even Discord at his worse didn't enslave or torture like that. And even Tirek didn't harm needlessly

9049441 Yes.
Rated said they would in a blog-post of his awhile back.

One would update, then the other one til both reached their ends.



Ragnarok begins.

is it necessary to read the prequels to understand this?

Can you imagine? Sister vs sister?

Where was that mentioned

What was? Specify maybe?

I'm going to refer to this story under it's alternate title: It's All Luna's Fault...because, well, it kind of is. She let Twilight's assassination happen, then after realizing what a bad idea that was, wussed out in dealing with the Bluebloods, instead contributing to Majesty being what she's going to be.

the reincarnation thing

Sorry, can't quite remember specifically.


Since I think I started that thought process I will elaborate. Ponies belief system holds that until you get yourself right you are reborn. They have a heaven that is achievable but failure only puts you back in the cycle. Ponies, Cows, & Goats are all under the same Goddess Faust. The blog covering this was in late 2016. It is well worth the read to look up all the lore the author has put into some of their blogs.

I think Majesty was born before Twilight was killed so I don't think she is. Would be cool if she was through. Would be interesting if Twilights sister was Blueblood.

Amadeus Blueblood, has anyone ever called you an asshole? If not let me be the first to say it, YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND MAY YOU BURN FOR ALL ETERNITY! Say hi to (insert villain of your choice) for me while you're down there.

Don't remember if she did before Twilight's assassination, but she was born when Amadeus was on his way to Unicornia. Now that we are at reincarnation being a thing in Assassinationverse, CAN YOU IMAGINE THE IRONY IF MYSTIC SPARKLE IS THE REINCARNATION OF HER OWN SISTER?

For the sake of convenience, there are direct links to the gods' bio in the tvtropes character page. Look up under the Pantheon tab.


Agreed. Luna is my favourite Princess, but the Assassinationverse version of Luna is simply the worst. I'd like to give credit to this chapter for acknowledging the effect Luna's actions have had on Majesty's psyche, but it's as if it saw the risk of Majesty coming off as too sympathetic and had to compensate by showing her torturing a slave.

I admit, as a Celestia fan, I too had my issues, but nothing close to the sort of shit you Luna fans have to be going through.

The synopsis paragraph seems deceptive really. It seems to promise a tale of a good girl becoming a monster, but she already seems pretty monstrous in chapter 1.

Yeah really. You expect a story like this to paint the character sympathetically. And at this point in her life, she's already a Unicorn supremacist who believes with all her heart, all the lies she's been told. And sees nothing wrong with enslaving an entire race, or sending those slaves to their death over practically nothing.

Something so horrible that it would make you think. "Oh my god. I wouldn't even wish that on Hitler." Would have to happen to her to really make her sympathetic and I honestly can't think of anything that would fit those criteria.

The first half painted her out to be an innocent filly fed lies
But when she abused the flutter pony you can see she is already corrupted
I feel sorry for her and the future of equestria

“I’ll be so strong that I’ll avenge you,” Majesty whispered, her hooves shaking. “I’ll march with an army on the steps of Canterlot and paint it with their blood. I’ll see that Luna watches as her sister is executed before her eyes before making her suffer the same amount of pain you did. Then I’ll nail her to the highest building in the city, and force her to watch it burn.” She took a few deep breaths. “I’ll make them pay for your death.”

Equestria is in for one brutal future:twilightoops:.

If this story came out more sooner before I published my Assassinverse story, I would've been able to add more OC's and more in-depth from the Path of the Tyrant just for improvements.

The first day and Majesty has already made both friends and enemies...this’ll be interesting:ajsmug:.

Hoooboy...I predict that Dia Waterblaze will be meeting a very unpleasant end in the future...

Things seem nice on the otisde but then you here the talk of slavery and now you see the horrid truth. Unicorn is is terrible for the non unicorn non elite

Interesting technology. I see Majesty is doing well so far. Though that will only make things worse when she finally snaps so,where down the road.

I'm kinda impressed with how disturbing you've managed to make Unicornia, where the advanced technology and smiling children suddenly whiplash into institutionalized slavery. Keep up the good work.

Is this Majesty based on a G1 pony now that come to the realization ?

How the fuck didn’t I realize sooner?

Thought this forest kid would be one of the good guys, turns out his family runs the biggest slave camp. I wonder if any of the... protagonists? (Is there a better term for them) will turn out to be actual good guys.

Protagonist is probably the best term. It just means “the main character” not necessarily the hero.

Seeing Augustus raise an eyebrow he, continued, “Just trust your niece. I’m afraid she’s about to be dragged into this battle without knowing it. If she plays her cards right, she’ll solve your little problem.”

And if she doesn’t, it’ all go up in smoke:twilightoops:!

Well I would feel sorry about this law if I didn't think it is going to backfire in a spectacular way. Hopefully it is Spike who unintentionally screws up all their plans.

Planning Majesty’s entire life for her behind her back, it is just sick. I still wonder what will eventually happen to fully change Majesty into the tryrant she is destined to become?

And the strings of the puppet are being pulled behind the scenes.

History isn't going to be any kinder to her than Spike will. All it'll see is a pony made into a weapon.

In front of his desk was Nazo, chewing on an apple he levitated lazily into his mouth.

Make him eat an apple. It'll make him seem like an asshole *ding*

Kidding aside, if I read that last name right it looks like Majesty's school rival is gonna become even more of a stepping stone than we figured. Just make me wonder what some fillys in a school are gonna do to cause a rift that'll spread that far out. But then kids sure can be cruel eh?

Something tells me it involves the little 'battle' Nazo said she'll be dragged into.

His silver and purple outfit was the shiniest thing in the room to the point where the light was reflecting off of it. The symbol of Unicornia was patched in golden on his right side, along with the silver pentagram with a red flame in the center; the religious symbol of the Church of Silverflame. A small red scarf was wrapped around his neck with golden dusted edges, and his cuffs were made of jade with jewels attached. His hooves were protected by shiny black shoes and his lower body cloaked with a white cloth. Her silver mane covered half of his face, but what wasn’t covered showed a kind brown eye gazing at Majesty with joy as a smile stretched across his aqua colored coat. “Majesty!”

You mean "His"?

Also, is Majesty's uncle's name "August" from the earlier chapters or "Augustus" in here?

Probably something so dark, twisted and tragic that it'll have a real effect on her mentality:twilightoops:.

A part of me thinks Nazo might be the "hero" of the story. In a "my actions will lead to a lot of suffering but it is for a greater good for the world" kind of way.

“Oh, our family runs the biggest of the Flutter Pony Imprisonment Camps: Gehenna.”

this is like a bass drop but in words

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