• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."

Comments ( 83 )

Well this was a fun start. Nice seeing Spike has definitely grown over the years. Two things though: At times it felt like you telling more than showing, and, this is a minor thing but my inner history buff demands I mention this, the proper name for the type of warrior Yasahiro is would be ronin, not samurai. Samurai are in service to a lord, while ronin are masterless samurai who typically found work as mercenaries.

Yeah I did as much as I could with the telling and showing part, I tried, but I decided to just move on and hope to avoid it next time. And you are right about the ronin part

Wow, this is a good start. I see Spike has grown into a badass. If this is 10 years in the future, does Spike have his wings yet, and has he been called by the Dragon Lord for the Gauntlet of Fire and met Ember, or does that all happen much later than in canon? Either ways, this is going straight to favorites and tracking. Can't wait for more.

Doesn’t have his wings and call of the dragon lord hasn’t happened yet

So Spike doesn't like big butts?

It is good to see how much Spike has grown up over the past few years. I wonder when he will be receiving the Dragon Lords call or if he received it already?

Overall glad to see Spike tale to be continued but I can't help it and have to question one issue I have with these kind of stories.

In what reality do a buch mercenary friends go Mortal Kombat on their enemies like it's a casual Friday?
The only normal moment is when Spike gives a prayer, be it for himself or his enemies but that doesn't stop him from getting excited for the job or burning his enemies alive, or ripping them limb by limb while chatting about dinner or who has higher kill count and who's gonna bone whom.

Like I get they're killing bandits, but how are they any better if they can kill so brutality with no care in the world?
It makes them a tad unlikable.

You compare this fic to Fairy Tail with a darker tone but in Fairy Tail the heroes never kill their enemies, unless it's a demon but even in those rare cases they never do it this grotesquely, obviously the show is rated teen I think for a reason.

Like in reality we have soldiers with PTSD, war and combat being hell itself.
All of that reduced to teens cassualy murdering Mortal Kombat style like it's fun.

In my opinion this kind of destroys the seriousness of this fic.

I'm curious what's your take on this?

Spike was talking about bringing friendship to that island, how does he intend to do that by raising the corps count by going around and killing people, some of those bandits maybe were bandits not by choice but just trying to feed their foals and now they and the foals are dead cause a teen had a hard on forkilling them.

I may be reading wayyy to much into this, ain't I?

Being a badass mercenary basically gives you a license to act super casual and shit talk in the middle of a fight. It makes sense when you consider the fact that they weren't trained to be soldiers, so their attitude is going to be way different. Combine that with 10 years of experience and getting desensitized to the violence and this is the result.

I don't mind it personally, although I will admit it does get tiring when everyone is like that and makes me wish we have that strict and professional kind of mercenary who just get shit done, like Boba Fett or Big Boss.

I kinda get that, that's basic cartoon badass, but in reality doesn't that make them, i dunno sociopaths? to be this desensitised to murder.
Have you ever read or heard the experience of WW2 veterans or people who actually were in combat and killed people, it's not something you get used, unless you're a sociopath or have nerves of steel, and i don't think there is a training for killing, yes a person can be taught the methods of killing but how does one train mentally for something like that?
Like is there a camp or a program that i can sign for where they actually let you brutality and viciously kill living things until you get used to it?

I think it’s more that they have grown up surrounded by violence and death. I mean they’re living on an island nation that was literally the result of a mass prisoner revolt with criminals from basically every nation. For a lot of them this isn’t so much a job they signed up for as much as a way of life. Spike is technically an exception, but even he’s been living this life since he was fairly young.

Sorry not buying it, even if the island was just a huge prison once, now it seems to be a colony with it's own laws, government, trade, and law enforcement, otherwise you wouldn't have there guilds like the Red lightning, you'd have bunch of savages running around murdering and raping.
So it's not like murder, rape, slavery is happening there on a daily basis, or like Spike and his friends killing people on a daily basis cause otherwise you're gonna run out of people to kill.

I have to point out, it's not the killing that's the issue but the Mortal Kombat brutality killings done by basically old teens, as i think Spike here is at best in his very early 20s.

The author mentioned that this will be comparable to Fairy Tail with darker tones, so bunch of heroes doing guild quest while trying to save the island, in Fairly Tail this works cause it's rated teen, there is no actual murder or maiming, but here we have a mature story with mature problems, like burning your enemy alive, watching casually as he roast screaming bloody murders when Spikes takes out a bag of marshmallows to roast over his foe, cause he's a badass.

That’s not quite true. The Island doesn’t really have any of those things. The closest thing it has to a government is a loose confederation of constantly feuding warlords, perpetually fighting for power and influence, only united in their desire to make sure no outsider is the one to take over the island. The Red Lightning’s aren’t really a formal mercenary company as much as paid killers with only slightly more morals than the other groups who do the same. If you want an example of what I mean when I say violence is just a way of life for these people, look at how casually the DJ mentions the fact that three separate mercenary companies were wholly exterminated to a man. He even says that this standard procedure for the group that did it, like it’s common knowledge that entire factions get slaughtered when just fighting this one group of people. Not to mention Rated mentioned a group called the “Masks of Mortem” in Spike’s chapter of Aftermath, which basically an ancient death cult of professional assassins. And I’m that same story arc, Spike and the griffin girl fought child slavers, and she mentioned how her father was a warlord who raped her mother and was going to do the same to her before she killed him. Like I said, death and bloodshed seem to be basic facts of life for these people, something they have just always known and grown up with. They aren’t soldiers occasionally made to face horrific events, that’s just what their lives are. I hope this doesn’t come off as combative, I just wanted to explain why I think their reactions kind of made sense to me. Though I will concede Spike seemed a little inconsistent with whether or not killing was something he was okay with. (PS Love the Sky Cooper picture!)

Thanks :twilightsheepish:, you do have some fair points, I myself may have forgotten few details from the aftermath that were mentioned about the island.
But here's my reasoning from the first chapter of this fic we learn that there is a mayor and a trade caravan which means that there are functioning towns and communities on that island, which just has a few warlords fighting for dominance and maybe mercenary groups, slave trade ect.
Plenty of things that are wrong but overall people are living there to the best of their abilities.
It's not just constant murder, rape, pillage.

And there's Spike a drake who wants to spread friendship by murder, truly an element of harmony.

As for they're lived there for 10 years is not really a good answer, at least not realistically.
Just pick any third world country that's stricken with poverty and conflict, children living there their whole lives and none of them end up being care free badasses.

I dunno, honesty maybe I'm just done with this trope with bunch a teens being care free badasses who kill bandits by the dozen. :pinkiesick:

Is Razzdog a reference to Far cry 4's Rabi Ray Rana? The Warlord feud just reminds me a lot of the Golden Path vs Pagan Men.

When did the Equestrian First movement exactly start? Aftermath implies that things were just simply boiling underneath the surface in the immediate aftermath of Twilight's death (Assassination to 3 years after) so was the bombing of the School of Gifted Unicorns their opening act in more recent times (7 years later to present day)? Judging by Mystic's age (she was conceived shortly after her older sister died) when it happened, it seems to be the case.

Having the Princesses being unable to stop them for around 10 YEARS seems to make them incompetent or Fastlane's act of stupidity just hasn't happened yet?

Doesn’t have his wings and call of the dragon lord hasn’t happened yet

I take it that since it has been ten years Spike looks like his teenage self?

EDIT: Just remembered that the bombing will not take place until it's 15 years past Twilight's death (Gladius Stride) and therefore Fastlane's arrest, so that means that the terrorist movement will still continue for five more years.

Equestrian First doesn't face its downfall until 15 years after Twilight's death. This story is ten years so about 5 more to go.

Actually more of a Jive version of Three Dog from Fallout 3

Okay, so regarding your question and curiosity. As was pointed out, Eberus Islands is a land that lives off of anarchy. While you do have villages and home trying to live a peaceful life, there is constant warfare, murder, slavery, rape, and more happening all over the islands thanks to warlords, mercenaries, pirate gangs, and so forth. It's a land where life is pretty much cheap and everyone has some emotional scaring that keeps them there. These people are born into this world and adapt to it, it's a way of life to them. Yes, some of them could have PTSD or other psycological effects, and I plan to introduce some, but for the most part they deal with it by accepting the world they were born or adapted too. Or else they would all go insane.

You are right that Spike is an outsider, and he would be a bit reluctant to become such a killer over night, but keep in mind that it's been ten year since he arrived and I do have plans to reveal what has happened to him in such a time to make him more reasonable to killing. Also keep in mind he's lost his mother to a brutal assassination by her own subjects, did have a "What Have I Done" moment in the last chapter of Aftermath, and has been alone for a few weeks/months since leaving Ponyville.

Perhaps saying its like a darker version of Fairy Tail was the wrong wording and maybe I should have gone the lines of saying its like Black Lagoon or Berserk in terms of the mercenary brutality, but when I think group of adventures who live in a fantasy setting with mutltiple powers I think Fairy Tail. I'm not going to deny that my work has flaws, and I like it when people do point it out, but I least hope its enjoyable to read in the end.

Thanks for explaining a few things, as I mentioned it's been a while since I read the prequel.
Actually comparing to Fairly Tail is accurate in my opinion yes the setting is different but you have the mercenary groups which bassicaly are the magic guilds, they both have name and brands and their members do jobs for whoever pays.
Then you have the heros who make parties to complete said jobs and have their own unique powers.
And this is why this doesn't work for me so well, you're trying to portray this serous world with real problems, combat, gore and death and then we have these heroes who just may start to fight among themselves in the middle of the fight cause (insert random rivalry here)
Or start a barbecue over the enemy burning corpses.
This wouldn't bother me so much if they did so after the job but not in the middle of the fight where a stray arrow could end any one of them.

I dunno you're a great writer overall but this mix between adventure fantasy and realism doesn't work for me.
I still read it as I'm curious on what's Spike about with bringing friendship to this island while going about killing people.
Cause friendship = manslaughter.

Yeah, that was what I just remembered in the EDIT section in my previous comment. I know the movement will last until 15 years post Twilight death. I was asking when did they start. Because judging from the Diamond Dog's DJ report, it has already begun operations meaning that their reign of terror lasted at least FIVE years. This does not speak well for the Equestrian royals competency. The last thing we need to hear is that this has been going on for 15 years.
Second question is regarding whether or not after ten years is Spike still little or grown to his teenage self.
BTW, added to the Tvtropes page. Check it out and notify me if there're any mistakes.

When Amadeus Blueblood said he was willing to let his daughter suffer everything for his desires in the prequal I only have 2 things to ask, there were a lot of implications to his response so please don't go to THOSE places, and she betrays him eventually. He is in the top 5 of my 'I want to kill' list, number 1 being Sleipnir from Wizard's Tale


You must also remember that this is a fanfic; It's not an accurate representation of reality.

And maybe all the casual danger dialogue helps them to deal with the situations they face.

For the first i do get that but if the writer wants to make a serous story with real problems and emotions those things have to be taken seriously.
Otherwise the reader won't be engaged in it.
For example PonyStar mentioned that he will showcase some people with PTSD due to living on that island, normally one would feel pity and compassion for the fella but when you put him right next the heroes who go around killing bandits Berserk style with no care in the world, my feelings for the fella with PTSD change to, pfft what a scrub get gut bitch.
OK that's a tad to extreme, but I hope you get my point,
Same for the heroes if the do not take things seriously why should the reader.
They're in the middle of combat where any of them can die at a moments notice and all they can think of is boobs, butts and kill counts. That's just moronic and they should've died by now.
To me these characters are unlikable and if one of them dies later in a tragic and sad way I won't care cause said character will have a kill count of few hundred kills without a care in the world.

Fairy Tail works cause it doesn't have such a dark setting and for the most part death and gore are omitted.

Berserk works cause the characters take serious things seriously and don't have make out sessions during combat.

I dunno why you people keep making excuses for these characters, I get why they kill what annoys me is how they do it.
It makes them look like complete sociopaths but I dunno maybe that's the intent, maybe later we'll find out that this island turned them insane.
Cause seriously bring peace and friendship to that island by spreading even more death and violence, that's the way.
Twilight for sure would approve.

I didn't know about this story until it came up on the main page and I'm so happy it did!! I finally caught up and I am enjoying it so much keep up the good work

Awww yissss. This is gonna be good.

“Doesn’t the hero always have to look a bit flashy when he arrives?” Spike asked, clawing a griffin in the face. “Besides, Aquilina, you did that whole ‘my business is death’ thing.”

Heh...still a bit of an action hero, eh Spike?

Ah man, lets get this part started. I've been waiting for this for quite some time so I am very ready. His little merc party are a colorful bunch but that doesn't surprise me with Spike at the head of it. Can't wait to see what else you've got in store for us. Definitely enjoyed the little Easter eggs you gave us character wise. Anyone who references Three Dog is alright in my book. He's always gotta speak the truth, No matter how bad it hurts.

So there is no chance of Twilight coming back. Anyways, great chapter and I can't wait for the next update.

Did you want to go solo or in a team? Either choice was optional. Wanted to play fast and quick or slow and cunning? Fine by the guild. Wanted to wait a month or so to take another job after you just finished one? Enjoy your vacation days. Some would say it was a bit lazy, but to the members of the Red Lightning, they were just embracing the top virtue that everyone loved: freedom. Freedom was what the Erebus Islands were all about. The freedom to do whatever you want with the right to fight back against those who stood in your way. It was anarchy, pure and simple.

Its total anarchy alright:ajsmug:.

Aquilina was still struggling with her hangover as she continued to curse Marc under her breath for interrupting her breakfast; a feat she had been doing since they left The Rotten Barrel. Azura was busy looking at herself in a mini mirror while manipulating her mane with her horn. All while Windward was doing his best to make it look like he wasn’t staring at Azura’s flank which was covered by her usual robes. Too bad the pervy grin he was giving was preventing that. And Yasahiro wasn’t there... because that was just typical behavior for him.

I think I'm gonna like these guys...a lot:pinkiehappy:!

“Don’t worry, you won’t be working the ship. Your job is just to protect me and help me when we reach the island,” their scarred employer said from the quarterdeck where there was a large steering wheel with a metal block in front of it. Curious, Spike walked up to see what was going on and his eyes widened at what was in front of the steering wheel. It was a bunch of buttons, knobs, and levers on a metal board that was connected to the floor. “This ship is gonna take us there herself.”

I ship that moves entirely on its own...interesting...:trixieshiftright:.

Windward, flying to a nearby door where clanking noises could be heard, opened it up and gasped at what he saw. “It’s one big factory down here!” The group, minus a sitting Yasahiro, gathered around and saw that the stairs lead to a room filled with cogs, pipes, pistons, and more. It looked like a mini-factory then the inside of a ship. “The ship is a machine that moves on its own! Something like this had to have cost a fortune!”

It must have:unsuresweetie:.

“Aye, it does,” their captain replied as he smirked, “but there’s a far more important fortune that awaits us.” He put his talons to a nearby lever and pulled, allowing the boat to move out of the pier and straight into the ocean blue. “And this time I’m not going home without it.”

Can't wait to see how this plays out:rainbowdetermined2:!

A Doctor Who reference? Oh boy.

Well let's hope that the item that can blowup a star is forever lost. Imagine it being used on the one Celestia controls. Now that Spike is out on the high seas I wonder if Spike will be spotted by ponies loyal to Celestia and Luna and they recognize him?

Nice set up. I am interested to see where this leads to.

“The Hoof of Omega? What’s that?” Spike asked.

“Eh, some powerful object from another world or something that can cause stars to go supernova. My uncle heard it from a funny dressed pony with an umbrella and a big blue box,” Aquilina answered.

I always enjoy a good reference. One of these days I am going to see all of Classic Doctor Who. One episode at a time.

Nah, it's ok, it already got used to destroy the planet of the angry pepper pots.

Betcha five bits that Hoof of Omega becomes critically plot-relevant.

Excellent start here Spike's realty grown up into a bad assI do hope he gets hs revenge eventually really enjoying these stories so far

Exllcent chapter wonder if Spike is planning to use the phoenix tears on twilight , spikes friends are really cool too and nice doctor who reference

Phoenix tears do not work on the dead

Okay thanks for telling still can't wait to see wwhere this goes

Gently placing her hoof on his redding cheek, Azura whispered to him. “Close your eyes.” When he proceeded to do so, she lit up her horn. A few minutes later, a passing fish from the sea was brought on board. Realizing what she was about to do, Spike and Aquilina had to cover their mouths to avoid laughing while Peewee was already squealing in laughter up on the mast. Azura slowly pushed the mouth of the fish towards Windward’s puckered lips and a wet smack was heard all over the deck. In an instant, the snickering dragon and griffin lost all control and fell down in pure laughter. Windward was too lost in the moment of his ‘victory’ to hear them, and proceed to smooch the fish with as much force as he could. He even brought out his tongue to explore the inner carvings of his most prized desire.

I don't know whether to laugh or cringe:rainbowlaugh::pinkiesick::fluttershyouch:!!!

After puking his guts out, Windward wiped his muzzle before glaring at the smirking prankster. “You... may be... a hot pony... Azura.” He gagged a bit before shivering. “But you are one cold bitch.”

And an absolutely hilarious one:rainbowlaugh:!!!

“I’d rather have a reputation of breaking the rules to save lives than a reputation of obeying the rules and going against my heart,” Spike answered back.

You go Spike:rainbowdetermined2:!!!

“Wait, that can’t be right,” Azura said, stepping forward with a confused glare. “I’m from Unicornia. We... they don’t accept slaves except for the Flutter Ponies. Unless things have changed that much since I left.”

Flutter Ponies:rainbowderp:? Now there's something new:ajsmug:.

“So, we’re going to be risking our necks to go above and beyond our normal mission to do some crusade of justice to help make the world a less sucky place to live? As always?” Windward sighed but smirked. “Why do I always get dragged into this with you guys?”

“Because you never give up trying to get between my legs?” Azura asked, walking away.

As if it wasn't plainly obvious:rainbowlaugh:!!!

“Oh yeah, that’s why,” Windward grinned as he followed after her much to the others amusement.

Oh good grief:rainbowlaugh:!!!

“... I once knew a pony who didn’t think friendship mattered either,” Spike said, closing his eyes. “All she wanted to do was study and grow stronger so she could earn the respect of those higher than here. But one day, that pony met some amazing friends, and they started to change the world around them. She started changing others. Even though she died doing it, she helped open the eyes of those around here to start something.” Spike turned around to Azura with a smirk. “Maybe one person can’t change the world, but friends united with an idea can. An idea for a better world for everyone. I’m not saying I’ll succeed.” He lowered his eyes as his tone became a bit more monotone. “I’ve even made mistakes and came close to giving up at times.” Yet, his voice picked up again and he smiled, his eyes filled with fire that made Azura’s eyebrows perk up as Peewee, sensing his energy, cawed with excitement. “Yet giving up is just as bad as losing. Maybe I can’t change the world on my own, but I can change things enough so that one day it will come true by the effort of others.”

Friendship is the most powerful thing there is:twilightsmile:.

Azura slowly turned around and smirked. “You reminded me of somepony. Somepony who was very dear to me. He was just like you. Young. Idealistic. Always doing the right thing even if it went against what others demanded.” She closed her eyes and began to walk forward. “Maybe just being with you reminds me of him? Maybe I’m just honoring his vision by being with you? Regardless, I just hope you have a better fate than he did.”


Wow, so the treasure is actually the captain’s daughter. That is so sweet. Now I am curious about this pony Azura says Spike reminds her of. Maybe we’ll learn more about that later, maybe we won’t, but at least it is a hint that Spike really is making a difference, slowly but surely.


Flutter Ponies:rainbowderp:? Now there's something new:ajsmug:.

Flutter Ponies have been established awhile ago

You mean in one of the earlier chapters? Sorry, I must've forgotten:twilightsheepish:.

Can't wait to see how this mission pans out. No plan survives contact with the enemy.

...Who else wishes that Unicornia falls badly eventually?:pinkiecrazy:

This is just sick! I hope Spike and his group save all these poor slaves and burn the island to the ground with the slavers on it. May Mistress Loveshot burn in Hell.

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