• Published 15th Jun 2018
  • 1,915 Views, 96 Comments

Invasion of the Ecosystem: Rebooted - Cipher800

What if we were not the ones to go to Equestria? What if Earth's plants and animals, both alive and extinct alike, came to roam here instead? Well, we'll find out in this story, right here, right now.

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Unexpected Savior

It's been a while since the animals showed up from their homes on Earth, and Ponyville looked like a ghost town filled with animals and somewhat overgrown due to plants appearing. Having never seen meat-eaters before, the ponies and animals native to Equestria were outright horrified, some were even traumatized. The animals were nothing like they ever had seen in nature before, and to them, it was the most horrid sight anyone can ever lay their eyes on. In our world, the eat or be eaten thing is nature, but they did not know it. All they knew was it wasn't safe for any of them anymore.

The animals of Earth, while less intelligent, were much better at surviving than Equestria's own creatures. Survival was the main gear that was driving them, but Equestria never saw anything like that, no. Ever since they showed up, both the ponies and Equestrian animals alike have come to the conclusion that the Terran animals were naught but bloodthirsty demons, and most of the populace was locked in their own homes, save for a few adults here and there, who were trying to shoo the Terran animals away and clean up the dung that they left on the streets. Not to mention all the weird plants that grew now, ones that grew on their own alarming rates. They were scared. So, gathering as many of their native animals as they could, they went into their households to hide from what they perceived as monsters. But hiding from the world will not work out well, not with the world being able to sneak into even the most closed of places.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were forced to stay indoors due to all the 'monsters' that walked the streets of the seemingly deserted city- err, town. Since Rarity was going on her trip to Manehattan and because Scootaloo was an orphan, they had to stay in Sweet Apple Acres. Granny Smith was busy sleeping in her chair, a newspaper on her face covering the sound of her snores, which would have rang throughout the property if it weren't for that paper, with Winona sleeping by her for comfort and for protection, despite the fact she was still more fit. Winona got up and sniffed the air the moment an unfamiliar smell entered her nostrils. She knew that as the smell of those monsters, these caricatures of animals that ate one another and her fellow animals. Of course, she hadn't heard of the research, so it was easy for her to draw the conclusion they were monsters. She couldn't be any more right about the fact that something was out there. She barked loudly before running towards the hallway, awaking Granny Smith. "Wha? Whazzat? What?" she said, flinging the newspaper with surprising force. Winona ran towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders, knowing that danger was coming. "Have you got any threes?" Sweetie Belle asked as the other two looked at their cards.

Outside, a Giant Ground Sloth (Megatherium) was grazing on the apple trees, and the family was too afraid to go outside of their own homes, save for Applejack and Big Mac, who took as many apples as they could while attempting to shoo the creatures away with little/no success. Yes, the ground sloth was there, but something else was coming towards the house from the other side of the orchard. A herd of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were grazing in unfamiliar, yet still edible grass, when they heard a roaring sound. A Siberian Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) was seen chasing down her prey, a young Edmontosaurus, and caused the deer to run in opposite directions. The dinosaur was too foucused on fleeing from the tiger and did not notice it pouncing, and both tumbled into the farmhouse. On the area that bordered the Everfree, an Allosaurus was waiting, looking at the tiger and the hadrosaur. The old bull let out a roar that sounded more like a whale's bellow at a higher pitch and proceeded to run towards the two fighting creatures that were tumbling towards the house. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were all playing cards since being outside was now no longer safe with all the animals walking about.

"Go fish." Scootaloo replied. "Augh! It's so boring! Why did they have to come here?" Just as she asked that question, a familiar sound came as Winona arrived, barking in a nervous manner.

"Winona? What's wrong?" Applebloom asked. She knew she couldn't understand her speech, but she knew there was something wrong due to how she's behaving. "Um, does anypony here that?" she asked as they all heard a rumbling sound coming from behind. The walls burst forth as the Edmontosaurus and Siberian Tiger busted in, being followed shortly by the Allosaurus. "Run!" she yelled as they ran from the fight as the Allosaurus struck them both down and ate them right on the spot. But, he was hungry, and looked at the three fillies and the dog when the dust cleared. All three of them screamed as they ran into the safety of the barn. The doors were too small for his frame, and he decided he would just bust another hole in the house. So, it ran along on the other side of the wall, and rearing his head, not caring what its purpose was, and his jaw snapped at them, causing them to run towards the other side. Fortunately for them, his head was stuck in his own hole, and it took a few tries for him to lodge out. By then, the bull saw the fillies and dog run the other direction and chased after them.

By then, they all had one more thing to say.


Fortunately for them, somebody was there. Rainbow Dash was busy flying around, attempting to shoo away some annoying pterosaurs, when she heard their plea. Unfortunately, while brave, she was also foolish, and did not care whether or not it was bigger or badder. She looked to see the farmhouse having two holes in it, and then looked to see three fillies and a dog being chased by the Allosaurus. Putting the pieces together, she charged at the Allosaurus without yet a second thought, slamming into its body. "Alright, you dirty lizard! I don't care what your deal is, but innocent fillies are not for eating!" she said. Of course, the Allosaurus didn't understand her, but it took it as a challenge and merely roared at her, showcasing its many teeth at her. That alone wouldn't scare her, but the smell of decaying animal matter and the sight of meat chunks lodged into its teeth took the Rainbow from Rainbow Dash as her mane turned a snowy white as the rainbow literally fell off like wet paint, mixing to form a brownish color. "Run!" she yelled, joining in on the crowd. None of them couldn't believe it. The fearless pony who represented Loyalty was scared to death, having known instantly what that thing had did.

They immediately fled to town, hoping that the Allosaurus would get confused and give up, but carnivorous animals are usually equipped with an uncanny sense of smell, which guided the bull throughout the town and towards his prize as he walked through the unfamiliar landscape. Before long, he found them, and there was nowhere for them to hide. He ran towards them, roaring in nonexistent excitement. The three fillies, the dog, and a now rainbow-less pegasus closed their eyes and waited for death, but it didn't come.

They heard a crunching sound, and Rainbow was the first to open an eye, and they couldn't believe what they saw right in front of them. None of them noticed it, but nearby, an ankylosaur known as Gastonia was grazing. The Gastonia did not have a good sense of smell, so some of Fluttershy's birds were perched onto it. They were more intelligent than birds from our world, so they were able to figure out that the Gastonia was not a threat, and that it did not have good eyesight, and they perched on it for protection, unknowillingly acting as its eyes. The Gastonia made up for it with its good hearing and sense of smell, so the moment it saw the scent of the Allosaurus and recognized it as a carnivore, and the moment the birds started panicking, its instincts kicked in, and swung its tail straight into the old bull.

The Allosaurus looked at the Gastonia, and he saw the small creature, and lifted up a leg so he could flip it over and rip its head off its neck, but another swing came to his standing leg, causing him to jump back in pain. His instincts told him that it would work out well, and he immediately ran towards the Everfree, but not before looking at his original prey and letting out a loud hiss that would haunt each and every one of them for months to come. The ponies and Equestrian animals were sealed up in their houses, but when they saw what happened, they all went in to greet the Gastonia. They soon attempted to make a celebration, but due to its limited brain capacity, the Gastonia just resumed grazing, it was even given a medal, too, but that is not in its mind. It can't comprehend it, nor did it notice the shocked looks when it went away to find a new place to graze in. Fluttershy's birds were just confused. But, it unknowillingly taught us all one thing in importance.

Among the facts that animals eat meat and the color of a pony's mane can literally be scared right out of them, how it was even possible was beyond even my knowledge, the ultimate lesson they learned was that the world has its ways, but not everything about it is bad.

Sure, the thing had limited thought, but it acted on self-defense, and we learned that not all of them are monsters, or at least everypony else did. Spike is starting to crave meat, but fortunately, he can substitute with eggs. He also had managed to get me to stop, and told me it was going nowhere. But, we still do not know a thing about them, though Pinkie seems to be the most knowledgeable for whatever weird reason.

Sincerely, your former student and fellow Princess, Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia looked at the report from Twilight, with Fluttershy, Albert, and Discord in tow. "Well, it is safe to say that we might need to prepare ahead of time. I might not be able to do a thing about the creatures, but we can at the very least prepare for the next batch." she said as she walked towards the balcony. She knew she couldn't stop, and even if they somehow managed to use the Elements on these beings, they are not evil or malevolent in any way, and just are doing what they need to do to survive, so it won't be able to work.

"And prepare we must..." Celestia whispered to herself as the other three went towards her. She knew Discord would scare the crap out of them, and they couldn't understand Albert, so that left Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, please tell my advisors of architecture and transportation that I need them, and while you are at it, please bring me something to get this darn headache to Tartarus, pardon my language." Celestia said. After this, she wanted to lay down and let her brain process all of that information, but now, she has a few people she needs to talk to about the creatures.

Likewise, they need to prepare, and prepare is what they will do.

Meanwhile, in the frozen wastelands near the Crystal Empire, a herd of mammoths were walking in search for food, not knowing that something else was stalking them from behind. The theropod kept towards the snow, seeing them head for that shiny thing in the distance. The carnivorous dinosaur did not know why they were heading towards it, and merely went their direction, not caring where they are going. As long as it can get some food, then it's golden.

Comments ( 8 )

Chapter's up and ready to load.

Cadance and Shining Armor are going to be in for a rough time.

Some guy recommended a mammoth fighting a theorpod, and, well... here I am.

By the way, what are your thoughts on this chapter?

It was nice to see some herbivore dinosaurs just lounging around minding their own business.

Thank you for doing this!

I wanted to see some sea scorpions and the tarantulas of the world Exmaples: Nhandu Chromatus, Acanthoscurria Geniculata, Brachypelma Albiceps, Aphonopelma Seemanni, Eupalaestrus Campestratus, Poecilotheria Rufilata and Avicularia Variegata

Since magic is being crazy bringing all kinds of animals that should be extinct or never have met each other why not bring humans the most dangerous animal and also the most intelligent

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