• Published 15th Jun 2018
  • 1,915 Views, 96 Comments

Invasion of the Ecosystem: Rebooted - Cipher800

What if we were not the ones to go to Equestria? What if Earth's plants and animals, both alive and extinct alike, came to roam here instead? Well, we'll find out in this story, right here, right now.

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A New Change

It has been approximately one hour since the raptors attacked the giant pig in Ponyville, and those who watched it would probably have nightmares for weeks to come, especially the Equestrian animals, who all were unfamiliar with the concept of carnivory. Twilight was busy cataloging her findings about the new creatures. Truth be told, her face turned green the very moment the raptors began eating the Kubanochoerus, and several ponies needed a bucket or two after the gruesome scene that happened. As for the Princess of Friendship herself, Twilight was at her castle, finishing off with the notes she wrote on her book, along with some illustrations of said creatures and handed them to Spike, who blew magical fire on them that delivered it to Celestia. Just then, Spike belched out some green fire, and a letter came back in response.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle..." Twilight read while looking at the letter in her aura. "I am very sorry to say that this is not just happening in Ponyville. I've gotten reports of these quote-on-quote barbaric actions (Which I now know, thanks to your research, that these are natural occourences from the worlds they came from.) on such innocent creatures. These things are farther into the Frozen North than Yakyakistan is, and are as far south as the former Storm Kingdom, and even go way past Griffonstone's easternmost border." Everyone in the room gasped at this. Owlowiscious was still with Twilight, and he gasped. He knew they skies were not safe, but to think that their range was this far was horrifying. "I've got reports of these bone-chilling phenomena at Manehattan were a spider the size of filly was seen eating a bird and strange plants were growing on the buildings, Appaloosa where lions were seen chasing the buffalo and acacia trees were growing around the building, and a snake spat something that had blinded Braeburn. And yes, even Canterlot itself has its problems with new trees growing around, and a giant snake was seen in the moat, and I've gotten reports that the plants once tended by the ponies were growing at their own alarming rates. I'm very scared, Twilight. Me and Luna are slowly losing control of the sun and moon and the weather is slowly beginning to act on its own. These beings and mechanics are not natural in Equestria, but I'm afraid that they will be shortly. But whatever you do, do not let it stop you from helping everypony with their problems. Your fellow princes and former teacher, Celestia."

"Spike, Owlowiscious, this is worse than I had hoped." Twilight said with a bit of guilt. "I have this feeling in my gut that it would be far from over, I didn't realize how right I was! Please forgive me!" Twilight said as she pounced onto Spike and crushed him with a huge amount of tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to stop it! I'm sorry I wasn't able to prevent it. I'm sorry I was unable to do a thing! I'm sorry that-" What she had to say was interrupted when a purple arm managed to squeeze out and put a hand over Twilight's mouth, and she was still crying, but in a muffled tone.

"Twilight, get a grip! This isn't your fault!" Spike said in a tone that made Twilight open her eyes and loosen her tightened grip on him, although she still had a few tears flowing down her eyes. "Look, Twilight, you aren't at stake, none of us have any fault in the situation. Not even Discord would do something as heartbreaking as that! He'd never do it! And even if you were able to prevent it, you would not see if it was coming or not!" Spike said as the alicorn finished shedding her tears as a smile spread across her face. "Cheer up, Twilight. There is no way you would've seen if it was coming, none of us have a way for this. Even Celestia admitted she was scared, but she did say not to let it get the best of you." Spike said as his adoptive sister let go of him. "Yes, you aren't able to stop it, and yes, you were not able to prevent it, but you can do something about it! You have faced two ponies possessed by darkness, helped Fluttershy reform Discord, help foil a plan made by Chrysalis to sabatoge a wedding, stopped Tirek from stealing your magic, defeated the Storm King, and you also managed to make tons of friends. We all have your back." Spike said as he put a hand on Twilight's shoulder.

"Thanks, Spike. You really know how to cheer somepony up." Twilight said with a smile as she got up and took a deep breath of fresh air. "We've got a lot of things to do. Luna has completely adjusted to today's world, the crystal ponies are mostly done, and the Pillars of Equestria have just started with their adjustments. And now, we have to adjust to a world were survival of the fittest is slowly taking over our usual way of life. It is faster than most things, but I'm confident that we have just enough time to adjust. It is a shame that Flurry Heart will never know the peace and tranquility of the world before this incident apart from stories." Twilight admitted with her head pointing downward.

Spike knew Twilight had a point there. Like with Luna, the crystal ponies, and the Pillars, they will all have to adapt to what will happen in the future. These animals may look the same, but they are also completely different. They are far dumber than Equestria's animals are, but that's the only advantage they have. From what she's seen, these creatures were much more adaptable and are driven by the will to survive, some smarter than others. The bees that showed up in the School's back grounds had far more painful stings and apparently died on contact, and the poor colt who got stung the most was covered in boils like she never saw before. Thank goodness she made that antidote.

Liquify the bee stingers and mix them with healing potion and magic had helped a lot. The antlike creatures that ate on the apple trees in Sweet Apple Acres ate wood. Fortunately, she knew a spell that can give wood the qualities of stone or metal, which would be useful against these creatures. As for the ants, fortunately, they're within the Everfree, but she knew it would be more dangerous with those things around. She'll have to think of something. She already had several blank journals in which she can catalog these things, so she can keep a solid record on them.

She knows that many of Equestria's flora and fauna would not stand a chance against these things, and many of them would wind up being gone forever, save for some of the monsters in the Everfree, such as the cockatrice. As for the races that built kingdoms, Twilight knew that the ponies, griffons, dragons, etc. will be able to make it, but they would never be the same again once it is all up and done. Pegasi would not be able to control the weather, and Celestia and Luna would no longer have their hold on the sun and moon. But she had to stay strong, for Celestia, for everypony in Equestria and beyond. But something happened that snapped her out of that trance.

"Twilight, I don't feel so..." He fell down on his rump as he clutched his stomach in pain. He yelled as he felt his digestive system turn into jelly. "What's happening to me?" Spike yelled before screeching in pain.

"Spike!" Twilight said as she ran towards the dragon she saw as a brother. Inside of him, his genetic structure was slightly rewritten began to change his stomach from within, enzymes breaking down the old digestive tract and using the soup of molecules that was once his digestive system for parts to build a new one designed not for eating gems, but for breaking down and digesting meat, and plant matter on minor occasions. He let out howls of pain as he felt two new appendages grow from his back, developing a layer of membrane between the spindly 'fingers' with the spare molecules before stopping for some reason. "Spike, Spike, are you okay?" Twilight asked as the pain subsided, leaving Spike to pant and catch his breath, feeling nerves that were not there connect to the new wings.

"Ow... ow... it hurts so badly..." Spike said as he clutched his stomach. He soon took note of his new cravings, and began thinking about... roasted chicken, plucked of all its feathers and served with sauce. "Why do I crave chickens?"

Twilight looked in shock. Spike was affected too? "Not you, too! I need to know what has just happened to you. I'm not gonna harm you, I'd never do that." Twilight said as she levitated her friend into the lab. She desperately hoped that nothing happened to his mind.

Author's Note:

Alright, so, I should catalog the animals I've put in so far, and here they are.

Army Ant
Africanized Bee
Forsman Termite
Horseshoe Crabs
a couple species of trilobite
Protoceratops (Mentioned)
a species of Pachycephalosaur
a species of vulture
a prehistoric species of spider
a species of lion

As for the new plant, I've been thinking Kudzu, and some cacti were growing in the desert.

My oh my, what a plot twist.

Although, I have made it so that the Survival Phenomenon (cool name) will affect the flora native to Equestria and its weather. And yes, alicorns and draconeqqui, and even some dragons (such as Spike) will still be immortal in this story.

The dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, diamond dogs, changelings, and cat people will be the only races I have planned for their diets to be rewritten.

Dragons and griffons now have the ability to eat meat now because they are commonly portrayed outside the MLP universe to eat meat and would slowly become carnivorous over time (Spike's case is different, though). Diamond dogs and cat people are affected because dogs and cats eat meat in our world, and hippogriffs are now omnivorous because they are part griffon, although they would mainly eat fish. Changelings no longer feed off love, but now only eat physical matter and are omnivorous, eating mainly fruit. All of the species would be affected in one way or another.

It would be interesting to see Twilight slowly start to crave meat like her brother, and I've been thinking that I should put it there. The origins of that were because she ate bacon in the human world, and if Sunset Shimmer returns, she's retain that omnivorous diet.

Their personalities will remain as much of the same as possible and they will retain their sentience in full. As for them adjusting to their new diets, I hope everybody there likes eggs, because that is the only thing I'd know of that would substitue for meat.

As for why I made it that way, I wanted to show that change is inevitable and they would be forced to adjust. And it would make the start of some very interesting changes.