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Season 4 episode 3: Fast Times at Danielle Atron High (part 3)

Of 100 deeds for eddie mcdowd

(Deed 59)

Chapter 3: Fast Times at Danielle Atron High)

Atron walks over to the table. "Hello, Alexandra. It's great to see you again. " she said.

. "Well, it's not great to see you." Yelled Eddie.

"Now where are your manners , Alexandra?" said Ms. Atron "Lars…" she said as Lars hands her a scapula from the table and then continued talking to Eddie,"I'm glad to see you aren't trying very hard to escape. I'm surprised though I thought you would at least try to use one of your tricks on me like you did during the last time we met."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. If I had tricks I'd be using them to get myself out of this situation and sadly none of my usual tricks will work right now." Said Eddie

Ms. Atron moves the scapul closer and closer to "Alex's" head. "Why did this have to happen to me at the point when my life was finally turning around ? I wish the drifter was here."

Suddenly everything freezes. " Ready to go back to the way things were, Edward?" asked Drifter

"Yes, just get me out of here." Said Eddie " Please I'll do anything. I'll even give up a deed to be out.

" All right lets do this. To put things back on track, give this body it's powers back. " said the drifter waving his hands magically and then gesturing towards Eddie

"Nothing happened." Said Eddie

"What you didn't know when you took over this body, Edward is that Alex Mack used to have some special powers specifically the power of telekinesis, the ability to shoot electricity from her body, and the ability to change into a puddle of silver liquid." Said Drifter

"What do you mean used to?" asked Eddie

"Well, I brought them back but she took an antidote to get rid of them not too long ago thats why this happen." explained the Drifter

"Oh, that's what the others were going on about." Said Eddie "Why didn't you tell me that this was the problem she had to deal with? This is really not your average problem this is catastrophic!"

" I was trying to warn you but you wouldn't listen apparently the only way to teach you anything is to let you experience things for yourself. But don't worry I wasn't planning on letting it happen, if Ms. Atron slice you up anyway, my bosses would be very angry if I just let you die. As for that deed I'm not gonna take it away. as You saved me once before . You earned it. " said the Drifter

The Drifter then disappears. Eddie concentrates really hard on the water and is suddenly turn into a puddle on the table. He slithers towards the outlet. He changes back into Alex and then uses the electricity to turn out the lights. He then uses his mind to open the door and when he runs out he locks the door behind him. Just then time unfreezes. "Where did she go?" demanded Ms. Atron she then looked at Lars "Well, don't just stand there. Find her!"

Lars runs out of the room. Eddie in puddle form started to slither towards the nearest exit when he hears "Someone ! Help!"

"Justin!" yelled Eddie back "I completely forgot about the Taylors but this could be my only chance to get out of here in one piece. Save Taylors? Save myself? Save Taylors? Save myself?..." said Eddie weighing his decision.

He hears foot steps coming closer and hears the yelling again. "Damn it! Why do I have to have a conscience." Said Eddie who slithers towards the sound of the yelling. He slips under a door and reforms in front everyone.

" Blimey, Eddie. You have morphing abilities." Said Tori

" I guess my antidote is only temporary. " said George

"Antidote?" asked Doug

"Yea, Alex was in a chemical accident when she gained special abilities but last week she took the antidote I made for her so her abilities should be gone." Said George

"Oh they were a friend of mine who brought them back." Said Eddie

"A friend?" asked Justin

"You know, the Drifter." Said Eddie to Justin

"I thought you said the Drifter wasn't your friend." Said Justin smirking

"I said if he was my friend I was a teenage girl since I'm a teen girl…" said Eddie

"Who's the Drifter?" asked Barbara

He's this creepy guy who changed me into a dog now we don't have time to stand around. We have to go. I just got these powers so I'm not entirely sure how to do this but…" said Eddie who first tries to open the door with his mind but because it's locked it won't move.

He then tries to shoot it open with electricity and then tries both things again on the windows. He then turns to Alex. "With these abilities of yours can you morph people into liquid with you?"

"Yes. As long as you are touching them when you morph." Said Alex

"Everyone hold hands. I'm going to try something but it may not work." Said Eddie.

Everyone grabs hands and Eddie grabs on to Alex's paw then Eddie concentrates on turning into liquid and morphs everyone into a giant puddle. They all slither under a crack in the door. As they slither towards the nearest exit and get outside of the school. Then Eddie morphs everyone. "Everyone, get back into the house. " said Eddie

"Eddie, we are not leaving you behind." Said Lisa

"I have to stay and make sure the police get here. I can't risk your lives and mine." Said Eddie.

"You sure you'll be all right?" asked Justin

"I'll be fine." Said Eddie "You guys, go!"

The others head to the nearest van that luckily someone left the keys in and drive away. Eddie takes out a cell phone and starts to dial the police. As he does a hand grabs the phone out of the human hand and throws it on the ground breaking it. "That was pretty clever, Ms. Mack. Pretending not to have your powers back there and then sneaking you and your family and friends out at the last minute. Too bad they just left you here." Said Lars "Now, let's get back in the biology lab shall we? Ms. Atron is waiting." He said grabbing on to "Alex's" arm and picking Eddie up.

They start to walk back into the high school. They pass by a pay phone and Eddie zaps Lars so that he falls back ward and runs to dial the phone. "Hello, Police. I'm at Danielle Atron High. Danielle Atron and Lars Frederickson are ready to be picked up. " said Eddie. Just as he was ready to hang up. Ms. Atron comes up from behind him. He zaps her and she let's go and then he knocks her against the nearest wall. He then concentrates and rope floats towards him through an open window. He then goes about tying up Lars and Danielle and just as he finishes the police show up.

Meanwhile, back at the Macks house Justin starts pacing the floor "Where is he?" he asked

"Don't worry, Justin. I'm sure he's fine." Said Doug trying to calm down his son.

Just then a silver liquid puddle seeps through a crack in the door and slithers into the middle of the living room reforming back into Eddie.

"EDDIE!" said Justin running over to him.

" I'll take it you missed me." Said Eddie "Now, let's turn things back to the way things were before this crazy trip."

"You mean you're going to give Alex her body back?" asked Justin

"Absolutely! Compared to life as Alex Mack my life was a cake walk. I'd rather deal with deeds and the drifter than deal with powers and dissection." Said Eddie

Alex then goes over to Eddie and Eddie puts his hand on the dog's head and starts to pet it while doing that the tingling sensation restarts again as it does inside of Alex and well suddenly the human hand moves away from the dog.

"Eddie?" asked Justin

the dog looks up at Justin "Yeah?"

"Eddie!" said Justin hugging the dog.

"I never want to be a dog again." Said Alex

Alex's family and friends hug her.

(Redelivered scene)

"This is the oddest day I've ever had." Said Nicole

"oh I'm with you on that." Said Robyn

"Sorry, guys. It wasn't supposed to be this odd." Said Alex

"I'm assuming this was the type of thing that happened all the time?" asked Louis

"Without the dog switching of course." Said Alex.

"Well I'm getting out of here. I'll see you later. Alex." Said Nicole

"I'm going to go too. See you later." Said Robyn

"Me too." Said Louis

"See you, guys later." Said Alex

Louis, Nicole, and Robyn leave together. George comes up with Annie from the garage. "Oh, good, Eddie your back. You two ready to switch?" Goerge asked Alex and Eddie

"We already did." Said Alex

"That's great, Honey. Now to stop this from happening again drink this." He hands a vial to her

"What is it?" asked Alex

"It's called EM-59. And (the number 59 just glow) like that It acts just like the antidote to GC 161 except it won't have any side effects." Said George

("Whoa EM-59 ? Yes! I got a deed!" Cool, so I got 59 more good deeds to go i wonder what I am going to do next the drifter starts to make one last trip just to see eddie. And he disappears magically.)

"Nice going, Eddie!" said Justin out loud.

"What?" said everyone looking at Justin "uh Nothing. Nevermind."

Alex then drinks the potion and then tries using her powers. She then pets Eddie and looks down at herself realizing she was still in her own body. "I think it worked." Said Alex

"Now, we can finally have a normal visit." Said Barbara "Why don't I get dinner ready."

"I'll help you." Said Lisa

George and Doug sit on the couch "So, Doug I'd love to hear what's new in the postal service." Said George

The kids then go up to Alex's room.

The End.

[Eddie Mcdowd Credits]
Based of Lynch and whoever write this property