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Season 4 episode 2: Eddie's day out (part 2)

(Meanwhile in 100 good deeds of eddie mcdowd)
Oh yeah Eddie Mcdowd is back yelled( Eddie in alex body.)
(Intro(Bahaman of who let the dogs out)Eddie mcdowd season 4
100 Deeds for Eddie Mcdowd
(Deed 59).
(Shocked music.) with come out background startup colour)
Chapter 2: Eddie's day out.
Supervising producer
Bob mittenthal
program consultant
Robbie Rowe
produced by Mike rubiner
Greg A Hampson
also starring
John Deene
Guest starring
Jeanette finkle
as the voice of Alex
special appearance by
Richard Moll

Directed by Christopher Coppola.

What does he mean. He's back?" asked Barbara looking at Justin.

"He used to be a kid; it's a long story." Said Justin

"Your dog used to be kid?" asked Goerge concerned

" That's right and you have all flipped if you think I'll ever go back to being a dog." Said Eddie

"But we have to change back. How am I supposed to live like this?" asked Alex in the dog body

"Did you hear that?" asked Annie to the others

" Yes, it sounded like Alex." Said George

"Alex?" asked Barbara looking around

" Dad, Annie, Mom, you can understand me? " asked Alex

They look at the dog.

"Alex? How is this possible? You're a dog. Dogs don't talk." Said Barbara

"What do you think barking is?" asked Eddie snidely

"I think I have an idea on how to change you back. Eddie, you touch Alex's head like you're going to pet her and the switch should happen the way it did before. Once, that's done we'll use the antidote dad's going to make the counteract this side effect to the GC 161 antidote." Said Annie

"Annie, that's brilliant. Are both of you willing to try it?" asked George

"Anything to get out of this dog body." Said Alex

" Forget it. I'm human again. This is exactly the chance I've been waiting for. No more deeds. No more drifter. Sure I'm a girl but I could live with that. Now, if you excuse me I'm going to enjoy my new life. " said Eddie

"Eddie, this is not fair to Alex. " said Justin

"I don't care and I'm sick and tired of waiting. " said Eddie "Now get out of my way. " said Eddie trying to head to the door which the others block.

"No." said Justin

"Fine Eddie McDowd doesn't need doors. " said Eddie. He opens the window and jumps out.

Alex runs to the window, "Hey! Come back here! Eddie! Come back! Jackass!" she yells at Eddie who is running away.

" Annie you and I better start on that antidote." Said George

" Justin… Alex and I will go after Eddie." Said Barbara

"Actually, mom, it's probably a better idea if you stayed here and entertained our other guests so they don't figure out that something is wrong." Said Annie.

"All right." Said Barbara

"I'll get Tori to come with me and Alex." Said Justin

They all exit the bedroom. They go back down to the living room where the others are waiting.

" That took a while. Is everything all right?" asked Doug

"Everything is fine. Why don't we go into the kitchen. Lunch is just about ready." Said Barbara "By, the way, Lisa that is a lovely outfit."

"Thank you. " said Lisa

Barbara takes Lisa into the kitchen.

"So, George, what have you been doing with yourself?" asked Doug

"I'm sorry, Doug I have no time to visit right now. I just remembered that I have to help Annie with a project for school. We'll catch up later unfortunately, it probably won't be until dinner. Feel free to make yourself at home while we're working."

"Well, ok. " said Doug confused "We'll talk later." Who goes to sit on the couch and turns on the Mack's TV.

"I'm going to take Eddie for a walk. Tori, would you like to come?" Justin asked Tori

"Sure." Said Tori

Later, in the park. Eddie is strutting through the park enjoying his use of two legs again. Louis, Ray, Robyn, and Nicole come up to him "Hey, Alex, we were going to catch a movie you want to come?" asked Ray

"A movie? No thanks. I have something a little more fun in mind." Said Eddie

"Are you sure it's the sequel to last year's summer blockbuster." Said Louis

"That piece of garbage. The writing was terrible and the acting was even worse. You wouldn't get me anywhere near the sequel. " said Eddie

" What are you talking about? You said you loved it when we saw it last summer." Said Robyn "O my god, you're not getting into that mood again are you? You said you'd warn me the next time you were in the mood like this. I mean I'm really having a bad day as it is I don't need your attitude on top of it. I mean I know I failed all my classes and I'm going to get kicked out of school. I mean the I thought I did well on all my exams but you never know and when I think I did well in something I usually don't so it stands to reason…"

"Shut up!" yelled Eddie "I was actually having a good a day. In fact, the best day I've had in a while and you are just bringing me down and frankly, I don't really care about what you are going through so stop talking to me. In fact, all of you just leave me alone. I'm trying to enjoy myself." Said Eddie. Nicole stops Eddie with her hand.

" That is completely uncalled for, Alex. I can't remember the last time you acted like this. I don't like it and if you are going to act this way maybe you shouldn't come with us to the movies. In fact, don't bother talking to us ever again. Come on, let's get out of here." Said Nicole who goes and walks in the other direction. Robyn follows suit.

"Alex, you ok?" asked Ray " Annie didn't spill a chemical that split you in two again did she? Ok, where is the nice one."

"I don't know what you're talking about now if you excuse me I have a new life to enjoy." Said Eddie

"New life? What are you talking about new life?" asked Louis

"Did you take the antidote your dad gave you? Is this a side effect because maybe you should talk to him about making an antidote." Said Ray

"I don't need an antidote to anything. I'm not going back to the way things were. This is me now so deal with it." Said Eddie

Meanwhile, Justin, Tori, and Alex are in the park looking for Eddie. "Eddie! Eddie! EDDIE!" yelled Justin

Tori looks at Justin confused "Why are you yelling Eddie's name when he's right here?"

"This isn't Eddie. This is Alex Mack." Said Justin

"Come again?" asked Tori

"Remember when I told you Eddie can talk? Well, the reason he can talk is that he used to be a kid. Anyway, due to the complicatedness of your universe Alex and Eddie have switched bodies and Eddie ran away refusing to switch back. " said Justin

"All right. " said Tori "EDDIE! EDDIE!"

"EDDIE!" all three yell. "EDDIE! EDDIE!"

Back in the part of the park that Ray, Louis and Eddie are in.

"We're taking you back home. " said Ray grabbing Eddie

"No, I'm not and you most certainly can't make me." Said Eddie

He shoved Ray to the ground and the two of them start punching and hitting each other. Louis tries to break them up but gets pulled into the fight. Suddenly everything freezes

"EDDIE MCDOWD!" The booming voice of the Drifter yelled. "What exactly do you think you're doing?!"

Eddie looks up from the fight. "I'm trying to get this guy off my back."

"Edward, you are regressing again and if you regress you know exactly what will happen." Said The Drifter

" You will not be my drifter. I'm not afraid of that anymore ! I finally have a way of being human without doing any deeds." Said Eddie "So, I don't need you and your magical weirdness."

" You can not steal someone else's life, Edward, that is not fair to Alexandra after all it's her life you took. Now, I'd go switch back with her if I were you." Said Drifter "If you do your own good deeds you will get your own body all in good time."

" I can't wait that long. I have an out now and I'm taking it. " Said Eddie

"Fine, Edward but just keep in mind if you be in someone else's life you'll get their problems too." Said the Drifter who disappears

"Problems? I'm in a 16 year old girl's body what's her biggest problem who to take to prom?" Eddie scoffed

Time unfreezes and the guys realize they are on the ground and Eddie is standing up. That's when Justin, Tori, and Alex show up. Alex is pulling Justin towards Eddie.

"There you are. Come on, we have to go back." Said Justin

" Wild horses wouldn't make me go back with you. " said Eddie

" This is ridiculous. You can't bring Alex in this to live out your deeds she never did anything to deserve this." Said Justin

Alex suddenly starts barking.

"Now, you know how I felt." He said to Alex.

"You understand her?" asked Justin

"I was a dog." Said Eddie.

As they talk a stolen chemical plant van plant pulls up a group of uniformed men come out of it and grab everyone shoving them into the back of the van.

"What's going on?" asked Justin as the van was moving.

"Well, we're going to take you all to the high school where Miss Mack here is going to be dissected and the rest of you are all going to be killed because Ms. Atron is very upset about her scheme being busted open. " said Lars.

"And you are?" asked Tori

"Lars Frederickson. Well, to the last day of your lives kids. Hope you had good lives." Said Lars.

" Wait, did you just said dissected? But I don't want to be dissected." Said Eddie "I just got a new life for myself…. Drifter! Drifter! DRIFTER! " yelled Eddie

Later, at the school. Louis, Ray, Justin, Tori, and Alex are shoved into an empty classroom. It seemed like hours before the door was opened again and when it was Barbara, George, Annie, Lisa, Doug, Robyn, and Nicole were shoved in and the door was locked again.

" Someone please explained what is going on around here
? Why were we forced out of your house George… Barbara?" demanded Lisa

"It's my old boss Danielle Atron. She must have broken out of prison. She was after our daughter Alex because she was dowsed with a chemical potion that gave her superpowers. She doesn't have those powers anymore its is because last week she took the antidote but it had it's own side effect. It switched the bodies of our daughter with your dog." Said George.

"Wait, so Alex is in here and Eddie is out there? Poor Eddie. " said Doug.

"Maybe we can ram the door open." Said Annie

A bunch of them run full force towards the locked door but nothing happens. They then try to unlock the windows but the locks are stuck. Robyn then takes a rock she found outside that day and tries to break the windows but doesn't make a dent on any of them.

"God, what did they use to make this school out of. It's like they created it so that no one could break in or out." Said Louis

Meanwhile Eddie is strapped to a metal table that was rolled into the science lab.

" This is ridiculous. I'm a citizen, I have rights. you can't dissect me!" yelled Eddie

"I'm afraid you're wrong on two counts" said Lars leering. "First, that whole rights thing doesn't matter because you're just a kid. Second, I'm not going to be the one doing the dissecting… she is."

Danielle Atron enters the room wearing a lab coat, goggles, and rubber gloves.

Drifter,Justin anyone help!
Wailed by Eddie.

[To be Continued]
