• Published 10th Jun 2018
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Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

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Chapter 16 Riddle Me This

"After a series of robberies, well known Gotham rogues Two-Face and Killer Croc were apprehended by the Batman and his new Boy Wonder. Now the two criminals have been returned to Arkham Asylum." Vickie Vale reported on the Gotham Gazzett.

"Girl Wonder, it's Girl Wonder." Scootaloo grumbled, sitting cross legged in front of the TV, arms crossed. "I'm glad we took down Two-Face and Killer Croc, but I can't believe Catwoman got away."

"Not to mention with the diamond necklace." Bruce agreed, sitting on his cushioned chair.

"I'm sure there will come a time when you catch Miss Kyle," Alfred reassured. Unfortunately to Bruce's knowledge, even though there were times when he caught up to Catwoman in a chase, she would still manage to escape police custody. Bruce sat on his chair with his legs crossed, a newspaper held in front of him. There was something odd about this paper, some of the letters were highlighted in green.

"However, one other notorious Rogue that is still at large is Edward Nygma, A.K.A. The Riddler. It has been a month since his escape from Arkham Asylum and if there are any who know his whereabouts, please contact the authorities-" Suddenly the TV screen was blurring, emmitting a static hiss.

"Hey, what's going to with the TV?" Scootaloo asked.

Before anyone could answer, the screen was no longer showing Vickie Vale, but instead a man dressed in a green suit and bawler hat, purple tie with a question mark imprinted on it, a purple domino mask, and holding a good question mark cane in purple gloved hands. A man all too familiar with Bruce.

"Hello Gotham and thank you for tuning in. It is I, Edward Nygma, or better yet known as the Riddler."

"Is this a show or something?" Scootaloo asked, but was shushed by Bruce.

"As you all may know, I have escaped from Arkham Asylum and here I am back at it again." Riddler announced with pride in his expression. "I am about to pull something off that none of you are aware of. Of course, I won't tell you about it, but if anyone, especially Batman because I know your watching, wants to play my game they will. I will start you off with two riddles. Riddle me this: you see me in the air, but I am not a kite, I am what’s created, when water refracts light. What am I? And what tropical hotspot can you get clubbed? Good luck and may the best man, me, win."

Bruce turned off the television.

"Another one of your enemies?" Scootaloo asked.

Bruce nodded, "Yes."

"I take it we're gonna go after him?"

Bruce nodded again. He eyed his paper and noticed the green letters. "Of course," He realized. "Alfred, get me a pen."

The butler came back and handed the pen to Bruce.

"What is it?" Scootaloo asked.

"The Riddler has highlighted certain letters in the newspaper in green." Bruce explained, writing down the letters. "Must've had some inside source see to that with all of today's copies." He finished writing down all the letters and was able to make out what it all read. "What's black and white and red all over?"

"Why that's an old, well known riddle." Alfred exclaimed. "The answer to that is simply a newspaper."

"But why would that be the answer if it's on a newspaper?" Scootaloo asked.

"Maybe it's supposed to mean something different." Bruce thought out loud. "As for the other riddles, 'you see me in the air, but I am not a kite, I am what’s created, when water refracts light. What tropical hotspot can you get clubbed?'" Bruce rubbed his chin in thought.

"I think the answer to the first one is a Rainbow." Scootaloo suggested, remembering a time when Rainbow Dash taught her how rainbows worked.

Bruce nodded, "Sounds like it, and as for the second one..."

Bruce typed in on the Batcomputer 'oasis' and 'club'. He searched, "There." He found. "The Oasis Club."

"You think that's the answer to the riddle?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's gotta be, what else could it mean?"

Scootaloo thought about the riddle and shrugged. "Okay, you could be right."

"Suit up, now. It's time for us to go."

Scootaloo rose an eyebrow, "I thought we only to out at night."

"At a time like this, we don't have much choice." Bruce stated. "Plus there are times with a few exceptions."

Scootaloo shrugged, "Alright then,".

It was midday as the Batmobile sped through Gotham. To Scootaloo this felt odd, considering they were usually out in the night and now it's broad daylight. In time they reached the Oasis Club. The club was closed and unoccupied. They snuck to the backdoor in the back alley.

"Wait, are we breaking in?" Robin asked, concerned.

"We're vigilantes, we have to do what is necessary to protect Gotham." Batman explained as he was picking the lock. "There," He succeeded. He opened the door, "Let's go."

Robin signed as she snuck in behind her mentor. They made their way into the dark, empty club.

"Doesn't look like anyone's here." Robin said.

"Look around, see if you can find anything."

Robin nodded as they both began their search. The girl looked around the place until a green color caught her eye. Sitting on the table was a green envelope with a question mark on it. "I found something," She called, opening the envelope. "Where does the chess piece go to get poked?" She read aloud, "I don't get it."

Batman placed a finger against his ear, "Oracle, do you read me?"

"Loud and clear," Came Oracle's voice. "What do you need?"

"Me and Robin are searching for the Riddler, we believe the riddle we found could lead to somewhere important."

"What's the riddle?"

"Where does the chess piece go to get poked?"

"Sounds weird, but then since when do these riddles make sense? I'll search for any location regarding that riddle."

"Thanks, Oracle. Batman out."

"So now what?" Robin asked.

"We patrol the city, hopefully we'll find any sign of the Riddler."

Robin sighed. Thirty minutes of riding in the Batmobile, patroling the city and still no sign of Riddler. They checked any location he could strike, such as a puzzle factory or a word game store. Nothing.

"Batman, I think I found something." Oracle's face appeared on the screen under the dashboard.

"What is it, Oracle?" Batman asked.

"I don't know if this is it, but there is a place called Spike's Pawn Shop."

"Sounds like it could be our place." Robin suggested, Batman nodded.

"I'll send you the coordinates."

"Thanks, Oracle." Batman said as he turned a street.

The Dynamic Duo arrived at Spike's Pawn Shop, only just like the last destination, there was nothing to find except for a riddle. Scootaloo thought that this was starting to get repetitive, the riddle said "Where does wood go to get butchered?" With help from Oracle searching for anything related, they knew they were supposed to go to Butch's Wood Shop. Upon arrival, they found another riddle, much to Robin's annoyance, but Batman, being the one with the longest experience, insisted they keep following the riddles. They were searching all day and Scootaloo was getting tired. This one led them to the First National Bank. That has to be the place where Riddler would strike, right?

Upon arrival Batman and Robin were met by Harvey Bullock standing at the entrance, cigar in mouth, green envelope in hand.

"Lieutenant." Batman addressed.

"Hey, Batman. The lady at the front desk said some guy, probably working for the Riddler, showed up here." He puffed his cigar, holding out the envelope. "Told her to call the police and give this to them."

Robin was starting to get really annoyed, these riddles don't seem to lead anywhere. Batman took the envelope and opened it. "What tropical hotspot can you get clubbed?"

What? "Is that the same riddle from earlier?" Robin asked hysterically. Okay, she wasn't annoyed anymore, She was pissed.

"There's another riddle." Batman said. "What has no end and never stops?"

"Are we going in circles?" Robin asked out loud.

"Circles." Batman muttered in thought. That does sound like the answer, but what else could it mean? Unless... "Oracle, can you read me?"

"What is it?"

"I need you to map out every location we've been to. Connect them all together and see if they make a shape."

"Hang on one second." Oracle said. After a few moments, she responded back again. "Done."

"Now, tell me what's in the center."

Robin shrugged. "What are you up to?"

"Okay," Oracle said. "In the center is the Gotham Art Museum."

"Thanks, Batman out." He hung up the call. "Bullock, I need you to send a squad down to the Gotham Art Museum."

Bullock nodded, "I'll get my men down there pronto."

"Wait a minute, Batman." Robin urged as she and her boss got in the Batmobile. "What makes you think it's an art museum?"

"The Riddler obviously intended us to go in a circle," Batman explained. "But what we didn't know was that he was planning to strike at it's center, the Gotham Art Museum."

Robin shrugged, "Okay, but why that location specifically?"

"Remember back to two of the first riddles, 'you see me in the air, but I am not a kite, I am what’s created, when water refracts light' and 'what's black and white and red all over?' Both those riddles are connected, the first means a rainbow, the second one usually means a newspaper, but it's not."


"Riddler was refering to a famous art piece, a woodblock print made from ebony and pine."

"Black and white wood," Robin believed she was starting to catch on.

"Exactly, and it's colored with different shades of red."

Dusk was beginning to cover the Gotham Art Museum and the rest of the city. Inside hung the pine and ebony woodblock print, different shades of red painted on it in a rainbow patern.

"There it is," Riddler and his goons approached.

"Hopefully Batman doesn't show up." One goan said.

"Nonsense, I've concocted a game that will leave Batman chasing geese." Riddler stated proudly. "Riddle me this: Who is the greatest genius in all of Gotham?"

"It's not the Riddler!" They all heard a boyish, girl voice call. Standing at the window was none other than the new Robin, and standing beside her was...

"Batman!" Riddler exclaimed, "But, how?"

"Your last riddle, Nygma." Batman answered. "It gave away your position. We both know you couldn't resist leaving behind some kind of clue as to where you are."

Riddler sighed, his face turning from one of frustration to one of calmness. He smiled faintly. "And you continue to prove you are a worthy opponent, Batman. Always willing to play my games and solve my riddles." His smile disappeared as he pointed his question mark cane. "But enough of this, deal with them as I make my escape."

Riddler sprinted as Batman dived towards the thugs, knocking a number of them over. Robin leapt off the ledge, landing and jump flipping off a goon, kicking him in the gut, and delivering an uppercut. As Riddler was making his way to the exit, Robin withdrew from her belt a bolas, to which she threw at the criminal, wrapping around him like snakes, knocking him to the floor.

Robin saw the fight with Batman and the goons and ran her way. She front flipped over a thug, kicking him backwards.

"Didn't think I'd let you have all the fun, right?" Robin smirked.

"Shut up and fight," Batman ordered as he punched an oncoming goon.

"No problem!" She kick flipped another goon.

A goon kicked his leg towards the Dark Knight, in response Batman grabbed a hold of it coming his way. He returned the favors by kicking his foot into the thug's stomach, sending him on the ground. Another thug came running up behind Batman, but failed as Batman grabbed him by the shoulders, throwing him against the other henchmen.

Robin jump kicked one goon in the face, knocking him down. Another thug came in, throwing a punch, but Robin dodged. "Missed me," The thug groaned as he threw another failed punch, "Missed again." Another missed punch. "Wow, you are slow." Robin grinned.

The thug roared. He tried locking his arms around the girl, but she jumped over him, kicking him in the back, sending him into Batman's oncoming fist.

"Well, that was fun." Robin stretched once all the thugs were down. The Riddler struggled as he was laying on the floor, tied up. "Hey, riddle me this," She called. "Who just got his butt kicked by the Dynamic Duo? You."