• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,654 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

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Chapter 13 First Night

Scootaloo stood before the mirror of her bedroom, admiring the costume she was wearing. The outfit was made up of a red tunic with the R insignia on the upper left side of her chest, a yellow utility belt and red pants, gloves and boots that both had the same color of black, a cape with a black outside and yellow inside, and to top it all off a black domino mask on her face, her eyes covered by white slits. Scootaloo breathed in the image of herself in pride, she was not Scootaloo now, she was Robin.

A knock broke her out of her thoughts as she saw Alfred open her door. "Miss Scootaloo, Master Bruce is waiting down in the cave for you, I suggest you hurry."

"Oh yeah, sorry I was just...well..."

"Admiring your reflection?"

Scoots hesitantly nodded, blushing furiously, "Yes."

Alfred shrugged, "I do not blame you, Master Dick did the same when he first wore his costume."

Scootaloo laughed, "He did?"

Alfred nodded, "Now, I suggest you get down to the cave, you wouldn't want Master Bruce's patience running thin."

Scootaloo made her way down to the cave to see Bruce standing at the Batmobile fully dressed in his outfit for the night.

"You took your time." Bruce said plainly.

Scootaloo chuckled nervously, "Sorry about that, got carried away seeing myself in this suit for the first time."

Bruce smirked. "How does the suit feel though?"

"It feels amazing!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I feel like an actual superhero! I mean I know that I am one, but still."

"Well then, I hope you feel ready for tonight. We're going to be out awhile." Bruce settled in the Batmobile, followed by Scootaloo.

Batman turned the atomic batteries to power and the turbines to speed before stepping on the gas, allowing the vehicle to move at a great speed. No matter how fast the car was going, it could not contain Scootaloo's excitement.

"Look out criminals, 'cause here we come!"

Scootaloo never felt more excited in her life. Here she was, a superhero sidekick sitting beside an actual superhero ready to go fight criminals and bring justice to the city. The speed of the Batmobile gave her a sense of freedom in a way, she always enjoyed the exhilaration of speeding through Ponyville on her scooter, but that couldn't compare to this. In time, the Batmobile turned it's way into an alley, once it was cloaked by the building's shadows it breaked.

"Alright," Batman exited the Batmobile. "We're going to patrol the city tonight and see if there's any trouble tonight."

"Sounds simple, Bossman." Robin replied as she edited the vehicle as well.

"Bossman?" Batman asked.

"Yeah," Robin shrugged, "Thought it'd be a nickname I'd call you."

Batman smirked, "Alright, as long as it reminds you that you have to follow my orders."

The detective fired his grapple gun to the building's side and the Girl Wonder followed. She gulped at the hight she was about to go up.

"This is just like your training." Batman reminded.

Robin nodded, "Yeah, ok." She gave the height a defiant look of determination.

At the pull of their triggers, their grapples zoomed them upwards at a great speed. Once they reached the rooftop, Robin sighed.

"Are you alright?" Batman asked, storing his gun in his utility he it's holster.

"Yeah," Robin replied, doing the same with her gun. "In fact that was easier than I thought."

"I hope you don't mind heights."

Robin shook her head, "Nope."

The dynamic duo began overlooking the city. The night sky had shrouded above the buildings as lights shined throughout the city. From up this high, Gotham of course as a city looked industrial, but it also had an old gothic edge to it. One thing that surprised Robin was the airships floating above the city.

"Hey, Batman why are there blimps?"

"Their from the G.C.P.D., their used to look out for any crime that's going on. However they are not always affective, which is where we and the police come in."

Robin was about to ask another question, but was interrupted by a high pitched scream.

"And I guess the moment we come in is right now, right?" The two began a sprint and lept from rooftop to rooftop until finally they reached the source of the scream. A woman was being cornered by four men.

"Come on, lady, show us what you got." One thug said.

"Please, stay away." The woman pleaded.

The thug laughed, "I love it when they beg, it's kinda hot."

At such a young age, Scootaloo didn't understand the thugs true intent and just assumed they were gonna rob her. Regardless, she wasn't gonna stand for it.

"Hey!" The Girl Wonder yelled. The four thugs looked up and recoiled at the sight of the girl's mentor.

"As shit, it's Batman!"

The dynamic duo jumped from the roof, landing on their feet softly as they used their capes for a softer landing.

"You take two and I'll take two." Batman ordered.

Robin nodded, "Done."

Both superheroes leapt at two pairs of the thugs. As Batman was taking care of his opponents, one thug attempted to strike Robin, but she jumped over his frame, landing behind him, sending a kick to his back, knocking him over. The other thug swung his fist, Robin dodging every blow. With each dodge, the girl threw a punch at the man. She managed to stomp on his knee, causing him to fall on one leg. Robin took this oportunity to spin kick him across the face, sending him to the ground.

The other thug from before got up and started charging the sidekick. Remembering her training, Robin was quick enough to pull a batarang from her belt and send it flying into the man's face, knocking him out.

"That's the last of them." Batman stated after dealing with his own thugs. He looked to the woman, "Are you alright?"

The shaky woman nodded, "Yes... I'm fine." She eyed worriedly at the unconscious thugs who almost did something horrible to her.

"Hey, don't worry about these guys." Robin smiled, trying to lighten the woman's mood. "These lowlives won't be waking up for a long time."

The woman smiled back at her. "Thank you. Thank you both."

Once the woman left and Batman and Robin cuffed them for the police to handle, they grappled up to a roof.

"Oh sweet Celestia." Robin exclaimed. "That...was...AWESOME!!! Did you see how I handled two of those guys?"

Batman nodded, smirking. "Yes, you did pretty well. Now come on, we have more patroling to do."

Robin smiled, "Right behind you, Bossman."

Author's Note:

For those who don't know, Scootaloo's Robin suit is the same design as Tim Drake's from The Animated Series. Also, five of these chapter will be episodic until we get to the main climax. The first villain Scootaloo will fight is let's say a femme fatale with a green thumb.