• Published 19th May 2018
  • 14,092 Views, 508 Comments

Child of the Tree - GStarshine

A lost filly finds her way to the Tree of Harmony. How does our story change when one pony is so in tune with the Harmonic forces?

  • ...

4 - Twilight Who?

In Canterlot, the current ruling Princess lay sprawled out on her enormous bed, completely unaware of what had been happening and the storm of crazy that was about to sweep through the castle. Her dreams were peaceful, having the sun rise faithfully the day before had helped her anxiety greatly. She nuzzled into her pillow, a frown forming on her face before she rolled over. She came to a stop against the muscled form a sleeping white unicorn stallion, her face relaxed again with a sigh when she was pulled into a loving embrace.

A sudden banging on the bedroom doors interrupted this peaceful scene.

Cadence shot into a seated position immediately but her bedmate wasn't so lucky, as the shock and her movement sent him tumbling out of bed in a tangle of sheets.

"Your Highness!" came a shout through the door as the stallion currently on the ground struggled against the tangle of blankets, "Your Highness, I come bearing urgent news!"

"One moment!" Cadence called a little nervously as she leaned over the side of the bed to help her bedmate. She gripped the sheet in her magic and gave a harsh tug that had the white stallion tumbling out onto the ground with a small groan. "Shining Armor! Get. Up!" she hissed urgently.

"Your Highness!" came another shout accompanied by more pounding.

Shining Armor, a broad, muscular stallion with a three-toned blue mane and tail, scrambled to his hooves and dove over the bed to hide on the other side. "Get down." Cadence hissed, pushing him down flat to his stomach.

"Your Highness I must insist! You are needed at once!"

Cadence cleared her throat as Shining Armor looked toward the door curiously, "Come in!"

The double doors to her rooms were pushed open and two guards peered through, their faces serious and their chests heaving. "Your Highness, Princess Celestia has returned. She brings two other alicorns with her. She requests your presence in the infirmary immediately!" the guard on the left informed her.

"Two other alicorns returned with her?" Cadence demanded as she slid from the bed to stand by the hiding stallion, said stallion was currently frowning in confusion.

"Yes, your Highness." the guard on the right confirmed, "One with a navy blue coat and another with a lavender coat."

"Princess Celestia has also asked us to send for Colonel Armor." the first guard added.

Cadence tensed at the information, her already pink cheeks darkening a bit. "Belay that order," she hedged, "It won't be needed."

"But your Highness..." the second guard began.

"You heard Princess Cadence, soldier!" Shining Armor barked out as he stood up and made himself known, "Belay the order! It isn't needed at this time!"

Both guards startled and then snapped to attention with their own blushes, "Yes Colonel Armor!" they both responded.

"Go stop any carriage sent to retrieve me! Princess Cadence and I will attend Princess Celestia at once." Shining Armor ordered.

"Yes, Colonel!" both guards saluted before leaving.

"By the Creator." Cadence squeaked as she hid her face in Shining Armor's white coat, "My aunt is going to kill me for using my new status to pull you home early!"

"No, she won't." Shining chuckled, using his magic to bring over Cadence's regalia, "At most, we'll get the patented 'Celestia-is-disappointed-in-you' stare."

"That's almost worse." Cadence huffed as she took her crown from Shining while he reached for his light armor. "Hopefully whatever is going on will distract her," she said as they both headed for the door.

"You both already told me about the possibility of Princess Luna's return." Shining Armor said, tightening his breastplate, "But who is the other alicorn?"

"I don't know." Cadence replied, "I've not heard of anypony with the potential recently, that's what worries me." Shining Armor nodded in agreement.

Once they moved out of the private wing of the castle, Cadence and Shining Armor picked up their pace to a healthy canter. As they approached the infirmary they were greeted by the sound of many ponies talking over each other. Stepping through the door to the infirmary first, Cadence could see the royal doctor and several nurses crowded around a bed while Celestia and another alicorn, who could only be Luna, stood off to the side to watch on worriedly.

"Aunt Celestia?" Cadence called, approaching slowly as to not startle the dark blue alicorn who she had not fully expected to actually meet.

Celestia looked over and a small but tired smile appeared on her face, "Oh, Cadence. I'm glad you're here." her eyebrows rose a little when Shining Armor appeared by her side moments later, "You as well my faithful Colonel. Weren't you meant to be doing inspections of our troops at Fort Equis? I didn't expect you for several hours after my summon."

Cadence blushed and coughed delicately behind her hoof but Shining Armor stood tall, "I nearly completed my inspection. The last few items to be checked I left with my most trusted."

Celestia gave a pointed looked between Shining and Cadence, "I see." she said dryly. She shook her head at the two before nodding toward the dark blue alicorn beside her, "Cadence, Shining Armor, I'd like you to meet my sister, Luna. Luna, this is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Alicorn of Love, and Colonel Shining Armor, my personal student."

Luna's eyebrows climbed at these titles, "Greetings! We are pleased to meet you!"

"A pleasure to meet you as well." Cadence returned with a smile.

"We've heard so much about you," Shining continued, "It's nice to meet the pony behind some stories of the more brilliant militaristic feats."

Luna smiled shyly, "Many thanks Sir Armor, few claim to enjoy my battles."

Cadence smiled, "I'm glad Aunt Celestia was able to restore you to your former self. Maybe you can give Shining Armor a new challenge in sparring."

"We would not be adverse to sparring." Luna responded, "However, 'twas not our sister who freed us from the Nightmare." she gestured to the bed, "Twas our new friend Tally Reed."

Cadence's eyebrows rose, "Is that the second alicorn you were reported to have returned with Auntie?"

"Yes," Celestia confirmed, "she ascended not more than an hour ago. Poor thing had quite an emotional upheaval right after she ascended. Luna had to put her to sleep before her emotionally charged magic destroyed too much."

"So, did she ascend because she was able to free Princess Luna?" Cadence asked with a frown. Meanwhile, Shining Armor was glancing over at the crowded bed, only getting a glimpse of a lavender forehoof in the midst of the other ponies.

"Nay, Tally freed us before she ascended," Luna said.

"She did it with so little effort it was almost embarrassing." Celestia huffed, turning slightly to hide her blush in her mane.

"Come now, sister. She was destined to be the Embodiment of Harmony. Tis only logical that she would be able to force us back into balance." Luna pointed out kindly.

"So this...Tally Reed, is the Alicorn of Harmony?" Cadence questioned, trying to get confirmation. Both of the eldest alicorns nodded.

"I don't understand." Shining stepped in, "Why haven't we heard of her before? I thought you kept track of anyone with the potential."

Celestia nodded, "I do, but I do so with schooling records, intelligence reports, or news articles from around Equestria. Tally has lived in the Everfree Forest for the last eighteen years. Hasn't even set hoof out of it. I had no idea of her existence."

Shining Armor frowned, his brow furrowing, "Eighteen years in the Everfree Forest..." he repeated, trailing off as he looked over to the bed again. He got a quick flash of indigo mane.

"We don't know the whole story but apparently, she was brought to the Tree of Harmony by timberwolves eighteen years ago," Celestia informed him. Shining Armor swallowed hard, his eyes glued to the bed. "That's why I summoned you Shining Armor. I want you to investigate her origins." Celestia said seriously, "Look into missing foal reports from eighteen years ago, the description should be along the lines of a lavender coated filly with purple eyes and an indigo mane with-"

"A pink and purple stripe," Shining said faintly, his mouth dry.

Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Yes..." Cadence and Luna both looked at Shing Armor curiously, "I want you to find the report so we can..."

"There was no report." Shining Armor interrupted, not paying attention to Celestia anymore.

"Excuse me?" Celestia frowned, watching as her faithful Colonel walked over to the end of the infirmary bed on shaky hooves, his breathing picking up.

"A missing report wasn't filed." Shining rasped, making Luna and Celestia share a look. "She was presumed dead...there wasn't a reason to report her missing."

Cadence's hoof flew to her mouth, "You don't mean..."

Shining Armor made it to the end of the infirmary bed, giving him his first unimpeded view of the newest alicorn. He nearly collapsed.

Despite the newly added appendages, the third stripe in her mane, and the slight curve in her horn that wasn't found in their family line, there was absolutely no doubt in Shining Armor's mind who this was. Not with Celestia's story about this pony matching up so well with the incident reports Shining Armor had all but memorized growing up. Not with this mare's colors matching perfectly with the colors of the little filly whose picture sat on his desk in his office, on his nightstand in his room, and was featured in no less than four spots in his parent's house.

"Shiny is it her?" Cadence asked, coming up next to the stallion as he swayed a little. She gasped as she got her own look at the mare in the bed. "By the Creator."

"Dost thou know this mare already, Sir Armor?" Luna asked curiously, the doctor and nurses paused to look at the Colonel, hoping for more background on their patient.

Shining Armor let out a slightly hysterical laugh, his wide eyes not moving from the vulnerable form in the bed. Cadence laid a steadying hoof on his shoulder while she looked over at the older Princesses, "Shining Armor's sister was kidnapped as a foal. The kidnapper was chased to the Everfree Forest and the foal lost, presumably killed by timberwolves." she looked back to the newest alicorn, "This mare's coloring is nearly the same as the pictures I've seen of the foal. Just the silver is wrong."

"The silver 'twas added during her ascension," Luna noted, Shining Armor let out a wounded sound.

"We can confirm their relation with a quick spell." the doctors stated. She was a cream colored mare with a short gray mane and tail and a hypodermic needle for a cutie mark. "I just need a small cut from each of your manes." The doctor said as she used her magic to pull up Tally's wild mane. Shining Armor flinched bodily as a small pair of scissors were used on Tally's mane but didn't react at all when the same scissors were used on him.

Everyone watched with baited breath as the doctor brought the two mane clippings together, intermingling the hair, while she concentrated on casting a spell on them. There was a small pop of magic that twisted the mane clippings together rather suddenly. Another moment and the small ball of hair glowed green, then orange.

"There is no doubt." the doctor announced, "This mare is Colonel Armor's sister."

Shining Armor's head jerked back a little at the confirmation and his horn flared with his magic. A pink sphere of magic appeared around Tally's prone form and in the next second, Shining Armor disappeared with a pop.

Luna raised an eyebrow and looked up at Celestia, "You did not ward the infirmary against teleportation sister? That is very unsafe."

Celestia sighed, "I have warded this area and most of the castle against teleportation, however, Shining Armor is one of the most powerful unicorn's I've mentored. Much of his drive has come from a deceased sister that he wished he could have protected better. When I asked his motivations for studying battle magics so diligently he spoke of her but I allowed him his privacy when he appeared to become depressed at her mention." the alicorn of the sun bowed her head, "Perhaps if I had pushed a little I would have recognized Tally when we came across her."

Luna put a hoof on Celestia's back, "There, there dear sister, there is no shame in wishing to keep your student's spirits bright. Thou only wished to spare him more painful memories."

"Be that as it may," Cadence put in softly, "I am surprised you didn't at least recognize the circumstances, Auntie. I've read the incident report Shiny keeps in his room about this. One guard lost a leg and one of the two kidnappers was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison."

Celestia's ears drooped as a blush passed over her cheeks, Luna huffed at her sister, "Come now. Tally's sudden appearance and overall state of being hath knocked us both into tail spins."

"Um...excuse me." the doctor spoke up. When all three looked to her the doctor motioned to Tally, "Could you remove Colonel Armor's shield? We would like to continue examining our patient."

Celestia sighed, "I'm afraid that could be problematic Dr. Gauge. Not only is shielding Colonel Armor's special talent, which creates incredibly strong shields. This one is fueled by strong emotion. He has also made a complete sphere to prevent easy disabling. To break it would take a large magical blast that could potentially harm Tally in the process."

"I'm sure he'll be back fairly quickly." Cadence reassured them, "He most likely went to get his parents who are actually on duty in the castle observatory at the moment."

Dr. Gauge sighed, "Very well. We'll prepare and send for The Royal Astronomers' medical records in the meantime." the group of ponies dispersed to do just that.

"The Royal Astronomers?" Luna repeated, raising an eyebrow at her sister.

"Yes." Celestia replied, her smile reappearing, "Two of the greatest astronomers of this time. You'll get to work closely with them, they are dedicated to studying your night." she let out a soft laugh, "They are also apparently Tally's parents, so perhaps that love for the night is genetic."

"Shining Armor does love night maneuvers." Cadence giggled.

Celestia settled an amused look on Cadence, "Yes, but just which type of 'night maneuvers' those are is up for debate."

Cadence let out a squeak as her pink cheeks turned dark red, "That's...I-I mean..."

Luna chuckled at the pink alicorn's embarrassment but decided to come to her rescue, "So, young Cadence, dost thou know what Tally Reed's original name was meant to be?"

Cadence cleared her throat, her face softening a little as she looked back to the prone form protected by Shining Armor's magic, "Her name is Twilight Sparkle."

The Royal Observatory was in the middle of one could only describe as a natural disaster.

The sudden and drastic change in the night sky had sent the place into a frenzy. Parchment was scattered in great sweeping piles as frantic assistants charted constellations and Messier objects for cross-referencing, trying to hunt down anything familiar. Interns were churning out coffee at what was most likely an unhealthy rate just to keep everypony at their full potential for this monumental night.

At the main telescope was a blue unicorn stallion with a short wavy mane just a few shades darker, he had his eye glued to the enormous apparatus and was calling a steady stream of coordinates out to assistants for them to chart. Seemingly ruling over all of this was a pretty gray unicorn mare with a lavender and white striped mane, who stood on top of a large map of the stars with parchments floating around her in a circle, not unlike a large flock of birds. These two ponies were none other than Night Light and Twilight Velvet, parents of Colonel Shining Armor.

"Chart those star currents!" Twilight Velvet ordered over the room, "Identify the shade of that new aura! And for the love of Celestia, somepony find me where the Rosette Nebula ran off to! Now!" she was answered by several affirmatives, she looked to the side at an intern who was offering her a cup of coffee timidly, "Best put on another pot Facula, we're going until Celestia's sun washes it out."

"Yes Lady Velvet!" the young stallion chirped, running back to the coffee pot even as his wide eyes tried to take in all that was happening around him curiously.

His eyes were so wide that he was nearly blinded when Shining Armor teleported into the room in a flash of pink magic.

Parchment scattered in a great whirlwind and everypony dove in a futile attempt to save their work from becoming a disorganized mess.

"Shining Armor!" Velvet shouted, glaring at the white stallion, "What have I said about teleporting into the observatory?"

Shining didn't answer, his horn flared and his magical aura appeared around his parents. He galloped from the room with his captives, ignoring the shouts that followed after him.

"Young stallion you let us down this instant!" Velvet snapped, "We've taught you better manners than this! Gentle colts do not trap ponies in their magic without permission!"

"Son, you better do as your mother says right now!" Night Light said sternly. "We are in the middle of very important work! We wouldn't attempt to kidnap you from drills." The Colonel didn't answer them, he just continued to gallop with them caught in his magic.

"Shining Armor!" Velvet shouted, her tone the no-nonsense tone that had kept her son in line as a colt, "You stop and explain yourself this instant."

The white stallion skidded to a stop on the smooth castle floors and turned to his parents.

Twilight Velvet gasped as she saw tears running down Shining Armor's face, "Oh my, what happened, my little soldier?" she asked, instantly losing some of her anger in the face of her son's tears.

"Princess Celestia has returned." Shining Armor croaked out around his tears as he let his parents down from his magic gently, "She found a pony in the Everfree Forest." both older ponies froze, their eyes going wide. Shing Armor wiped at his eyes harshly, "She found a mare who'd been living there for eighteen years."

Velvet's knees grew weak, "Shining...what..."

Shining Armor gave a short nod, "They did a spell. It's her." Velvet collapsed against Night Light who was staring open-mouthed at his son, "It's Twilight. Celestia found her." Shining said past a lump in his throat.

"No..." Velvet breathed, bringing a hoof to her mouth.

"Impossible!" Night Light choked, "They said timberwolves got her! All the blood on her blanket! They..."

"Dad!" Shining Armor snapped, "It's her! I saw her! They did a DNA spell with my mane and her's. It's Twilight Sparkle, there's no mistaking her." he dropped his head a little to rub away more tears, "It's my sister..." he sniffed, "My Twily is alive."

Shining Armor let out a choked sound as his mother suddenly caught his breastplate in her magic and yanked him down so she could tower over him, her eyes shining bright with tears, "Where is she Shining Armor!" she demanded, "Tell me where your sister is now!"

"She's in the infirmary." Shining Armor gurgled as his head was bent at a strange angle, "I came and got you as soon as I was sure it was her."

"The infirmary!" Twilight Velvet and Night Light exclaimed as one. Velvet dropped Shining Armor and took off galloping.

Night Light dragged his son to his hooves and they took off after Velvet, "She was hurt and you just left her?" Night Light demanded.

"Of course not!" Shining Armor snorted, "I wrapped my strongest shield around her and teleported directly to you so I wouldn't waste time!"

The trio tore through the halls of Canterlot Castle, reaching the infirmary in what had to be record time. Shining Amor and his father made it through the door just moments after Velvet dashed in, but the grey mare was already at the large shield that protected their lost family member.

"Oh, my baby!" Velvet gasped, dropping to her rump and staring at her lost foal through the pink of Shining Armor's magic with her hooves pressed to her mouth. "S-she's alive! By the Creator, she's alive!" Night Light came up beside his wife and stared through the shield, greedily taking in the sight of his long-lost daughter. Shining Armor came up on the other side of his mother and did a quick once over to make sure his sister had remained unharmed in his absence.

A hoof on his shoulder made him glance to the side, "We wouldn't have let anything happen to her, Shining Armor." Cadence promised, "Aunt Celestia immediately shut down the doctor's requests to disable your shield."

Celestia came up close behind Cadence, "You would have known the second your shield was breached, my dear Colonel. Have faith in your own ability to keep your sister safe in your absence."

Shining Armor gave them both a shaky but grateful smile.

"Colonel Armor." a stern voice called, he turned more fully to see Dr. Guage and her nurses returning. "May we please return to our patient now?" Velvet and Night Light tensed and shared a worried look.

Shining Armor just clenched his jaw, his shield quickly turning opaque to hide his sister from view. "What are you going to do to her?" he demanded.

"Shiny they're trying to make sure she's okay." Cadence tried to soothe him.

Dr. Guage nodded sharply, "If she's truly been living isolated in a forest for eighteen years we need to do a whole slew of tests and give her a few shots. Nothing truly invasive. We really can't do anything invasive at the moment. Not with her just coming off of her ascension."

"Ascension?" Velvet breathed, her eyes desperately going back to the shield but it was still solid pink instead of the usual transparent.

"Yes," Celestia said, "She ascended a little over an hour ago." she looked at Shining Armor, "Colonel, you've known Dr. Guage for many years. She has been entrusted with my health for far longer. You trust her with your marefriend's health. Should you not show her that same trust with your sister?"

Shining Armor stood his ground stubbornly for a few moments more before he let out a breath and slowly dropped the shield.

Velvet darted to the edge of the bed immediately, raising a hoof shakily to press against her daughter's foreleg. She trembled when she felt the soft fur as clearly as she could see the stars, "She's real." she whimpered, "She's really here!"

"Lady Velvet," Dr. Guage interrupted gently, "please move to the other side of the bed so we can still reach her."

Twilight Velvet didn't hesitate to quickly move around the bed, almost running into Luna in the process. "Sorry," Velvet offered sheepishly as she sat at the bedside and took her daughters limp hoof between hers.

"No need to apologize, Lady Velvet." Luna assured her, coming over to sit by the frantic mare's side, "We are pleased to see that our friend has such a caring mother."

Velvet looked over at Luna with a desperate expression, "You know my daughter? Were you living in the forest with her?"

"Nay," Luna hummed, "we only recently met. However, your daughter saved me from a great madness and extended her hoof in friendship to us when we returned to sanity."

Velvet blinked before taking in the flowing mane, horn, and wings. "I believe I've missed something here. Who are you?"

The alicorn of the night smiled, "We are Princess Luna, of the Moon."

Velvet's mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide, "The Stardust Lady?"

Luna's eyebrows rose, "The title tis a new one."

Celestia blushed and coughed delicately behind her hoof, "That would be my doing, sister."

Luna tilted her head, "We guess it is not too terrible."

"You're the alicorn that brings the night!" Night Light exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement as he sat beside her opposite of his wife. When Luna nodded Night Light grinned, "We love your work!" he gushed, "Absolutely stunning!" Luna blushed at his enthusiasm.

"Yes, big fans!" Twilight Velvet agreed, "I must ask though, why the sudden and drastic change tonight? It's gorgeous but we could never hope to chart it properly in one night!"

Luna's face softened, "Twas actually in honor of your daughter." the two astronomers' moods dropped a little once more. "She was the first to truly tell us how much she loved our night. We wanted to make it even more beautiful for her in thanks for all she hast done for us. The auras even match her coat." Velvet's breath caught in her throat and she tightened her hold on the lavender hoof gripped in hers, Luna gave the astronomers' a small smile, "We shall leave it like this for a few nights at least so it can be charted."

"Thank you." Night Light said solemnly, "We'd love the chance to truly enjoy it after we've charted things."

"Princess Celestia." Shining Armor began seriously, his eyes still glued to his sister's prone form. Everypony looked to him expectantly as the doctor worked with her nurses quietly. "Do you know what happened to her?" he swallowed hard and glanced at his mentor, "After the timberwolves took her? Was she...did she have somewhere...safe?" Cadence brushed her wing along his back gently as his tears started up again.

Celestia sat at the end of the bed and gestured for Shining Armor and Cadence to join her. "I will tell you all I know, but a lot will need to be filled in by Tally when she wakes up."

"Tally?" Night Light questioned.

Luna nodded, "The ones who found and raised her gave her the name Tally Reed."

Velvet looked back to her daughter's face, her eyes starting to tear up, "She'll always be my little Twilight Sparkle." Luna gave a small frown but patted Velvet's shoulder gently in understanding.

Celestia and Luna spent the next couple hours giving Tally's family an overview of what they knew about her. Talking about the timberwolves bringing Tally to the Tree of Harmony and her being found by the Pillars of Old Equestria. They spoke about her being trained by the Pillars and the fact that she had, apparently, mapped most if not all of the Everfree Forest herself. They briefly touched on her fear of leaving the forest. They also gave a quick description of how Tally had come across them and saved Luna as well as her ascension and the emotional distress that made her magic flare. By the time they reached the end of their knowledge, Celestia's sun had already been up for an hour and everypony in the room held some measure of awe for the newest alicorn.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light were shocked to hear what all their daughter had gone through at her age and, though they wished that she had never been taken in the first place, they were incredibly grateful that she had ponies watching over her. A shared look between the parents communicated both how proud they were of their children and their worry of Twilight accepting them all in her life.

Shining Armor also found himself incredibly proud of his sister, who managed to excel in her less than stellar environment. He couldn't wait to get to know her outside of his daydreams and the few pictures they had of her. He glanced over at his marefriend to find her studying Twilight's face carefully, like she would when she was trying to get to know somepony. He sincerely hoped that they would become friends because Shining Armor couldn't see himself distancing himself from his sister after she had miraculously returned from the dead.

"Dost thou have a report then Dr. Guage?" Luna asked when the Doctor finally sent her nurses away and pulled a clipboard from the end of the bed.

"I do your highness." Dr. Guage responded, "Tally Reed is exceptionally healthy for a mare who spent her entire life in the Everfree Forest. She is in a healthy weight range, she is well hydrated, and obviously found good sources of nutrients. She shows signs of long-term magical training which corroborates the story you've told us. Tally's horn has taken on a non-genetically acquired curve but that appears to be her magic's attempt to copy another, not something to be worried about." she frowned at the clipboard before looking at Tally again, "She has a magical core with very thin boundaries that is similar to Princess Cadence's after ascension but I wasn't able to identify why."

"She is the Embodiment of Harmony." Celestia said, "It's likely her core will draw in harmonic forces to recharge faster similarly to how Cadence can recharge with different feelings of love around her."

Dr. Guage nodded and marked something down on the chart, "I see." she looked back up again, "Currently, Tally is only suffering from some magical exhaustion. The flare expelled a lot of magic directly after she had the influx of magic provided by the ascension. Her magical core is already refilling at a healthy rate. She'll just need some rest and relaxation."

"We shall all see that she gets proper rest doctor," Luna replied with a smile.

Dr. Guage nodded, "Good. I'll come back when she wakes up to complete the last few tests that need her conscious." she bowed to the princesses, "Have a good morning."

Once the doctor had left, closing the door behind her, Velvet sighed in relief, "She's alright."

"She is," Luna reassured the mother, "We are surprised, however. We believed we put her to sleep far before she reached the point of full exhaustion." Luna looked to Celestia, "Tally only destroyed the cave in truth."

Celestia hummed, "She had a direct connection to the Harmonic plane. Perhaps much of her magic skipped directly there, it would have absorbed harmlessly into the fabric of that plane, since she rules over it."

"Perhaps." Luna returned.

Cadence stood and stretched her wings for a moment, "Now that we're sure she's alright, I think I'll call for some food. I'm hungry so you all probably are."

"That's a good idea. I doubt any of us are going down until Tally wakes up." Celestia said, knowing Luna wasn't and highly doubting that the newly reunited family would.

Cadence nodded, "Alright, I'll just-" she was cut off by the door to the infirmary slamming open.

A frantic guard galloped in, nearly throwing himself into a bow before the royals in the room. "Your Highnesses, Colonel Armor, I come bearing urgent news." he stood up and reported smartly, "News from Ponyville! The Everfree Forest is attacking!"

Author's Note:

Cliffy!!!! The Everfree Forest attacking? How many of you saw that coming? I know a few of you did from your comments!

Luna needs appreciation so... I WILL GIVE HER ALL THE APPRECIATION!!!
(Stardust Lady was only because I was listening to the Lisa Miskovsky song lol)

Yay! I was able to work in a slightly altered storyline for Shining Armor! Don't tell me losing his sister at such a young age wouldn't have had an effect on him and his path. This will set up Shiny to be able to be closer to his sister. To be clear, he's a Colonel who was trained by Celestial herself in battle magic. Before anyone goes off on him being too young, Galusha Pennypacker was a Brigadier General at 20 during the American Civil War. I know there are differences today but we must also consider the differences between humans and ponies and then regular military ponies and ones mentored by straight up Goddesses.

Oh, sweet Celestia, Shiny is gonna go off the deep end with this development. Who is ready for overprotective big brother Shining Armor?! (So here for this! Anyone know of a fic that focuses on that? Cause just writing the start of his overprotective mental break down, I'm tempted to write a series of shorts where it's just Shiny being overprotective of little magical wrecking ball Twily.)

The prison sentence for Mountain Glare is a guess with minimal research behind it. Googling kidnapping sentences showed me that it could range anywhere from 5-20+ years depending on different factors. Googling different murder sentences I found a whole myriad of different stuff so I found the best description I could. I figured that since it was a foal napping with intent ransom which led to the injury of an officer of the government and the involuntary ponyslaughter of the foal in question, 25 years was actually pretty lenient. I didn't even add on resisting arrest! lol

I'm no astronomer but just reading some of this stuff is fascinating! Just look up the Messier Objects map and you'll see the map of the night sky that Velvet is standing on! BTW, cute little intern's name, Facula, is an astronomy term that apparently refers to a particularly bright spot on a star.

By popular vote (comments on the blog, not including thumbs-up/thumbs-down), it seems that Spike will have been hatched by Cadence! (I've come up with a tentative new name for Spike (since he obviously wouldn't have the same name hatched by someone else) but if anyone has suggestions I'm open to it!) Following Cadences formal name I thought maybe... Mio Prezioso Charoite (someone correct my Italian if need be).

Also, you guys seemed pretty excited to have a bit of a say in the story, so I'm going to continue putting up some blogs about different options. It helps me get my ideas flowing (hence where I got the slightly different Shiny story) and it gives you guys a bit of a say. It won't be anything that directly effects my end goal for the story but it may be some things that slightly sway the story in interesting directions. So stay tuned!

See you next time for some action!