• Published 19th May 2018
  • 14,091 Views, 508 Comments

Child of the Tree - GStarshine

A lost filly finds her way to the Tree of Harmony. How does our story change when one pony is so in tune with the Harmonic forces?

  • ...

3 - Ascend

Luna woke slowly. A truly novel thing, as for almost a thousand years now, if she had slept at all, she woke suddenly and violently when Celestia’s burning magic took hold of her precious moon. This though was the gentle tugging at her consciousness that told her it was nearing time for her moon to rise into the sky once more. She scrunched up her nose and curled into herself, she had been on her moon a thousand years and never felt the tugging, this dream could wait.


The familiar voice had her eyes snapping open and her head shooting up.

The sight of Celestia standing before her with a worried look on her face threw Luna for a loop. The only good dreams she had had of her sister in the last thousand years were old memories, the rest had been Celestia screaming at her and condemning her for her actions.

“Sister?” Celestia continued, “Are you well?” She came forward slowly and lowered herself down to lay next to Luna, “If you are still recovering I can raise the moon once more. Tally said you-“

“Tally!” Luna exclaimed, jolting slightly as the events from the night previous flooded back to her. Her escape was a haze and the fight after was a blurry mess but she did remember the strange mare’s arrival and everything cleared once Tally touched their horns together. “Where is she?" it was that moment she took in the dip in the floor she was in and the curved walls around her, "Where are we?"

Celestia extended her wing slowly and touched her wing tip to Luna's back, drawing back slightly at Luna's flinch. "We're in the Tree of Harmony's cave. This is where Tally lives. She insisted on going out to get us some food."

Luna blinked, finally taking in the familiar glowing tree that stood several yards away. She let out a breath and fiddled with some of the moss under her hooves when she realized she was alone with her sister. Without anypony else to focus on, the silence quickly grew uncomfortable. Luna bowed her head a little before peeking at her sister from beneath her mane, "Celestia..." she began softly, her voice wavering. She let out an undignified squeak as she was very suddenly hit with a large wave of white fur and rainbow mane.

Celestia nuzzled into Luna, "Oh sister, I'm so glad to have you back." she murmured into Luna's dark fur, "I'm...so, so sorry. I was so caught up in all the praise that I neglected you. I'm so sorry. If I had just listened..." she choked off, trying to stem her tears. "I am so glad you've returned." she continued, heartfelt and open. "I've missed you so much. We were meant to rule together and without you, it's just been..." she let out a shuddery breath and pulled back just enough to look into Luna's wide and bewildered eyes, "I know things won't be fixed immediately, but can we try again? Will you give me a chance to be a better big sister?"

Luna's eyes got a little teary but she quickly hid the fact in her sister's mane, "We would like that very much, Tia." Luna sniffed, she blew out a harsh breath when Celestia gripped her tighter. "Let us free, fiend," Luna whined halfheartedly, "Thou shalt make us cry with your smothering."

Celestia chuckled and drew back, wiping at her own eyes, "Faust forbid." she smiled at her sister, "It is twilight sister dear. Have you recovered enough to raise your moon or should I do it one more time."

Luna shot to her hooves, wobbling only slightly, "Keep your firey clutches to yourself, Tia!"

Celestia laughed but stood as well, "I would only have done so if you weren't yet recovered from your procedure."

"Procedure?" Luna questioned as she followed Celestia past the Tree of Harmony and toward the woven curtain vine at the entrance.

"Yes, when Tally freed you from the corruption your magic core was shredded." Celestia explained, "You would have spent months in a coma, however, Tally took it upon herself to sew your core back together."

Luna frowned, "Such a task is magically exhausting; unless another method has been invented in my time imprisoned."

Celestia flinched at her sister's bluntness but shook her head, "It would not have mattered if there were. Tally has only been taught the old methods. She did indeed expend almost all of her magic on the task, not that you would know it by seeing her this morning. Her magic barely seemed affected when she woke earlier."

"Surely you jest." Luna huffed as Celestia held the curtain open for her to step out in the cooling twilight.

"Luna!" a voice squealed excitedly. The night alicorn's head whipped around to see Tally Reed trotting down the stairs with a large woven basket floating in her magic. The unicorn raced over with a wide smile on her face, "I am so pleased to see you up! I had hoped the procedure would work quickly!"

"Tally Reed." Luna greeted, blinking in bewilderment at the energy the mare showed. The past times she had heard of somepony stitching together a shredded magical core the pony doing the procedure was laid up for days afterward; and that didn't even take into consideration the core size difference from a regular pony to an alicorn. "We are pleased to meet you again with our mind intact." she bowed her head before Tally, "You have our eternal gratitude for freeing and healing us."

The unicorn giggled and moved forward to brazenly wrap her hooves around Luna's neck, "Eternal gratitude is nice but I think we should be friends!"

Luna stiffened slightly in the hug, her wide eyes seeking Celestia who could only smile at the pair. Luna relaxed again when Tally didn't pull away immediately, "We would be honored to be your friend, Tally Reed."

Tally gave Luna a quick squeeze before pulling away to beam at her new friend, "Great! Shall we go break our fast? After yesterday, I am quite hungry."

"Actually," Celestia inserted, "Thanks to you, Luna says she is feeling well enough to raise the moon. We came out here so she could."

"Really?" Tally asked, her excitement rising again as she looked at Luna, "Can I watch?" she pleaded.

Luna shuffled her hooves uncertainly, "You...wish to watch us bring forth the night?"

"Yes!" Tally enthused, she slowed when she saw the look on Luna's face, "You didn't think I was lying when I told you that your night sky brings me joy, did you?" she asked more gently, "I wasn't. I prefer the night."

"It is true sister." Celestia snorted, "I rose the sun earlier and she got all grumpy when it shone in her eyes. She didn't relax until we got back into the shade of the forest."

Tally shrugged, "The day is hot, harsh, and blinding. The night is cool and comforting with a peaceful glow about it." she said bluntly. Luna stared at the mare before her in disbelief while Celestia gave a soft huff and shook her head. "It's beautiful," Tally continued, "but I would expect that even if I had never seen it. Starswirl described you as quite artistic." she tilted her head a little, "I did wonder at how subtly and slowly the stars moved after he told me that, but I suppose that was due to Celestia bringing the night for the last thousand years." she paused again before looking over at Celestia sheepishly, "I mean no offense."

"None taken, young Tally." Celestia laughed good-naturedly, "There is not really room for me to be artistic with a single large ball of fire." Tally giggled a little. The sun alicorn looked to her shell-shocked counterpart, "What do you say, dear sister? Will you paint us a beautiful night once more?" Tally turned a hopeful look on her friend.

"O-of course." Luna stammered. She turned to look up at the purpling sky, hyper-aware of her new friend's presence right next to her. Luna closed her eyes and focused on her precious moon and her connection to the stars, her magic flared to life like it hadn't been shattered at all the night before.

Inspired by the new feelings that Tally's presence and words had created in her, Luna unfurled her night for the first time in a thousand years.

"Extraordinary." Tally breathed.

Luna opened her eyes to see what her feelings had wrought and couldn't help but be pleased. With her moon slowly rising in the place of honor on the darkening navy backdrop, the stars around it had deviated drastically from the night before. Prominent constellations moved in a wide arc parallel to the moon's path, while the lesser ones framed them intermittently. The North Star was shining brighter than it had in decades. The other stars swirled playfully through the sky, drifting softly in a current. Through several of these currents ran subtle auras of lavender that matched Tally's coat.

The moon goddess chanced a look at her new friend, only to smile happily at the look of awe and wonderment on her face. "It pleases you then?" she asked softly.

"Oh Luna, it is gorgeous!" Tally said reverently, her eyes glued to the sky.

"A work of art." Celestia agreed, she smiled up at the stars, "I've truly missed your nights, my sister."

With the peace that washed over the trio, they could have stayed there for hours, but Luna's stomach thought differently on the subject.

Tally and Celestia looked over at Luna as her stomach gurgled. The night alicorn blushed, "'Twould seem that it is time to eat."

Celestia stifled a laugh and Tally giggled, "I have a solution for that." she floated her basket a little closer, "I have some nice heather and red yarrow." she turned back to the cave and drew the vine curtains back with her magic, pinning them to the edges of the cave. "Since you are guests, I also retrieved some of the lemon balm that grows beneath the beehive. Sometimes the honey drips down on the plant and sweetens it even more."

"That sounds lovely Tally." Celestia said as she and Luna followed the young mare into the mouth of the cave, "I brought some provisions in my saddlebags that we can have as well."

Luna looked at her sister, "Please tell us thou brought along coffee. Perhaps in an attempt at bribing the Nightmare."

Celestia let out a bright laugh, "Yes, I brought along coffee. Not what you remember exactly but coffee all the same." she leaned her head down to nuzzle her sister's cheek, "It wasn't a bribe, I still hoped to save you and knew you would want some." Luna blushed but gave her sister a small smile.

"What is coffee?"

Both alicorns whipped their heads around to stare at Tally in horror. The mare didn't notice, she had apparently asked absentmindedly as she poured her basket out on one of the work tables.

"Tally..." Luna began, "dost thous truly not know what coffee is?"

The unicorn looked up from her pile of flowers and leaves, "I have never heard of such a thing." Tally said with a frown, "Is it an exotic plant? Or perhaps a hybrid?" Luna let out a choked noise.

A chuckle interrupted Tally's questioning and Luna turned her head for yet another surprise, "Tally wouldn't know about your drink of choice Luna. We don't have access to it here."

"Starswirl?" Luna breathed.

The shimmering form of the elder sorcerer smiled, "Hello my little moon, I'm glad to see that you have recovered."

"How?" Luna asked, her voice wavering.

Five other translucent ponies joined Starswirl and Luna was quickly able to identify them as the Pillars from her time practicing in Starswirl's dreamscape. "We will have time to speak while you eat." Starswirl said kindly, "I doubt you've had any sustenance during your imprisonment." Celestia flinched and quickly made her way over to gather her saddlebags.

"No, we haven't." Luna agreed, "We survived mostly by converting the night magic around us."

"Oh my," Meadowbrook hummed, trotting over to Luna, "that is incredibly unhealthy for the long term." she looked over to where Tally was separating the plants into wooden bowls. "Tally dear, make sure to give Luna extra lemon balm. It will have to do until you can mix her a proper potion."

"Of course." Tally acknowledged, rearranging a few sprigs of flowers so one bowl had more lemon balm branches than the other two.

Meadowbrook laid a hoof on Luna's shoulder and led her over to the table Tally was working at, "Come along then. We need to get some food in you."

Celestia returned with a large metal canteen and a cloth sack, "Your coffee Luna." Celestia hummed, passing the canteen over into Luna's magic.

The moon goddess hummed and immediately unscrewed the cap; she took a long drink, "Oh sweet creator, we have missed this." she sighed when she let the canteen drop. Luna's eyes found Tally again, the unicorn was floating over carved mugs to pull fresh water from the preservation crystals. "Tally," Luna called, the purple mare turned to smile at her friend while still filling the mugs, "wouldst thou like to try coffee?"

Tally blinked, "What is it exactly?"

"Tis a most marvelous drink." Luna said as she lifted the canteen between them, "It's taste can take some getting used to but we have found it to be quite instrumental in waking up and staying that way."

Tally's eyebrows rose and she turned to Luna more fully as she floated the water mugs down to the table, "I suppose I can try anything once. Twice if it doesn't harm me."

"We would never knowingly put you in harm's way Tally Reed." Luna said seriously, "We simply wish to share one of our favorite things with you."

Tally smiled, "Then I would be honored!" she took the offered canteen and brought it to her face. Luna watched intently as Tally sniffed at it curiously before tilting the canteen slightly and lapping hesitantly at its contents.

Luna had to stifle her laugh as the younger mare jerked back with her nose wrinkled, only to try it again moments later with the same results. "Well?" Luna prompted as Tally went in for a third taste.

Tally tilted her head, "It is terrible, yet wonderful at the same time."

Luna leaned toward her friend, "Tis the taste of freedom." she whispered dramatically.

Tally blinked once before she and Luna both broke down into giggles.

Celestia watched this with a happy smile as she placed the cloth bag of apples on the table. It was good to see her sister so carefree again. The guilt of locking Luna away would remain with her and weigh heavier the more she learned (she most certainly had never even thought of Luna going hungry while she was banished!), but seeing her now, free of corruption and laughing over something as simple as coffee was a soothing balm on Celestia's soul.

"Tally," Somnambula called, "your friend still needs to eat. Come, join us." Luna and Tally moved over to the table, both trying to smother their giggles as they sat next to each other.

The cave was filled with laughter for the next several hours as the moon rose high into the sky. They traded stories while the three physical mares ate and then relaxed. Luna was given the story of Tally coming to be with the Pillars and the Pillars presence here as well. Both Luna and Celestia blushed a little when Starswirl scolded the lack of attention that led to them missing the Pillars presence within the sapling. Celestia spoke about Canterlot and some of the new places and advancements that had come since the Pillars’ times (secretly hoping to entice the purple mare who was currently happy as a cavepony). Tally, in turn, told Celestia and Luna about some of her training under the Pillars (all of them chipping in more comments to embarrass Tally) which intrigued both alicorns greatly.

It wasn't until the moon began to descend that the conversation took a turn.

"The Ursas still live?" Luna was asking Tally with her eyebrows raised.

"They do!" Tally smiled, "I was coming back from checking on them when I found you two actually. The Minor recently lost a tooth when it went barreling into the face of a cliff. I was making sure it hadn't become infected."

Luna's eyebrows rose even further, "We thought our constellation creatures were wary of all pony folk. How did you manage this, my friend?"

Tally smiled, "They just need a bit of kindness."

"And giving off an aura of Harmony helps as well." Flash threw in with a boisterous laugh.

"Indeed!" Rockhoof boomed, "Though it did not seem to help with the Hydra! Young Tally had to fight to show her dominance over the beast!"

"Truly?" Luna laughed, "That sounds like a fierce battle!"

Tally rubbed her hoof along the back of her neck and lowered her gaze, "It was. However, I was not expecting it. I only went to get frog mucus for a potion. Not fight a large three-head lizard."

"You, my friend, seem to have a knack for adventures." Luna giggled, "Half of adventuring is mistakenly stumbling into trouble. Tis what makes it fun!"

Celestia sighed, "Almost getting killed you mean. Can you not adventure without endangering yourself, sister?"

"Bah, a little bit of danger does one's heart good." Luna proclaimed, Rockhoof pounded his hoof on the table and exclaimed his agreement. Luna smiled brightly at Tally, "We should go adventure together Tally!"

Tally's lips quirked up, "Well I do love the exploration that comes with it."

"Perfect!" Luna exclaimed, drawing her new friend into a hug, "We shall go on grand adventures! They shall sing of our successes and reenact our great battles!" Tally giggled and returned Luna's hug.

Mistmane smiled at the interaction, "That sounds wonderful you two, but perhaps, instead of heading directly into peril, your first adventure together should be into the modern world."

Instantly, Tally tensed in Luna's embrace, making the alicorn pull back worriedly, "Tally?"

The unicorn gave Luna a shaky smile, "I-I still have to map out the remaining underground cave network, we can-"

"Tally." Starswirl interrupted sternly, "Do not try that with us. You have mapped this forest since you were ten."

Luna frowned, "Dost thou truly fear to leave this forest, Tally?" the unicorn looked at the ground and shuffled her hooves. "My friend, you faced down the Nightmare with annoyance rather than fear and you are afraid to set hoof outside these trees?"

Tally's ear flicked, "You underestimated me. It gave me an advantage." she mumbled.

"Be that as it may, Starswirl has already informed us that you know of the power difference between common ponies and alicorns. Yet you decided to demand our departure from your forest with a threat of force." Luna countered, "If thou art brave enough to demand compliance from two alicorns, thou art brave enough to venture beyond the forest."

"That's different." Tally denied weakly, her entire body slumping.

"It is." Luna agreed, "However, unlike the first, thou shall not have to face this challenge alone." Luna pulled Tally against her side. "We shall be here for you! Tis what friends are meant to do!"

"R-really?" Tally asked, wide eyes locked on her friend.

"Truly." Luna said solmenly, "We shall learn the ways of the modern world together! It shall be more exciting that way!"

Tally searched Luna's face for a moment before nodding, "Alright." the Pillars all collectively sighed in relief and Tally huffed at their reaction, rubbing at her muzzle with the back of her hoof.

"We are glad you've decided to give it a chance Tally." Meadowbrook said gently.

"Yeah, we thought we'd have to use a banishing spell to unstick you!" Flash said with a bark of laughter. It quickly turned into a startled yelp with Somnambula slapped him in the back of the head with her wing. "Nammy, stop that!" he whined.

"Don't you bring Tally's baby nicknames into your immaturity, Mangy." Somnambula shot back.

Tally rolled her eyes at them and stood, "Since I doubt we are facing that particular challenge this very second, I should probably brew that nutrition potion." she walked leisurely over to the stone cauldron and used a quick spell to set fire to the wood around it.

"Actually Tally," Starswirl began as he blinked out of existence, "we have something else to discuss tonight." Tally looked over at the sorcerer as he reappeared next to the tree, the rest of the Pillars joining him seconds later.

"Are we casting a big spell tonight?" Tally asked with a frown as she moved to join her family at the tree.

"What..." Luna began to speak up but was stopped by Celestia's hoof on her shoulder, "Tia?"

"Just watch Luna." Celestia whispered, "I did not think they would do it so soon but it still needs to be done."

"What is it that needs doing?" Luna whispered back with a frown.

"Just watch," Celestia repeated.

"Have your magic stores refilled dear?" Meadowbrook asked.

"Yes." Tally answered, "Sleep and food did wonders for me."

"Are your holding your dimensional connections without issues?" Mistmane asked.

Tally frowned, "Of course. It's been almost a year since I've slipped." she glanced between the familiar faces of the ones who raised her, "What's going on?

Starswirl didn't answer her immediately, instead, he pulled the six gems down from the Tree of Harmony. "Tally, it's time," he said seriously.

Tally's eyes widened as she realized what he meant, her ears drooped and she tried to back away from elder unicorn, "No, I'm not ready."

"You are, Tally dear," Meadowbrook said, appearing behind Tally to stop her retreat. "You've grown so much. And for you to take on a corrupted alicorn and heal her as you did, it shows us that we've taught you well."

Somnambula appeared next to Meadowbrook, "My little Tally, what of your promise? Are you not going to go save our real selves?"

Tally whipped around to face the pegasus with a pleading look, "I can do that with you all still here! I don't need this to save you!"

"Perhaps not," Mistmane said kindly, appearing between Meadowbrook and Somnambula, directly across from Starswirl. "But that does not change what must happen."

"It is your destiny young Tally." Rockhoof said gruffly as he set himself across from Meadowbrook, "A burden you must carry, no matter your doubts."

"I don't doubt it." Tally cried as her breathing picked up in her panic, "I'll find another way to do it! Not like this!"

"It has to be like this." Flash Magnus said sadly as he settled into place opposite of Somnambula, "You can do it, Tally. You know how to face your destiny with courage and bravery." Starswirl moved the gems in front of each of the other Pillars, the gems starting to glow as each pony focused their magic into the gems.

Tally flared her magic in her horn to escape the circle only for Starswirl to absorb it from her, "You can do this Tally." Starswirl repeated, "You've known this was coming. You've prepared yourself. Don't back down from it because of your fears." the gems brightened further, the light began to join together and lift Tally off the ground.

"I can do it! I will do it!" Tally yelled as tears started to course down her face, "Just don't make me do it without you!"

Before anything else could be said, six beams of energy shot from the gems, all aimed directly at Tally. The six Pillars braced themselves, focusing as much of their Harmonic forces through the gems as they could. The energy coalesced into a ball that encompassed Tally completely, growing brighter and brighter until all of a sudden it disappeared in a burst of magic, taking the six gems with it.

The burst of magic was echoed by a large cracking sound that split the sudden silence of the cave.

"The Tree!" Celestia noted in horror. The six Pillars looked to the Tree of Harmony and found a large crack splitting the trunk in half; from the crack, darkness was quickly spreading to the branches and roots.

"What have you done?!" Luna demanded, shooting to her hooves.

"What must be done." Starswirl sighed.

"Where is Tally!" Luna tried again.

At that Celestia frowned, "I don't feel her on the ascension plane."

"The ascension plane?" Luna hissed in shock, "She has ascended?!"

Starswirl nodded, "She has. However, she is the Embodiment of Harmony. Unlike the two of you, the safest place for her to finish hers is the Harmonic Plane."

"She knew before this?" Celestia asked.

"We didn't keep it from her." Mistmane said, "Her destined role was too delicate for us not to be preparing her from the start."

"She knew." Flash threw in, hanging his head "What she didn't know was that she would lose us in the process."

Starswirl sighed, "She was there when I did my calculations. She asked that I find another way but without my physical form, I couldn't. Not in a way that wouldn't potentially cause more harm or mess up the timeline."

"Why would she lose you?" Luna asked softly.

"These forms were tied to the tree." Starswirl explained, "With the amount of power we had to channel, the tree will die." he waved a hoof at it, "It is already dying. And we are beginning to fade." he gestured to himself and sure enough, he was becoming more transparent, the others were as well. "I managed to make other, smaller imprints on the seeds themselves but they won't be enough for us to take form and talk to her every day."

"She will see us again when she retrieves us from Limbo but until then..." Somnambula trailed off from there with a devastated look on her face.

The somber silence lasted only a minute before the ball of light reappeared and imploded on itself, dropping a purple figure to the ground in the process.

Though the same size as before, Tally Reed now had two extra appendages. Purple feathered appendages that became silver at the edges. Her cutie mark had gone through a subtle change as well, the silver circles taking on an iridescent shimmer. A third streak had been added to her mane and tail, a thin silver streak that set next to the purple streak and on the opposite side of the pink. The final change became obvious when teary eyes popped open, there was a delicate rim of shining platinum around the edge of the purple irises.

"Oh Tally," Mistmane sighed, "You're beautiful." Tally closed her eyes as quickly as she had opened them as she started to cry harder. The Pillars gathered around her in a group hug, holding onto her as long as they could as they continued to fade.

"I know it hurts," Meadowbrook whispered to Tally as she nuzzled her, "but you must not be afraid to let this hurt heal."

"You can let it happen, young Tally." Rockhoof rumbled, "Do not let this crush your inner strength."

Tally's cries turned to full on sobs when she could no longer feel the weight or sensation of the ghostly ponies around her.

"Do not lose hope." Somnambula sniffed through her own tears, "You know what you must do to find us, little one. We are not gone forever."

"Push forward Tally." Flash coughed out, trying to remain tough in the face of events, "Be brave. For us. For yourself.

Starswirl bowed his head over Tally's and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "No matter what happens, never doubt how proud we are of you, Tally Reed."

At this point, they were little more than disembodied voices.

"And don't you ever forget..." Starswirl continued, "That we love you." the six chorused with an air of finality.

The Tree of Harmony went completely dark and withered into an ugly, black, scraggly monstrosity.

"Tally." Luna whispered sadly.

The brand new alicorn continued to sob; picking up strength as she noticed the lack of voices around her, the lack of the familiar presences of her family. She threw her head back and wailed her grief.

Luna and Celestia startled when Tally's wail was answered.

Howling and growling came from the Everfree Forest. The trees creaked as branches moved. The underbrush rustled threateningly on its own. Overhead, the Everfree clouds, ungoverned by pegasi, started to build into a harsh storm. Even the ground heaved in response.

Luna immediately started to walk to her friend who was beginning to hyperventilate with her sobs, "Tally." she tried, the mare didn't so much as flinch, "Tally." Luna tried again, louder as she reached a hoof out for her friend. The ground heaved again in unison with Tally's sob, making Luna stumble backward and eliciting another wail of heart-wrenching pain from Tally.

This time, the wail was followed by a burst of magic from Tally herself as her devastated cries continued. An aura of purple and silver magic pulsed out of Tally, raising her into the air as her emotions ran wild.

"She's flaring!" Celestia called in alarm.

"Tally!" Luna was screaming this time, planting her hooves firmly on the earth as she struggled against the waves of magic trying to push her away. A particularly strong wave cracked the crystals embedded in the cave around them. Another set the cave roof crumbling.

"Luna! We have to get out of here!" Celestia called, "Her magic will keep her safe!"

"We." Luna huffed, planting a hoof. "Shan't." another hoof forward, "Leave." just a little closer, "Without Tally!" Luna snapped. She lept forwards the last few inches and wrapped her hooves around Tally's shaking body. Tally immediately clung to Luna, her magic dying down as she sobbed into her friends dark coat. Luna jumped back, still holding Tally, as a large chunk of the roof came down hard where they had been standing. The night alicorn tightened her grip on the purple mare and touched her horn to Tally's.

The new alicorn slumped into a peaceful sleep.

Luna sighed and moved to rest her forehead against Tally's, "Our apologies, my friend. This is a lot for one so young to take. Sleep in peace for now." Luna moved to drape Tally over her back and walked out of the crumbling cave to where Celestia was waiting.

"You stopped her." Celestia breathed in relief, "Good job, sister."

Luna nodded, "Whether her magic protected her or not, I could not simply leave her."

A snarl quickly brought their attention up to the edge of the ridge that overlooked the cave.

There, stood a large pack of timberwolves, their glowing eyes were focused on the three alicorns and they all stood growling at the alicorns and ready to attack.

"Can you fly with her?" Celestia asked softly.

"Of course." Luna scoffed. She and Celestia took off into the sky with a single wing beat.

They cleared the timberwolves and flew over the treetops of the Everfree, heading toward Ponyville as the storm broke iver the Everfree.

Luna let out a shriek when something wrapped around her back hoof and Celestia immediately spun around. A thick black vine had extended from the canopy of the Everfree to catch Luna. More vines were shooting up from the trees as well, the fastest one, wrapping around Tally's foreleg where it lay limp over Luna's side. Celestia blasted the vines holding Luna and Tallt but the other ones kept coming. They flew higher and higher to avoid the strange vines making a grab for them before they eventually broke the cloud layer and the vines seemed to stop.

"What reason did those vines have for coming after us?" Luna huffed.

"The Tree is dead." Celestia pointed out, "It may have just been lashing out at any perceived threat."

Luna frowned, something niggling at the back of her mind, "Perhaps."

Celestia shook her head, "Let's get her to Canterlot. She needs to be checked over by a doctor already familiar with alicorns."

Luna nodded and flew after her sister, Tally out cold on her back.

Author's Note:

Welp! Celestia and Luna just kidnapped a new alicorn from the only home she's ever known immediately after she suffered an emotional breakdown. Shall we all join in counting the ways this could backfire?:facehoof:

Tally discovering coffee! Lol, did anyone get the reference? (It's such an overlooked movie.)

Ugh, keeping Luna's speech patterns in line is hard, especially when you're trying to be touching.

I'm sure a lot of you are questioning the transformation into an alicorn happening so fast but I needed it to happen early so we could get into the meat of the story and not just chill in the forest forever(as much as Tally would like that). Now that it's done and over with we can move on to the more interesting stuff like Tally's blood family, Tally finally getting out of the forest, kicking flank, etc.

"Bucking Hell GStarshine what's with all the silver?!" Sorry guys, I just really like the way silver looks with Twi's color palette.

From the comments once more:

There will be no ship(except friendship!:raritywink:) in this story. I will leave it a gen fic. However, I will write little side bits of ships based on this story and connect them as sequels (when we get far enough along, not now by any means). I want everyone to be able to enjoy this, not drive people away because some are expecting certain ships and others dislike them. TwiLuna will definitely be one of the side fics and my crazy brain is thinking a bit of DiscoLight (TwiCord) with the path I have planned for Discord in this story. But again, No focus on shipping in the actual story! This is a GEN fic!

Even if you've already checked it out before, go look at my blog post about Spike's existence in the story! The most popular opinion so far seems to be Cadence hatching him but we've recently had a suggestion of Shining being the one to do so(which I found intriguing)! Go check it out and comment to have your own say in things! I will go with the most popular opinion on the blog post!

See you next time!