• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 656 Views, 10 Comments

Ready for Commitment - StormLuna

Fluttershy and Colgate have been dating for six months and while they are both happy, Colgate realizes that she is ready to be more than marefriends with her and will do anything to make sure she says yes when she asks her the big question.

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A Discussion Among Sisters

A Morning Discussion

After a night of little sleep, Colgate woke up later than normal the following morning with mixed emotions. While she was excited that the day had finally arrived where she would propose to her beloved marefriend, she was also nervous about how she would respond. When she headed downstairs for breakfast, Lyra was waiting for her and she knew what was going to happen that day.

"Sis, you slept in late! You never sleep in this late!" Lyra was not overly thrilled that her sister slept in so late as she is normally the one that fixes breakfast. She then remembered what was going to happen that day and became more curious, "Are you nervous about today? Are you worried she might say no?"

Colgate replied, "I'm going to admit, I am a bit nervous."

Lyra was gone when Colgate arrived home the night before and did not get home until after Colgate had turned in for the night so she did not know what happened the night before. She asked, "Why would you be nervous? Did things not go well yesterday?"

Colgate replied, "Things went alright I think but I have a feeling that Fluttershy was not overly thrilled that I wanted us to go out and about more while she was adamant that we simply stayed in her cottage and held one another close."

Lyra knew that her sister wasn't exactly the type to want to hole up inside on days that she was not working, she knew that she liked going out and about, even if it were just by herself. Lyra asked, "Really, she wanted you two to just stay in her cottage all day?"

Colgate replied, "Well the first thing we did was go to the Everfree Forest to that old castle of Celestia and Luna's for a while. Then we returned to her cottage and even though I offered to take us to the cafe for lunch, she wanted us to stay in her cottage for the rest of the day." She then gagged, "And she insisted on fixing us daffodil and daisy sandwiches and ugh, those things are disgusting."

Lyra could tell that Colgate was not thrilled one bit by it and decided to bring something up to her about the meal, "Sis, you sound rather agitated. You know if you two were to get married, you'd likely have to eat more of those."

Colgate sighed, "I know, I know. And after that, she insisted that we simply strip down to our undergarments, lay in bed and kiss for hours on end." She began to blush, "Now I'll admit, that was nice even though I still wanted to go out for a bit."

Lyra was picking up mixed emotions from her sister. She knew that Colgate did love Fluttershy but wondered how strong it really was, "I want to know something. It seems like if she does say yes and you two were to get married, you would have to make a lot of lifestyle changes." She became more concerned and continued, "She'd likely want you to move out to her cottage with her and her animals. I highly doubt she'd move into town with us where she couldn't have all those critters." Lyra then became more nervous and finished, "And even if she did, she may not want me living with you two."

"I know." Colgate replied before continuing, "Lyra, I know I would have to sacrifice a lot but when you love somepony, you'll be willing to make sacrifices." Something crossed Colgate's mind given everything that Lyra had been bringing up as she continued, "You are bringing up all these points and I'm curious. If you and Bon Bon ever decided to get married, what kinds of sacrifices would you be willing to make?"

Despite her and Bon Bon having been dating for much longer than Colgate and Fluttershy had, Lyra was ten years younger than her elder sister and had never thought of such things, "Well I really don't know. I never even gave things like that a thought because we simply have never even thought about commitment."

"Well you never know when Bon Bon may want that sooner than you think." Colgate stated before continuing with a smile, "Who knows, she may find out that Fluttershy and I will be getting married and want the same with you."

Lyra's eyes shrank when she heard this, "I hope not! I'm way too young for anything like that!"

Colgate couldn't help but snicker, "Oh sis, I'm sure if she popped the big question and gave you a ring, you'd be more than ready to get hitched!"

"Oh no I wouldn't, I'm way too young" Lyra protested before continuing, "This is supposed to be about you, not me." She then became much more serious, "Are you sure you truly want to marry Fluttershy? Are you sure you would want to alter your life so much?" She then began to look around and continued, "Are you sure you would want to go from living here in our big house out to that tiny cottage and have to put up with all those animals, especially that rabbit I hear she has that is so unfriendly?"

Without hesitation Colgate replied, "Yes, I am sure. Like I said, compromise is part of love and I love her so much I would be willing to sacrifice a lot for her."

Lyra became curious about what time Colgate would be leaving, "Colgate so what time are you two going to leave?"

Colgate replied, "Well I was going to go get her at four, we would take the next train to Canterlot and then head to the restaurant so I still have plenty of time before I have to leave." She let out a yawn and continued, "Well I think I'm going to try and get a bit more sleep. I didn't sleep as much as I would have liked last night and I certainly don't want to be tired tonight."

Colgate headed upstairs to get some more rest before getting ready for what she hoped would be a very happy night. After Colgate headed upstairs to get some more sleep, Lyra couldn't help but worry about her elder sister. She knew that Colgate loved Fluttershy but had a feeling that if they did get married, that Colgate would not be able to tolerate living in such cramped quarters, would not like having to put up with so many animals and most importantly, would not be able to stand such a lifestyle change. She said to herself, "I honestly don't think she should be doing this, I honestly don't think commitment is for her."

One Final Discussion

It was early in the afternoon and Colgate still had not got up from what wound up being a much longer than anticipated nap. Lyra knew that her sister had to get ready and then get Fluttershy before the train left so she went to wake her up. She poked her head in Colgate's room and yelled, "Sis, wake up! You have to go pick up Fluttershy in two hours!"

Colgate shout up, "What, what?"

Lyra repeated, "Sis, it is two hours until you have to go get Fluttershy, you better get ready!"

Colgate began to get out of bed and replied, "How could I have slept for so long." She turned to Lyra and added, "Thanks for waking me up. If you hadn't, I likely would have overslept and that would have been a disaster."

Before Lyra could say anything, Colgate rushed into the bathroom so she could get showered. While Colgate was in the shower, Lyra again couldn't help but wonder if this is what her sister should really do. She kept on thinking about what Colgate had said earlier that day, particularly about how she wanted to go out and about but conceded to Fluttershy's desire to stay in. While Lyra wanted to approach her sister over this and perhaps convince her to wait a while before proposing, she knew how stubborn Colgate was, she knew that such a suggestion would likely make her mad.

Thirty minutes had passed and Colgate got out of the shower and got dressed. While she didn't have a mirror, she did look at herself and realized that what Rarity did make for her was truly elegant, something that would be perfect for the plans she had for Fluttershy. She then got into her safe and grabbed the ring. As she was putting the ring into her purse she said to herself, "I really hope this will be on her hand tonight." She then became more dreamy and continued, "And then we can plan our wedding!"

She quickly snapped out of it and realized that she had better get going. It was nearing three when she finally got downstairs. When Lyra saw her she was in a state of shock about how good her sister looked, "Colgate, you look amazing!"

Colgate gave her a smile, "Thanks."

Lyra knew how Colgate was when it came to being on time. She asked, "Sis, don't you have to be over at Fluttershy's here real quick to pick her up."

Colgate replied, "I probably don't need to leave for another thirty minutes."

Despite earlier deciding against being more up front with her sister, Lyra decided that she was going to truly voice her concerns, "Sis, since you still have a while, can I tell you some things and you promise you won't get mad?"

Colgate did not like the sounds of it but agreed, "I won't get mad."

Lyra began, "Sis, just from what you told me this morning it seems like the idea of a life style change and eating daisy sandwiches seems rather unpleasant to you. I know if you two were to get married, that she would likely want you two to shut in like that more if she didn't want you two to spend time with her friends."

Colgate sighed, "Lyra....."

Lyra continued, "And I know you like a lot of space like you have here. If you had to move out with her, you would not have that and you would have to put up with all those animals." She gave Colgate a more intense stare and continued, "Is that what you really want? Do you really want to live in cramped quarters along with all those animals? Do you really want to have to eat flower sandwiches? Do you really want to give up all this space?"

Colgate again sighed, "Lyra....."

Lyra was not about to stop there as she wanted her sister to really think about this, "And what if things don't work out and then you two wind up getting divorced? What if she was to win our house in the divorce? Where would we......"

"LYRA HEARTSTRINGS" Colgate yelled before calming down, "I know you are concerned that things may not work out but I love Fluttershy and I am willing to sacrifice a lot for her." She raised her voice and continued, "I would do anything for her, ok?"

Lyra sighed, "Well alright. I'm just looking out for you."

Colgate was a bit frustrated and just wanted to get going at that point. She grabbed her purse and headed for the exit. As she was headed over towards Fluttershy's, she couldn't help but be frustrated that Lyra would think things like that about the mare that she loved more than anything.