• Published 6th Nov 2018
  • 655 Views, 10 Comments

Ready for Commitment - StormLuna

Fluttershy and Colgate have been dating for six months and while they are both happy, Colgate realizes that she is ready to be more than marefriends with her and will do anything to make sure she says yes when she asks her the big question.

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Six Month Anniversary Date

Saturday night had arrived and like she had been every Saturday night for six months, Fluttershy was preparing herself for her date with Colgate. This was something that her animals had gotten used to but one still didn't like it. As Fluttershy was slipping into a dress, Angel began to yank on her tail demanding that he be feed. One thing that really irritated him was that his meals on Fluttershy's date nights had become less impressive with each passing week.

Fluttershy glared at him and said, "Look Angel, I'll feed you once I'm dressed, ok?"

Angel gave her a glare and headed down to the kitchen. Once she got down there, most of her animals began making noises indicating their approval of how she was dressed and gathered around their bowls as she began to feed them the pellets that she had for years. One animal would not be thrilled with the pellets she gave him though. This was the first time in ages that she had simply poured pellets in his bowl. Almost immediately he kicked his bowl up in the air and scowled at her.

She looked up at the clock and realized that Colgate would likely be arriving at any moment. She returned the scowl and said, "Angel, I have a date very soon so if you want to eat, you'll have to eat the pellets."

Angel was angry but knew that unlike she used to, that Fluttershy was probably not going to fix him anything special. He knew this for sure when there was a knock on the door. Fluttershy answered and standing before her was her marefriend. She gave her a kiss and exclaimed, "Colgate it is so good to see you!"

Colgate too exclaimed, "It's good to see you too Fluttershy!"

When they kissed, most of the animals in Fluttershy's cottage began voicing their approval. Over the past few weeks, they had been doing that and Colgate asked, "What's up with your animals Fluttershy? They sound like they are happy."

Fluttershy replied, "Well most of them are happy that you make me happy." She turned around and saw Angel scowling deeper before. She pointed at him and sighed, "Except for him."

Colgate looks at the rabbit and if looks could kill, she would be dead. She was not thrilled with it but was not about to voice her displeasure over the looks. She replied, "Maybe he's just being protective of you, maybe he's just upset that you're going out once a week."

Fluttershy gave a nervous laugh, "Maybe." She turned back to her animals and continued, "I'll be back later."

She closed the door, Colgate grabbed her by the hand and the two headed off to the cafe. Over the weeks, Rarity had given Fluttershy more dresses for her dates and was wearing one that accented her breasts more, which is something Colgate noticed. She commented, "You look very nice tonight, that dress looks really good on you!"

Unlike Fluttershy, Colgate had continued to wear her best business attire, apparel that did not accent anything. This was beginning to make Fluttershy wonder if Colgate truly wanted more but did not want to risk losing her so she never brought it up. She replied, "You look nice too."

When they first started dating, they just walked to the cafe hand in hand but as time progressed, they began to hold onto one another closer and now Colgate had Fluttershy's arm under hers and they were hand in hand. When they arrived at the cafe the waiter began to lead them towards a table until Fluttershy interrupted, "Uhm, excuse me. If it is ok with you could we have a booth please?"

This was something that Fluttershy had never done before. The waiter led them inside to a small booth. Colgate would be surprised when Fluttershy sat down and suggested, "You know, you can join me on this side." Colgate gave her a curious look and Fluttershy snickered, "Don't worry, I don't bite!"

Colgate joined her and immediately Fluttershy forced her arm under hers and grabbed her hand. The waiter had noticed that they had grown closer as time had passed. He gave them their menus and asked, "Can I start you two off with a drink?"

On their first date, Fluttershy was nervous about the cost of things that she had ordered but by this point she knew that she could order whatever she wanted and Colgate would not be upset. She replied, "Uhm, I would like a large cider."

Colgate added, "I will take a large cider as well."

The waiter nodded and headed back to get their drinks. Once the waiter left Fluttershy began to squeeze Colgate's hand and commented, "You know, you're hands are really warm, they feel really good."

This was an unexpected comment and for a few seconds Colgate had no clue as how to reply. Soon she replied, "Your hands are nice and cool, they feel really good too."

The two gave one another a smile before the waiter returned with their ciders and asked, "So have you two decided on what you would like to eat."

Fluttershy replied, "Yes, I'll have the hay steak with hay fries."

Colgate added, "I will have the same thing she is."

The waiter nodded and took their order to the kitchen. Colgate turned to her marefriend and smiled, "I take it you're just as hungry as I am tonight?"

Fluttershy replied, "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry tonight."

One thing that really made Fluttershy happy was that when it came to food, she did not have to worry about what she ordered because Colgate wanted her to be happy. While they were waiting, they chit-chatted like normal until Colgate brought something up, "You know what today is, don't you?"

Fluttershy exclaimed, "Today is our six month anniversary!"

Colgate replied, "Yep and I want to let you know something, the past six months have been the happiest six months I've ever had."

Fluttershy's eyes lit up as she asked, "Really? The happiest six months of your life?"

Colgate replied, "Yep. I've had other happy times in my life such as graduating from the academy and helping get my sister's life back on track but you have brought me so much happiness. I never once imagined that one pony could make me so happy."

Fluttershy turned red as an apple as she replied, "You've made me really happy too. Yes I have great friends who care a lot about me but with you, it is special. For the first time in my life, I actually feel loved."

Colgate was a bit shocked to hear her say that considering she had not told Fluttershy that she loved her yet. She said, "You know, I feel the same from you. I can feel that special energy from you that you care about me in a way that my family and my friends don'........"

Before she could finish her sentence, their meal arrived. While the two had grown really close, when their meals arrived, both of them dove in and pretty much had a one track mind. Once they had finished eating, Colgate left a tip for the waiter and the two headed to the cashier so Colgate could pay for their meal.

On the way to Fluttershy's cottage, they walked close and like she was earlier in the evening, Fluttershy was squeezing Colgate's hand. Colgate was curious as to why she was doing it and asked, "Fluttershy, I hope you don't mind me asking but what is up with the hand squeezing?"

Fluttershy blushed, "Well it is just my way of saying I really like you."

Colgate then began to squeeze Fluttershy's hand in return and replied, "I really like you too Fluttershy."

Once they reached her cottage the two broke their hands apart, faced one another and pulled one another close. Like they had been recently, they looked lovingly into one another's eyes before engaging in a passionate kiss. Unlike it had been the very first time, they both began to massage one another and soon their hands wound up on the other's flank and they were squeezing one another more intensely than they had before.

After ten minutes of kissing and groping, the two broke their embrace and Colgate said, "I really enjoyed our time together tonight."

Fluttershy replied, "I really enjoyed it too, I hope we can do this again next Saturday."

Colgate said, "Of course we can do it again next Saturday" she then developed a blush and continued, "or if you would like, we could go out together again sooner."

Fluttershy's ears perked up when she heard this. She asked, "Really? You'd want us to go out again sooner?"

Colgate turned a deep shade of red and replied, "Well yeah, I don't have any patients next Friday and I was thinking I could just close up shop for that day and we could spend the whole day together."

The fact that Colgate wanted to spend the whole day with her made her very happy. She gasped, "Really, you'd want to spend the whole day with me?"

Colgate replied, "Well yeah, I really like you and I think we should spend more than just a couple hours together once a week." She gave her a wink and continued, "That way, we can get to know one another a lot better by spending an extended period of time together."

Fluttershy asked, "Well I would love to! What time would you want us to meet up?"

Colgate replied, "Well I could come and get you at nine and then we could just take things from there."

Fluttershy yawned, "That sounds great to me." She then looked back towards her cottage and continued, "I don't know about you but I'm getting tired. Think we should call it a night?"

Colgate replied, "Yeah, I think maybe we should."

Before they parted ways they again embraced and gave one another a kiss. Before they broke the embrace though Fluttershy asked, "Colgate, if you don't mind, can I ask you a question?"

Colgate replied, "Of course."

Fluttershy asked, "This may sound like an odd question but why don't you ever wear any dresses or skirts for our dates." She then gave her a smile and continued, "I think you'd look really good in one."

This was something that she was really unsure as how to answer. She knew that if she told her marefriend that she didn't like them that it may send a bad message but knew that honesty was far more important. She replied, "I don't because I don't like them and I'll be honest, I don't even own any dresses or skirts."

Fluttershy sighed, "That's too bad because like I said, I think you'd look really good in one, really beautiful to be honest."

Despite her pretty much hating more feminine attire, Colgate couldn't help but blush over the comment. She replied, "Thanks." The question made her feel a bit uncomfortable so she looked back towards town and continued, "Well I think we should call it a night. I will see you on Friday or sooner if we run into one another."

Fluttershy said, "Ok, see you then."

They kissed one more time before parting ways. As Colgate headed home, she was happy that things were going well with Fluttershy but one thing began to make her nervous, Fluttershy bringing up why she doesn't wear dresses or skirts. She sighed to herself, "What am I going to do? What if she was to decide that she didn't want to see me anymore because I don't like dresses?"

This was one thing though that she was not about to let Lyra know about given that she had offered to let her borrow her dresses and skirts before nearly every single date she had with Fluttershy. She knew that she would have to at least give more feminine apparel a chance and realized who she could talk to about a dress that may impress Fluttershy, Rarity.