• Published 22nd Apr 2018
  • 3,499 Views, 275 Comments

My Kind of Crazy - Amber Spark

Skystar never got a chance to make friends. Pinkie’s determined to show her how. Clearly, this will involve swing dancing.

  • ...

Jump, Jive an' Wail

Rarity had outdone herself. Both Pinkie and Skystar had said so! A lot! In fact, Rarity had to almost throw them out of her boutique just to get them to stop thanking her!

They had still thanked her from the door though. After all, they needed to be sure Rarity felt appreciated!

Now, while the sun slipped under the ocean, Pinkie and Skystar slowly wandered their way toward the Tempest Club. Stratus was somewhere behind them, but Pinkie wasn’t paying attention to him anymore. The sounds of the Friday night filled the air, everything from happy chattering folks along the streets to music coming from people playing guitars on the corners. There were cars, a band in the occasional restaurant, and the hum of a city that was totally alive.

It was a pretty night. A pretty night to be walking with a pretty girl. Every so often, Pinkie would glance at Skystar and blush. She sometimes saw Skystar do the same thing. Every time either happened Pinkie wanted to start dancing right then, even if there wasn’t someone playing a guitar on that particular corner!

She managed to keep it under control. After all, her mission was to show Skystar a good time. And not get too worked up until they got to the really fun part. Rarity had been very forceful about that!

Still… a little fun now couldn’t hurt, right?

Pinkie decided she wanted to see Skystar twirl one more time, so, two blocks away from the Tempest Club, Pinkie snatched Skystar’s hand, brought it up and spun the other girl with a quick twist of her wrist. Skystar squealed in surprise and delight as her deep blue dress flared out beautifully, the pretty gemstones in the hem sparkling in the gas street lamps of Old Canterlot. Pinkie caught the wildly spinning Skystar and giggled.

Skystar joined in, still swaying a little with the suddenness of the spin. She clutched Pinkie, trying to catch her breath. She obviously hadn’t been ready for yet another twirl.

“That’s… that’s the sixth time you’ve done that!” Skystar said between laughs. “I’m starting to think… think you’re having too much fun.”

“No such thing!” Pinkie crowed. Then she blushed. “Unless… um… you want me to stop.”

Skystar beamed up at her, straightened herself and managed to get her bearings. She tapped Pinkie on the nose and smiled a very, very happy smile.

“I never saidddd that!” Skystar sang. “Never said that at all!”

“Okay!” Pinkie grinned right back at her and then spun her again with another snap of her arm.

Skystar yelped as her dress flared again. This time, Skystar had been ready and spun around on the ball of one foot twice before toppling over with a squeal.

Of course, Pinkie caught her in the nick of time.

And once again, Skystar was in Pinkie’s arms. Both of them were laughing and getting some really strange looks. But those looks were nothing compared to the look Skystar was giving Pinkie.

Skystar’s eyes were like the ocean. They were wild, free and a little bit crazy.

Pinkie liked that kind of crazy.

For a second, Pinkie really wanted to lean forward. They were only a few inches apart after all. It would be really easy! And from the way Skystar was looking at her, she definitely wouldn’t mind.

But Pinkie pulled back and stumbled upright. Skystar seemed disappointed for a split-second, then let Pinkie help her up.

“You okay, Pinkie?” Skystar sounded worried. That wouldn’t do.

Pinkie beamed at her. “More than ever!”

“Then… um….” Skystar turned red in the soft yellow light of the street lamp above them. She tapped her fingers together, looking a little scared. “Why…?”

She left the question just hanging there like a half-inflated balloon. But Pinkie knew the rest of the question. It wasn’t that hard to figure out.

“Being a party planner is about timing,” Pinkie said with a teeny bit more confidence than she felt. “And so are smiles. The right smile for the right moment!”

She licked her lips, though she couldn’t meet Skystar’s eyes.

“And I wanna make sure that moment is a really happy moment.”

Skystar reached out and grabbed Pinkie’s hand so tight something could’ve broke.

“Even if I leave tomorrow, Pinkie,” Skystar whispered in a voice so low Pinkie could barely hear it over the sounds of the cars and the people around them. “I’m really glad I met you.”

“Me too,” Pinkie said. She swallowed the knot in her throat and tried to push that thought away. It wasn’t a happy thought and it had no place in her head tonight! “Now come on! We’ve got a party to get to!”

Pinkie pulled Skystar along as she scampered off down the block, dodging random couples and streetlights, Skystar laughing all the way.

The Tempest Club was probably one of the oldest clubs in Canterlot. According to Twilight, it had been built almost a hundred years ago, back when they had places called ‘speakeasies.’ Apparently, that meant it had been a secret party place during a time when certain kinds of parties weren’t allowed.

Pinkie did know what kinds of parties those were, but those weren’t her style. Honestly, if someone needed something like that to have fun at one of her parties, she wasn’t doing her job right at all! And everyone knew that Pinkie Pie parties were parties done right. Still, she didn’t need to worry about that tonight. Tonight was going to be the right kind of party, even if she didn’t have to throw it herself!

The Tempest Club had a dance floor the size of a large classroom. There was a big stage where some of the Rainbooms—plus a some people from a few other bands—were setting up. Pinkie waved at Rainbow, Fluttershy and Rarity as she came in with Skystar.

“Wow,” Skystar said as she looked around. “This place is amazing. It’s like I walked back in time!”

Pinkie nodded. It was really cool! There were big blue velvet curtains all over the brick walls, with some spots for posters of famous jazz, blues and swing musicians. A large bar took up almost half of the back wall—decorated in all sorts of fancy-looking shells. There were classy seats all around the dance floor, some with normal chairs and some with super-comfy-looking sofas complete with teal and blue cushions!

The floor even had cool wavy patterns in green, blue and teal flowing through it, like they were waves crashing against the rock of the dance floor and flowing around it to the back of the club.

Even better, everyone in the room had gotten dressed up for tonight. The Tempest Club had a reputation for being really big on dressing the part—probably why Rarity loved this place. Everyone wore fancy gowns or really sharp-looking suits. Heck, even Brawly Beats—the drummer from Flash Sentry’s band—wore a suit with a bowtie and he never went anywhere without that beaded necklace of his!

The dance floor itself was all shiny hardwood, while the dark upper section wrapped around it, so people could move from one side to another without having to go through the dancers. Even the lights in the old-fashioned club looked like they were right out one of those old detective movies Sunset sometimes liked to watch.

Skystar spun in place and tried to take it all in. Her dress flared out again and Pinkie giggled. Skystar was too lost in the moment to even notice. She seemed to squeal every time she saw another shell—and the Tempest Club had a lot of shells. A lot more than last time. In fact, Pinkie had a sneaky suspicion the banners with fancy ocean scenes in between the velvet curtains hadn’t been here last time.

“Wow,” Fluttershy said as she walked up to them. She looked amazing in a flowing light pink gown with pink lacy top that sorta looked like a super classy wedding dress! “You two look great!”

Skystar stopped spinning, turned to Fluttershy and smiled. “Thanks! So do you!”

Pinkie squealed and hopped up and down. It was the first time Skystar hadn’t acted shy or nervous around her friends!

Since Skystar’s mom said we could do this, it’s like she’s taken off that icky coat of fear! No more scared Skystar!

At that moment, Pinkie knew all the way down to her little toes that this Skystar was the real Skystar. She’d just been too scared to come out, because she didn’t want to have to say goodbye again!

Pinkie beamed at the entire world until Fluttershy waved a hand in front of her face.

“Uh, Pinkie?” Fluttershy asked. She sounded like she was trying to fight back a laugh. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fantastic!” Pinkie shouted and jumped in the air like a Wondercolt cheerleader. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Skystar burst into laughter as the entire club stopped to stare at her. The sound of Skystar’s laugher made Pinkie’s heart practically start singing. The rest of her almost sang too, but since this was a club, she didn’t want to distract people from the cool jazz music coming in through the speakers. And she wanted to make sure everyone focused on the Rainbooms tonight, even if they weren’t playing yet. It seemed a little rude to try and steal the spotlight.

“You should be fantastic, Pinkie.” Fluttershy smiled a really big smile. “Rarity wanted to tell you not to worry about tonight.”

Pinkie cocked her head. “What do you mean?”

Her friend’s eyes couldn’t have gotten any bigger or happier. “Brawly Beats is going to take over drums for you tonight. I’m under orders from Rarity—and the rest of the girls—to make sure you don’t worry about the band.”

Pinkie gasped. In all the excitement about Skystar—who had sidled up next to Pinkie, though she wasn’t quite close enough to touch—she’d totally forgotten that she was supposed to be on the drums tonight!

“But… are you sure?” Pinkie gasped. “I mean… I can’t leave you all—”

“Pinkie.” Fluttershy put a hand on her arm and squeezed. “Really, it’s okay! Brawly’s played drums for lots of jazz concerts before.”

Pinkie bit her lip. She didn’t like the idea of leaving her friends in the lurch… but if she had to play tonight, it meant she couldn’t spend nearly as much time with Skystar as she wanted to. And she kinda wanted to spend almost every second of every minute of every hour she had tonight with the pretty girl.

It was fine. After all, Rarity had set everything up! And she was really thorough. There shouldn’t be any problems. She trusted her friends to take care of things!

“Ooh!” Skystar sounded excited. And that filled Pinkie’s heart tank like helium—and totally distracted her from feeling a little icky for forgetting about her friends. “Are all your friends going to be playing tonight?”

“Yeah, all of us.” Fluttershy blushed a little, nodded and began listing them off with her fingers. “Rainbow’s on guitar and Applejack’s on bass. Rarity’s really excited she’ll finally get to perform on a grand piano. Jazzy Tones is the first trumpet in our marching band and she offered to help. Her boyfriend, Wind Slide, is going to be on trombone. Octavia’s on upright bass—she’s a regular player here, along with Bluenote—he’s playing saxophone.”

“But, what about you?” Skystar asked, cocking her head. It made her hair spill all over her shoulder in a little blue waterfall. “What are you playing?”

Now Fluttershy turned really bright red. Which could only mean one thing!

“Fluttershy!” Pinkie squeaked. “Are… are you really?”

Fluttershy smiled nervously, but she nodded too! Pinkie jumped up and down and clapped her hands together before leaping on Fluttershy to give her an enormous hug.

“That’s superfantasticial!” Pinkie cried, squeezing her friend extra tight. “I know you’re probably really scared, but you’ll do great!”

“I don’t understand,” Skystar said with a sheepish smile. “Why would she be scared?”

“Well,” Pinkie said, her arm still around Fluttershy—who looked all blushy and proud at the same time, “Fluttershy doesn’t really like being in front of other people. But she’s been working really hard on it—especially after a little thing earlier with a light—”

Fluttershy coughed and ducked her head. Pinkie had already apologized like a bajillion times for yelling at her that day and she knew Fluttershy had forgiven her, but it still made her a little sad to see her friend embarrassed. Maybe this hadn’t been the best time to bring that up. Time to make her feel better!

“She’s been working with the Ponytones—this really cool a capella group we have at school—trying to work up the courage to sing on stage!”

“And… heh…” Fluttershy shifted a little from side to side. “Tonight’s the night! I had to since… well…”

She trailed off and played with a lock of her hair. That’s when Pinkie put it together.

“Wait.” Pinkie blinked. “What about Sunny and Twi?”

“Twilight wasn’t going to be in the band tonight, remember?” Fluttershy gave them both a huge smile. “Sunset was going to sing—Rarity kept saying she had the perfect voice for swing and jazz—but after what happened at lunch…”

“Oh no.” Skystar’s hands flew to her mouth. “Don’t tell me they’re—”

“No!” Fluttershy waved her hands quickly. “Nothing bad! You actually did a really good thing!”

“I did?” Skystar looked between Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“Yes!” Fluttershy said. It was her turn to bounce a little. “They’re going on their first date tonight!”

“No. Way.” Pinkie gasped and grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulders. “Really?”

Fluttershy nodded. She was blushing a really pretty pink color, but it was one that showed just how excited she was! “Really! They might stop by later, but first they’re going out to Canterlot Observatory for a picnic under the stars!”

Pinkie did a little jig. It was really hard to keep all her squeals on the inside, but she did a pretty good job of it.

“Aww!” Skystar cooed. “That sounds so sweet! Isn’t it a little fast though? Especially if Twilight just broke up with that other guy…”

Pinkie giggled.

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, they’ve been good friends for a while now. Honestly, I’m just surprised it took them so long!”

“Well...” Skystar fiddled with her dress a little. She was really cute when she was being bashful. “I’m glad I could help out.”

Fluttershy nodded, beaming at Skystar. “They also asked me to tell you something, Skystar.”

“Me? What did they want to tell me?”

“They wanted to say thank you. If you hadn’t… um… ‘outed’ Sunset, they probably would have been too awkward to do anything for a really long time. At least, that’s what they said.” Fluttershy’s smile never went away.

Pinkie felt like she could have floated away on pure happiness right then and there. Two of her best friends had finally realized the truth! And they were on a date, right now! Because Pinkie’s new… errr… friend… had accidentally said what Pinkie had told her this morning!

“I’m really glad it turned out like that!” Skystar said. She didn’t look embarrassed at all. In fact, she laughed! “It sounds like they’re both really excited! I’m kinda surprised!”

“We’re not.” Fluttershy shook her head, still smiling. “I’ve secretly thought they’d be great together ever since Twilight transferred to CHS. I didn’t know Pinkie and Rarity thought the same thing until today!”

“They’re totally adorable together!” Pinkie cried. “Especially after Sunny helped Twi get over her fear of magic thing!”

Skystar giggled. “You’re still going on about that, huh?”

Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. “What?”

Pinkie giggled right back at Skystar and turned to Fluttershy. “Skystar here doesn’t believe we have magic. And since I promised not to blow anything up, I couldn’t show her anything.”

“Well, Rarity’s—” Fluttershy suddenly stopped and her hands flew to her mouth. Now it was Pinkie’s turn to look confused, especially when Fluttershy pulled her hands away to reveal an enormous smile. “I… uh… Pinkie, I’ve got an idea about how to show Skystar our magic, but it would be best if it was a surprise.”

“Oh!” Pinkie nodded. “That sounds great! I mean, if that’s okay with you, Skystar?”

Skystar giggled at both of them. She still didn’t believe them. That was okay. It would just make showing off their magic so much more special when it happened! Still, Skystar looked like she wanted to be a good sport, so she nodded. “If that’s what you want to do, sure!”

“Trust me, you’re going to love it!” Fluttershy squeaked. “I need to go get everything ready. You two have fun, okay?”

“That’s one thing I’m sure we can do!” Pinkie replied.

With that, Fluttershy scrambled back to the band just as another student walked in from the back, lugging what was probably a trombone behind him. Pinkie recognized him instantly—which wasn’t hard since she did know everyone at school. Then again, anyone who’d ever gone to a sports game at CHS knew him, since he was the best trombone player in the school. Wind Slide had just gotten a full ride scholarship to go to Canterlot Musical Academy after graduation!

Wind gave Jazzy Tones a huge hug. They’d started dating last year and seemed really happy together, something that always made Pinkie smile. Jazzy gave him a peck on the cheek, then helped him get his trombone set up.

Pinkie made sure to tell Skystar all about Jazzy and Wind, too. After she was done telling them about how they’d managed to get together despite the whole lemon pepper cupcake disaster, Pinkie grinned. “Aren’t they cute together?”

Skystar nodded and bit her lip.

Jazzy and Wind did a few notes together and stopped to tune their instruments as Pinkie and Skystar watched. Then Pinkie heard the high-pitched squeal of Rarity and a loud shush from Fluttershy. Pinkie glanced back to see Rarity looking totally thrilled and Fluttershy blushing and grinning. Both of them glanced at Pinkie and Skystar, and then they started giggling.

“Why are they giggling at us?” Skystar giggled with them, though she obviously didn’t know why.

Pinkie had to admit she didn’t really know why either. But Pinkie trusted her friends.

“I don’t know. But I’m sure it’s going to be great!”

The Rainbooms weren’t set to take the stage until eight o’clock, so Pinkie and Skystar found a little booth in the back where they could talk. Skystar had a ton of great stories from all the places she’d been to. She’s been all over the world like twice! Pinkie hadn’t been overseas even once! Skystar seemed to get embarrassed that so many of her stories somehow ended up involving shells—even the stories where she was like a thousand miles away from the ocean! That is, she was embarrassed until Shelly came out to give Skystar a very stern look.

Then Skystar fell out of her chair laughing. After Pinkie helped her back up, Skystar told her even more stories about shells, including where she’d met both Shelly and Sheldon.

“I had no idea seaweed could be so mean!” Pinkie said at the end of the story.

“Shelly and Sheldon helped me through it!” Skystar said. “Who knows what would have happened if they hadn’t been there to save the day?”

Shelly looked a little bashful. Sheldon looked a little smug. Pinkie narrowed her eyes at him, but he didn’t really seem to care.

That clam reminds me a little bit of Tom. I don’t trust him!

She’d have to keep a sharp eye on that clam. Still, if Skystar liked him, Pinkie could give him the benefit of the doubt.

“Well, don’t you two seem like you’re having fun,” said someone from behind Pinkie.

“Hi mom!” Skystar said with a super-happy smile. “How’d your meetings go?”

Pinkie turned to see Ambassador Novo in a new dress, this one made of a super-deep purple satin-like fabric, though it still sorta looked like peacock feathers to Pinkie. Stratus was there, looking like he needed a hug—so pretty much like every other time she’d seen him today.

“Oh yes.” Skystar’s mom looked all cryptic and mysterious. “I’m quite happy with the new arrangements.”

“What arrangements?” Pinkie asked.

“Don’t you mind that, now,” Novo replied. “You two just have some fun tonight.”

After that, she walked away and took a booth in one of the far corners. Pinkie watched her, trying to figure out what in the world she was doing. Novo was being really silly.

“My mom’s definitely up to something,” Skystar said while rubbing her chin.

Pinkie turned back to her. “Whatcha think she’s got planned?”

Skystar shook her head. “I dunno. She’s never really acted like this before. It’s pretty great to see her like this, actually. She looks like she’s having fun.”

“Your mom doesn’t have a lot of fun?” Pinkie’s hair went a little limp. How could Novo not know how to have fun when she had such an amazing, wonderful and happy daughter?

“Not like that.” Skystar shook her head again. “I mean, the happiest I see her is usually after she gets back from her weekly massage treatment.”

“Hm. Maybe I can find a way to get Principal Celestia to be friends with your mom!”

Skystar smiled. “You’d totally do that, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course I would!” Pinkie nodded. “Why wouldn’t I? Everyone needs a friend!”

“Well, that doesn’t sound all that—”

Before Skystar could finish her sentence, a beat started up on the stage in front of the dance floor. Pinkie’s whirled around to see Brawly Beats thumping out a snappy little tune, nodding his head as he went. The rest of the band were already in rhythm, tapping their feet or nodding their heads.

“Oooh!” Pinkie cried and jumped to her feet. “They’re starting!”

Just as Skystar got to her feet, Rarity came in on her grand piano, picking up the tune with a smile that dazzled everyone in the club even more than her sparkly black dress! Octavia joined in on her bass, her fingers flying with almost scary levels of precision. Applejack started a few beats later, plucking notes from her bass guitar as easily as she could pluck an apple from a tree. Rainbow came in last as part of the rhythm section—Pinkie ended up learning all the fancy terms for music after they’d started the Rainbooms—and while she played great, she looked kinda awkward.

Probably not used to playing for a swing band! Rainbow’s always loved rock and pop stuff more, Pinkie thought.

Jazzy Tones belted out a few notes on her trumpet. Somehow, it sounded like there were like a dozen trumpets on stage with her! Wind Slide slid into Jazzy’s music with perfect timing—but they were always in sync. Finally, the blare of Bluenote’s saxophone erupted through the Tempest Club to wild cheers from the younger clubbers and applause from the older crowd. While everyone knew Octavia, Bluenote was the only professional musician in the ensemble tonight, but he’d just graduated CHS a year earlier, so he was good friends with most of them.

The music flowed out for almost a full minute until a spotlight pierced the dim light of the club, making it really hard to see the rest of the band. To Pinkie’s delight, Fluttershy floated into the spotlight. Her whole face was red, but she was smiling.

Pinkie let out a huge whoop and stomped her feet in thunderous applause. Skystar joined in next, then the whole club went a little crazy. Fluttershy’s smile turned into a very embarrassed grin… but she didn’t run or try to hide! She had come so far! Pinkie couldn’t have been prouder.

Then Fluttershy closed her eyes, took a deep breath and began to sing.

Her soft voice flowed through the club like water through kelp. Pinkie recognized the song as one of those old-timey classics Rarity loved so much. This one was called “A String of Pearls,” which seemed just perfect for Skystar and Pinkie.

Pinkie managed to last about ten seconds before the song demanded to be recognized with an offering from her feet. She grabbed Skystar’s hand and pulled her close.

“You wanna dance?” Pinkie asked.

Skystar looked a little scared. “But… in front of all these people?”

“Yes!” Pinkie brought out her mega-eager grin.

“I thought we would get to do some slow stuff first!” Skystar called over Fluttershy as the shy girl’s voice entered the first chorus.

“No time like the present!”

Skystar still didn’t look convinced.

“Please?” Pinkie turned on the pout just a little.

Even Skystar couldn’t resist that. No one could, but Pinkie knew she had to dance with Skystar. Like, right now.

“Okay…” Skystar said hesitantly. “If you’re su—eep!”

A few seconds later, Pinkie and Skystar were on the dance floor. Applause sounded echoed through the club, even as Skystar’s eyes swam in her head.

“You really wanted to dance!” Skystar laughed, her nervousness seemingly forgotten in their sudden rush to the dance floor.

“Okay, you ready?” Pinkie asked as the first solo—a drum solo—started.

Skystar nodded.

“Just follow my lead!” Pinkie encouraged her with a wink and then looked down at her own feet as she did a simple rock-step.

Brawly knew his stuff and kept the beat perfect for just a basic lesson. Pinkie would bake an extra-special cupcake for him on Monday!

It took a few tries, but Skystar didn’t get frustrated. Instead, she just kept trying. And again. And again. She did it until she got the basic move down. The crowd around the dance floor helped a lot by applauding, though Pinkie couldn’t really see much of them because of the bright lights shining down on the dance floor.

“Okay! Great job!” Pinkie cried as she grabbed Skystar’s hands and started a few beginner steps. Skystar fell into it pretty easily, though she slipped a few times.

Skystar blushed a little, but she looked happy. Most of the time, Skystar’s eyes were locked on Pinkie’s feet, but whenever she looked up, she smiled, her eyes shining with light.

Gosh, she’s so pretty

Pinkie almost fell flat on her face when she got too distracted by Skystar’s freckles.

Skystar giggled and caught her as Rarity’s piano solo started and was met with thunderous applause.

Pinkie picked up the pace and went into a full Lindy Hop. To her total amazement, Skystar seemed to be keeping up, though the other girl still looked a teeny bit nervous. She bit her lip every so often, so Pinkie was there to make sure to steady her every time she slipped or fumbled.

The first song came to a close and Pinkie took a chance. She snatched Skystar’s hand and flung her out with a snap of her arm. Skystar squealed again, but she laughed too! Her dress exploded with lines of fabric. At the very end of her reach, Pinkie yanked her arm back and jerked Skystar back to her.

She did it a little too hard, because Skystar crashed into her and sent them both sprawling to the floor!

A few people gasped as Pinkie landed on top of Skystar. Pinkie quickly scrambled off and away, worried that Skystar might have been hurt. Instead, something magical had happened.

Skystar was laughing. She was laughing so hard, tears were in her eyes. Pinkie stood and grinned like a silly little girl. Skystar reached out a hand and Pinkie helped her up, though she was pretty sure Skystar didn’t need to fall into Pinkie’s arms again.

“You two okay down there?” Rainbow’s voice called from the stage.

“We’re great!” Skystar cried between gasps of air. “Never better!”

Pinkie burst into giggles and Skystar followed a second later.

The next song was a duet with Fluttershy still singing, though this time she was accompanied by Rarity, still playing on her piano. Rarity’s rich bell-like voice rang through Tempest Club, while Fluttershy’s soft and delicate voice swam through it.

And Pinkie and Skystar danced.

Skystar had a bit more trouble with the East Coast Swing. Pinkie learned that the hard way when Skystar accidentally kicked Pinkie in the shin. Pinkie had yelped, bounced around a few times on one foot and then fell over… but she giggled all the way down.

The next song was all instrumental. Fluttershy took a break as Rarity and Brawly battled it out for the first improv section and then Applejack and Rainbow went at each other with notes way too wild to dance to, though that didn’t stop Pinkie or Skystar from trying.

Jazzy Tones did all sorts of musical fencing with Wind Slide. Both of them looked like they were having the time of their lives. They grinned at each other over and over again and it became less a battle and more a special song just for them. Even Skystar cooed at them!

By then, some of the crowd had come down to join Pinkie and Skystar. Once they were lost in the dancing people, Skystar seemed to cut loose, like she was a dolphin in the water.

Octavia and Bluenote fought the final battle and it would be one remembered for years! Pinkie had no idea a double bass could make such gorgeous music. And Bluenote’s sax erupted with blast after blast of wild melodies, all going so fast Pinkie could barely keep up herself!

Finally, while Pinkie’s body ached in all the right ways, the entire band came together for one final flourish. Pinkie dipped Skystar super low and she giggled like crazy. Her eyes were wild again… but something in Pinkie told her to wait for that perfect moment.

It wasn’t quite here yet. But it was so close.

After the applause had ended, the spotlight had come back on, focused entirely on the microphone. Pinkie thought she saw something strange about the band behind the spotlight, but she hadn’t really been paying a ton of attention. She’d been distracted by the really cute girl she’d been dancing with.

She didn’t think they’d mind.

A round of applause, hoots and hollers erupted around her—only then did Pinkie realize she’d been counting Skystar’s freckles again. Pinkie turned and gasped.

Sunset Shimmer had just walked into the spotlight alongside Fluttershy. Not only that, but Sunset had gotten all dressed up and then some.

She wore her dress from the Winter Formal, the one that made her look like a firework soaring through the air! It was all flares of red, golds, yellows, and oranges. She looked more ready to salsa than swing, but the dress was amazing no matter what.

“Wow,” Skystar whispered next to her.

“Yeah!” Pinkie smiled and waved at Sunset. “She looks like a firecracker, huh?”

Skystar nodded, looking a little lightheaded. Pinkie couldn’t blame her. When Sunset wanted to, she could take anyone’s breath away.

Sunset grinned and blew a kiss over the heads of the dancers. Pinkie tracked the kiss with the precision of an expert party planner and watched it zero in on a brightly flushing Twilight Sparkle in the back. She looked like she’d taken the night sky and wrapped around her in the form of a gorgeous dress of deep purples and midnight blues.

Pinkie wanted to squeal so loud she actually shook trying to keep it all in.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” Sunset called out over the microphone. “Please give up for the Jazzbooms!”

“Oh for Pete’s sake!” Rarity cried. “I never agreed to that name!”

“Why not?” Rainbow demanded. “It’s awesome!”

The entire crowd laughed. Sunset laughed even harder. Pinkie and Skystar laughed the hardest. Sunset went through and introduced every member of the ‘Jazzbooms,’ all save for the one who’d been singing most of the night.

“Finally,” Sunset shouted. “Let’s give it up for the Jazzboom’s—”

Rarity groaned.

“—new lead vocalist, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy tried to hide behind her long pink hair, but Pinkie could see her smile and her bright red cheeks. She got even more applause than the rest of the band—probably because the band helped a lot! Skystar and Pinkie both bounced up and down cheering her name.

And she was running away from a light a few months ago! Working with Rarity and the Ponytones really helped!

“Now!” Sunset said after the crowd had settled. “Don’t worry, she’s not done just yet. In fact, the best is yet to come. Most of you have probably heard about our band’s ‘special effects.’”

There were a few knowing chuckles in the crowd.

“Well, you’re probably wondering why you haven’t seen any of them tonight!” Sunset said, her smirk only getting bigger. “That’s because we were waiting for the right moment! And that moment is now! Hit it, Brawly!”

Brawly attacked the drums, quickly whipping up an almost frantic tempo that thrummed through Pinkie. She didn’t even know what dance to do, but she knew how to do it. Skystar’s head started bobbing in rhythm.

The rest of the band joined in a few seconds later, the pace far faster than anything they’d danced to before. That’s when Pinkie realized what song they were playing!

Sunset started things out, crying into the microphone, her eyes closed and her other hand high in the air. “You and I, we’re called insane! Just because we like to dance in the rain!"

Fluttershy came in next, not nearly as animated at Sunset, but her voice was just as strong. "You and I, we’re called out of touch! Just because nothing bothers us much!”

The two girls sang one after another, each of them belting out the words like they were doing some sort of sermon. Pinkie had never seen the two do anything like this before!

And Pinkie and Skystar danced. Neither knew the steps, but they did them anyway. They whirled and twirled, hopped and bounced, spun and jigged.

“Try to stop us, to no avail!”

“Try to halt us, you’re doomed to fail!”

The rest of the room danced too, but Pinkie only saw them out of the corner of her eyes. She had more important things to look at right now. Like Skystar!

“Oh yeah, we’re here to stay, even if you don’t get our way!”

“Best of friends, tried and true, brought together in the ocean blue!”

Sunset and Fluttershy pressed their backs together as their voices joined up into a perfect harmony. Each of them gripped their microphones in their hands, held them up and all but shouted the next two lines!

“When the world gets wild and things get hazy…”

“I’ll always know, you’re my kind of crazy!”

Pinkie knew it was coming. She could feel it in her toes. With a few quick whirls, she plopped Skystar down right in front of her, with her arms wrapped around Skystar’s belly, both facing forward. Skystar seemed confused for a second, but she did snuggle into Pinkie! Pinkie almost lost control of her bottled squeals. She had almost reached maximum squeal capacity.

Then, she didn’t need to, because Skystar gasped.

In a blaze of light, Sunset and Fluttershy transformed together! Cute little pony ears burst out of their hair in flashes of white light. Their hair became super-long manes, sweeping all the way down to becoming what Pinkie liked to think of as their tails! Fluttershy even grew wings!

Behind them, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow all ponied up too!

“Oh. My. Goodness.” Skystar whispered.

As Skystar said that, Pinkie felt the transformation overtake her as well. She giggled and shivered as that wonderful happy feeling rushed over her. She didn’t know why it hadn’t happened before now. Maybe it was because now the whole place was one giant party and all of her friends were here, too!

Maybe it was just because Skystar had snuggled into her. She was good either way!

“This song’s for Pinkie Pie and her new friend, Skystar!” Sunset belted out. “Rarity! Go for it!”

Sunset and Fluttershy ducked.

“What—” Skystar started to ask.

There was a flash of brilliant white light and two massive shards of diamonds erupted from the stage as Octavia, Jazzy Tones and Wind Slide took over the music. Skystar squealed and jumped into the air in fright, but Pinkie knew exactly what they had in mind, so she jumped too!

It helped that Pinkie’s arms were still around Skystar.

Both of them came down on Rarity’s diamond shields.

“Pinkie!” Skystar squealed twirling in place to stare at her, then took a step back in surprise. “What’s going on?”

“Magic!” Pinkie laughed. “Now come on, let’s dance!”

Skystar’s eyes were the biggest Pinkie had ever seen. It looked like even she was glowing, but from the inside!

Skystar looked at Pinkie’s now extra-colorful, super long hair. For giggles, Pinkie twitched her ears and grinned. Skystar squealed with joy and clapped her hands.

“That is… if you don’t mind dancing with a girl all ponied up?” Pinkie winked at her and held out a hand.

Skystar didn’t even hesitate. She grabbed Pinkie’s hand as Sunset and Fluttershy began to sing out the next verse of “My Kind of Crazy.”

Rarity lifted their diamond platforms into the air until they were above the heads of everyone in the room. Then—with Rarity making sure to keep the shields perfectly in sync with Pinkie and Skystar’s steps—they danced on diamonds to the wild swing music of the Jazzbooms.

Pinkie sorta lost track of time after that. The rest of the world vanished. There was just Skystar, their pretty diamond shields, the song coming through her soul and the need to dance.

Somewhere toward the end of the song, they’d started to get closer and closer. They spun around each other like they were on the Canterlot Faire’s teacup ride. Pinkie could barely breathe, between the dancing and being this close to Skystar. Pinkie knew she was as pink as her hair right now. Skystar was just as pink, too!

Finally, Pinkie took Skystar’s hand and spun her out, letting her dress flare explosively over the dance floor.

At the end of her arc—supported by Rarity’s diamond shields—Skystar jerked and gave Pinkie a smile that made her know without a doubt that she could fly right now even if she didn’t have Rarity’s help or Rainbow’s wings.

“When the world gets wild and things get hazy…”

“I’ll always know, you’re my kind of crazy!”

Bluenote belted out the final notes to the song on saxophone.

Pinkie yanked Skystar back into one final spin. At the last second, Skystar spun right off her diamond and onto Pinkie’s. With a gasp, Skystar slammed into Pinkie, but Pinkie had been ready. She caught the other girl in her arms. She didn’t even need to take a step back!

Then it was just them. Spotlights shone all around them. They couldn’t even see the floor because the diamond beneath their feet made everything super-extra sparkly. The world was gone. It was just Pinkie and Skystar, floating in a haze of light.

Both of them were gasping for breath. Both of them were blushing—both from the dance and being right there. Both of them were staring into each other’s eyes.

Pinkie didn’t know what Skystar saw, but Pinkie knew what she saw. Something wild, something free, and something just a little crazy.

Pinkie swallowed, leaned forward and kissed her.

Skystar melted into it, wrapped her arms around Pinkie and held her extra tight, squeezing them together on a little floating shard of diamond.

Skystar tasted like the ocean. Not all salty and wet, but wild and fun and bubbly and crazy and happy!

The kiss was like an entire year of smiles, hugs, giggles and squees all rolled up into one neat package with a super-cute bow.

It was almost too much happy for Pinkie to handle. Her knees wobbled all over the place. Her heart spun like a top. Her mind went super fuzzy. But she held on tight. She kept the kiss going as long as she could. She needed to! Nothing was more important right then and there!

All the while, Skystar held on just as tight as Pinkie.

It was only when their feet touched the ground did Pinkie and Skystar finally break apart.

Skystar’s eyes went wide as she realized what she had just done. Pinkie blushed furiously. She didn’t mind hugs and stuff in public… but this was a little much, even for her!

Then the cheering started.

It almost deafened Pinkie—and Pinkie had super good hearing. Skystar winced, but then she met Pinkie’s eyes.

For a split second, Pinkie had been worried Skystar might regret what they’d just done. But when she looked into Skystar’s gorgeous happy ocean-like eyes, she knew it had been a silly thought.

Skystar smiled at Pinkie. Pinkie smiled right back.

“I tell you,” someone said in the crowd, “these kids are crazy.”

Pinkie giggled. Yeah, maybe they were crazy. Skystar, too! But even if Skystar was crazy, she was definitely Pinkie’s kind of crazy.

The next song started up. Pinkie held out her hand. Skystar took it.

And they kept dancing.

Author's Note:

EEEEEEEEEE!!! It finally happened!

Seriously, I'm so in love with them in love like like. They're so adorable! But don't worry, we're not done just yet! We've got one more chapter to go! :pinkiehappy:

I'll see you tomorrow at noon Pacific for the grand finale of My Kind of Crazy!

A very special thanks to Rose Quill (who you may also know as AllyKitty) for her helps with the lyrics to the original song, "My Kind of Crazy." I started with a very loose framework and she turned it into something magical.

In case you wondered, yes, I did sing it while doing my audible edit of this chapter. I totally want someone to record a swing version of this!

Here's the full lyrics by Rose!

You and I, we’re called insane
Just because we like to dance in the rain.

You and I, we’re called out of touch
Just because nothing bothers us much

Try and stop us, to no avail

Try to halt us, you’re doomed to fail

Sunset & Fluttershy
Oh yeah we’re here to stay,
Even if you don’t get our way
Best of friends tried and true
Brought together in the ocean blue!

They call us crazy just because we’re different
But that’s just fine by me (Fine by me)
Cause I know when things get tight,
You’ll always be by my side

You and I, together
through the thick and thin of life
And if the world gets wild and things get hazy

I’ll always know (Always know)

I’ll always know! (Got to know)

Band Sting

Sunset & Fluttershy
You, you’re my kind of crazy!


If you come across any errors, please let me know by PM!