• Published 22nd Apr 2018
  • 3,499 Views, 275 Comments

My Kind of Crazy - Amber Spark

Skystar never got a chance to make friends. Pinkie’s determined to show her how. Clearly, this will involve swing dancing.

  • ...

In The Mood

After over an hour of touring Canterlot High—and a really in-depth look at their new oceanography lab—Pinkie had been shocked when Ambassador Novo ordered Stratus accompany her to her meeting with Celestia and Luna in the teacher’s lounge.

Then, Skystar’s mom told the two girls to behave and shooed them away.

She’d been so surprised, she hadn’t been able to get out a word. And while a bit of Pinkie was sorta suspicious about the sudden change in attitude, she wasn’t going to waste this chance!

Because, just like that, Skystar and Pinkie were free!

Even better, lunch started in just a few minutes! Pinkie could introduce Skystar to all of her friends!

This is the best day ever!

Pinkie did a little two-step and her heels clacked on the shining blue floor. Skystar broke into giggles and clapped her hands, which only encouraged Pinkie on—not that she needed much encouragement today! Skystar bounced and weaved a little, but she didn’t join in. That was okay. Pinkie could hear the music perfectly in her head as she did all the little steps to the song they were going to debut tonight. She really hoped Ambassador Novo would let Skystar see the Rainbooms play!

“You’re really good at that.” Skystar laughed. “It looks so fun.”

Pinkie offered a hand. “Wanna try?”

Skystar shied away, flushing red. “Oh, oh no. That’s okay! I… don’t really know how to dance.”

Pinkie spun to face her and gasped.

“How could anyone not know how to—” She stopped and thought of Princess Twilight at the Fall Formal. “Okay, sorry! There are plenty of people who don’t know how to dance. Like my alicorn friend, Twilight!”

Skystar blinked a few times, but she didn’t stop smiling. “Alicorn? What’s an alicorn?”

Pinkie thought about it, trying to remember how Princess Twilight had described it. “I think… it’s a horse with wings and a horn.”

“That sounds pretty funny… and a little weird,” Skystar admitted.

Pinkie shrugged.

They started walking again. Pinkie decided it would be better if they got there before the lunch bell rang, that way, they could claim their traditional seats and have everything ready for her friends to meet Skystar! This time, Pinkie only had a little extra skip to her step, but Skystar didn’t have any trouble keeping up.

“Well, my friends and I grow pony ears and tails and wings when we play music and other stuff, so maybe we’re just used to weird!”

Skystar shook her head and her blue hair flowed around her face like she was underwater. “You’ve really gotta show me that.”

Pinkie was tempted to use her geode, but she’d made a promise. “Well, I can’t. I promised not to blow up anything unless strictly necessary. Maybe one of my friends can use their powers though!”

“You… can blow stuff up?” Skystar’s eyes went wide, though for a split second, Pinkie couldn’t tell exactly why.

“Uh-huh,” Pinkie replied, watching her new friend carefully.

“That’s really neat,” Skystar whispered. She clapped her hands together, looking all kinds of excited.

Fantabulastic! She thinks it’s neat! I have a superpower and Skystar thinks it’s neat!

Pinkie danced on sunshine all the way to the cafeteria, right beside Skystar. Well, not literally on sunshine, though she wondered how someone would do that. It would be a really cool trick. She should try it sometime! Somehow. Maybe Twilight could help levitate her or Rarity could do something with her diamond shield-thingys? Or they could go to Equestria! They probably did that sort of thing all the time there!

Thankfully, the cafeteria staff were all ready for lunch when they came in. Since Pinkie liked to help in the school kitchens every Wednesday, they were more than happy to offer Skystar and Pinkie first dibs on the food.

Pinkie had to help Skystar, though. Apparently, she wasn’t used to this sort of thing. It was almost as if she’d never been in a cafeteria before! It wasn’t until they sat down at the Rainboom’s traditional table a few minutes before the lunch bell rang when Pinkie finally got it.

“You’ve never been to high school, have you?”

Skystar shook her head as she played with her salad. She made the croutons go around and around and around with her fork. Pinkie got a little dizzy watching her, though she liked seeing Skystar’s nice painted nails.

“But…” Pinkie struggled to understand, while being very glad that she’d had this conversation before Twilight had shown up. “How did you get to learn… you knowanything?”

“Oh!” Skystar said with a little smile. “I had tutors. They were great! Still, it was always just me and the tutors. And I kept having to switch those too whenever we moved.”

Skystar blinked a few times like there was something in her eye. Her smile faltered and she opened her mouth to say something, only to be cut off by the lunch bell.

“They’re coming!” Pinkie cried as students started to pile into the cafeteria.

CHS took lunch time seriously. After hearing the stories of helping Princess Twilight get her crown back and Dazzlings, their Twilight had theorized there was something in the way the room was built that made people inside easy to manipulate. She used the phrase ‘subliminal acoustics.’

Rainbow had laughed at that for a good five minutes, which had made Twilight very huffy. That had been the first time Pinkie had realized Sunset watched Twilight like, all the time.

“Wow… that’s… um… a lot of people,” Skystar said as she shrank back and scooted closer to Pinkie. Pinkie didn’t mind.

“You okay?” Pinkie asked.

“Mmhm.” Skystar nodded and bit her lip. “Just… not used to so many people my age.”

Flash and Ditzy waved at Pinkie as they went by. Ditzy bumped Flash on the shoulder and he blushed. Pinkie let out a little giggle. Ditzy was perfect for Flash. He hadn’t even looked at Twilight since they’d started dating. Well, of course, he’d looked at her, just not looked at her. Twilight had been really happy about that. Things had been pretty awkward for a while.

Pinkie decided the best way to handle things with Skystar was to help her feel closer to them. So, Pinkie pointed out all the students and named them one by one as they walked by. Skystar hung off of every word and even gave a few waves back before too long.

In fact, before her first friend arrived at the table, Skystar had almost completely relaxed. To Pinkie’s expert eye, she looked just like another student, only way prettier.

Rainbow Dash looked a little surprised to see someone else sitting at their table, but it didn’t stop her from plopping down. Pinkie was about to introduce Rainbow to Skystar when she felt something… something she hadn’t sensed since… an hour ago!

Pinkie could feel Rarity’s smile before she saw the purple-haired girl. When she found her friend and met Rarity’s eyes—she was near the end of the lunch line with the rest of their friends—Pinkie smiled back.

Rarity looked utterly ecstatic. She looked ready to bounce off the walls! And for Rarity to look like that… well, it was a pretty big deal.

Pinkie blushed under her grin… at least until Twilight poked Rarity in the back to make her slide her meal card through the little slot.

And then, Pinkie’s friends came over.

“Now, don’t be nervous!” Pinkie whispered to Skystar. “They’re all super nice! You’ll love them.”

Skystar nodded, but she looked nervous anyway. Then again, Pinkie couldn’t blame her. Suddenly, Pinkie felt nervous. Almost like how she’d felt meeting Skystar’s mom. Which was silly, because Pinkie met new people all the time.

“Pinkie, darling!” Rarity declared as she slid into her seat next to Pinkie. Her voice so full of glee it sounded like it might explode! “Whoever is this beautiful young lady at your side?”

Sunset snickered a little as she sat down, but smiled at Skystar. Twilight sat down next to Sunset—as usual—and she seemed more curious than anything else. Applejack tipped her hat to Skystar in a very traditional Applejack greeting. Fluttershy gave Skystar little wave. Skystar returned it with a wave just as small.

“Everyone!” Pinkie said in a voice loud enough to be heard around the table. “I’d like you all to meet Skystar! She’s my new friend! I met her on the beach this morning!”

“You just met her on the beach?” Applejack asked. “What were you doing all the way down on the beach this morning?”

“Dancing!” Pinkie replied.

“Of course!” Rainbow laughed. “What else would she be doing?”

“I need to be in tip-top shape for tonight, but I decided to stop practicing when I saw Skystar,” Pinkie continued. “But, I need to introduce you properly!”

Pinkie quickly introduced everyone around the table, until she reached Twilight and Sunset on Skystar’s left. As soon as she said their names, Skystar’s eyes lit up in recognition.

“Oh, that’s right!” Skystar cried with a huge smile and pointed at Twilight. “You’re the one who’s a magical talking pony!”

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack all gaped at Pinkie. Rarity and Sunset both snickered a little. Twilight just sat there, looking like her brain had just completely locked up. That happened sometimes. Sunset called it a ‘Twilight-Incompatible Data Conflict.’

“Actually…” Sunset raised her hand. “That would be me. This Twilight is just as human as you are.”

Twilight blushed under the attention and adjusted her glasses.

“Oh, right!” Skystar nodded and bit her lip. “Sorry, I got confused trying to keep straight who’s a magical talking pony.”

“No problem,” Sunset said casually with a look at Pinkie. “It’s not like it comes up in normal conversation.”

Sunset can be so smooth sometimes!

“Wait…” Skystar looked a little closer at Sunset before her eyes lit up again. “That’s it! You’re also the one who has a massive crush on Twilight, right?”

Pinkie’s fork dropped to the metal table as everyone went totally silent. Then they all turned to stare at Skystar with huge eyes and dropped jaws.

Skystar blinked and cringed back a little. “Oh… um… I wasn’t supposed to say that, was I?”

Then, everyone’s heads slowly turned to Sunset.

The expression on Sunset’s face was almost exactly the same one she had after using her empathy power on Pinkie. She was also bright red, almost the same color as the stripes in her hair! She opened her mouth once, closed it and then tried again. Nothing came out. Pinkie couldn’t help but notice that she wasn’t looking at Twilight.

“Eh-heh.” Skystar rubbed her neck, turning almost as red as Sunset. “Sorry?”

“I’m… ah… guessing that since you’re all reacting in this manner,” Twilight said very slowly with her fork halfway to her mouth. “That this… uh… isn’t a joke?”

“Um…” Sunset laughed the most awkward laugh Pinkie had ever heard. “Err… um. Yeah, I’m going to go with ‘um.’ ‘Um’s’ a good word.”

Rarity let out a little squeal as Sunset slowly turned—along with everyone else—to look at Twilight.

Twilight obviously wanted to be anywhere but here, because she was even redder than Sunset. She kept adjusting her glasses, over and over again. Her eyes darted back and forth, as if looking for an escape. She even chewed on one of her bangs a bit and Pinkie hadn’t seen her do that in months!

“I… I should probably go…” Skystar whispered as tried to get up and slip away while everyone was distracted.

Pinkie instantly grabbed her hand and yanked her back down. She was firm, but still gentle. She didn’t take her eyes off of Twilight and Sunset.

“I… I um…” Twilight still wasn’t looking at Sunset. “I don’t suppose now would be a good time… to um… say that Timber and I… er… well… we decided to call it off last weekend?”

If Pinkie’s eyes could have burst from her head, they would have. A collective “What?” came up from the entire table—save for Skystar.

“And you didn’t tell us this before now, Twilight?” Rarity almost shouted. “That’s five days! Five days!

“I… I wanted to be sure?” Twilight offered quietly. “The drive back and forth was really hard on both of us! And he’s a bit older than me… and a few other things… so…”

She trailed off.

Pinkie’s heart did a super fast little sprint around her chest. She had to fight to keep from squeezing Skystar’s hand too tight.

“So, uh…” Sunset rubbed the back of her neck and bit her lip. “That’s… I’m sorry?”

“Well,” Twilight said. Now, she was staring at her sandwich. And playing with her geode. And her eyes were darting from side to side even more. “There was… um… another reason… one that took me a while to figure out…”

“Perhaps it might be best if the two of you continue this conversation elsewhere?” Rarity interjected like a popping balloon.

Part of Pinkie wanted to pout, because she wanted to see how this all turned out! Like really, really wanted to see how this all turned out! Timber and Twilight were sort of cute together, and she felt a little bad for Timber, since Timber had really liked Twilight. She would have to send him some cupcakes. If he was sad about it, that would help!

If not, well, then free cupcakes! And who didn’t like free cupcakes?

The other part of her—the part not considering what flavor of cupcakes to use—knew it would be a lot better if Twilight and Sunset handled this without an audience.

Though, Pinkie had a sense for this sort of thing. Rarity—well, she tried really hard, but her sense wasn’t as good as Pinkie’s. Pinkie’s hunches were amazing. This time though, the hunch was a pretty easy guess.

Twilight hadn’t run from the room or outright denied it. In fact, if Pinkie could read the emotions on Twilight’s face, she’d have to say that Twilight looked… hmmmm

Happy! Really embarrassed and awkward and a little scared, but under all that she’s happy! She hadn’t scooted away from Sunset when Skystar outed her and that made it pretty clear that she didn’t think it was a horrible idea!

“Yeah… uh… that’s probably a good idea,” Sunset murmured.

“Might I suggest the music room?” Rarity said. She tried to keep her little sing-song voice down, but she couldn’t keep it all the way out. “I believe it’s unoccupied at present.”

“Uh… sure.” Twilight nodded and stood up so quickly she banged her knee on the underside of the table.

Pinkie winced.

“You okay?” Sunset asked, automatically reaching out to steady Twilight before she could fall.

That’s when Twilight really blushed. “Uh… uh… yeah.”

And a bright happy balloon of sunshine burst inside of Pinkie’s chest. She managed to contain the squeal. Rarity’s squeal snuck out a little before Rarity got it under control.

Silly Rarity.

Neither Sunset nor Twilight seemed to notice their reactions. Instead, the two girls took their food trays back to the return counter, grabbed an extra apple and left.

“Darling!” The word rolled off Rarity’s tongue like the best lemon drop of all time as she turned to Skystar. “I could simply kiss you for that!”

It was now Skystar’s turn to go bright red. Pinkie felt something weird inside of her heart, something she didn’t like. So, she stomped on it and kicked it away.

“Well…” Applejack blinked a few times. “That just happened.”

Fluttershy just stared at the open door, but when she turned around, she was smiling one of her happiest smiles. And she aimed that smile right at Pinkie and Skystar.

“Yeah it did!” Rainbow chortled. “Took ‘em long enough. They’ve been making eyes at each other since the Friendship Games!”

Skystar’s hand started to shake a little bit and she sniffled quietly.

Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity turned to demand how in the world Rainbow Dash had noticed before they did—though Rarity was a lot louder than the others.

But Pinkie turned to look at Skystar.

She looked almost ready to cry… but she was smiling?

“It’s okay!” Pinkie assured her, patting the hand she still held with the other hand. “It’s fine! Really! Actually, it sounds like your timing was perfect since Twilight just—”

Skystar’s smile broke and fell apart as tears started to stream over her freckles. “I have to go.”

Then, before Pinkie could react, Skystar yanked her hand away from Pinkie’s, scrambled to her feet and ran out the door. Pinkie watched, her mouth wide open, as the crying girl left her behind.

Just like that, every balloon in her chest seemed to deflate. Even her heart deflated a little. The butterflies seemed to decide to hibernate or something. She didn’t know if butterflies actually hibernated. But if they did, hers were definitely hibernating.

“What’s her problem?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack and Fluttershy both seemed at a loss for words. Rarity, however, looked a little panicked.

“Pinkie Pie!” Rarity cried. “You must go after her!”

“What are you on about, Rares?” Applejack asked.

“Well, for one, I’m fairly sure her mother will be most upset if she finds Skystar unattended.” Rarity leaned forward and stared at Pinkie really hard. “But more importantly, there’s a girl out there who needs to be comforted, dare I say, Pinkie Pie Style!

“You’re right!” Pinkie shouted as she leapt from her seat and onto the bench. Most of the cafeteria turned to look at her, but Pinkie didn’t care. “I’ll find out what’s going on! And I promise to bring back the best smile ever!”

Pinkie ran over the table. Rainbow rolled her eyes. Applejack chuckled. Fluttershy smiled. Rarity looked triumphant.

They also moved their trays out of the way just in time.

Then Pinkie was on the floor and off like a shot, on her dire quest to find her fleeing mermaid and give her back her smile.

Author's Note:

Squeee! Skystar, you're so awesome! I love you so much for just blurting that out! :raritystarry:

But now, why'd she run away?! Pinkie, get your tail in gear!

If you come across any errors, please let me know by PM!