• Published 11th Apr 2018
  • 10,688 Views, 210 Comments

Idol Hooves and The Deathly Tired Princess - KarmaSentinal

Why Idol and Princess Luna weren't present during the wedding invasion.

  • ...

No cake for Celestia, bring on the Changelings

Author's Note:

It's been a fun (if long) run, but I'm happy to say this story is now 100% finished. Thank you all for the support and comments, and I hope this final chapter will entertain you one last time!

After the unexpected visit earlier that morning, Topaz and Nymph found themselves in a mutual silence.

There was some talking, but only to ask, and answer a question. The rest of that time was the steady movement of hooves trying to drown out the encounter with the exile. Topaz could almost feel Nymph’s distress saturating the air around her as if a stray cloud was following her.

So when they left for her mother’s, Topaz wracked her brain trying to figure out a way to cheer the filly up, and it came to her when two unicorn foals came zipping past them.

“Hurry up! Put those old bones to work!”

“Nymph!” her yellow coated caretaker called out.

The pegasus foal only stopped running after reaching the next block, buzzing her wings as she waited for Topaz. Watching as her caretaker struggled to keep from falling over earned a quick giggle before turning and running.

“Wait Nymph!” Topaz called out hoping to get the filly to slow down just a bit. No such luck.

Seeing no alternative, Topaz adjusted her saddle bag before taking to the skies.

Nymph’s wings buzzed happily as she ran down the street, enjoying the thrill of the chase and escape. So much so, she failed to notice the labored breathing of her caretaker had stopped. She followed the street for several blocks, slowing down just enough to avoid ponies still wandering the streets before turning right and down an alleyway.

Topaz would have missed this sudden change if it weren’t for Nymph’s mad crackling. A quick adjustment and she was back on the trail of the foal just as she left the alley, crossed the street and ran into another alley on the other side.

Celestia was watching over her, for Nymph had ran into a dead end.

“Gotcha.” She whispered, angling her wings for the descent.

The wall that blocked Nymph’s path was no taller than an adult pony but just tall enough to stop her. Or so it thought. With veins full of adrenaline, and a will to not be caught, began flapping her wings madly before lunging into the air.

Her wings provided enough lift to clear the wall and land safely onto the other side.

“Order ab.. Celestia’s name.” Topaz corrected herself.

With trepidation, she had watched the whole thing silently begging Celestia to spare Nymph from harm; said filly was currently celebrating the accomplishment with a small dance. Nymph wasn’t holding back either, and did enough celebrating for the both of them.

Topaz watched this unspoiled joy, noting Nymph’s victory dance was more a series of random movements than any actual routine.

“Did she learn that from Idol?” She joked more than ask. “Can’t have her picking up too many bad habits.”

Ever since taking on the changeling filly, Topaz had learned much about changeling growth rates and habits to the point she could claim to be a leading expert (behind Idol of course) on the topic. Yet, her fascination with the changeling filly went further than a researcher studying a specimen- Nymph was her foal.

Some important steps were skipped along the journey to motherhood, but ultimately the end was the same.

Officially, Idol was Nymph’s legal guardian, but quickly extended that power to her as well . How he even managed to get Nymph’s paperwork processed so quickly she didn’t know, but guessed Idol might have received help.

With their guardianship established, Idol and Topaz began the process of caring for a changeling foal 24/7.

The biggest hurdle wasn’t what to feed Nymph or what she was/wasn’t allowed to read, but how they were going to solve her color blindness. Ultimately, it became how she could manage the her colors, leading to the decision to homeschooling Nymph.

This proved to be the right choice. Being a professor herself, Topaz took on the task to teach Nymph the basics of pony society, while Idol worked with her on stabilizing the changeling magic.

About this time that something reflective down below caught Topaz’s attention, and to her horror found the source to be Nymph. The excitement was causing the filly to lose focus over her magic, and had started shifting colors as a pony with breathe.

The phenomenon was fascinating to witness originally (the notes collected proved priceless), but quickly became a constant fear once she started living with them. Idol and her didn’t need their neighbors adding to the swinger rumor by ‘seeing’ multiple foals at their house.

With Idol’s help, they managed to figure out a crude system they could use to keep her colors under control.

Because of the Nymph’s inability to see colors properly, they had to figure out a way to warn Nymph she had switched colors without having to constantly tell her- thus Wing Signs were created. The concept itself was simple, but the actual use was another story.

With Nymph’s colors having slipped, Topaz finished her dive for the ground, landing in front of the excited foal.

“Colors, Nymph!” she nearly screeched, causing Nymph nearly trip in surprise.

Topaz quickly began a series of movements that consisted of using her hooves and wings.

As quickly as Topaz could make the strange motions, Nymph’s colors were changing just as quickly: mane, coat, eyes, and tail. Each changing until given the ok from her pegasus guardian until all of her colors were the same as before.

“Ok Nymph, that’s enough excitement for now.”

“I can control them I promise! I haven’t spilled my colors in weeks, you can ask my friends!” pleaded the filly, hoping that would be enough to continue their game.

“I will ask them, but no more tag right now. Mother is expecting us soon and I fear the ‘scolding’ she’s already planning if we’re anymore late.”

“Scolding for you. She loves me!” Nymph’s knew how much the older mare loved her, and thus how much she could get away with.

“Yea, yea. Just remember, it isn’t me or my mother you have to worry about.” That wiped the smile off her muzzle.

“Why is he such a hard flank?”

“Language Nymph.”

“Still... Why is he always “You can’t do this. You can’t do that. Stop having fun.”

“Because he cares Nymph. It might always seem like that, but Idol does, and so do I.”

“He has a funny way of showing it.” She muttered

“He’s learning. Your favorite ball? He bought it for you.”

“He also popped it.”

“When he got you tickets to that play you wanted to see?”

“Ok, that was neat.” Topaz smiled.

“Idol is Idol, but he’s doing his best, and when he messes up I’ll be there to steer him straight.”

Nymph giggled. “I’m sure you have enough rope somewhere.”

“Idol might, but you’ll have to ask him.”

Nymph giggled. “Forget it. You’re too old to understand.”

“Hey!” Topaz’s reaction pleased the filly, laughing as she sidestepped her caretaker and bolted for the street.

“Nymph!” Topaz yelled, chasing after the filly once more.

Topaz’s mother, Viridian, lived on the outskirts of the city proper( Old Canterlot) nearest the wall that hung furthest off the mountain. The walk from her house to her mother’s house on a normal day could take up to a couple of hours depending on how fast and crowded the streets were.

With the Royal Wedding set for the early afternoon, the roads were near empty save for the random guard patrol now and then. This left Topaz and Nymph near free reign of the streets, which they took advantage of this by playing games like I spy, Hide and Seek, and just being loud in general.

Including this little distractions added to the overall time, but eventually the pair reached the weather and stained marble house Topaz had known most of her life. Nymph began prancing the closer they got, wondering what sort of treats awaited her.

“Remember, it’s Newt from this moment onward.”

“Yea, yea. Now hurry up!” she bolt forward, unable to wait any longer.

Rushing ahead, Nymph ran up the cobble stairs, and pounded on the door with no restraint. She stood as still as an excited filly could waiting to grandma’s treats. After another second, she gave the door another few knocks and then placed her left ear on the door- the heavy hoofsteps of a grown up was her reward.

Backing up quickly, Nymph quickly went over appearance (as was expected of her) making sure her colors, and species were the same. She heard her name and turned around to see Topaz pointing at mouth, her fangs.

“Thanks.” she whispered, running her tongue over her teeth just make sure the fangs were gone.

No sooner had she fixed this problem and Topaz taking her place by her side did the door open, revealing the older mare they had sought to meet.

“Newt! Topaz!”

“Hi grandma!”

“Hello mom.”

She welcomed them both, taking Nymph’s bag before spoiling the filly with kisses and promises of freshly baked cookies. Nymph almost lost her colors from the excitement.

“Newt ate before we left mother so, she doesn’t need anything else.”

“Baking is a time honored tradition between mothers,daughters, grandmother and grandfoal.”


“You use to love baking with granny Tourmaline whenever you had the chance. So Please, don’t continue denying me these memories Topaz! ” Viridian fired back as they all entered the kitchen.

Nymph had already pushed her stool to the counter and tied an apron around her midsection by time the two mares entered. Viridian nodded approvingly while Topaz accepted her lot and followed the foal’s example, giong to the rack on the wall to grab her apron.

While Topaz got ready, Viridian went to the (compact) kitchen pantry to gather the needed ingredients, humming a tune only she knew.

“You know the drill Newt, wash your hooves.”

“Yeeesss mom.

“No back sassing missy! Do as your mother says and hurry up! I found everything we need.” Viridian added as she set the gathered ingredients down on the counter top.

“Yes, ma’am.” Nymph conceded, and began washing her hooves.

“You have to be firm in tone when dealing with foals. It helps define boundaries and tells them you mean it what you say. ”

Topaz turned to defend not only Nymph, and herself, but decided against it in favor of keeping things simple.

“Yes, mother.”

“Good. Let’s get started.”

With the hierarchy established, and hooves washed, three generations of mares quickly fell into their roles.

Nymph began by choosing which kind of cookie would to make first, while her caretaker and honorary grandma collected the baking utensils- bowls,measuring cups, baking trays.

“OH! How about honey and peanut butter?”

“Peanut butter and honey?” Viridian asked, turning to Toaz for some clarification.

“Honey Dew recommended them last month.”

“The one with the bees?” Topaz nodded

“The very same.”

“Is that a yes?” Nymph asked, trying her hardest to keep still.

“If Newt really wants them, and you vouch for Honey Dew than honey and peanut butter it is.” That earned a sharp ‘yes’ from the filly, who jumped from her little stool and dashed into the pantry.

“Do you even have honey?”

“There might be an aged bottled somewhere…”

“Found the peanut butter, but no honey.” Nymph’s voice echoed from the pantry

“Well Topaz?


“Weren’t you about to leave to pick up a fresh jar of honey and peanut butter?”

“Wait. What?”

“How can we bake honey and peanut butter cookies without honey and peanut butter?”

“There’s still peanut butter left!” Topaz pointed at the half used jar

“Nonsenses, only the freshest cookies for my grandfoal!” Viridian by now hoofed over some bits while pushing Topaz toward the door.

“Newt and I will just bake a cake or something until you return.”

“Mother wait!”

“I’m not about to tell my granddaughter no.” Viridian whispered into her daughter’s ear before pushing her out the door.

“And Sugar! Make it quick!” she commanded and slammed the door shut, leaving a bewildered Topaz standing on the steps.

Unwilling to knock and demand entry, she accepted her fate and counted the few bits given to her and sighed.

“She didn’t even give me enough bits.”

Unwilling to ask for more bits, and face such opposition, Topaz settled for the next best (and cheaper) option and flew back home.

When your long time friend raises honey bees, finding fresh honey isn’t an issue, but the peanut butter and sugar would be. Idol’s love for the two had greatly diminished over the years to the point she had stopped buying them all together. This meant Topaz would still have to go to the market anyway.

At home, she grabbed a spare saddle bag to carry two jars of honey, and so much need bits her private stash.

Door locked, and everything in the saddle, she trotted down the street instead of flying figuring she had pushed her luck already and didn’t want any guards holding her up. If she was quick, she might make the market before they closed early for the ceremony.

A few turns here and a few turns over there and found Topaz in the open plaza that many of Canterlot’s proper businesses found too common for their tastes; because of this belief, Canterlot’s common folk moved in and despite inflated prices quickly became the go-to for modest shopping.

As expected very few stores were open, with fewer ponies milling around including the general store.

Once entering, Topaz made her way to the baking aisle first, grabbing a bag of sugar before jumping two aisles down to find the peanut butter. Once acquired, she quickly made her way up front and purchased the items, saying hello to General Stock about her plans for today with Idol on duty. A quick exchange of ‘goodbyes’, and a ‘see you later’ followed before Topaz left the store.

With the shopping finally done, Topaz was just starting the trek home when the sky flickered.

The flickering was so sudden, the pegasus passed it off as blinking. For it to happen a second, and third time with other ponies noticing the phenomenon was what set her mind into motion.

“I thought the Weather Team cleared the skies for the wedding?” she thought as she joined the other ponies looking up.

What Topaz saw was in fact not a cloud, and the ponies were figuring that fact out as well.

As her fellow shoppers pointed and shouted, she found herself slipping into the shoes of her younger self, before she met Idol and decided to settle in Canterlot to teach.

Changelings, in the open.” she shivered from whispering those words, but from fear or excitement was debatable.

“Just like an insect swarm, completely in sync with one another.” she observed, trying remember every detail to write it down later.

“Their movements are very similar to how a hive of bees…” the swarm rammed into the dome, collapsing the entire structure and letting the buzzing swarm descend into the heart of Equestria.

“... or hornets might swarm!” Topaz screamed, sending the ponies near into a panicked frenzy.

Screams. Not bell tolls, filled the city air as swarm quickly scattered to block all means of escape. The bulwark of the Guard was in the city proper, leaving only a few scattered squads to shoulder the majority patrol duties.
In other words, they were spread too thin to immediately act or offer any real resistance, leaving the normal residents to practically fend for themselves.

Topaz’s instincts to take to the sky harassed her just as much as the few extra pounds (she might have put on) begged her to stop for a breather. Maybe she should have joined Idol for his morning drills after all.

Using the loud buzzing as cover, a shadow formed under Topaz and quickly began growing in size. At first, she missed this little detail and kept running down the street until said changeling over shot and crashed directly in front of her. She had no time to process this before the changelings wings started buzzing again; using this time, she dug into the satchel that held her purchases just as the changeling recovered.

“COOKING SAND!” she yelled, throwing the bag of sugar right at its face.

The changeling hadn’t expected to get sugar in its eyes, and shrieked loudly from the burning pain as it tried to remove the deadly cooking ingredient the best it could. Seeing her chance, Topaz side stepped the bug pony, and hurriedly resumed her course toward home.

“Mother! Newt!” Topaz cried as she practically pummeled the door.

She heard the distorted voice of her mother through the door and the echoing of hooves getting louder as it neared the door, and the two seconds she had to wait gave the pegasus another grey feather. The lock clicked and the door opened to reveal her mother’s aged face shifting from curiosity to surprise as she bullied her way in.

“Topaz! What’s gotten over you?”

“We have to hide!” Topaz declared as she went about closing, and locking the door before moving to the windows.

“Hide from what?” Nymph asked from the kitchen.

“What’s going on? You were supposed to buy some honey and peanut butter and come right back” Viridian started as she chased her daughter from window to window.

“I did!” Topaz finished closing the window curtains before moving to the kitchen. “ I went home before the market but that’s not important. We’re under attack!”


“Is it a surprise attack?” Nymph asked, looking away from the oven “Miss Pie says surprises make everything better!” Both mares ignored the filly, too worried about the serious matter at hoof

“The barrier didn’t even hold for a minute before shattering.” Topaz turned the oven off, to Nymph’s disappointment, before pointing to the kitchen pantry. “In.”

Time is a universal concept that won’t stop completely for any one event or being; time may slow to a snail’s pace at the very least, but it will never fully stop.

“I spy with my big eye, something that begins with the letter B.”



She’s right dear, how much longer are we to wait here? I’m beginning to cramp.

“Fine. I’ll go check.” Topaz declared as she quietly opened the pantry door, blinded by the sudden existence of light.

“For the record, it was a can of baked beans.” She didn’t fully close the door, deciding to leave it cracked to let some light enter while she explored the house.

Topaz shook her head when she heard Nymph and her mother thanking Celestia for the light.

Silently, she creeped into the kitchen trying her best not to make a sound. Eyes darting to the stove that still held the half baked cookies to check the oven clock- it had was a quarter past three.

“It’s only been 40 minutes!”

Topaz heard a creaking that sounded and froze.

“Was that a changeling?” she asked herself, hoping somehow to be proven wrong.

She never got her answer.

With no choice, Topaz began fluffing up her feathers like the mare she is and grabbed one of the wooden mixing spoons with her right wing. With improvised bug swatter in wing, she creeped through the great divide (of eight hoof steps) that defined when the kitchen ended the living room began.

Very rarely would her mother ever draw the curtains during the day, believing to do so would keep ‘the good’ from finding you. A superstition, but one that she continued following to this very day.

So, to go from a room known for its warmth and inviting nature to a scene from those scary plays than didn’t exactly encourage the mare in her to continue. The filly in her was quickly become her best friend, and she almost turned around before deciding against it. This was for her family’s safety and it needed to be done.

Eyes moved left and than to the right and all she saw was the outlines of her mother’s house, and nothing more. Her wing tightened a little more around the spoon and proceed into the living room.

Topaz moved carefully, hooves pulsing with pegasus magic to help lighten the weight as she followed the outer wall. So far, so good. She followed the wall and still found nothing to suggest somepony (or bug) had managed to sneak in, but one room cleared didn’t mean the whole house was and so she gulped and sally forth.

“Not like it’s dark enough to hide anyway.”

She laid against the wall where the hallway led to the other rooms, trying to listen for possible movement.

Nothing but her terrified heartbeat.

Counting to three, she quickly jumped in the front of maw with mixing spoon out and in front before moving forward. Her advantage her was knowing where and how far the doors to the rooms were, and Topaz was going to press it…

“AAAAAAAHH!” A bright, filly shade of pink suddenly assaulted her senses, causing her to drop the spoon.

“Topaz!” came the worried cry of her mother, followed by what sounded like the pantry door exploding.

Gripping her heart to keep from losing it, Topaz began the breathing technique Cadance had shown her to calm her nerves. She didn’t wait too long until living room lights clicked and pushed the little bit of darkness away to reveal her mother practically dying from oxygen deprivation.

“Topaz!” Viridian cried again before rushing to hug her.

“Mom!” Topaz tried fighting back the hug, but the older mare’s grip was too great.

“Dear, are you ok? Did you see something? Where you attacked? Are you hurt?”

“I’m fi...fine.” Topaz answered as she finally pried herself out of the iron hug.

“You’re sure, dear? Then we heard a scream, than there was this flash…”

“Truly Mother. That pink light caught me by surprise, and well, I panicked.”

It was quick and Topaz almost jumped from the contact, but relaxed once she realized it was her mother nuzzling her cheek. She returned the gesture.

“I’m just glad you’re alright.”


With mother and daughter caught up in the moment, they somehow missed the the little pattering of hooves moving their way until it was too late.

“Can I leave the pantry now?” the young, raspy voice of a growing filly asked.

Topaz looked up and almost choked on her tongue by what she saw.

“Oh! I’m sorry Newt.” Viridian apologized as she began turning around.

“Mother wait!” Topaz cried.

She was too late, her mother turned around to find not her darling grandfoal, but the glowing eyes of some fanged creature. Viridian froze. Unable to fully process what she was seeing, not even responding to Topaz’s light prodding. It might have stayed like this for another few minutes, but Nymph asked the question again.

“Well? Can I?” It was too much. To hear her grandfoal’s voice coming from some tartarus creature sent her over the edge. She fainted.