• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,491 Views, 132 Comments

Alternative Reality - Crystal Night

Infinite finds himself in Equestria, where his presence may help the Princesses, if not whole of Equestria.

  • ...

Stage Eight: Moonlight

Upon their arrival to Canterlot, Infinite decided it would be best to go back to his room, he wasn't in the right mood to hear them talk about how he handled the situation. Meanwhile Luna escorted them to the dungeons for later questioning.
She then reunited with her sister to speak the discoveries they made.
Celestia closely glanced at some of the crystals.
"I don't think I ever seen anything like this before." - she stated.

"My exact thoughts. I didn't ask your student, but perhaps Twilight can help us understand this."

"Perhaps, I'll write a letter." She then placed it back on the small wooden box. "Did Infinite get along with the others?"

She thought about it for a while, Luna wasn't entirely sure if would be wise to tell what happened, even though they promised never to keep any secrets between them anymore.
"Like you once said, he's not the friendly type, given time he might be friends with the girls, but I don't really know."

"That's what I expected. Anything else?"

"Somehow his powers seem stronger than before. We saw him fighting against them. They didn't stood a chance." - said Luna, pouring some tea into her cup.

"And what do you think? Is he too dangerous?"

Dangerous... That word sounded wrong to her. Infinite, or Zero, to be more precisive, wasn't that type of dangerous, at least from what she knew. Luna only knew so much about him, talking with Tempest before leaving provided to be useful. Piece by piece, she was getting to know him somewhat better.

However back there, when she stopped him, Infinite had a cold look in his eyes. Maybe the problem wasn't him, but the mask itself. If that was the real problem, then how would she prevent him from using the mask less often?
"Is everything ok Luna?" - Celestia asked, sounding a bit worried.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry, I spaced out for a moment. As for Infinite, I'll keep a close eye on him."

"Very well then."

"That was so stupid!" - Infinite said to nobody, removing his mask he tossed it aside. Glancing at the mirror, he felt his anger slowly going away. "Why did I do that? Why did I protected her?"

He had asked that question so many times on their way back. He didn't had to protect her, yet he felt the need.
Infinite jumped on the bed, glancing at the ceiling. Who are you really?
The jackal quickly got up and walked towards the table, where he left a book about Luna's history. Infinite was right when he said he wasn't much of a reader, but this once he would change that.

Night was soon upon Equestria, another night full duties for the lunar monarch. Even though her body was in the lunar court, her mind and thoughts were nowhere near there. She was thinking about Infinite. She slowly realized he was like her, behind that mask Zero was hiding. Much like she used Nightmare Moon to hide her feelings. He was using a mask for that.

Luna wanted to go check on him, but first she had to take care of this, quickly as possible. Fortunately lunar courts didn't took that long to end.

Meanwhile on a different part of the castle

"Which way now?" - the jackal asked himself. With nothing much to do in this world, he got bored rather fast. Plus he actually finished reading that book. He thought about going back to the forest and explore for a bit. However if the princesses noticed he was missing, hell would quickly break loose, on him of course.

So he thought another way to have some fun, if he only knew the way back there. Infinite had to admit the castle looked really impressive, but the lack of directions was getting on his nerves.
His eyes searched the walls for the clue he needed.
He smiled. "There you are."

Once the court was over, Luna made her way towards Infinite's bedroom.
She knocked on the door twice, when she got not response, Luna decided to walk inside.
"Infinite? You there?" She glanced at bed, empty. At first, Luna wanted to call the guards, but something in her mind told her no. "If he's not here, then where?"
That's just when she remembered the only place that he possibly could be. "He wouldn't dare, would he?"

Infinite let out a peaceful sigh, enjoying the quiet, but more the night itself.
"I thought I would find you here."

He turned around, watching the blue alicorn approach him.
"What can I say? I actually like your garden."
She lay down next to him. Luna noticed the small smile on his face. "What got you smiling?"

"Maybe the fact that you didn't try to kick me out."

"That option is still up, if you want." - Luna smiled.
The couple glanced at the stars for the longest of times. They watched as a shooting star went by fast. Luna was pratically inches from touching Infinite when he spoke again.
"How do you overcome your fears? How do you know you're doing the right thing?"

"Overcoming your fears is never easy, especially by yourself. You must know the real you. Believe in yourself and you can achieve everything."

"You seem to make it easy."

Luna looked away.
"If only..."

"I suppose your sister and your...friends helped right?" The princess nodded.

"I can help you too, if you let me. Asking for help isn't weakness."

He took a moment to glance closely at the stars. This pony, that was still a complete stranger to him, really wanted to help him. That confused him to no end.
"Why? Why do you want to help me? You don't even know me."

Luna's eyes met his, the look in her eyes showed nothing but genuine concern and care for him.
"I guess I see part of myself in you."

They shared a long silence, their eyes still connecting with each other. This mare, was indeed quite impressive and the more he looked, the more he got lost in her beauty. Infinite felt his cheeks getting warmer, his heart beating faster. What is this feeling?
"Zero, are you okay?"
He quickly shook his head.
"Umm...what? Yeah, I'm fine!" His sudden reaction earned a giggle from the lunar alicorn.
"You look adorable like that."

"Hey, I'm not adorable. I still have a reputation to maintain after all." - he claimed with a annoyed expression.

"Whatever you say." Infinite simply rollered his eyes. "Oh Zero, you got any good adventure stories to tell?"

"Well, there was a guy that tried to send my world into a era of darkness once. Mephiles or something like that, but apparently..."