• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,491 Views, 132 Comments

Alternative Reality - Crystal Night

Infinite finds himself in Equestria, where his presence may help the Princesses, if not whole of Equestria.

  • ...

Stage Five: Canterlot

Infinite followed Luna through the many castle hallways leading to the gardens.
"Why is there so many hallways in this castle?"

"Honestly...I never asked my sister about that."
After a few minutes they finally reached the double set of doors leading to the gardens. Upon entering the gardens, Infinite had to admit that this place was rather nice and peaceful. As they went through, Infinite paid close attention to the guards.
There's five guards, though it seems only one of them is moving around.He thought to himself. So much security for a simple garden, perhaps it's because of me. Wise decision.

They went down a small dirt path, leading to a fountain.
"Enjoying the little tour? What do you think of the garden?"

"Well I can't say I have seen any garden like this."

"I can't assume you like gardens."
Infinite glanced at the blue alicorn.
"Why is that? Because I look menacing?"

"Maybe on the outside, but on the inside, I think you're different." He really didn't know how to reply to that statement, instead he choose to ignore it. Luna simply smirked, she knew he caught him off-guard. "Cat got your tongue?"

He turned his head around. "Silence." - Infinite said, glancing at some bushes.

"Why did...hmph?!" Luna tried to speak, but Infinite covered her mouth with his hand.

"I sensed something, from over there." He quickly created a red sphere, sending towards the bush. For a moment nothing happened, until they heard someone complaining.

"Hey, who did that?" A brown pony with a white long beard appeared from between the bushes. First he glanced at Infinite, and then he noticed Luna standing next to him, the unicorn quickly got down on his hooves. "Pardon me princess, I didn't noticed your presence."

Luna's magic removed Infinite's hand from her mouth and cleared her throat.
"No need to worries, we didn't noticed you either."

"I did." - the jackal replied, crossing his arms.

"What? How?" The unicorn eyed Infinite with some curiosity.

"That doesn't matter for now, what really matters is that Infinite is sorry for hitting you with his sphere." Luna glanced at him. "Right?"

"I'm not sorry for doing that."


"What? I never apologize in my life, ever."
Meanwhile the brown pony watched them discussing, but kept a more watchful eye on Infinite.
"Saying sorry isn't that hard."

"I had enough of this." Infinite said, before walking away, leaving them behind.

"Ugh!" - she grunted. "He meant to say his sorry."

"No I'm not." - Infinite yelled.

"I'm sorry for his behavior, have a rest of good day."
He gave a slight bow.
"You too, your Highness." The princess quickly chased him down, telling his behavior wasn't the best. If Infinite was actually listening has yet to be told. The duo turned right, leaving his line of sight.
"This is interesting." - he said to one, then he teleported away.

"I think your mask was poorly made." At the moment they stood in front of the castle main gate. Infinite gazed at her, by now Luna was slowly but surely learning his expression. "Ever since we started this little tour, I've seen you readjust your mask, at least four or five times. Isn't that annoying?"

"In the beginning it was, but I don't care. It's cool doing this." Luna stared at him with a deadpan expression before bursting into a fit of giggles. "What's so funny?"

"Since when is adjusting a mask cool?" - she inquired with a grin.
He crossed his arms, clearly not amused like the princess was.
A solar guard approached them, he bowed to Luna.
"I'm sorry for the interruption princess, but your sister wishes to speak with you immediately."

"I guess we have to cut this tour short," - said Luna. "Unless you want to come with me."

"I think I'll explore a bit more."

"Well, as long you don't leave the castle, I guess it's fine."
He glanced at Luna.
"And what makes you think I won't leave?"

"Because I know you won't." The princess and the guard left Infinite, trotting back inside.
He glanced around, unsure what to do next.
What now? - he thought to himself, as he looked up to the clouds. Hmm. Perhaps getting a good view from above would help him see this new world around him. So he charged his power, flying up close to the clouds. Infinite created big red cube, to which he sat down on. From where he was, Infinite could see most of Equestria. A few things called out for his attention, one of them was on the ground. It appeared to be a rather small town, where a river went right through it. Also very nearby there was a large forest. Somehow the forest seemed rather dark compared to the rest of the landscape, at least that's what he thought. The other thing he noticed was somewhat of a town in the middle of clouds. It quickly reminded him of Angel Island, but much smaller for sure.
"This place is really interesting."

"This is quite the problem. Have you spoken with Twilight or Cadence about this?"

"Not yet, perhaps I'll send them a letter." - said solar monarch, eyeing the now empty tea cup.

"I can go to Ponyville tomorrow and speak with Twilight and her friends, to check if the same thing is happening there." - propose Luna.

"There's also something that worries me even more, but apparently some royal guards have gone missing. It was Sargent Steelplate that told me this."

"I can see why. We need to know what's happening and fast."

Shortly after his sightseeing, the masked jackal was back inside the castle, trying to find his way back to the bedroom, however at this point he had to admit he got lost after one turn or two. This castle is confusing... Infinite stumbled upon an open door, he decided to take a look. The walls were covered with several shelves of books and manuscripts. "A library..." He looked behind him, making sure no one was following him. Infinite slowly explored the room and it's books. On the wall there was a map of Equestria and the surroundings. This map was updated very recently. He took a very close look at it. "Crystal Empire...Interesting." He made a mental note to check that place later. One of the books caught his attention. 'Known Creatures on Equus' that was the title. "This may prove useful." - he said, flipping the first few pages.

"Not much of a reader right?"

Infinite glanced away from his book to meet Luna's gaze.
"I had nothing to do."
He didn't actually know long he spent reading, but that book gave him so much acknowledge. After all, possessing a little data or acknowledge never hurt anyone.
"Tomorrow I'm going to Ponyville, there's a royal matter that must be addressed, and I was wondering...What?"

He gave her a blank look.
"Really? Ponyville? Who name it?"

"Be quiet, it's a nice and cozy little town. The ones that saved me and Equestria several times live there." That statement got his interest. "Like I was saying before, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, but since you don't seem to like the name..."

"I'll go." - he quickly spoke.

"Then, wait really?" After he nodded, she continued, feeling surprised by his quick reply. Luna was almost sure he would decline. "Well then in that case, get some rest, we will depart early in the morning." Infinite got back up again, leaving the book on his previous place, and followed the princess. "Also," - she started, gazing at him. "try to behave this time."

"Afraid to get embarrassed?" - Infinite chuckled.

"Oh shut up..."