• Published 12th Mar 2018
  • 3,269 Views, 74 Comments

From Repair to Despair - A Man Undercover

What happens when you get the Equestria Girls and the Three Stooges together? Well, let's find out, shall we?

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Chapter 3: In Which Funny Events Occur (Edited)

Author's Note:

At last! The third chapter of “From Repair to Despair” is finally complete!

It took me a while to really get things moving for our characters, but now I have finally gotten the Stooges out of the shop, and the girls waiting for some help from Quick-Fix.

I would like to note that there’s going to be a lot of scene switching, so I hope no one gets confused by it all.


Oh! And don’t forget to comment and like (if you haven’t done the like part already)!

At Sunset Shimmer’s house...

After the girls have a bite to eat, they decide to call the repair shop right away using Sunset Shimmer’s cell phone and putting it on speaker. However, for the past ten minutes, they haven’t received any call back from the shop.

“Well, this is the second phone call so far, but still no response.” Sunset says.

“Huh. That’s strange. When my Dad called him, he didn’t have this much trouble getting a response.” Pinkie says with bafflement.

“Well, there ain’t any sense in not tryin’ again. After all, third time’s a charm.” Applejack says.

“Right.” Sunset agrees.

So once again, Sunset uses her cell phone to dial the phone number for Quick Fix’s House and Electricity Fixer-Uppers Inc.

She and her friends each get close to the phone, hoping that Mr. Quick-Fix will pick up the phone this time. Just in case, Sunset puts her phone on the table.

At Quick Fix’s House and Electricity Fixer-Uppers Inc...

Quick-Fix is just coming back from the back of the building after making his threat to Moe, Larry, and Curly. Unaware that someone is trying to call him.

“Those jug-heads.” he mutters to himself.

Luckily, before he can ever think more about those Stooges and his now stained rug, his office phone starts to ring, getting his attention. With a clear of his throat, and an adjusting of his belt, he calms himself down from the events prior, and picks up his phone without any problem at all.

“Quick-Fix’s House and Electricity Fixer-Uppers Inc.,” he says, “Quick-Fix speaking.”

Back at Sunset’s house...

“Hello? Mr. Quick-Fix? My name is Sunset Shimmer, and I’d like to call about a prob-“ Sunset says, before Quick-Fix interrupts.

“Sunset Shimmer? Say, aren’t you the girl who once terrorized a school by bullying others and then became a hero after making some friends?”

“Um...Yes. I guess you could say that.” Sunset says with slight embarrassment.

Back at Quick-Fix’s office...

“Heh, heh, heh. I thought it might be you,” he tells her with a chuckle, “But don’t worry, no matter who a person is, he or she is always welcome as my customer.”

“Oh. Well, thank you, Sir.” Sunset says from the phone.

“Not a problem. So, what can I do for you?” he asks her.

Back at Sunset Shimmer’s house...

“Welllll. I’ve been having some problems with my computer lately.” Sunset tells him.

“Is it an old version or modern version?” Quick-Fix asked.

“A really big old version.” Sunset answered.

“Old version, eh? Interesting,” Quick-Fix said, “Tell me all about it, Kid. Once I have the whole story, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Alright. Well, it all started last night in my bedroom when I was trying to complete my homework...”

And just like that, she begins telling Quick-Fix the whole story.

Meanwhile, back at the repair shop...In the back, not the office...

Moe, Larry, and Curly are in the midst of playing a game of poker, being sure to keep their assurance to Quick-Fix on being quiet and not breaking anything. Since they don’t have any money, they resolve to use things like tools, screws, and even pieces of bubble gum on what each of them can try to win for.

“How many?” Larry asked Moe.

“Ten.” Moe replies.

Moe gathers 5 pieces of bubble gum, 3 screws, and 2 screwdrivers to make his ten.

“I’ll take the same.” Larry says.

Larry gathers 6 screws, and 4 pieces of bubble gum to make his ten.

“I’ll raise you four.” Moe tells Larry.

Larry thinks for a moment on what his next move will be. He finally chooses his next move.

“I’ll see that four, and raise you to seven.” Larry tells him as he puts down seven screws.

“How about you, puddin’ head?” Moe asks Curly.

“Me?” Curly asks.

“Yay, you,” Moe sternly says, “What about it?”

Curly dumbly smiles, apparently forgetting that Moe is asking him about his bet.

“I’ll take a hamburger and french fries,” Curly says.

Moe and Larry’s expressions convey their annoyance.

“Pick out two.” Moe says, lifting his hand up and stretching out his fingers.

“One. Two.” Curly points and counts.

And just like that, Moe uses the fingers Curly picks to poke him in the eyes.

“OW!” Curly yells.

“C’mon, just tell us what you bet.” Moe orders.

“Alright, alright.” Curly replies, before turning his attention back to his cards.

Back at Quick-Fix’s office...

“So the computer wouldn’t take any command you give it for your homework, and then it just blacks out just like that?” he asks Sunset from the phone.

“Yes sir. That’s exactly what happened.” Sunset confirms from the phone.

“Hmmmm,” he says while thinking and scratching his chin with his finger, “This sounds like something very serious, Kid. A tough case too.”

Back at Sunset’s house...

“Oh.” Sunset says with dismay.

Sunset and her friends look at each other forlornly, seeing dismay all around. They had high hopes that their computer problem could be solved, but now, it seems like their call will be for nothing.

“However, just because it seems tough doesn’t mean that my company won't back down from the job.” Quick-Fix suddenly says from the phone.

His words restore the girls’ hopes. They smile, knowing that Quick-Fix is willing to help out.

“Really?” Sunset says.

“Of course. The job you’re giving my company is a challenge, and challenges are something that strengthen it,” Quick-Fix tells her, “I also have three very excellent men who are wonderful with every type of computer known to mankind, and I will send them over to ya right away.”

At the news they’re given, the girls cheer jubilantly.

“Thank you, Mr. Quick-Fix,” says Sunset.

Back at Quick-Fix’s office...

“How soon can they come? What are their names? How much money do I owe you for the job?” Sunset asks from the phone with excitement.

“Ah, don’t worry Mrs. Shimmer, the price is all up to you.” Quick-Fix assures.

Back with the Stooges...

“Well Kid, it’s your move. What have ya got?” Moe asks Curly as they play.

Curly smiles upon hearing it was his turn, because this time...

“I shoot the works.” Curly says.

When he says that, Moe and Larry are stunned as he pushes his bet all in. Neither Moe nor Larry can compete against the amount he’s giving.

“I call.” Moe says, before he puts down his cards. “Four Kings.”

Larry puts down his cards to show his friends what he has. “Two tens and two queens.” he says, before turning his attention to Curly, “What have you got?”

Curly put his cards down on the ground to show what he has.

“Four A’s.” he tells them.

Once again, Moe and Larry feel surprised by Curly. He just won the game! How could he have such a good hand!

Feeling victorious, Curly reaches over to grab the new earnings that he has gotten from winning the game, but, as he does, something all of a sudden falls out of the sleeve of his shirt. It does not go unnoticed by Moe & Larry. Immediately, Curly picks the thing up to put it back in his sleeve, until Moe snatches it away from him before he can put the object away.

Moe and Larry take a closer look to find that what has fallen out of Curly’s sleeve is another Ace. They look at him with scowls.

“Ohhh a cheater, eh?” Moe says.

Still not wanting them to find out, Curly shakes his head ‘no’ with a very insistent look. But it doesn’t work, because Moe slaps him for hiding the card, and uses his pinky to grab Curly by the nostril and make him stand up with him. Larry stands up as well.

“What else have ya got?” Moe asks.

“Nothin’.” Curly insists.

But Moe doesn’t believe him. He clenches his hand, and bonks Curly’s head, which not only causes him to yell in pain, but makes several cards fall out of his coat and onto the ground. Moe takes a closer look at them to find that they are all Aces, much to his fury.

“Why you, double-crosser!” he angrily says to Curly.

“Whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop!” Curly says, suddenly running away from Moe.

Right away, Moe picks up a hammer and starts to chase after Curly, with Larry following close behind.

“Come back here, you!” Moe yells as he chases Curly.

Curly is doing his best to get away from Moe‘s wrath, running like he’s in a race. But the chase is cut short when he slips on a piece of pipe on the floor. His feet go out from under him, and he falls backwards.

Before he can ever make impact with the ground, Moe is able to catch him with his arms and stand him back up to face him

“A chiseler, eh?! Why you!” he says before he begins to swing the hammer horizontally.

But when Moe swings his hammer backwards, the claw of the hammer hits Larry on the forehead! When he hears Larry yelp, Moe looks behind him to find the source of the sound and realizes what he has done.

“I didn’t mean that, kid!” Moe apologizes.

While Moe is apologizing to Larry, Curly tries to sneak away to avoid Moe. But before he can sneak away any further, Moe notices what he’s doing, and hits Curly on the back of the head with the hammer. He yelps, putting his hand on top of his head, and turns around to face Moe. But he cuts his screaming short when he notices something about the hammer.

“Oh, look.” he points out.

Wanting to see what he noticed just now, Moe brings the hammer up to the eye level of he and the others. Everyone notices that the head of the hammer is mangled, much to the eye-widening and mouth-opening shock of Moe and Larry.

Back at Quick-Fix’s office...

“As for what their names are and when they can come, I’ll-“

“You and that iron-head of yours! Look what you did to the hammer!” Moe shouts.

“Me?! You’re the one that hit me with it!” Curly also shouts.

The shouts from the back are so loud that it’s enough to interrupt Quick-Fix before he can finish his sentence, and disturb him with a blink.

“Uh, what was that you just said there?” Sunset asks, confused by the sudden shouts.

“Oh, sorry Miss, that wasn’t me. I said that I’ll-“

“Well this is what you get for cheating in our card game!” Larry shouts.

“Can I help it if I just got tired of losing today?!” Curly responds.

“You ruined the game is what you did!” Moe shouts.

A loud slapping noise suddenly makes itself known, as well as Curly saying “OW!” upon the impact of it.

Annoyed and angry at the Stooges for the noise, he decides right then and there that he’s going to do something about it.

“Mrs. Sunset, I’m gonna have to call you back. But don’t worry, everything will be under control.” he tells his customer, before hanging up the phone.

Back at Sunset’s house...

The phone has hung up from Quick-Fix’s side, and all Sunset hears is the usual beeping when someone is no longer on the line.

Sunset looks at her friends, confused by the shouting in the background at Quick-Fix’s side of the phone.

“Now whatever could that shouting have been about?” Rarity asks.

“I don’t know. But it likely wasn’t Quick-Fix doing that,” Sunset replies.

“It sounded to me like there was an argument of some sort going on.” Twilight says.

“Oh! Oh! I know what it was about!” Pinkie shouts.

Their attention caught, the rest of the group turned towards Pinkie Pie with curiosity and confusion written all over their faces.

“Really, Pinkie? How do you know about that exactly?” Rainbow asks with a raised eyebrow.

“I used an ear trumpet to listen reeeeaally close to what the three guys who were arguing were saying. See.” Pinkie says as she shows them a pink ear trumpet.

The girls are astonished that Pinkie even has an ear trumpet to begin with, the only thing keeping them from wondering how and where she got that is the knowledge of Pinkie being Pinkie.

“Oookay. What did those three guys in the background say, then?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, well, I’m not sure if I can tell you guys that. At least not yet,” Pinkie said, “Besides, that would probably take up too much of the chapter.”

Again the girls can’t help but feel confused, mostly because they have no idea what she means by all of that.

“Well, whatever that argument is about, I’m sure it isn’t something Mr. Quick-Fix can’t handle calmly.” Fluttershy speaks.

“Yes!” the other girls agree.

Back in Quick-Fix’s office...

As the sounds of arguing and slapstick keep continuing in the back, Quick-Fix is enraged that the Stooges interrupted him once again, even after they said that they wouldn’t make more noise.

So, he goes right over to a large rectangular container mounted on the wall. It’s long and red, with a hinged glass lid.

He breaks the glass with his own fist, shards falling all over the floor. Without any hesitation, he takes the bright red fire ax out of the container and holds it in his own hands.

Now, he has a new goal in mind besides gloating and counting his money...

“I’ll murder those guys.”.

Back with the Stooges...

“Why don’t you quit slapping me for once?!” Curly yells at Moe.

“You’re right, slapping is becoming too monotonous,” Moe says.

As if to just change the pace, he hits Curly in the belly, doubling him over again.

Curly’s infuriated when he gets himself straightened up.

“Hmmmm-Why you!”

He grabs the broken hammer from out of Moe’s hand, and uses the side of it to hit Moe on the head.


As the argument between the Three Stooges escalates, Mr. Quick-Fix walks into the room. His ax is held in his hands like a soldier ready to strike.

“Still usable, huh?! I’ll use you to put it to good use!” Moe shouts at Curly.

“Don’t you dare!”

“I will dare!”

“Go ahead, give it to him!” Larry prodded at Moe.

“Oh, I will!”

Moe and Larry babble at Curly while he babbles back at them. Curly is saying things “Don’t you dare!” and “Don’t do it!”; Moe is saying things like “I will dare,” and “I will do it!”; and Larry is saying things like “Go ahead, give it to him!”.

Mr. Quick-Fix gets crosser at what he’s seeing before him. So cross, in fact, that nothing is going to hold him back from cutting the trio to pieces with his ax. He walks right over to them until he is right beside Larry, ax held high.

Larry takes notice of the man beside him right away, as well as noticing the ax in his hands, much to his fright. But he also turns to notice that Moe is about to swing his hammer back towards him, the back of the hammer aiming at him. He ducks before the hammer can hit him by accident again, instead hitting Quick-Fix in the eye.

“OW!” he screams.

When Moe and Curly hear the scream and look to see where it has come from, they too see that Quick-Fix is there, rubbing his eye with one hand but also noticing the ax in the other. The sight of the ax and the realization of what he is going to do occurs to both at the same time. . With a scream of fright, they take off with Larry right behind them. They run away from Quick-Fix before he can fully recover.

When Quick-Fix fully recovers, opening his eye with two fingers, he immediately goes after them, using his empty hand to hold the ax. He clenches his jaw as he goes after the Stooges.

“I’m gonna kill you guys!” he shouts.

The running Stooges flee to the other side of the room, where they run around to the other side of a worktable. But they unfortunately catch themselves into a deadly trap, because Quick-Fix has them cornered before they can do anything else. His ax is held high.

A lot of shouting comes from each opposing side. The Stooges frantically shout to get Quick-Fix to not kill them, and Quick-Fix threatens to kill them.

Quick-Fix attempts to come straight towards them, but the Stooges in turn rush right to the other side. They each run in a circle as they babble. When the Stooges end up back where they started, with Quick-Fix again on his side of the table, Curly suddenly spots something red attached to the wall behind him. A fire extinguisher! An idea popping into his head, he quickly takes the extinguisher before anyone can notice.

The babbling and running continue until both sides switch ends of the table yet again. Then, without even a moment of hesitation, Curly activates the extinguisher and shoots the mist into Quick-Fix’s face.

“Good work, Kid!” Moe tells Curly, patting his head as he does.

Wiping his eyes, Quick-Fix quickly recovers from his blindness. When he lays eyes on the Stooges, he growls in rage.


Without a moment to lose, Moe throws the broken hammer at Quick-Fix before the latter can even take action. The hammer’s side hits the angry repair shop owner right on the forehead, and dazes him. He is so stunned, he can’t stop himself from accidentally falling against the wall.

The impact is so hard that it causes the tools on the walls to shake. It makes three monkey wrenches that are attached to hooks suddenly drop from above.


The wrenches fall on top of Quick-Fix’s head one at a time, completely knocking him out with his eyes glazed. He collapses to the ground.

“Hey! Let’s get out of here!” Moe shouts to Larry and Curly.

The Stooges immediately speed out while Quick-Fix is unconscious, their feet carrying them into his office, where they shut the door and lean back against it.

Not taking any chances, Larry decides to grab a nearby chair and uses it to hold the door knob in place.

Still scared of facing his wrath, the trio make a break for it out the other side of the office, through to a fancy lobby at the front of the building, and out into the parking lot. They immediately see a large van with the repair shop logo on it.

As if running from a monster, they head for the van. Moe and Larry open the front doors and climb in, while Curly opens the back doors.

As soon as they’re all in, they start the van up and drive out into the street.

They drive down the road so fast that they nearly run into another car coming in the opposite direction. The van swerves to the other side of the street to get past before they can collide, the driver of the other vehicle shouting angrily at their recklessness.

“Road Hogs!” the driver shouts.

Now, it seems like the trouble the Stooges have been having is over. Quick-Fix is down. They managed to get away before he comes to. They’ve even avoided hitting a car with their van just now.

What can go wrong?

Well, this story isn’t over yet.