• Published 12th Mar 2018
  • 3,269 Views, 74 Comments

From Repair to Despair - A Man Undercover

What happens when you get the Equestria Girls and the Three Stooges together? Well, let's find out, shall we?

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Chapter 1: The Equestria Girls Beginning (Edited)

The sun slowly rises behind the houses of a suburban neighborhood, almost as if it was waking up from a good night’s sleep.

As the light of the sun causes the shadows cast by the houses to vanish, a squirrel rises up while inside the hole of a tree. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes before shaking his head, fully waking himself up.

Feeling ready to take on the world, he hops through the hole and onto the branch in front of it. As if right on cue, he catches the sound of birds singing. That doesn’t disturb him in the least bit, because hearing them chirping is music to his ears.


The scream of anger is so loud, it causes the squirrel to run back into his hole and the birds in the distance to cut their singing practice short.

Who'd make a scream that would ruin such a beautiful day as this?!

Inside a house, a frustrated girl is having some kind of trouble. Sunset Shimmer glowers at her computer, because when she tries to type something in, she keeps getting a message saying, "Sorry. Your request is invalid."

"Oh! Come on! Why won't you work?!" Sunset Shimmer yells at the computer.

Her agitation has grown steadily. Ever since last night, her computer hasn't processed anything she typed. She's stuck on the same page, unable to move to the next part. She's been trying to complete her history test for school, but so far, her computer keeps her from finishing. The worst part is that she’s so close to finishing. When it happened last night, she at first thought that everything would be all right in the morning. But she thought wrong. Now, she has been sitting here for what felt like an hour, and still her computer won't work.

As a last resort, she repeatedly types the letter 'g' out of frustration. Then, a slight miracle happens when a long row of g’s appears on the screen. She gasps when seeing that finally, her computer is giving off some activity. Sunset smiles, knowing that her computer is finally working, and relaxes in her chair with her hands behind her head, even though the letter 'g' keeps scrolling across the screen.

But suddenly, her computer screen turns a bright green. The glare is bright enough to shine around her room, but not enough to make her cover her eyes or squint.

“Huh? What the heck?” Sunset Shimmer says in confusion at the sight.

Then, without warning, the computer shuts itself down, with the screen blipping with a little light green dot before it disappears, leaving a light dinging sound before it becomes completely black.

Sunset is dumbfounded, her mouth agape from the events that just transpired.

"Oh no no no!!! Come on, please don't quit on me now!!! Please!!!" Sunset shouts while desperately shaking her computer.

Finally, Sunset slams her head on her desk and gives up on her fruitless efforts to bring her computer back to life.

What am I going to do now?!” She wondered to herself in thought, “My history test is due on Friday and I have a lot to do in order to pass! At this rate, I’ll be getting an ‘F’ just for not turning a test in at all!

Then, a thought hits her, and when it does a smile comes on because she just figured out who she can turn to for help and guidance.

"Of course," Sunset says to herself, "I'll call my friends. I'm sure they can help me with my problem."

Right away, she picks up her cell phone from her pocket, and texts each and every one of the friends she has. Help is on the way.

Thirty minutes later...

Sunset stands outside on her lawn, anxiously waiting for her friends to come after texting them to come over right away. As she waits, she taps her right foot on the ground, her fingers twitching uncomfortably, and she bites her lip as she keeps waiting for the rest of the gang.

"Oh, where are they? I hope they got my text." Sunset anxiously looks at her phone again.

"We did, Sunset!" a high-pitched and bubbly voice says from beside her.


Sunset turns around to find the smiling face of a girl beside her.

"Ah!" she screams before jumping in fright.

She’s immediately surprised. Hanging upside down in front of her is her friend Pinkie Pie. Normally, Pinkie popping out of nowhere is really not shocking to her, but what really surprises Sunset is the fact that she’s upside down, and off the ground too.

"Hey Sunset," Pinkie greets her with a wave of her hand.

"Hey Pinkie," Sunset greets back, "H-How are you-"

"Upside down!" Pinkie says with a giggle, "It's all thanks to my Super-Duper Flying Party Machine, for when I want to get to my friends or a party I'm throwing super-duper fast."

Sunset looks above Pinkie to see what she's talking about, and finds that she’s telling the truth. A flying machine that looks like a cupcake hovers overhead, Pinkie using the landing bars to hang with her feet.

With no problem, Pinkie swings up in the air, and lands on the seat of her flying machine. She presses a small yellow button and the machine floats down to land on the ground and shut off. After that, she gets off the seat of her machine.

"I was only trying it out really, so the others aren't far behind," Pinkie tells Sunset.

"Sunset!" another voice calls out.

Turning their attention to the direction of the voice, Sunset and Pinkie spot Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dog, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy quickly heading their way.

"We came as quickly as we could," Twilight told Sunset.

"Whatever is the matter, darling?" Rarity asks with concern. "Are you having a dress problem?"

"Is Ray not feeling well?" Fluttershy asks with worry.

"Is there something from Equestria that needs to be taken out?" Rainbow Dash asks with enthusiasm.

"Do you have a squirrel problem?" Spike asks while wagging his tail.

"Do you need frosting for your cupcakes?!" Pinkie asks with an anxious gasp.

Sunset's friends (save Applejack) start to talk at the same time, each wanting to know what it is that Sunset needs them for. Much to Sunset's fears, she can’t understand a word that they’re saying. But lucky for everyone, Applejack decides to calm things down by getting everyone's attention.

"Now hold on y'all," she says.

With that, everyone turns their heads in attention.

Applejack walks up to Sunset, and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Sunset. What's wrong? Whatever it is we're here for ya," Applejack assures.

Sunset sighs, glad that Applejack has asked the right question for the situation.

"It's hard to tell you all about it in words," Sunset tells them, "But come inside and I'll show you why I called you all to come over here."

She motions for them to follow her into her house, and they all follow.

A minute later…

“Well, here it is. The reason I called you all here, and the problem I’m having,” Sunset says while showing her friends the computer.

Her friends look at the computer. But the moment they look at it, the more confused each of them become. Especially since it looks like nothing is wrong.

For a moment, none of them really know what to say, until Rarity is the first to break the ice.

“Um, Sunset, not to be too blunt or anything, but…”

“What’s wrong with that computer, exactly?” Applejack interrupts.

Sunset is silent for a moment before answering.

“I don’t know exactly what’s wrong with it, but, all I can say is that it’s broken.” she tells them.

“Broken? Why is it broken?” Fluttershy asks.

“Last night, I was trying to complete my history test for school this Friday. But when I tried to use it, it literally didn’t cooperate with me at all. It wouldn’t work right. So, I decided to wait until this morning to work on my homework since I thought it would be okay by now.”

“I take it that waiting until morning didn't work, then?” Rainbow Dash said.

“No. It didn’t. All morning, it hasn’t been taking any of my commands or my requests. It wouldn’t even do any kind of activity to help me complete my test. But the worst part is, it suddenly blacked out after the screen turned bright green, and it won’t turn back on.”

While she says that, her frustration about her computer becomes apparent to her friends, as they can see the stress building up on her face. But Sunset composes herself by taking a deep breath, signs of stress disappearing as she breathes.

“So that’s why I called you all here,” she tells them, “I need your help. I don’t know how I can fix it and I really want to complete my homework.”

“Sunset, of course we’ll help you,” Rarity tells her, “But, don’t you have a laptop or something that you can use instead?”

“I do. I normally use it for when I’m out of the house or if there’s a situation like this one here. But, I want to see if this computer can be fixed before doing that.”

“Ah, well, that’s certainly understandable.”

“Twilight. You’re an expert on computers and all that kinda stuff, right?” Applejack asked.

“Of course.” Twilight responds.

“Can you fix it?”

“I wish I could, but I can’t. This computer is one of the very old versions that was made years ago and went out of stock because of the current versions. I know a lot about laptops and all sorts of present technology, but not ones like these.”

“Aw come on, Twilight,” Spike says, “I’m sure this computer is no different than the one at your house.”

As soon as he says that, Spike goes over to the back of the computer to investigate it in order to see if anything back there is the cause of Sunset’s problems. He starts to mess with some wires to see if that would help get the computer back into shape, much to the concern of the girls. He tangles some wires with his paws, and also grabs one of them with his mouth before speaking with his mouth full.

“I mean, really, all you gotta do is just do a little this and that around here, and...”

But before he can finish his sentence, the wires in his mouth shock him, causing him to shake all over and the electricity sparks across his fur.

The commotion causes the girls to rush straight to him and gape in shock with their eyes wide. When they see what is happening to him, they’re straight out frightened for his safety. Finally the electricity stops and Spike plops on his belly onto the ground with his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

“Spike!” Twilight shouts with worry.

Right away, she picks her dog up off of the ground and cradles him like a baby. The rest of the girls gather around.

“Spikey-Wikey! Are you alright?!” Rarity shouts with concern.

When there is almost no response from the dog, Rarity leans closer to him, and pets his belly to provoke a reaction. She gets one when one of his back legs twitches at the feeling of being petted.

Spike shakes his head to come back to reality, and blinks like he has just taken a nap. When his eyes clear, he finds himself looking into the eyes and face of Rarity, his heart skipping a beat and his tail wagging because he has never seen Rarity this close like this.

“Are you alright?” Rarity asked.

“It’s okay, Rarity. I’m alright,” he responds to her, eyes forming into hearts.

Rarity and the others smile, knowing now that Spike is okay. But everyone’s attention is drawn back to the computer, and their smiles disappear.

“Now I definitely know I can’t fix it.” Twilight says.

“That’s understandable.” Rainbow speaks up.

“Then what are we going to do? How can my computer be fixed if neither of us can fix it ourselves?” Sunset Shimmer asks.

“Um, I think I may have-“ Fluttershy speaks softly .

“Obviously we’re going to need an expert on these kinds of doohickies to help us.” Applejack interrupts.

“Yes, we do, and I-“ Fluttershy says softly.

“But who are we going to find? We really don’t know anyone who can help us, and we don’t have any connections either.” Rarity interrupts.

“Which is why I think I know-“ Fluttershy says quietly.

“Oh! Oh! I know someone! I know someone!” Pinkie shouts.

When Pinkie says that, everyone’s attention immediately directs to her. Even Fluttershy’s attention despite trying to say something to her friends.

“Really, Pinkie? Who?” Sunset asks.

Hearing Sunset’s question, Pinkie puts her hand inside her poofy hair, and digs into it as if she is looking for something. She smiles wildly when she finds what she’s looking for. She pulls it out to show everyone what it is. It’s a white business card that contains a phone number and company name. Sunset walks over to Pinkie to get a closer look, and Pinkie hands it to her so that she can look for herself.

“Quick Fix’s House and Electricity Fixer-Uppers Inc.,” she reads, “Where did you get this, Pinkie?”

“Weeeeeell. A while back, while my granny was visiting my place, my Dad was trying to fix my house’s wire compartment because all week and every night at 8 p.m, the power would for some reason go out for a short time. But he couldn’t fix it himself, soooo, my granny gave him this card to call Mr. Quick-Fix for help, and he sent someone down right away.” Pinkie told them.

Everyone else, except for Fluttershy, blinks in response to what Pinkie has just told them, deeply fascinated by the fact that she knows someone who can help. Fluttershy just looks away for a little bit while speaking softly about something to herself.

“That’s who I was going to suggest.”

No one else is paying attention to her of course.

“What happened after that, Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“Well, after the repair guy fixed the compartment, everything went back to normal, and we got to make tons of rock soup after that. Quick-Fix’s repair shop really helped us out, and they never fail in a task.”

Everyone is astonished. For a moment, all any of them can do is just stare at Pinkie with eyes as wide as plates and do nothing but blink.

“Wow. Pinkie, you’re a genius,” Sunset thanks her with a smile.

“Thanks,” she responds, “Wait? Don’t geniuses normally wear hats or glasses?”

In response to Pinkie’s question, the other girls giggle.

“Okay, so with Mr. Quick-Fix in mind, all we gotta do now is call him, ask him to send somebody down to fix this broken-down dinosaur here, and he’ll send someone here to help us.” Rainbow Dash says.

“Dash is right. It’s not like we have a choice anyway since his company is the only one we have a connection to.” Applejack says.

Sunset smiles at the plan that is building up around them, especially with Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack being the first to build it.

“It’s the perfect plan. His company obviously has professionals, and that’s what we need for my computer problem.” Sunset says.

“I second the motion.” Rarity says, raising her hand.

“Me too.” Fluttershy says in a clear voice.

“I’m not sure if dogs can vote or have a say in these kinds of situations, but I’m definitely up for that solution.” Spike says, before he scratches his ear.

All attention is turned to Twilight, who has yet to say anything about hiring someone from Quick-Fix’s House and Electricity Fixer-Uppers Inc.

Twilight takes a moment to think about it, then reaches for her calculator.

“According to my calculations, the current notion that we have come up with just now is the best one we have and can do without a problem. So I say, let's go for it.”

The other girls cheer, knowing that everyone is finally on the same page.

But it’s no longer the only sound in the room. Out of nowhere, a loud growling sound comes out of nowhere. It’s coming from each of the girls’ stomachs, and they take notice of that right away. Spike’s stomach growls as well. Apparently all the excitement has made them hungry.

“Uh, how about we grab a bite to eat first?” Spike asked.

Everyone looks at each other, realizing that they each need some lunch before they ever get started on calling the repairman.

“Come on, let’s go get some lunch. I have plenty of food downstairs.” Sunset says.

“Good idea. Can’t call them on an empty stomach.” Applejack agrees.

And with that, everyone goes downstairs to grab some grub. But little do they know that there is going to be more than a broken computer heading their way.

Author's Note:

I can’t believe I just published my first story!

*inhales deeply* :yay:

Anyway, I was surprised that no one had done a crossover about MLP and the Three Stooges. I thought that they were a really great mix too, so, I decided to make a crossover about them myself.

This is my first story, so if anyone sees any errors concerning the punctuation or something involving my writing, I would very much like to know about it.

Thank you!

Note: MLP and the Three Stooges are not owned by me. But I do own my upcoming OC Mr. Quick-Fix.

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