• Member Since 26th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


FIrst time author so peas no hate me xD


Sunset Shimmer's week has not been so great. An unknown cyber bully turns everyone, including her friends, against her. Some have even gone so far as to beat and kidnap her. Alone, weak, beaten, and at the mercy of a vengeful student, Sunset loses all hope. That's when she suddenly awakens a hidden power that she had inside of her. She decides to use this to help and protect other people and prove to herself that she is a better person, all while dealing with the hatred from her school. Enter The Phoenix!

Rated T for violence and profanity
This story will take place after Legend of Everfree so I'm predicting that you'll either love it or hate it :twilightsheepish: It's also probably not gonna focus too much on Anon-A-Miss. Maybe if this does good I'll do a sequel and bring down Anon-A-Miss in that one :raritywink:

Special thanks to my Discord buddies for helping me look over and edit this. BIG SPECIAL THANKS to Snowflake Dissonance for the AMAZING cover art. Really appreciate it :pinkiehappy:

My second story ever! Go easy on me >m<

*This story is NOT connected with Broken in any way other than Anon-A-Miss and the characters*

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 67 )

Hold up..... we just gonna start with Sunset getting her abilities? I mean, that's all well and good, but I think it would have been cool to see Sunset's fall from grace in the eyes of the school. I know it's in "Broken," but considering that that fic. was so short, it would have been nice if this were all one story so that people wouldn't be confused or be left wanting more.

I'm still not finished with Broken.

Well, if that's the case why did you jump the gun on this one? Not complaining, but I just don't see the logic in it.

Well cause i really didn't want to make half of this story an 'Everyone Hates Sunset' fic. Plus I don't really think everyone wants to keep see that

Alright, I can see why you want to do that. But what happens if someone comes upon this story first and Broken isn't finished?

I don't see the problem, they are separate stories, aren't they?

See, that's the thing, it isn't finished yet, and as far as I've seen, this fits' beginning will tie in to the end of the Broken. I don't know. I just don't like seeing the fic. start out with a large "Show, Don't Tell" violation.

"Show, Don't Tell" violation? Not sure what you mean, but it's up to the author how they want to handle it.

"Show, Don't Tell" is a rule that even I am guilty of breaking. It basically states that everything important pertaining to the plot that doesn't involve historical context of a certain degree, needs to be shown on screen (or in this case, in words) to the audience. If not, it feels like they've missed something important in the story's plot. That's what I feel hear. Sunset;s fall from grace is an important aspect of this story because it sets up everything that happens after, but since that happens in a whole separate story (which I'm okay with), then as a person interested in understanding what's going on, I will go read that, expecting it to be complete so that I can catch up on what's been going on in this story's world. However since it's incomplete, I don't have the background knowledge needed to understand the context for the second story, and thus the reading experience is somewhat hindered.

Its not that I hate this story, I think its an interesting idea. The issue is in its presentation and timing of release.

I think this was just a problem for you, as it sounds like you connected these two stories in your mind as being directly related before reading this one.

I didn't fell like there was a "Show, Don't Tell" problem here, because the background information that is not given here is very heavily given in most other Anon-a-miss fics.

I found most of the "Show don't Tell" stuff with Sunset being hated, and her being able to use martial arts all of a sudden. I just have a problem with stories that plop me right into the middle of things like this and don't explain stuff. (Now, if the story begins in media res, I just hope to get some context, but for this story, since Broken is the one that comes before I expect the context to come from it.)

Again, you connected the two stories even though there is no connection.

Really? Broken is written by the same author and has the plot line that is explained in the summary of this one. I'm pretty sure they're connected. In fact, out of the portions of broken I did read, it matches perfectly to the concepts that are talked about at the beginning of this story.

Let me ask them on Discord.

They have responded that the two are separate. So the connection between the two is entirely on you.

Then how come they connect so well then? Gilda stood by Sunset in Broken. It's said that Gilda stood by Sunset in the beginning of this pic.

It says an internet bully defamed Sunset in Broken, and Internet bully defamed Sunset is the SETUP for this one. How can they NOT be connected, unless we have a Pokemon: I Choose You thing going on.

Comment posted by Ze1a7in deleted Mar 3rd, 2018

Yeah Broken has no connections with this story. Similarities? Yes. But this is a completely different story. Sorry if i wasn't very clear

It’s fine. Just to be sure to either make it explicit somewhere that this ISN’T a sequel to “Broken” or change the context to this story to something different than Broken.

HaHaHa I f***ing love it.:pinkiehappy:

More!. . . More!. . . More!. . . More!. . . MORE!

i'm all a little mad that after everything these girls went through
ESPECIALLY Earth Twilight
They would still abandon Sunset for pictures, and relatively harmless pictures at that...ugh
Well that's not really on you
I want to see what you will do with this situation and such,
Hope we see some lightning

alright for real who the hell in anon a myse ive ben hearing of them for months what the hell is it ive seen all the movies

Comment posted by SilverWind14 deleted Mar 4th, 2018

Anon-A-Miss shows up after LoE

I was gonna write in some flashbacks in future chapters showing the events that lead to her getting jumped

When will you update I’m starting to like this

Potentially good concept. Anon-A-Miss fics rarely intrigue me, but his one looks good.

So is this Gilda/ Sunset. That would be a beat first i think.

It will have some GildaSet in it. But it's mostly gonna focus on Sunset ^^

Great chapter Silver!

Dash, you don't get up in Sunset now. Considering she can know literally knock you out in a single punch like she's freakin' Saitama now.

so Granny Smith turned against Sunset as well.... Sighs.. I know this won't be focus on Anon too much...but are you going to settle this in this story or really do a sequel to settle it?

this is really good keep up the work

- A Sunset-Glida Friendship :rainbowkiss:
- Thorax :pinkiehappy:
- Sunset saving lives and beating the hell out of criminals! :raritystarry:

DUDE YOU ARE ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!:yay:

Hmmm I'll try and settle it in this story. If not then in a sequel :derpytongue2:

As long as it's settled, I do love he Anon A Miss stories, the best parts when the bitches realize just how much of bitches they are.
Really hope Rainbow gets her inthe end, and Sunset slugs all the rest, even Twilight who was saved by her.

“But it’s not as back as you think it is! I swear!” Sunset said quickly.


How about this, of dash tries to jump sunset in private sunset activates her new magic and dash tries to do the same only to see that it won't work for her

I love it so far, Dash is gonna get a face full of fist if she tries that again :rainbowlaugh:

did not expect Thorax, but now I'm really curious what his role will be :scootangel:

I can't wait till karma comes and bite Rainbow in the ass.

Oh silly, Sunset doesn’t bite asses, she kicks ‘em.

She is a woman of many talents

Surprising number of human counterparts that could be used and brought in in some way. Dragonlord Ember, Starlight Glimmer, that Hippogriff/seapony Skystar i think. Tempest Shadow. One of the Yaks even.

These stories lose all credibility when they make Rainbow Dash the bad guy. Sucks, because this story had promise. Just another shitty anon-a-miss fic.

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