• Member Since 18th Nov, 2021
  • offline last seen May 16th



When sunset learned about the memory stone as well as how little time she had left to save her friend's memories from oblivion she rushed to find and undo it was too late. With the unexpected, but welcome help of Trixi she found the culprit in one Wallflower blush. Yet when she confronted the vengeful teen who would see no reason Sunset made the choice to save her friends as well as prevent the memory stone from being used ever again.

Through her selflessness came at great cost.

Now her friends both in Equestria and Canterlot high have to deal with a side of Sunset that hadn't been seen since Celestia first took her in as a student. Not the prideful, arrogant mare who charged through the mirror at the false belief of power. But a scared filly as they realize the memory stone does not work exactly as they thought it did as they try to get their friend back.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 41 )

Princess Celestia is so gonna BURN Wallflower for this! :flutterrage:

Edit: Okay! What is with the unnecessary dislikes? Besides, I bet some of you also wants Wallflower to be heavily punished as well for her unforgivable crimes/sins.

Im hooked on this already i cant wait to see what happens next! Poor Sunset :fluttercry: I really hope her and everyone else are able to come out stronger in the end if this mess is able to be fixed

Thank you for the support I appreciate it. I know the story is a bit long winded as well as has a fair amount of typos that could be fixed. But still I'm happy with my first try at something like this I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope you like the next chapter as well I'll post is as soon as I can finish it. Though I appologise for the mistakes. I hope you understand.

The big question is wither or not Sunset's memories are still there, just floating freeform, or if the magic destroyed them along with the stone.

If they are still there, so long as the Rainbooms get ahold of Twilight there could be a chance of restoring Sunset.

Personally I thought she was even more selfish than the cmcs and the whole let people off with I'm sorry doesn't say anything but you don't have take responsibility for your actions. You mess up you do your best to make it right. There are some things you can't change but then you do what you can to show that you understand that you messed up.

Wallflower was worst than cmcs. At least the cmcs had a reason although dumb and thoughtless compared to Wallflower who whole reason amounts to I erase myself from everyone's memories and since nobody remembers I'm gonna take out my pain on sunset for no reason and hurt her and ruin her life again

ahh I see. and ya the CMC's reasons were dumb but they are also only like ten or twelve years old so I don't expect their motivation to be super strong anyway. though as I write I can understand why she had a vendetta against sunset, honestly from their interactions it's highly probably that sunset bullied Wallflower even unknowingly which would give her an understandable reason even if a little petty to want to punish Sunset. to get her friends to see Sunset the way she clearly still dose.

however, her moment of insanity in wanting to erase all their memories is as Sunset basically said way too far. not only would she erase all their memories of each other but also every memory of the last two years minimum. (I know a lot of people think they are seniors but I think at most their juniors.) and you need not worry I will bring wallflower up again and she will be interpreted a little more intrestingly.

Yet if she had talked to sunset about the supposed bullying sunset would have tried to make it up to her or at very least say sorry. She never claimed that sunset had done anything but not notice her and because she was forgotten by everyone then decided that sunset should pay for it even though it wasn't sunset fault.

again I said she had a reason. most likely sunset bullying, just not a very good one. or rather not good enough a reason to wipe people's memory. but then again those who are tempted by power often find themselves using it more and more easily, for worse reasons.

interested to see how this progresses

It's coming along well, I'm liking the story. I would suggest having someone proofread or giving future chapters an extra pass or two of editing to catch minor errors.

Other than that, I look forward to seeing where this goes :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your support 🙂

I would have someone read through it but between having job and wanting to have a life I just have myself so I try do my best. Thank you though

good premise and idea, but bad grammar makes it hard to read

i like the story so far. but it does need some proof reading.

this story definitely has potential, though could definitely use an editor.

If i can, i'll see if i myself can help out sometime this week

that would be delightful. it is legit just me working on this between my full-time job and my life at home so I have no one. and while I am decent writer I am not an editor and I know I am not so this would be thrilling.

Truly an interesting premise I hope you keep writing it I'm curious to see where it goes.

I'm already working on the next set of chapters.

Talk about a brat taking away most of her life wasn't enough for her?!

Wait. If Celestia was thinking about expelling Sunset, does she not have her memory back?

She has her memory back she was asking them why she was considering it.

Think of it this way "I was thinking about playing this video game, bit I forgot I don't have it anymore. Then I asked why I was considering playing it when I knew I didn't have it."

Same sorta thing she's more makes a theatrical statement in confusion as to what's going on.

Great question though.

Okay. And i hope to see more to this story

Thank you for your support. I plan to work more on it once I get some time away from my day job.

Interesting story. Looking forward to reading more. Hope all is well with you. :twilightsmile:

Thanks I appreciate it. I would have had the next chapter out already but mental health comes first. I'm glad you like it so far though.

Dont worry Sunset.
we'll show you the Magic of Friendship

Oh my god it updated and its a chapter worth the wait thank you for updating this🙏🥰

you are most welcome. sorry for the delay but there was a tragedy in the family so I do apologize for the wait.

Its okay I'm used to waiting even for years so take your time and know we will always be still waiting till you are ready to update 🙏🥰

Me thinks Wallflower might've unintentionally merged Sunset's memories with hers.

Also, I hope Celestia won't take Luna putting her sleep the wrong way. She was being hysterical, after all.

..Also it's "Where." Not "Wear"

Just got caught up. Liking the story. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

“No stop it!” Twilight shouted forcing herself to sit down slapping her cheeks with her hooves giving her a headache but she didn’t care. Placing a hoof on her chest, taking a deep breath beginning to count in silence just as Cadence taught her. For a short time, she held her breath, cursing her heart rate to slowly drop. Her

That should probably be "causing" and not cursing. As is it reads like Twilight just cast dark magic on herself in order to calm down. Then again, what do I know, maybe she does do that. :applejackunsure:

Despite the tone and behavior, Celestia didn’t budge or even look upset by her student’s spite. Instead, she spread her wings wide blocking the door behind her, at the same time her horn glowed with magic forcing sunset to sit down upon the ground holding her in a telepathic grip.

I think that line should be Twilight?

Her only relief was the fact that her sister was exempt from the investigation from an airtight alibi. And for the first time in her life she was grateful, that her sister was wasting time dressing up at a convention.

Waite... hang on... why would Luna even be considered a suspect in the first place??!! :rainbowhuh:

I have to say. It's so hard to follow the conversations. There are so many grammar mistakes that it's hard to understand. I understand why, it's probably because English is not your first language, and i do not blame you. English is a hard language to learn and write. Most of the time i have to guess what you meant to say rather then read, but i understand. This fic is actually good.

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