• Published 19th May 2019
  • 937 Views, 66 Comments

Sincerely, Starlight - Nines

Starlight writes letters to Luna, goofs off with friends, and panics about love.

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Letter 11 - Starlight to Luna

Dear Princess Luna,

I went on a date with Sunburst. I went on a date with Sunburst and I enjoyed myself. We went out last weekend to a play about Starswirl the Bearded. After that we went out for dinner and talked about it. Then we talked about magic. Then we talked about-- No wait. First let me say something.

It's true that I was nervous. Heck I was borderline freaking out. I checked out books on dating. I wondered if there was some spell out there that could ensure that no matter what happens, neither of us would get our feelings hurt. (Spoiler: there is no such spell.) I even wrote to Sunset Shimmer and asked for her advice.

That last step was a big help. I went to the date intent on having a good time with my friend. It was wonderful! But y'know, I fretted so much about how dating was supposed to be "different" from just a friendly outing. There's this underlying intention beneath it all, right? I kept thinking, "Do I have to tap into some new and strange energy to keep this from blowing up in our faces? What if I don't feel anything?"

Luna, while we were eating dinner, just talking about the stuff we usually talk about, I realized that I felt comfortable. Happy. And when I looked across the table at Sunburst and that scruffy little beard of his, I wondered if it would tickle me if we kissed. Just like that, I was seeing him in a new light. It was still a little scary, but also kind of exciting?

So when Sunburst asked if I'd go with him on another date, I didn't think about it at all. I did what I usually do, and went with my gut.

I told him yes.

On top of that, I said I wanted to pick where we went next. Is that me being a control freak again? I've never been very good at being traditional. I guess I just figured, instead of being "led", I'd like to have a hoof in how we progress. Passivity just isn't my thing. Sunburst didn't seem to mind, at any rate.

Still Dazed,
Starlight Glimmer